Smackdown Spoilers - Big surprise - Printable Version

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- Teenweek - 12-18-2002

The following report is from

- Kurt Angle's music hits, and the new WWE Champion makes his way to the ring. Everyone still chants "You Suck" during his music, but they're also excited to see him. Kurt says he has won every award in his life by himself. He doesn't know if he could have beat Big Show at Armegeddon by himself, and maybe he'll never know. Regardless, he would like to thank a man to stood by his word to watch his back. Brock Lesnar's music starts, and the crowd goes nuts. Angle thanks him, and says that to repay Brock, he's going to give him what everyone in the arena and everyone in the world wants to see... the ultimate showdown between Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle. NCAA Champion vs. Olympic Gold Medalist. He says that, just like he promised Brock, he'll face him any time, any where. Brock says it should be tonight (Big pop!!) Kurt says that, as much as he'd like to do that, he's already signed a non-title match with Chris Benoit tonight. But, next week, on Smackdown, it's definitely on. Brock agrees, and they both leave.

- In the locker room, Big Show is destroying someone's locker. Paul Heyman is cowering in the corner, as Show yells at him for letting Brock get the first title shot instead of him. He grabs Paul by his little, fat face, and threatens him. Paul says not to worry, because he has the ultimate contingency plan. Show says that he'd better.

Match #1: John Cena (w/ B-2) vs. Chuck Palumbo

- Chuck comes out to his heavy, macho music and natural hair color. I guess the pink hot pants are a thing of the past, huh? Cena raps his way down to ringside, slamming the Buccaneers on the way to get heat. Anyway, this wasn't a great match. Cena wasn't selling well, but ends up winning with interference from Bull. They're gonna say he used the tights to win, but in reality he missed the tights, and it just looks like he was feeling up Chuck's butt. That's gonna be interesting on TV.

*Winner: John Cena

Torrie Interview

- Torrie appears on screen, and speaks to the crowd from her home in Boise, Idaho. (Yea, right... tell me she wasn't backstage.) Anyway, she knows people think she was humiliated last week, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. She's proud of what she did with Dawn Marie, and it just goes to show how much she loves her father. As far as her being a "sexual predator", she can't deny she's a very sexual person (huge pop), but we all know who the real predator is. Music hits, and down comes Dawn Marie and Al "Mr. Personality" Wilson to the ring. The crowd got really loud at this point, so I didn't hear everything that was said. Torrie had some great facial expressions, though, reacting to what Dawn Marie was saying. Basically, they love each other, and are still getting married on Smackdown (next week?). Torrie is disgusted, and says "You two deserve each other", before ripping off her lapel microphone and running off.

Match #2: Eddie Guerrero (w/ Chavo) vs. Billy Kidman

- Good action here, as always. Eddie is the consumate professional in the ring. One thing I remember is Billy going for a hurricanrana, but Eddie didn't flip. Instead, he just stood there, and Billy's feet slipped off his head. I don't know if that was a mistake, and if it was, how they are going to sell it on TV. Eddie ran out of the ring on his knees at one point, to regroup with Chavo. It looked really funny. Billy lept over the top rope, and landed on both of them. Eddie missed the Frog Splash, but landed ok. Later, Billy nails his Shooting Star Press, but only gets a two count. Eddie wins with a modified powerbomb of some sort.

*Winner: Eddie Guerrero

- Backstage, Matt Hardy goes up to Stephanie's office door, and acts like he's about to knock. He decides he doesn't need to knock, and just walks in. Steph asks what happened to his eye (it looked bad), and I couldn't hear his response. Anyway, she wanted to find a replacement, since he is supposed to wrestle Brock Lesnar tonight. Matt says no way. "Do you remember that Brock threw me through a wall a few weeks ago?" He says he'll wrestle Brock, and the crowd drowned him out, so I couldn't catch the rest.

