Welcome our two newest cell members - Printable Version

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- Jack - 01-21-2003

Welcome CLS to the cell.. simply because as was put by he himself "uckfay ouyay azinay".. so in playing the part I have decided to throw him in the cell.

As for Weird....

I'm fucking confused as to whether Danked is Weird or Weird is Danked, or they are the same guy, or one fucks the other one while puking on the dog. I gave up trying and just threw him in here for the Hell of it.

- Danked - 01-21-2003

Yeah, we know already.

And you and Baker already have a monopoly on the fucking each other jokes.

- criticslovesnatch - 01-21-2003

:disappointed: i put the cute stick out my tongue smiley to indicate i was joking!

- Weird NJ - 01-21-2003

You will pay for this. This is an absolute abuse of power and it will not be taken lightly. :fuckoff:

- Jack - 01-21-2003


Yeah so what else is new? This is all I do around here.

- criticslovesnatch - 01-21-2003


see? that means its a joke!

- Danked - 01-21-2003

Maynard and Arpi played you for a fool, as well as they did Weird.

Weird should have seen this coming.

- Jack - 01-21-2003

oh, this isn't Maynard and Arpi's doing...

They are still locked up tight in Anger Management where they will stay. :burnfucker:

I did this cause I wanted to.

- Jack - 01-21-2003

This is nothing more than a blatant abuse of my power.

I'm having a power trip and I like it.

- Danked - 01-21-2003

So sensitive you must be then...

To be so threatened by my little idle threats.

- Weird NJ - 01-21-2003


Quote:I'm fucking confused as to whether Danked is Weird or Weird is Danked, or they are the same guy, or one fucks the other one while puking on the dog. I gave up trying and just threw him in here for the Hell of it.

Cause your a Nazi.

- criticslovesnatch - 01-21-2003

maybe if you made your name in german he could tell the difference.

- Metalfan - 01-21-2003

Is Michigan really that fucking boring that THIS is your entertainment? :lol:

- Danked - 01-21-2003


- criticslovesnatch - 01-21-2003

its probably twenty below up there, going outside could kill you. this is as fun as it gets.

- FNMoron - 01-21-2003

you guys should all just boycott Jack... that'd show him :lol: