What's gonna happen at No Way Out? - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 02-01-2003

I think we can all safely assume its got the potential to be a huge PPV.

Rock, Austin, Hogan all coming back.

I think Hogan Vs. Rock is brilliant, it gives Rock the perfect opponent to turn heel on. Going against Hogan will give him the most heat with the fans. They started off booing him yesterday but by the end he had them eating out of his hand once again.

What will austins role be? Obviously he doesn't have a match, will he interfere? Or will he just walk around backstage like he did when he came back to a PPV after being out for a year.

Will anyone else be making a comeback?

- LyricalGomez - 02-01-2003

Anything will be better than last year's debacle

- GonzoStyle - 02-01-2003

Very true, can steiner and HHH be barred from the building?

- LyricalGomez - 02-01-2003


God last year was such a letdown, I acctually paid for it hoping the NWO might make it watchable, but nooooo, they bring them out in the first 2 minutes, have them do a run-in which looked just flat out retarded and that was the thing they hyped for a solid month

- PatCooper - 02-01-2003

I read in todays Daily News that it's rumored that Bret Hart is gonna make an appearance. But i doubt that will happen.
As far as the Hogan Rock match. lokk for Vince to interfere first and then my guess Austin comes down and kicks Vinces ass.

- LyricalGomez - 02-01-2003

I dunno, considering Rock and Austin will be on opposite shows I doubt they would do it like that.

- Sir O - 02-01-2003

Quote:They started off booing him yesterday but by the end he had them eating out of his hand once again.
That's what I don't get. If they're turning Rock heel, why use the catchphrases? They should know that the fans will just sing along with him, like the Pavlov Dogs they are.

Quote:What will austins role be? Obviously he doesn't have a match, will he interfere?
Probably interfere, maybe in Brock's match or HHH's match. They seem to be playing this as a worked shoot. Gag me...

Quote:Will anyone else be making a comeback?
George "The Animal" Steele?

Quote:can steiner and HHH be barred from the building?
I wish. Unfortunately, it looks like they're having a rematch, since the first one was so successful. And isn't it funny...Jericho gets to job to Steiner on Raw to set up this match. If the WWE were Oz, HHH would be Schillinger and Jericho would be Beecher...

- Teenweek - 02-01-2003

i heard rhyno will be back and maybe nash soon after. nathan jones has to debut soon too.

- GonzoStyle - 02-01-2003

Nathan Jones build up is very well done, lets just hope they don't ruin it like they did so many times in the past.

Quote:That's what I don't get. If they're turning Rock heel, why use the catchphrases? They should know that the fans will just sing along with him, like the Pavlov Dogs they are.

They had to get the fans warmed up to him again, he won't come into the match fully heel. He started slowly last night, with the "thankfully I am not in greenbay" and the Hogan bashing. He'll come into the match with a little heat but not much, I am sure that he will beat Hogan maybe with Mcmahons help. McMahon will definetly be involved somehow, then rock will make it look like hes gonna protect hogan but then join with Vince and open up on Hogan and that will seal his heel turn.

- Teenweek - 02-01-2003

hogan is supposedly bringing in goldberg too as the storyline will play out to face rock at wrestlemania if he signs.

- Goatweed - 02-01-2003

regarding Goldberg, rumor also has it that Vince wants Goldberg on a semi-regular schedule and not just for one or two PPV's - which would be sweet because I would love to see a feud between Austin and Goldberg.

edit : Damn you, Gonzo - I read this earlier today, and NOT from your N&N post!!

Edited By goatweed on 1044065352

- GonzoStyle - 02-01-2003

I posted in my other thread, goldberg hasn't expressed any interest in a long term deal. Vince is requesting one but Goldberg is basically interested in a short term deal to make some cash. He's never hidden the fact that he's not about the business, he likes it but doesn't love it, he has no problem living without it. But you gotta imagine the money is too good to turn down.

- Teenweek - 02-01-2003

he also said he always wanted to be a part of wrestlemania.

- Goatweed - 02-01-2003

well, these days I don't think a storyline automatically means long-term-deal. I know he's not a huge Vince McMahon fan, but how many of the current superstars are? I think if enough $$ is thrown his way, he'll stick around a little longer than 2 PPV matches.

- GonzoStyle - 02-01-2003

They can probably nail him down for atleast 6 months.

- Teenweek - 02-01-2003

This is the wrestlemania I would like
Brock vs Angle
Hogan vs Vince
Rock vs Goldberg
Austin vs HHH
Jericho vs HBK
Undertaker vs Kevin Nash
Nathan Jones vs the Big Show
Chris Benoit and Rey Mysterio vs Los Guerreros
RVD, Kane and Booker T vs Rhyno, Randy Orton and Batista
Dudley Boyz vs 3 minute Warning vs Lance Storm and William Regal

- Goatweed - 02-01-2003

Austin at the PPV is gonna make the whole show for me. It's been said his attitude is a lot more positive, he's in the best sahpe of his life, and he seems genuinely happy. I know a lot of people gave him shit for walking out - including myself - but seeing where the product was (and arguably still is) going, I don't necessarilly blame him.

- GonzoStyle - 02-01-2003

The best part of austin was he had the mic skills always but he would also pull the most outlandish stunts. He'd always make it interesting, throwing angles medals or rocks belt in the river, the whole angle with angle and the cowboy hat and badge, the beer trucks the zambonies, the hunting equipment. It was always some surprise, visiting vince in the hospital, the cement truck ruining vinces ferrari.

Austin is one of a kind.

- Teenweek - 02-01-2003

Do you think austin will go to raw or smackdown. I heard a rumor they may play off the angle of how bischoff fired austin from wcw via fedex. He would than join shane mcmahon or go to smackdown and face the rock if they dont sign goldberg.

- GonzoStyle - 02-01-2003

Well smackdown has lesnar, taker, angle, and rock for now.

I think Raw is more in need of a major leader than smackdown.