I'm turning over a new leaf - Printable Version

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- diceisgod - 01-10-2004

I'm getting in shape. I went jogging today and it kicked my ass. When I finished I had a coughing fit for like a half hour. I guess when you don't run for a while it loosen up all that shit in your lungs. I wish I was Brazilian or something so I could sprint 10 miles suck on an ice cube than sprint another 10. No more drugs and sooner or later no more cigarettes. In two months I'm going to be a weapon. I just ate an entire pound of pasta solo. I'm beefing up!

- GonzoStyle - 01-10-2004

when you thought DIG couldn't possibly improve on his own greatness.

- diceisgod - 01-10-2004

Two years ago I was 190. I was a soft, beer gutted piece of shit though but I got food poisoning at a NYE party and it seems like my appetite has never been the same since (though it seems to be coming around). So I lost a lot of weight because I wasn't eating normally and couple that my passion for percocet, I got down to as little as 155-160. I'm sitting at about 165 now which is probably close to my natural weight, but I'm so disgustingly out of shape it's disturbing.

- GonzoStyle - 01-10-2004

well I gots a long way to go as far as weight loss, as galts fat jokes have probably let onto by now. It's hard, people most times think its simple, they say "stop eating" get hold of yourself. It's akin to me not possibly understanding someone being a junkie and not be able to control their urge for drugs even though its ruined their lives, it's easy to say "get help, stop doin drugs". I started for the 3 billionth time in the last few years to lose weight, I hope this time I get through it all the way. It's more so important now for my job, presentation is very important and people do make assumptions based on looks no matter what they say. I know that I been turned down for a few jobs cause of the fact I am fat, I didnt fit the "image" one person told me, someone actually told me I was OVER qualified for the position and thats why he didnt hire me.

Also for my health, my knees were bad before all this weight gain, my left knee is torn to shreds but knee replacement isnt an option especially with my weight, I'll wear down the prothesis. So I got my gym membership back and went to a nutritionist friend who was my nutritionist in HS when I was playin baseball. Simply I am just tired of bein me and I wanna change, I am just digustingly fat now, no one would believe me if I said how much... I won't so don't ask. So I feel for you buddy and wish you all the best.

- The Sleeper - 01-10-2004

diceisgod Wrote:No more drugs and sooner or later no more cigarettes. In two months I'm going to be a weapon. I just ate an entire pound of pasta solo. I'm beefing up!
I definetly pictured Travis Bickle when I read this

- Mad - 01-10-2004

The Sleeper Wrote:
diceisgod Wrote:No more drugs and sooner or later no more cigarettes. In two months I'm going to be a weapon. I just ate an entire pound of pasta solo. I'm beefing up!
I definetly pictured Travis Bickle when I read this
How many do you think DIG has in him?

I'm guessing at least 12.

- Jack - 01-10-2004

Gonzo isn't kidding, it isn't as easy as just "stop eating"

I been overweight all my life, it wasn't until the last 6 months that I finally took an initiative to start taking care of my self and lose some of the weight. I won't elaborate what I was or where I am now in terms of pounds but lets just say that I am on my second new wardrobe and am at least 40 pounds lighter than I was at my birthday in September.

- Galt - 01-10-2004

I don't think I made fat jokes.

Regardless. I totally believe it's not as easy as just eating less. Or even eating less and working out. For people really heavy, that might drop 10% of the weight, but it really really takes an strict schedule of food, excercise, dietician, etc. I also think that after a certain age, if you're big, it's nearly impossible to get thin again no matter what you eat or how much you work out.

- GonzoStyle - 01-10-2004

Galt is my motivation to get in shape so I can out sexy him.

- Galt - 01-10-2004

I have gained about 10 pounds since I started working in October. I sit on my ass all day, I eat free crackers when I'm hungry, I eat fast food for lunch and dinner. I don't work out at all. My only exercise is walking 20 minutes home every night. But recently, it's been cold and I haven't even done that.

However, if I start going to the gym, then I'll lose weight, and my clothes won't fit, and then I'll have to buy all new clothes, and I'm too cheap for that. But I don't want to gain so much weight that my current clothes stop fitting, and I'm getting dangerously close to that.

- GonzoStyle - 01-10-2004

well I have battled the weight problems all my life, it runs in my family. Everyone in my family is overweight pretty much, my mom is the lone exception but she is constantly dieting and eats very strict and always tries to keep herself in shape. I was a fat kid until I was about 12 and I asked my mom to enroll me in sports classes. I went to camp one year and got lost all the weight over the summer. All through out my school years I was always either playing volleyball, baseball or boxing so I was always in very good shape up through my 1s year in college. I was always around 225-230 pounds which is my perfect weight.

Once I got into college I started getting serious with my HS g/f and I owned my own business with a partner. So I was living the good life but then everything just fuckin came down. I lost my g/f, I had a horrible accident which had me bed ridden for 8 months. I just gave up to be honest and balooned up to 320 pounds.

I then got back down to 240 but not in shape, with the help of a nutritionist and excercise. But I still wasnt mentally there, then my business started goin sour, with my partner especially whom I was constantly fightin with. I just stopped caring and I packed on the pounds in record time, I gained 50 pounds in 4 months.

I think I am in a more positive mindset than I have been in many years and feel I can finally achieve it cause I really want it for me and not just to do it for someone else.

- HollywoodJewMoses - 01-10-2004

tonight i went to the gym for the first time in my entire life.

my body wants to shut down right now, i cant move my arms, or legs.

- GonzoStyle - 01-10-2004

Honestly once you get into it after a month or so, its the most amazing thing. Getting the wheels in motion is the hardest part, you're workin muscles that havent been worked in forever so its gonna be rough at first. After a while you won't wanna miss a session. Plus its a great stress reliever and the energy you get is amazing, I still remember like cleaning my kitchen at 3am cause I just couldnt keep still, I miss those days. I used to go to the city and walk everywhere, 50, 60 blocks no problems. Now I get tired walkin 10 blocks.

- HollywoodJewMoses - 01-10-2004

just as long everyone knows that i practically own the place, and i get my cheesebawlz when i want!

Edited By WhackBagKid on 1073702567

- IrishAlkey - 01-10-2004


- HedCold - 01-10-2004

i'm waiting for dig's post where he goes "psyke!" and calls you all fatties, and then he laughs and laughs

- The Sleeper - 01-10-2004

HedCold Wrote:i'm waiting for dig's post where he goes "psyke!" and calls you all fatties, and then he laughs and laughs
I should've done that

- TheGMANN - 01-10-2004

GonzoStyle Wrote:Galt is my motivation to get in shape so I can out sexy him.
But....but.....but you said I was sexy


- Gooch - 01-10-2004

when it started to fuck up my feet and knees, i decided to go see a therapist to focus on weight. when i failed yet again at simple diet and exercise....and since i was well over 400lbs...i then looked into stomach stapling. it's not the cure-all, or the answer for all..but for me it was my feet were swollen like a pregnant womans. My knees were in pain. It hurt to walk or go up and down the stairs. At Penn Station, I'd go from escalator to escalator so to not have to heave myself up the stairwell. I decided that I was going to die alot sooner, maybe within the decade, if i stayed that way. I looked in the mirror and knew this. I wrote an essay on it on the OA board, when i finally got so frustrated and had come to a decision to not live that way. I still see a therapist about my weight. It will probably be a lifelong struggle.

- Arpikarhu - 01-10-2004

now i feel bad for using your weight to mock you. thanks for fucking that up for me. :fuckoff: