What are you imbibing? - Printable Version

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- Danked - 06-14-2003

Woodpecker Cider and Guiness together. Oh yeeeaaah. :18:

Edited By Danked on 1055553022

- Zootybang - 06-14-2003

THAT Is some good shit. A girlfriend turned me on to that stuff this winter and I'm hooked.
Well, technically, I'm hooked on ALL alcohol, but thats a demon I gotta fight later.

- Danked - 06-14-2003

It's been awhile since I've tried them together. So good. Although as pretty as it looks when you pour the cider first and the Guiness settles on top of it, it tastes better the other way around.

- Is Don on the phone? - 06-14-2003

Diet Ginger Ale

- Hybrid - 06-14-2003

diet dr. pepper

- crx girl - 06-14-2003

diet coke

- QuickStop - 06-14-2003

just finished a sierra that stuff. strawberry gatorade too

Edited By QuickStop on 1055560670

- Galt - 06-14-2003

I am currently swallowing my own spit.

- Hey Ladi - 06-15-2003

I was going to say air, but Galt reminded me ... I've got some phlem going on

- Hey Ladi - 06-26-2003

cold coffee

- Keyser Soze - 06-26-2003

poland spring water

- Hey Ladi - 06-26-2003

I always liked the Deer Park water slogan ..... "Deer Park, that's good water."

& it just happens to be the water the office buys
(I had to get up & go check)

- Keyser Soze - 06-26-2003


- Hey Ladi - 06-27-2003

The 7up comercial is good ... about how the water comes from the mountains, so the guy goes up there to see it ... and the bear comes out & shits in the stream

"hey! I thought you did that in the woods."

quality programing