Match #3: Jamie Noble and Nunzio (w/ Nidia) vs. Crash and Bill DeMott

- After everyone gets in the ring, Crash is just itching to get his hands on Noble and Nunzio, for what they did to him last week. But, Big Bill puts him in his place, and says he's starting the match, not Crash. Well, Bill DeMott just wiped the ring with those two, even doing a little comedy, making them tag each other, so he could beat up the other one for a while. It was pretty funny. Crash keeps begging for a tag, but instead DeMott goes up top, and nails a great-looking moonsault on Noble to win the match all by himself. After the match, Crash gets in the ring, and starts bitching out Nunzio and Noble, getting a little revenge in anyway. He goes to shake hands with DeMott, but Bill just clotheslines him, and proceeds to hit the moonsault on Crash as well.

*Winner: Bill DeMott

Match #4: Brock Lesnar vs. Matt Hardy (w/ Shannon Moore)

- Matt and Shannon come to ringside, both sporting "Version 1.0" t-shirts. Brock is already in the ring, and Matt gets a mic and tells him that on the way to the ring, something got in his good eye. So, basically, he's blind right now, and there's no way he can compete tonight. So, in his place will be the original Mattitude follower, Shannon Moore. The look on Moore's face is priceless. He doesn't want to go in, but Matt throws him in the ring. Brock tosses Shannon around, and then hits a SPINNING SUPER F-5!! He gets the pin, and walks off. Matt goes to attend to his friend, then Brock changes his mind, and comes back to the ring to give Matt Hardy Version 1.0 a nice F-5 of his own. Short but sweet.

*Winner: Brock Lesnar

- Steph and Kurt meet backstage, and she tells Kurt that he needs to fix this problem he's created tonight. He can't promise Brock Lesnar the first title shot, if his contract specifies the Big Show is entitled to the first shot. If he won't go the ring to fix it, she will. Stephanie starts to walk out, but Kurt stops her, and says he'll take care of it. Blackout.

- Kurt comes back down to the ring, and explains that before his match at Armegeddon, he had a special legal team handle his contract, so there wouldn't be any suprises. So, he wants to introduce the man who supervised that contract, Paul Heyman. Heyman comes down to serious heat from the audience. This is a MAJOR spin. Kurt and Paul hug, and Paul takes the mic. He wants to know if we're really that surprised? It was all a double-screw job on Brock Lesnar. No one saw it coming, and as a message to Brock, "Gotcha... again!"

"Weeeellllll.... it's the Big Show"... Show comes to the ring, and he's pissed. He backs Heyman into the corner, screaming in his face. Angle looks like he's gonna nail Big Show with the belt, but Show turns around in time, and they just point at each other. Paul gets the mic back, and talks Big Show down. With the Big Show getting the first title shot instead of Brock, that means no matter who wins and who loses, there's no way Brock can ever get the belt back. As long as it stays in this little circle, the Heyman family, we get to screw Brock all over again. Big Show isn't convinced, but takes Paul's hand, and doesn't kill him. He continues to bitch Angle out until they all leave.

- Backstage, Ernest "The Cat" Miller interviews Edge about his upcoming match with Albert... uhhh... I mean George "The Animal" Steele... or whatever... speaking of which, during the commercial break, Albert appears on the screen to taunt the crowd. He says he knows we have someone here in Tampa that we like to call the "A-Train", namely one Mike Alstott (big pop). Albert says that not only is Mike Alstott not the real A-Train, but that Albert is from New England, and there's one thing that New England has that Tampa never will... a Super Bowl title. Oh, my... that pissed off the crowd... hehehehe.

Match #5: Edge vs. A-Train

- Decent scientific wrestling here, believe it or not. Albert spent most of the match working on Edge's knee. Lots of "shave your back" chants, of course. Edge battles back, and wins with a nice spear.

*Winner: Edge

Match #6: Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit

- Before the match started, Kurt and Heyman come down together. I guess they cut to a commercial, because Heyman gets on a mic, and starts ripping on the crowd hard. At one point, he's talking to people at ringside, and goes "I am NOT an Asshole". Which, of course, prompted an nice "Asshole" chant from the arena.

