bitches and the games they play - ....... - Printable Version

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- DGW - 06-19-2003

so i was invited to a party by a so so friend
lets call her psychobitch!
she was someone i really haven't had contact with a while but i had no plans
so i figured what the Hell
turns out she told a friend, D, that i wuz going and that she was playing a bit of a matchmaker
welll no party happened and we went to a bar
i hit it off well with D
these 2 work together
i had been conversing through email with D
i told D that this psychobitch was fucking cuckoo
so during this convo it comes up that i was invited to another party by the psychobitch
i originally had to work and told her that
but i wanted to hang with D that weekend anyway
and through the convo D referred to the psychobitch as being in a cunt sort of mood
so i tell her that i'l have to tell the psychobitch that i'm working and can't make it
anyways....D gets back from lunch on wednesday and the psychobitch is balling saying you stole my friend and he told me you called me a cunt
needless to say i did nothing of the sort
so now it looks like i'm the scumbag
so i say did she have access to yer emails
D said no and that she logged off before lunch
then to make matters worse the psychobitch goes to their boss over the fucking matter!!!
that was her mistake
the boss does some investigating with his IT people and they find out that the psychobitch has been accessing D's email account
somehow this psychobitch got her password and has been reading emails for who knows how long
you fucking belive this?!?!?!?
well safe to say my name is good with D and hopefully the psychobitch will lose her job
but it made for a crazy afternoon

i don'y know if they get any wackier then this
god please tell me they don't

- Goatweed - 06-19-2003

reading emails? pfft - try dodging a pair of scissors aimed for your head.

more and more I'm starting to think OJ had the right idea.

- Mad - 06-19-2003

BUY the wood chipper, DO NOT rent it and make sure you toss a couple of small furry animals in it afterward to cover your tracks.

- Suzie - 06-19-2003

I had a psycho ex who used to read my emails too, even wrote a few posing as me in an attempt to destroy relationships he was jealous of. Did the same thing on IM, still has the password to a screename that used to be me.
it's not just the bitchas that'll getchas, men can be crazy too!

- DGW - 06-19-2003

well suzie, by my calculations you have to watch out for both

- drusilla - 06-19-2003

dgw - your not the only one whos been bamboozled by this wacko remember?

these things do not surprise me one bit.

oh no. she's going to see this & cry.

- DGW - 06-19-2003

yeah i know
i just give people chances
stupid is.......

she should read this and cry :21:

- GonzoStyle - 06-19-2003

Quote:lets call her psychobitch!

very subtle :lol:

Quote:my name is good with D and hopefully the psychobitch will lose her job

I mean we all knew she was a sick puppy and I am not surprised that she would do this cause she is really fuckin bonkers. But to endanger yourself in a professional enviorment, your job over shit that don't really concern you, thats just sad. Especially since she couldn't get a job for the longest and we aren't living in the best job market right now. I hope she does lose her job, fuckin come on guys she's fuckin single white fatal attraction over here, keep away from her.

- Goatweed - 06-19-2003

Quote:fuckin come on guys she's fuckin single white fatal attraction over here, keep away from her

you got a number where I can reach her at?

- GonzoStyle - 06-19-2003


- Goatweed - 06-19-2003


- DGW - 06-19-2003

yeah she fucking amazes me
thatz what yah get for being nice to someone

- GonzoStyle - 06-19-2003

Eh, don't sweat the small shit dude. She got a lot of people including some of our friends and even myself. That twatsicle was the sole reason of me being demoded off Not that in the long run it mattered cause I was able to dedicate myself moreso over here. But she's really good at what she does, coniving people. Just don't keep on makin the same mistake over and over, she's bad news...newz

- DGW - 06-19-2003

you're right
shez good at what she doez
but the whole email thing is freaky
my concern is how long had she been reading her emails

and no mistake here
i told her to never contact me again :5:

- GonzoStyle - 06-19-2003

I just hated the fact she fucked with a lot of good people who didn't deserve it, the froy thing was funny but even that was a bit overboard. Glad to hear you told snaggle tooth off though, she's just pain in a bottle. Plus someone as sexy as you shouldnt have no problem with the ladies, you're like Ma$e without the soul, money or limp.

- HollywoodJewMoses - 06-19-2003

harlem world!

- GonzoStyle - 06-19-2003


- DGW - 06-19-2003

who the fuck is Ma$e
are you calling me a nigger????

- GonzoStyle - 06-19-2003

Ma$e is the king pimp, i'm callin you a PIMP!!! Cause you got it like that.

- drusilla - 06-19-2003

some people got suckered into hanging out at her place on saturday.

thank god i'm allergic to cats