Raw for 16 dec 2002 - Printable Version

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- JerseyThunder - 12-17-2002

RVD with the line of the night to coach "Dude what have you been smoking?" LMGDAO!!

- Hybrid - 12-17-2002

LOL CUZ COACH IS A NIGGER LOLMOAMOMAGMAGFA :lol: :lookatme: :moonie: :bow: :bouncer: Confusedmokey: :banana:

- LyricalGomez - 12-17-2002

Jesus Christ, not only will they have a dedication to Triple H, they start a racial angle with D'lo, back to channel surfing, I can't take this shit a minute longer

- JerseyThunder - 12-17-2002

Quote:not only will they have a dedication to Triple H

Thus then, they rip themselves off with the SCSA night they had. :disappointed:

- Teenweek - 12-17-2002

Some good new feuds coming.

Steiner and HHH, Jericho and HBK and soon to be Kane vs RVD. When they announced HHH appreciation night I couldn't wait to read all the comments. Steiner is the one guy in the WWE besides Austin if he came back that would take HHH's shit. Jericho and HBK is going to be a classic feud too.

Also, What about Raven? Looks like he is back and may do another flock with Stevie Richards and Victoria as he was staring down Test.

Maybe D-Lo is bringing back the Nation of Domination. You can Put Mark henry, have Ron Simmons manage and if the Truth K Kwick comes on the anniversary of Raw maybe he can stay and help lead the group.

Edited By Teenweek on 1040130828

- LyricalGomez - 12-17-2002

Notice the one problem with all the things mentioned? They are all recycled ideas.

- Teenweek - 12-17-2002

steiner vs hhh amd jericho vs hbk isn't

- LyricalGomez - 12-17-2002

Well, it kindof is, tell me Steiner vs HHH doesn't remind you of Austin and Rock for IC and later Heavyweight title.

- GonzoStyle - 12-17-2002

No it doesn't, wrestling always has been for close to half a century now the same story lines rehashed with new faces, nothing will ever be trully original. I am happy to see new fueds opening up like tw said.

Jericho cut an awesome promo in the ring to be honest, when he was saying how much he loved HBK and how it was sad to watch him even I got uncomfortable for HBK. Jericho will elevate HBK more than HHH ever could, HHH gave Shawn the credibility but HBK and Jericho will benefit eachother more.

Steiner and HHH will be awesome to say the least.

Booker and Goldust as tag champs is long overdue and gives some personality to a lagging division.

Benoit needs a better angle and push, no matter how great a wrestler eddie Guerrero is people will never take a liking to him.

- Teenweek - 12-17-2002

Quote:Benoit needs a better angle and push

Wasn't Guerrero and Benoit the number 1 contender's match for the WWE World Title, so we should see as the other match Angle vs Benoit with Show and Lesnar in the Royal Rumble.

Speaking of that how are they going to do the Royal Rumble. I was thinking they could have 2 separate Royal Rumbles of 15 people each (1 for Raw and 1 =winner Austin?? for Smackdown=winner Lesnar). Because the payoff is the winner gets a shot at the world title and like it or not, there are 2.

- GonzoStyle - 12-17-2002

That's a good question tw, I dunno how the rumble is gonna work next month to be honest.

- LyricalGomez - 12-17-2002

Quote:No it doesn't, wrestling always has been for close to half a century now the same story lines rehashed with new faces, nothing will ever be trully original.

You contradicted yourself there. I would'nt really mind the storylines if the wrestling was better, but it's not. Every facet of the wwe sucks right now, Shawn can try to kill himself, and it still won't help if he has to go against a stiffer, no-selling opponent like Triple H. I admit that Jericho and HBK could be interesting, but only if handled right, and judging from the past wwe never handles something right.

Quote:Steiner and HHH will be awesome to say the least.

Why? Honestly, I've heard this HHH vs Steiner thing for the longest time, and I wonder why people think it will be so awesome. I was never big on Steiner, yes he's pretty good on the mic(even if towards the end of wcw his promos were almost all the same) but he is nowhere near as good as he used to be. Watch some of his matches, you will see they are ALL the same. Frankly I think Triple H vs Steiner will make for one boring match, that will probablly still be far too long.

- GonzoStyle - 12-17-2002

To be honest, I am not saying you or anything but fans are very fickle. They cried how much they wanted HHH back when he was out for a year, he comes back it they want him gone after a few months. People have been anticipating HBK's return like the second coming for 4 years. The wrestling game is always dying, this time last year it was dying and the show sucked, yet we are still watching. But today we look back to last year and wish we had that today. A year from now people will be saying the story lines suck and look back to today and think how great the HHH Vs. HBK fued was, no matter what the state of the game people will complain.

I am gonna enjoy every nook and crany while I can cause when its over, I will miss it. I miss Hogan, I miss Austin but I took full advantage of every moment I got to see them on TV and enjoyed it good or bad. Most TV shows can't keep things fresh for 3 seasons, look at the sopranos. You are talking about a show that is on twice a week, every week with no summers off, no breaks. Over two decades worth of shows, going back to shit like sat nights main events. To keep things at a constant freshness is impossible, there will be bad and there will be good but in the end it's all worth it.

I don't see how I contradicted myself and I believe Steiner and HHH will be good because their styles and personas are a perfect match for eachother.

- Teenweek - 12-17-2002

and some great promos and the first time in a long time where it looks like his opponent can beat him.

- LyricalGomez - 12-17-2002

Here's the thing, they wanted the old Triple H to come back, the new one doesn't sell moves, is stiff, and abuses his backstage power more than anyone. I wouldn't mind if he was main event because he deserves it, but they build the ENTIRE show around him. Even if he isn't involved in the world title match, his angle is still going to finish out the show.

I wanted HBK to come back as much as the next guy, but I fear that he will do himself harm trying to entertain. And sadly as long as Triple H is around we will have a recurring feud between the two every few months, which I can do without. Tell me what you would find more interesting, Triple H vs Steiner for world title or HBK vs Jericho for world title, maybe even make it a ladder match. Just little changes like that could have a major impact on the show, have Steiner and Triple H be the sub-main event, Hell, make it for the number on contendership, anything to avoid the reptition of having Triple H in the spotlight month in and month out.

Quote:I believe Steiner and HHH will be good because their styles and personas are a perfect match for eachother

Stiff, no-selling, same 4 moves done for 20 minutes...Hmm, should make for one Hell of a match.

- Teenweek - 12-17-2002

I agree probably but the buildup will be better than the match. Seeing HHH getting punked out is priceless tv.

- LyricalGomez - 12-17-2002

Quote:and some great promos and the first time in a long time where it looks like his opponent can beat him.

Promos can only do so much, if the match at the ppv sucks it won't matter how big the build-up was.

- Teenweek - 12-17-2002

you are such a negative nancy

- LyricalGomez - 12-17-2002

Imagine it this way, you are reading a good book, it has everything, revenge, backstabbing, betrayl, plotting, everything, but the ending is not as powerful as the rest of the book, wouldn't you be disappointed? You can have the greatest promos, the best sneak attacks, but if the match at the ppv doesn't live up to the hype, people will be pissed off.

- GonzoStyle - 12-17-2002

YEAH!!!! Negative Nancy!!!!