Bush Knew Iraq Info Was False - Printable Version

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- Sir O - 07-11-2003

Yeah, nothing really new here...I'll post the entire article, in case it's not there tomorrow

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Quote:Bush Knew Iraq Info Was False

WASHINGTON, July 10, 2003

(CBS) Senior administration officials tell CBS News the President’s mistaken claim that Iraq tried to buy uranium from Africa was included in his State of the Union address -- despite objections from the CIA.

Before the speech was delivered, the portions dealing with Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction were checked with the CIA for accuracy, reports CBS News National Security Correspondent David Martin.

CIA officials warned members of the President’s National Security Council staff the intelligence was not good enough to make the flat statement Iraq tried to buy uranium from Africa.

The White House officials responded that a paper issued by the British government contained the unequivocal assertion: “Iraq has ... sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.” As long as the statement was attributed to British Intelligence, the White House officials argued, it would be factually accurate. The CIA officials dropped their objections and that’s how it was delivered.

“The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa,” Mr. Bush said.

The statement was technically correct, since it accurately reflected the British paper. But the bottom line is the White House knowingly included in a presidential address information its own CIA had explicitly warned might not be true.

Today at a press conference during the President’s trip to Africa, Secretary of State Colin Powell portrayed it as an honest mistake.

“There was no effort or attempt on the part of the president or anyone else in the administration to mislead or to deceive the American people,” said Powell.

But eight days after the State of the Union, when Powell addressed the U.N., he deliberately left out any reference to Iraqi attempts to buy uranium from Africa.

“I didn’t use the uranium at that point because I didn’t think that was sufficiently strong as evidence to present before the world,” Powell said.

That is exactly what CIA officials told the White House before the State of the Union. The top CIA official, Director George Tenet, was not involved in those discussions and apparently never warned the President he was on thin ice.

Secretary Powell said today he read the State of the Union speech before it was delivered and understood it had been seen and cleared by the intelligence community. But intelligence officials say the director of the CIA never saw the final draft.

Yes, we have all been lied to. On top of that:
Rumsfeld DOUBLES the cost estimate for war in Iraq

but Right Wing News tells us all about how Bush has been up front with us all along....

Meanwhile, Idiots who run Texas think they know science better than scientists.

And while President Dubya salivates at the thought of war in Africa, Unemployment in the U.S. is the highest it's been in 9 years.

But as long as we keep killin those brown people, we're right!

- Velociti - 07-11-2003

another partison argument.... move along, nothing to see here...

Edited By Velociti on 1057938557

- Arpikarhu - 07-11-2003

if this were clinton, the impeachment hearings would already be underway

- Velociti - 07-11-2003

see, but the difference is that Bush didn't get oral in the oval office, then lie about it in open court.

- Arpikarhu - 07-11-2003

as opposed to killing over 150 americans based on a false premise. yeah , you are right, there is no comparison. Rolleyes

- Velociti - 07-11-2003

the premise was never false

- Arpikarhu - 07-11-2003

yes it was. no chemical weapons, no nuclear weapons, nothing. sadaam, still alive. osama, still alive.
rumsfields estimate of war costs, doubled. its all been a big sham. sadaam represented no danger to us. he was a petty tyrant to his own people, but they have proved that they didnt want our help.
this was all a smoke screen to hide the fact that the economy is in the crapper,that he is giving tax breaks to all of his corporate buddies. that the criminal friends of his, ie;ken lay, are all getting off scott free,that his war on terrorism is failing,that afghanistan is a fucking mess, and to create a billion dollar boon to cheney's friends and ex-work partners at Halliburton.
the man has alot to hide even without mentioning that he has used up all of the surplus and is well on his way to creating the biggest deficit in american history. more than twice what reagan created. bush will be long gone by the time that bill comes due. the baby boomers are going to banrupt the social security and healthcare systems in this country and rather than do something about it, he is writing more checks on an empty account. his solution, distract us with this iraq bullshit!

- diceisgod - 07-12-2003


- Arpikarhu - 07-12-2003

i am a registered republican. i just dont think any of the recent candidates running under the republican banner are adhering to the original principles of the party. i also dont like the office of the president of the united states becoming a shill for corporate america.

- GonzoStyle - 07-12-2003


what do I do now daddy?

- Velociti - 07-12-2003

I guess visits to foreign nations are uncommon for the president to make.

- Arpikarhu - 07-12-2003

africa is just a way to distract from the failure to get saddam, which was a way to distract from afghanistan, ad infinitum

- Velociti - 07-12-2003

well I guess you will have to learn to deal with it after bush is reelected to an inevitable 2nd term over a bunch of nobody democrats

- Arpikarhu - 07-12-2003

his old man had the exact same numbers when he ran for reelection.

- Sir O - 07-12-2003

Apparently, the people of Africa think about as highly of our president as most of the rest of the world. Meaning, they don't trust him.

President Bush Receives Cool Reception in South Africa

- GonzoStyle - 07-12-2003

Quote:I guess visits to foreign nations are uncommon for the president to make.

Dude you may be the most uneducated, uninformed, and uncultured moron I have ever seen post here. You've made several posts with no factual basis, no thought, and no explanation.

Try reading a fuckin newspaper or watch the news once in a while, he's not in Africa cause he wants a tan and to learn how to click his tounge.

On another point, I really Hope bush doesn't fuck up relations on this one with the only pal seemingly we have left. Cause he's starting to look like he's Puffy and Blair is his Shyne.

- Sir O - 07-12-2003

Quote:Dude you may be the most uneducated, uninformed, and uncultured moron I have ever seen post here.
And considering it wasn't too long ago that TFEC was posting here, that says a lot...

- GonzoStyle - 07-12-2003

I ran through the whole list, and even TFEC looks like Robert S. McNamara next to this dolt.

- Sir O - 07-12-2003

Quote:i am a registered republican. i just dont think any of the recent candidates running under the republican banner are adhering to the original principles of the party.
Zippy Aidsface, have you looked into the Libertarian Party at all?

- Velociti - 07-12-2003

GonzoStyle Wrote:
Quote:I guess visits to foreign nations are uncommon for the president to make.

Dude you may be the most uneducated, uninformed, and uncultured moron I have ever seen post here. You've made several posts with no factual basis, no thought, and no explanation.

Try reading a fuckin newspaper or watch the news once in a while, he's not in Africa cause he wants a tan and to learn how to click his tounge.

On another point, I really Hope bush doesn't fuck up relations on this one with the only pal seemingly we have left. Cause he's starting to look like he's Puffy and Blair is his Shyne.
I don't understand how you can say this, i've said nothing false or misleading. I just think that it's ridiculous to look at a president's visit to a foriegn nation and cry conspiracy.