Quick Smackdown spoiler - the "surprise" is... - Printable Version

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- Sir O - 01-22-2003

My supersecret inside sources have informed me that Stephanie McMahon announced the return of Hulk Hogan to Smackdown.

I'd like to see them build to a Hogan/Benoit match at WM. If booked well (yeah, right), and if Hogan goes down clean like he did against Brock, it could be very interesting and cement Benoit's status as a main eventer.

Of course, that's just my idea...they'll probably put him in a program with Albert...

- LyricalGomez - 01-22-2003

I just hope they don't have another match between Benoit and Angle only to bury Benoit again because of Brock vs Angle at WM

- GonzoStyle - 01-22-2003

I thought Hogan would make his return along with austin at the 10th anniversary show but we know how that fuckfest turned out.

I'm stoked to see Hogan back, no matter how old or how rusty, I still love him.

- Sir O - 01-22-2003

They should probably hold off on another Benoit/Angle match for a while. There's still plenty of great matches left between those two, I'd just hold off on it until later in the year. What I'd like to see:

No Way Out - Benoit over Team Angle in a handicapped match. Continues the Benoit/Angle rivalry, without having them meet in the ring. Angle and Lesnar obviously should win their matches here to keep them strong for WM. Maybe Brock over Eddy, Angle over Taker. Something along those lines...

I'd bring Hogan back as a heel; bitter old guard unwilling to step aside for the younger generation. Give him some flunkies - maybe align him with Show and Albert, which would loosely tie him in to the Angle/Benoit rivalry and establish him as a heel. Have Show and Albert injure Benoit the week after NWO under Hogan's direction, Hogan could brag about he was right, and the younger faces on Smackdown don't have what it takes, blah blah blah. The next week, Benoit could cut a promo saying he's down but not out, and challenge Hogan to a cage match at WM. Benoit goes over in what seems to be an impossible scenario for him (push the cage as an equalizer of sorts, but will the cage be enough to stop potential interference from Show, Albert, Team Angle, Heyman?). Benoit goes over clean, and from there they could build to his next title shot.

- GonzoStyle - 01-22-2003

This is gonna be Hogans last run, I doubt he'll come in as a heel.

- LyricalGomez - 01-22-2003

Remember when the idea of Hogan as a heel seemed like the most ridiculous thing in the world?

The problem with Hogan as a heel now is that it wouldn't work, look what happened with the NWO angle, they had to move it up because Hogan just got too good a response even after the attack on Rock

- Sir O - 01-22-2003

Smackdown needs another strong heel. Right now, they have Angle and...nobody. Definitely turn him face down the road, but I don't see the point in bringing him in as a face right away.

- GonzoStyle - 01-22-2003

Yeah but I doubt Hogan will be around for more than a couple months, I see him coming back for one more big match at WM, possibly against Austin, cause Hogan could majorly put Austin over again.

I don't see Hogan coming back for a long enough run to work a face change angle.

- Sir O - 01-22-2003

I just read the full spoilers. Hogan's in full face mode, and it looks like they're building towards a Hogan/Vince match. I couldn't care less about seeing that, really, but whatever...

Smackdown actually looks like a good show this week.

- Peachy - 01-22-2003

Quote:Hogan's in full face mode,

The better to put over 10-10-220, brother! I'd almost prefer to see him on Raw instead, but why have him put over Captain Trips again. I'm actually digging this.

Quote:and it looks like they're building towards a Hogan/Vince match., I'd like to take back my last statement...

- Teenweek - 01-22-2003

WWE Smackdown Taping Results 01.21.03
Taped from Albany, NY

Just got back from the Pepsi Arena in Albany...

The big news, of course, is that Steph's big surprise turned out to be the Hulkster, sans fake black beard. He got a ten minute standing ovation before he finally started talking. The crowd ate it up. He talked about how he signed a new contract and was ready for one final journey with his Hulkamaniacs. Of course, that brought out Vince. He said if that was Steph's big surprise, he's disappointed. Said Hulkamania and Al Wilson have one thing in common- they're dead. Hulk then said there's one WWE superstar that he wants to get in the ring with first. And guess who that is? Hulk lays out Vince with a punch and leaves. That's probably where the show ends. Vince then got on the stick and said "You want to crap on me? I'll crap back! This is the last WWE event this shitty town will ever see!" Then he left, and the lights came up.

Other results:

Show starts with Steph promising a huge surprise you won't want to miss.

