Why is it so? - Printable Version

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- Galt - 06-11-2003

How come people who speak english as a second language, no matter what their native language, always screw up the same aspects of the english language?

They always screw up plurals. They add "s" when it's not supposed to be there, and always forget to pluralize a word when they are talking about multiple things.

It's not a pronunciation thing, but just using the wrong word. Someone answer this for me.

- GonzoStyle - 06-11-2003

I know many people for whom english is a second language. It's because atleast in the european languages and even some spanish, they have all sorts of conjugations to use, which we don't. Theres certain words for saying simpy "you" if they are older, if they are friends, if they are strangers, etc.

The one thing that gets me is their oversue of the words "I" and "the" and especially "it".

I be need it the prices for I.

How much is this?

- Galt - 06-11-2003

Sammy Sosa: "I want to thank the fan for all their support."

- GonzoStyle - 06-11-2003

they just misuse most conjunctions.

hey I called you yesterday.

VAT? I'm never be hear you!!

The best was I was in a store last week and I bumped into some dude and said "Excuse me". He replied with "Don't be excused". I thought he was gettin pissy with me but he didnt mean it in a nasty way, it was his way of saying "it's ok".

- Galt - 06-11-2003

The missing/extra "s" thing is what really pisses me off most because it's not misunderstanding context or other quirky things of the english language, it's just being lazy and dumb.

More than one: S
One: no S

Pretty fucking simple to remember if you ask me.

- Zootybang - 06-11-2003

Oh yeah? What if you urinated 3 times? would that be 3 pissesesses? I think NOTS, mister pants who are very big intelligent!#@

- LZMF1 - 06-11-2003

could it be that the translation is not as simple as you think?

your thought process is in english........a beaner thinks in spanish...

they may semi have a grip on the english language but shit gets fucked up in the translation and comes out sounding extremely silly.

i'm saying this because i was at one point fluent in spanish(i fully understand it when spoken to me, i can read and write it, but i can no longer speak it)......and since my thought process is strictly english i don't dare attempt to speak spanish.......because i know that the beaners would be laughing at me the same way we laugh at them when they try to speak english.

- crx girl - 06-11-2003

Quote:It's because atleast in the european languages and even some spanish

what i always wondered about, is how come when you take a foreign language class they put so much emphasis on getting the pronunciations right, but foreigners get to speak english with their funny accents and it's fine

- Noonch15 - 06-11-2003

baseball has been veddy veddy goo to me

this guy said to me the other day...NO me yob :22:

- GonzoStyle - 06-11-2003

Quote:could it be that the translation is not as simple as you think?

your thought process is in english........a beaner thinks in spanish...

Very true cause a lot of russians instead of saying "fuck you" they will say "I fuck you". Because the literal translation of how you say fuck you in russian is "I fuck you".

- LZMF1 - 06-11-2003

see? gonz understands what i'm saying.

- GonzoStyle - 06-11-2003

Quote:see? gonz understands what i'm saying.

I'm always be the undertsand you.

- Ronin - 06-11-2003

you would love this website then:

- diceisgod - 06-11-2003

I never noticed this. If anyone even looks foreign to me and gets within my lethal radius I punch them in the face.