On the next sally....... - Chanel surfing brings great joy - Printable Version

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- Sean Cold - 02-14-2002

Ok, I was skimming through what was on today and got a phone call. I talked for a few minutes and returned to the TV. I stopped at the Sally show and boy, what a fuckin topic it was. The topic of the day was "Our sex life is hurting..." or some shit. There was a 400 pound tub of jellified shit sitting there bitching about her husband. So, as trash tv always does, the camera pans to the guy who scored Shamu and this dweeb was 110 pound with a brick in his fuckin hand. He was trying to explain how he just can't get the job done and these Alabama rednecks in the fuckin studio actually were boing him. The dork even said he might not be "equipped" enough to get the job done at this point. Sally just razed that cum gurgling voice of hers and declared that it is not the size that counts and blah blah blah.

What a fuckin crock of runny dog shit this is! Unless he is packing a 9er, he is not reaching this behemoth's g spot with a fuckin plank strapped to his fuckin ass! Why do these shows have to defend these blow hole having pigs every step of the fuckin way?

I never claim to be in the best shape, but, if I ever woke up and didn't see my dick, I have a plan that consists of NOT EATING!

Edited By Sean Cold on Feb. 13 2002 at 7:54

- Hybrid - 02-14-2002

yea, these shows are really reaching for fresh ideas these days.

- Keyser Soze - 02-14-2002

Sean, get a day job. Wink

- criticslovesnatch - 02-14-2002

Sean Cold Wrote:I never claim to be in the best shape, but, if I ever woke up and didn't see my dick, I have a plan that consists of NOT EATING!
thanks dennis leary :lol:

- NaughtyAngel - 02-14-2002

jerry springer attracts rednecks
riki lake attarcts blacks
everyone else attracts the freaks

- Sean Cold - 02-14-2002

NaughtyAngel Wrote:jerry springer attracts rednecks
riki lake attarcts blacks
everyone else attracts the freaks
So, what's your excuse?

- NaughtyAngel - 02-14-2002

Sean Cold Wrote:So, what's your excuse?
i got rejected by all of them

- Snoteater - 02-18-2002

Is it better to be rejected by all or wanted by all?
