Weirdest cd you have ever heard - Printable Version

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- Arpikarhu - 02-26-2002

whatis the funniest or weirdest cd you have ever heard. as a joke i got this cd of some australian woman yodeling the classics and it is the effin funniest thing i have ever heard. my girlfriend and i cant play it without rolling on the floor in tears

- Maynard - 02-26-2002

I have so many it's not funny.

WFMU puts out a cd of incorrect music every year. This shit is terrible, but always good for a laugh.

I have a cd of the Hollering championships from Spivey's Corner. These rednecks sure can holler!

My friend gave me a copy of this japanese band's cd. We have no idea who it is, or what they're saying, but the music is pretty damn funny. One song, the words he's saying are "Butt Cheese" or at least that's what it sounds like he's saying. I think he bought it for a dollar.

- Bondgirl - 02-26-2002

The funniest cd i ever heard was an irish rapper called Evil Eye. How can you not laugh at a culchie trying to sound like he's from 'da hood'

- Banana_juice - 02-26-2002

da yoopers.. if you have ever heard them, they are just plain old out there.

- The Sleeper - 02-26-2002

Anything by the Beatles is hilarious

- Keyser Soze - 02-27-2002

The Dead Milkmen - Beezelbubba

Featuring such hits as "My Many Smells"

- fbd - 02-27-2002

when my mom got her car, there was some weird chinese cd in the glove box.its pretty good if you dont like to understand the music

- criticslovesnatch - 02-27-2002

my roomate has a cd by Anal Cunt...its this death-core band that has the worst music and best song names ever. a few examples:

- I want to become a therapist so i can tell rape victims they deserved it
- Hitler was a sensative man
- You kid committed suicide because you suck
- I intentionally ran over your dog
- I just saw the gayest guy on earth
- I sent a thank you card to the guy who raped you
- I fucked your wife
- Domestic violence is really really really funny
- I sold your dog to a chinese restaurant
- You're pregnant so I kicked you in the stomach
and my personal favorite:
- I sent concentration camp footage to america's funniest home videos

Edited By criticslovesnatch on Feb. 27 2002 at 04:09

- Maynard - 02-27-2002

Keyser Soze Wrote:The Dead Milkmen - Beezelbubba

Featuring such hits as "My Many Smells"
I like that album. Are you saying it sucks? Or just weird? Anything by Dead Milkmen rocks!

I also forgot about Ween. Their first few albums were fuckin out there. These guys sat around and huffed Scotch Guard and smoked pot when they wrote their songs. Fuckin sick.
-God Ween Satan
-The Pod
-Pure Guava
All three albums are twisted, but the best of the three by far is Pure Guava.

- Keyser Soze - 02-27-2002

Maynard Wrote:I like that album. Are you saying it sucks? Or just weird? Anything by Dead Milkmen rocks!
No, I love the album. It just so happens that it fits into the 'weird' catagory. For christsake, another track on it I remember is "Born To Love Volcanos"

Edited By Keyser Soze on Feb. 27 2002 at 2:48

- Maynard - 02-27-2002

Big Lizard In My Backyard is a GREAT album from them.