PPV so far - There are spoilers so no complaining - Printable Version

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- LyricalGomez - 01-20-2003

A friend of mine wanted to see it so I thought I'd split the price with him, and although at first the money was far from worth it (Steiner vs Triple H was beyond gay) the Benoit vs Angle match was awesome. The crowd was nearly dead during the Raw title match, but Damn did they start screaming during the Smackdown title match.

If they could somehow get the build-up of the raw title fight to match the intensity of the Smackdown ppv match things would be a Hell of alot better.

Oh, and Angle just won, great match.

- Hybrid - 01-20-2003

when its over tell me the highlights and i'll go watch the tape im recording right now. i cant sit through the whole thing anymore.

- LyricalGomez - 01-20-2003

After the match Benoit got a huge pop from the crowd as he left the ring, I hope they keep pushing him, he doesn't need to talk to get over, just let him wrestle the matches he can wrestle, have him put against someone like Guerrerro and let them go at it for 20 minutes.

- Jack - 01-20-2003

All in all, I give the ppv a 7. Had some good matches but so many fuckups in the rumble. Brock saved Taker for gods sake.

- LyricalGomez - 01-20-2003

The Rumble itself was suprisingly good, Lesnar won of course (big suprise huh) by eliminating the Undertaker, afterwards Undertaker shook his hand, and from the looks of it, once Brock wins the title (which you know is going to happen) Undertaker gets the first shot.

The Jericho HBK feud seems to be developing nicely, for the love of god take the mixrophone away from Cena. My only real problem is that the entire ppv seemed like more build-up rather than closure. Yes maybe that seems weird considering I always complain that feuds aren't long enough, but some feuds need closure, from the looks of it the Damn Al Wilson saga is far from over, Dudley Boyz won, but their feud will most likely continue, and the rumble didn't succeeed in pushing anyone.

That said, good job on the Benoit Angle match, I hope they have a rematch at No Way Out, Jericho HBK should keep going until Wrestlemania, same with Steiner and Triple H.

Hybrid, you can skip alot of stuff.

- LyricalGomez - 01-20-2003

I thought the Taker save was intentional, like he didn't want to stop fighting him yet. The better fuckup was the camera suddenlly going wild when Jericho fell out, because it was so obvious both feet touched the ground, but it wasn't time for him to be eliminated yet.

- Goatweed - 01-20-2003

Quote:Brock saved Taker for gods sake

I think Jericho got a "save" also - the camera was out of view, but I think he went over and fell and they covered it up as best as possible.

As Gomez said, Benoit/Angle match was the match of the night. The HHH/Steiner match was horrible, slow-paced and in a word - boring. The pussy DQ win only made the match that much more ridiculous.

Hey Vince, we know the Smackdown! talent can only be seen on Smackdown! - I really don't think Michael Cole has to say it anymore.

HBK coming back after Jericho was pretty cool - keep the heat between these two going.

Overall it was a decent show - but as I've said before I'm glad i didn't have to pay for it, because it wouldn't be worth it.

- Goatweed - 01-20-2003

Quote:for the love of god take the mixrophone away from Cena

I also hope they kill this gimmick and quick. The WWE doesn't need an Eminem wanna-be. get his in-ring skills down before you let his dumb ass "rap".

- Jack - 01-20-2003

What about Batista... Just before he eliminated Test. That was horrible.

And I did catch the Jericho thing too.. Sean and I were talking about that.

- Goatweed - 01-20-2003

I didn't catch any mistake he made - I thought he was horrible overall :-D

Edited By goatweed on 1043035203

- LyricalGomez - 01-20-2003

How many times does Benoit have to prove himself? He doesn't half-ass matches, they need to continue this momentum, Hell, put him in a match with Team Angle, give them a good clean match and see the reaction.

- Jack - 01-20-2003

Oh, and was Jeff Hardy practicing as a tampon again?

- The Jays - 01-20-2003

... Benoit is about as exciting as a trip to Pittsburgh.....

- TheGMANN - 01-20-2003

I really dont see how Benoit continues to be short-changed all the time. WCW never pushed him....and he had some awsome matches with Kevin Sullivan there. Now in the WWE ....the same shit. He gets no respect, seriously.

- Sir O - 01-20-2003

I remember a couple of months back, Linda McMahon told a group of shareholders that the four main stars in the company were Shawn Michaels, Brock Lesnar, Scott Steiner, and HHH. Earlier tonight, two of those four top guys had a match so bad, the fans practically booed them out of the building. Steiner obviously should never wrestle again. He has nothing left. Two years ago, HHH probably would have been able to make this watchable, at the very least. In 2003, HHH is only as good as his opponent. Since he's already buried all opponents that he could potentially have a good match with, he has only himself to blame for the fact that his opponent tonight was even worse than him. Smartest man in wrestling? Maybe not...

The next match was between two guys who aren't, in Linda McMahon's opinion, good enough to be among the top four. The LOSER of that match got a standing ovation as he left the ring, proving that it is possible to lose clean and still look strong in the eyes of the fans. This match, and the fans' reaction, totally reminded me of the Wrestlemania (13?) match between Hart and Austin, which saw Austin lose, but still come out looking like a winner.

The ball's in Vince's court will he fuck this up?

- LyricalGomez - 01-20-2003

The saddest thing is, the crowd didn't seem to care that it was a ppv. The whole night they were pretty much silent....

Until Benoit and Angle hit the ring and proved yet again that a good, clean wrestling match can get just as good a pop as one between the two biggest "stars" in the company. Like I've said before, all the build-up in the world means shit if the final match can't live up.

- GonzoStyle - 01-22-2003

I just watched the PPV for the 1st time.

Angle and Benoit stole the show with an amazing match.

Steiner had so many missed spots, I lost count. The crowd was so bored they started cheering HHH in hopes that he'd close the show and win. Steiner was beyond horrible.

The rumble was good, lesnar's win was a forgone conlusion.

But I thought Taker was coming back as the old school dead man, that woulda rocked.

- LyricalGomez - 01-22-2003

That was just a tease from the fucking WWE, god it would have been sweet, have him come back as the dead man. Just imagine this.

Ring is full of wrestlers all battling, counter starts, gets down to zero, nothing happens for a few seconds. Then suddenlly the lights go out, all of a sudden that first gong hits and the soft blue light fills the arena just so you can see all the wrestlers turning towards the entrance ramp and shit their pants. Taker comes out in the old gear, slowly walks up the steps as every wrestler goes to the opposite corner, takes off the trench, rolls the eyes back and raises his arms as the lights slowly returns. Taker hits the ring, nobody wants to go against him, until finally one gets pushed forward, he just obliterates the guy with a boot, more and more wrestlers attack, and he just wards them off, eventually tossing them all out of the ring. He wins the rumble, maybe has a short feud with someone else at No Way out, then afterwards we get the old Taker, as he basically mindfucks Angle for a solid month leading up to Wrestlemania where Taker beats him (I'd say lose but he won't job at WM) and then after the match announces his retirement and leaves with the belt slung over his shoulder.

- GonzoStyle - 01-22-2003

What the fuck are they trying to do with Sean O'Hare? I am not catching on to his gimmick.

- LyricalGomez - 01-22-2003

I may be totally off, but it almost reminds me of Pacino in Devil's Advocate, just without the good acting.