Tell me when's it ok to watch again - cuz I think I'm done wit da WWE for now - Printable Version

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- The Jays - 05-07-2003

... Ok, the WWE is total fucking shit right now, but I know there's some peeps out there who are willing to keep giving them a shot week in, week out, so when you notice a positive trend in the WWE, or see some entertaining work being done, please, inform me and I'll maybe give the WWE a try again.... but for now, I'm saying good bye to the WWE, and longing for the golden era of 1998-2000.

So , please use this thread to keep me informed of any good things that I am missing.

- HollywoodJewMoses - 05-07-2003

i could have made this thread 9 months ago

- The Jays - 05-07-2003

... aww, thanx for giving me the honor, budd-ay!

- The Jays - 05-07-2003

... and besides, this is aboot me... you have older women to please and webcam photos to collect.... I have nothing.... I need to be informed of future forms of entertainment...

- JimmyBlueEyes - 05-07-2003

1998-2000...that was the Golden Era??

- Jack - 05-07-2003

It's ok to watch again. :thumbs-up:

- The Jays - 05-07-2003

Quote:1998-2000...that was the Golden Era??

... yes, try and tell me another time when it was as entertaining and had the caliber of matches that they put on in that era....

- PatCooper - 05-08-2003

I'd say the "golden age" would be the mid 80's. Hogan,Piper,Mr Wonderful, Snuka, Junkyard dog. etc.

- Sir O - 05-10-2003

There's still plenty of good wrestling out there. The wrestling world is much bigger than the shit Vince McMahon tries to sell you.

WWE ain't getting better any time soon. HHH and Steph are getting married later this year...the worst is yet to come.

- Teenweek - 05-10-2003

What the Hell happened to Smackdown. It is worse than WCW Thunder used to be.

- The Jays - 05-10-2003

Quote:There's still plenty of good wrestling out there. The wrestling world is much bigger than the shit Vince McMahon tries to sell you.

There might be good wrestling out there, but not on my cable service, so fuck all dat. If it ain't on Time Warner, it doesn't exist.

- Hybrid - 05-11-2003

i havent watched wwe in months now. the only time i turn it on is when gmann ims with with STACEY KEIBLER!@!$!($U($*!(*$!$*!$*!@! and then i put it on in a hurry

- Keyser Soze - 05-11-2003

i long for the days of George "The Animal" Steele

- LZMF1 - 05-11-2003

Quote:Tell me when's it ok to watch again
it's not and it won't be........................ever

- LZMF1 - 05-11-2003

oh yeah WHAT IN GOD'S GOOD NAME IS UP WITH HYBRID'S SIG PIC?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!

i got nelson mandella smiling at me!!!!!!