What do you like/enjoy/love? - The antithesis of hate..... - Printable Version

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- Luna - 03-13-2002

In an effort to bring some balance to the "What do you Hate" thread, what is it that you enjoy?

I like waking up and having the java already brewed.
I am barely awake in the morning as it is and would rather not have to bother brewing a pot of coffee.

What do you enjoy? What makes the day better for you?

Edited By LunaBabe on Mar. 13 2002 at 08:23

- Metalfan - 03-13-2002

Both kids sleeping through the night.
Getting a good spot at the train station.
Coffee that just doesn't suck.
My son's laugh.
My daughter's smile.
Having enough room in the basement for just one more "guest" (OK, how long did you expect me to remain serious?)

- JIMMYSNUKA - 03-13-2002

Metalfan Wrote:My son's laugh.

- NaughtyAngel - 03-13-2002

there are so many things that make me happy

my friends
sports (playing and watching)
being on the radio
my bed
a nice sunny day with a gentle breeze
the stars

theres more, lemme think

- Silera - 03-13-2002

I love....
seeing my reflection in my children's eyes
sunday mornings
the sound of the rain

- Sean Cold - 03-13-2002

I love to hate.

I love me.

I love venting.

I love pointing and laughing at other's misery. :bouncer:

- Cunt-Twat - 03-13-2002

the beach
planet java
and a nice cold beer!

- JIMMYSNUKA - 03-13-2002

Silera Wrote:I love....
seeing my reflection of snuka in my children's eyes
I like this new chick A LOT!

- Hey Ladi - 03-13-2002

daytime sex, sitting in the sun, a strong hug, food, taking a nap, :fuggin:, movies, music, dancing

Edited By Hey Ladi on Mar. 13 2002 at 09:47

- Buttmunch - 03-13-2002

Well, besides family and friends, I love to find a book that I can't stop reading, particularly if it is written by an author who writes books in series with recurring characters.

I also love my black heart.

Oh yeah, and my new VISA!!!

Edited By Buttmunch on Mar. 13 2002 at 09:52

- Luna - 03-13-2002

I enjoy learning new things.

- LZMF1 - 03-13-2002

Sean Cold Wrote:I love to hate.

I love me.

I love venting.

I love pointing and laughing at other's misery. :bouncer:
my thoughts exactly

- Bondgirl - 03-13-2002

I love the smell after it rains, sleeping late on Saturday mornings, driving by myself with all the windows down and the radio blasting on a sunny day, and going to sleep snuggled up with someone I love

- Spitfire - 03-13-2002

live music
alternate states :thumbs-up:
the ocean
having someone to sleep next to at night
sleeping past noon
days off

- JIMMYSNUKA - 03-13-2002

Spitfire Wrote:hiking/camping/kayaking really deep in the woods with scout troops
Ahhh Spit is now my hero.

- Luna - 03-13-2002

:lol: I like a good giggle now & then. Big Grin

- NaughtyAngel - 03-13-2002

i love the fact that my class just got cancelled

- SLASH - 03-13-2002

NaughtyAngel Wrote:i love it when my fat ass gets totally spackled
Oh yea? So when is GS, Snuka and myself getting that invite?

- Grumpy - 03-13-2002

A long drive on a nice sunny day.
My older son's sense of humor
The pride of being a dad
My younger son's face lighting up when he sees me
My mom's cooking

and of course, last but not least,

Kicking snuka in the balls with steel toe boots just to see him double over in pain and scream like a little girl.....

- Sephiroth - 03-13-2002

Sleep. Im up to 21 hours a day now, a personal best!