Need Computer advice... - Time for Goochie to buy a new PC - Printable Version

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- Gooch - 12-10-2002

I could use the advice of my fellow geeks on this:

Ok, the Sony P3 500mhz just doesn't cut the mustard anymore. It's time for a new system. Dell's got a Dimension 8250 3ghz hyperthreading processor which I can get with a DVD 4x burner for about $1700. Or I can opt for a 2.4 ghz for about $1100, also with DVD burner...or I can go cheapie with a 4550 dimension with a 2.4 for about $828 with the DVD burner.

I use the PC for alot of graphic work, want to run some games, and just typical use.

Couple questions:

<li>Is there much difference between a 4550 and a 8250 Dimension that will really make a difference to me?

<li>What can I do with a DVD burner. In theory, could I put 4.7gb of MP3's on it and play thru my DVD player? When I burn a DVD, is it in a file structure?

<li> Anything else I'm missing or should be aware of as I make this purchase???

- Maynard - 12-10-2002

Buy a Mac.

You already have a PC, and you'll be really happy with a mac for graphics.

- LyricalGomez - 12-10-2002

I don't know when this myth started that Mac is somehow godlike for graphics, alot of people who I know in the industry despise macs. The only reason any of them could cite for the use of macs was because they are stable and don't crash which can be a nightmare for a graphics designer, but with Windows XP that is hardly a problem anymore.

Now, you forgot to mention a few specs that will be the most deciding factor. 1) What graphics card comes with what system and 2) how much ram do they have?

If you want to go graphics heavy I would recomment no less than 1 gb of ram, if you can get 1.5 even better. I can't believe how a simple upgrade of ram made a change in how all my graphics programs ran on my old computer, so if you are among the people that always get the newest version of PS, Maya, 3dsMax, Poser and so on try and get as much ram as you can without breaking your budget.

The graphics card I would also recommend maxing out, if you can get the new Radeon 9700 128mb card, go for it, if not a Geforce 4 at 128 will do just fine too. Processor is not too much of a problem, 2.4 is more than enough now and will easily last you 2 years or so. Now the dvd-burner is a personal decision, I don't think we need it as a viable storage medium just yet.

- Hybrid - 12-10-2002

poser is the greatest program EVER made

- Arpikarhu - 12-10-2002

sounds like a scuzzi problem

- Gooch - 12-10-2002

I use mac and pc...and have 2 Mac Powerbooks at when the need arises, one of those Powerbooks comes home with me. I do use it promarily for graphics...and actually, having used both Macs and PC's from graphics for years...I can tell you plainly...the Mac far exceeds the PC in being able to handle high graphic files. It's not even close. I am not a pro-Apple man, far from it...I have many complaints about Mac systems...but for graphics, they are king. The 400 mhz G3 processor on the Mac will cleave a 1 ghz P3 to pieces in terms of time (same RAM). That's a big, big difference. Reason is that the mhz of a Mac OS and processor work differently. And, b/c the PC windows-based system works on a surface level atop MSDOS, and a Mac works more from a drill, it is the main reason for the speed difference. However, that's a double-edged sword...b/c if the program crashes, b/c the Mac is drilling, it crashes everything. On OSx.2, it actually solves this...which makes it even further for MAc's favor in terms of graphics. OSX is more Linux like, with multiple drill downs into the system...therefore, if one crashes, it does not affect the other programs.

Apple, however, stinks for gaming, databasing, etc. So...I prefer to have a PC at home for personal use, and leave only projects that require major work to be used on the Mac...

Which brings me back to my PC question. :thumbs-up:

- Mad - 12-10-2002

Go with the 8250 Highest clock speed, max Ram and the best video card you can afford like Gomez suggested.

You know in 6 months the top of the line video card with be about half of what it is now. You could always upgrade it later, right?

- PeterDragon - 12-11-2002

FWIW, 8xxx dells use RDram and 4xxx use DDR-SDRAM.

8xxx series is also where they'll offer higher end video, etc.

- Keyser Soze - 12-11-2002

Get a geek to build you one. Custom built PCs are cheaper and you get to have it built to spec. When you buy a Dell or a Sony, you're paying for their advertising budget as well.

If I was gonna buy a major manufacturer, I would say dude, you're getting a Dell. I have a Sony now and its great, no complaints, but Dell is still the best thing out and you have more choices in the customization. You pay a little more for a rock solid support and warranty plan that Dell comes with as well.

- Gooch - 12-11-2002

I had was a nightmare. Dell has best deal, best cost right now, and my contacts for making a custom-built are too wrapped up on projects till mid-Jan Dell is prob way I'm gonna go. and are two other possiblities...but depends on what I ultimately need...b/c I will spend more, but get more. Dell seems to be the most bang for buck.

Thanks for all your input. Much help. :banana:

- Keyser Soze - 12-11-2002 has good deals on PC and parts as well.

- QuickStop - 12-12-2002

i just ordered a dell dimension 4550 last night (xmas and bday gift from the parents).

pentium 4 2 ghz
256 ddr ram
60 gigs
64 mb geforce4 graphics card (they wouldnt get me the 128 mb radeon. too much $. im gonna save up and buy it myself)

it was $820 w/o a monitor (i already bought one).

- FollowThisLogic - 12-12-2002

Buy a Mac because the PC goes beep beep beep beep beep, and then it devours your paper. It was a really good paper. Then like, you'll have to do it again but fast so it won't be as good.

BTW, the newer, NT-based versions of Windows (2000, XP) don't run over DOS. The NT line never has, only the 9x line.

And as far as Macs go, yeah, on OS9 and back, one crashing program would crash the whole thing. OSX is actually not MacOS at all, it's Unix... so that changes everything, and is the reason previous versions of programs don't work on it...

Oh, and just customize your Dell. Don't go with a pre-packaged deal - pick what processor, how much RAM, HD, whatever you want.

- Gooch - 12-12-2002

Gotchya...already supped it up (video card, RAM, etc, etc). May wait till after XMAS. I'm trying to get a bead on if prices will drop after Santa's fat ass gets caught in a chimmney.