Chris Benoit d. Charlie Haas with a rollup. I couldn't believe this match- it was all Haas, and it was long. You'd think they'd let the guy that almost won the title on Sunday dominate, but I guess they need to keep Team Angle strong. Team Angle does have new, matching warmup suits. Haas also had a modified version of Angle's theme (different than the Anthology version), but it was not used later for Shelton Benjamin (likely because it doesn't work with the You Suck! chant).

Red Dog d. Bull Buchanan via submission to the Fujiwara Armbar. Cena's rap included references to Right to Censor and the Truth Commission. Very funny. Post-match, the Guerreros came in, and promised some "Chicanics" to counter-act the "Thugenomics." Funny, yet slightly racist stuff (from Cena)... Guerreros ran off Cena and the "Notorious D-O-G" with chains.

Rikishi d. Bill DeMott with the Banzai Splash onto DeMott's injured arm. DeMott was wearing a cast. I was at the Rumble on Sunday and saw the cane shot that likely broke a bone. Pretty nasty. Match, of course, sucked.

Undertaker demanded Big Show face him in the ring. Instead the Big Show sent out the A-Train...

Undertaker d. A-Train via submission to the Dragon Sleeper.
I swear, this match did not suck! A-Train kicked out of the chokeslam, blocked the Last Ride, and delivered a Baldo Bomb. But UT kicked out and locked in the Sleeper for the win.

The same Nathan Jones spot from Monday.

Brock Lesnar came out and gave a terrible interview. He misspoke a lot. Basically ran through his accomplishments and promised to beat Kurt Angle at WM 19. Would have been better served with a video package.

Edge d. Shelton Benjamin clean with the spear. You will want to see the kick Benjamin delivered AFTER Edge blocked the Superkick. Benjamin spun around in midair and delivered a spin kick. Awesome move.

Kurt Angle reamed out Shelton and Charlie for being losers, and promised to lead by example.

Matt Hardy told Shannon to prove himself against Nunzio. After Shannon left, Matt told Nunzio to teach Shannon a lesson in Mattitude. Nunzio promised a "family lesson."

Nunzio d. Moore via the flying single arm DDT. OK match.

Kurt Angle d. Rey Misterio with a move that has to been seen to be believed. Great match that featured Kurt taking almost all of Rey's offense. The finish involved Kurt flipping Rey over his head so Rey's head hit the turnbuckle, then Kurt felt back, German Suplexing Rey, and folding him up for the 1-2-3. Cool move.

Lower bowl of the arena was filled. The black screens they put up for hockey were up... a few people were sitting in the front rows of the upper deck. Crowd was enthusiastic for the Undertaker and Hogan. They really gave it to Angle and Vince.

Should be a good show on TV... although some things will need to be cut because the Hogan ovation really went long.

- LyricalGomez - 01-22-2003

Quote:Cena's rap included references to Right to Censor and the Truth Commission. Very funny.

You've got to be kidding me

- GonzoStyle - 01-22-2003

I think the showdown with Vince was a given, I suspected that late last year. That Hogan would come back for one last hurrah at WM against Vince.

Whatever role he plays, I will just be glad to see the Hulkster back, it's a much needed boost for WWE.

- PatCooper - 01-22-2003

I wonder how many times they promote the old bastards book tonight. I'm glad to see him back since the WWE needs some help. But for the love of god dont stay to long. After WM retire for good.

- GonzoStyle - 01-22-2003

Well thats why I said before to bring him in as a heel then switch him to face wouldn't work.

The speculation started as soon as the NWO showed up last year.

That Hogan would eventually turn face, then take some time off. Then Return for one last hurrah at WM against Vince.

This is 99% probably gonna be the hulksters final run in WWE. Since Hogan is not gonna become a spokesman or manager like Flair, since that was never his thing, this is gonna be it.

Hogan will be back for a couple maybe 3 months tops, so a long story angle won't work. WM will be Hogans final triumph in a business he created for the majority.

- Teenweek - 01-23-2003

Wrestlemania is going to be unbelievable this year. Now with Hogan back, You still have Nash and Rhyno coming back from injury in the next couple of weeks, you have Rock coming back from Hollywood, Austin comin back from leaving the company, you have the free agent the WWE is desperately trying to sign in Goldberg for Wrestlemania. And there is always still a remote chance they will try to bring in Bret Hart as he made up with Vince supposedly and never got a chance to give a proper goodbye to his fans.

It is going to be an interesting 2 months in the WWE. I think the first chant for Austin, should be: Beat your wife Austin, Beat your wife!

- HollywoodJewMoses - 01-23-2003

or it could suck....

- LyricalGomez - 01-23-2003


- GonzoStyle - 01-23-2003

It has the potential atleast.

- HollywoodJewMoses - 01-23-2003

potential to suck