The match itself was good. Benoit sold well, as Angle was in control for most of the match. Chris' main offense involved about 6 German suplexes in a row. Even I was tired when they were over. Benoit goes for the cross-face, but the Big Show rumbles down to the ring to break it up. The DQ bell rings, as he chokeslams Benoit. But then Brock Lesnar hits the ring, and does a nice belly-to-belly suplex on Big Show. He knocks down Angle and then grabs Paul Heyman, and drags him into the ring. The crowd goes bananas, as Brock lifts up Heyman for an F-5. At the last second, Kurt tackles Brock's legs, saving Heyman, who quickly rolls out of the ring.

*Winner: Chris Benoit (DQ)

- Angle and Big Show spend the next several minutes taking turns on Brock, who sells the beat-down very well. But, suddenly he's up, and roaring through Angle and Big Show, while Heyman takes off up the ramp. He clothelines the Big Show out of the ring, and turns his attention on Angle. Outside the ring, Brock picks him up for an F-5 near the ring post. He swings Kurt around, and delivers a perfectly placed F-5, where Kurt's knee hits the ring post. Huge pop for that, since they all hate Kurt again. We all chant "Once more, once more", so he picks Kurt up, and does the same thing, nailing his knee on the steel post again! Kurt is screaming in pain, as referees and the medical team rush to ringside. Brock is walking up the ramp, surveying the damage he's caused, then decides it's not enough, and comes back down. This time he picks up Kurt while holding his knee up, and drops him, knee-first on top of the guard railing. Well, that just finished the champ off, and the crowd is chanting "Brock, Brock, Brock". He finally leaves, and medical team helps the new WWE Champion limp to the back.

*I don't know when they stopped taping, so I don't know how much of the carnage at the end they will show on TV, but all-in-all, it was great. The storylines, from begininng to end, were top-notch. We all knew Angle needed time off to get knee surgery, so this was the perfect way to accomplish that. It also further cements Brock Lesnar as "The Man", because he is WAY over.

- LyricalGomez - 12-18-2002

This is why Smackdown is better than Raw

- Teenweek - 12-18-2002

Quote:This is why Smackdown is better than Raw

See A-Train and Al Wilson. I think Raw has been on a roll since Survivor Series and frankly the last 3 weeks it has been the better show, but this Smackdown looks good. Just get those 2 off of my tv screen.

I thought Paul heyman was going to bring back Rhyno in his stable to go after Angle and Brock. i Just love hearing heyman say GORE! GORE!

- LyricalGomez - 12-18-2002

I'll take an Angle and Brock feud over the two roid freaks any day of the week

- Teenweek - 12-18-2002

Quote:I'll take an Angle and Brock feud
I never said anything about these 2. I am talking about Albert and Al Wilson and John Cena and B2 and Rikishi and Crash and General Rection aka Hugh Morrus.

They are taking a majority of time while you have steiner and hhh and jericho and hbk, rvd, kane, the dudleys, storm and regal. Both have their faults

- LyricalGomez - 12-18-2002

At least they are TRYING to use different people, whereas Raw just uses a staple of 3 maybe 4 people to basically control the show.

- Teenweek - 12-18-2002

Scott Steiner
Chris jericho
Booker T
Lance Storm
WIlliam Regal
Trish Stratus
Stacy Keibler
Stevie Richards
Jeff hardy
Chris Nowinski

They are on every week. That is a Hell of a lot more than 3 people. On smackdown besides Kurt, Brock, The Guerreros, Benoit, Edge, and Mysterio, there is not much else on Smackdown. I am not putting smackdown. down Up until recently Smackdown was always the better show. This marriage is a train wreck. Big Show and Albert suck the life out of everybody. lately though raw has been. Even you have to admit that since Survivor Series, raw has stepped it's game up. I do think if and or when they come back, Hogan, Rock, Undertaker and Rhyno will all go to Smackdown while if he comes back Austin will go to Raw.

Edited By Teenweek on 1040220420

- GonzoStyle - 12-18-2002

I miss Hogan :-(