Is this trade fair? - Printable Version

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- diceisgod - 06-27-2004

I made the following trade in Austin's fantasy baseball league:
I gave Alou and H. Matsui for Cordero (closer for Texas). Well, there's a wonderfully giant shit storm following this trade, mostly because I'm doing really well and that trade will probably push me over the top. Regardless, I ask you: Is this trade fair? Seems like it to me and the only complaint is because I have a great team. Oh and here some good reading below:


Quote:SUBJECT: Ok Seriously

What on gods green earth is that deal? Slut already has Abreu, Pierre, WHite, Carlos, Hunter, Chipper in the OF, and he deals for Alou and Matsui? what in the hell is going on here... thats a BS trade

PUTZ#1 (agian)
Quote:SUBJECT: I want to pull a BS trade too

come on guys, Im trying to win this thing too, why doesnt anyone just give me a SS, like slut just gave him a closer? that would be fun... you know you wana

PIECE OF SHIT reasons for it

At first glance i looked at the trade and it did look pretty fair. HOWEVER, i didnt realize that the one team already had 54 OF's on his team and was dealing a closer for 2 more OF's. Something either smells fishy, or the other team is planning on trading 5 of those OF for Gagne or something. Anyway, this trade gets my veto. Not that it matters, since the last few trades i voted against have gone through anyway.

Quote:SUBJECT:you guys are fucking retarded idiots

He needs offense deperately. I need saves deparately. The trade is fair and moreso to his advantage. Alou is having a great great season. Matsui is a very solid player. Cordero is a solid closer. You're only bitching because I know what the fuck I'm doing and your team sucks complete ass. Just shut the fuck up.

Quote:SUBJECT: btw

Who gives a fuck how many outfielders he has? The object is to put players out there who will get your offensive stats up regardless of their position. There are utility positions in this league, are there not? Who cares if all of them happen to be outfielders? Get a grip.

Quote:SUBJECT: in addition... that I have regained my cool. This trade is to his advantage but not by much. He's in near dead last. I am (will be anyway) in first. I have given him the leaverage in the deal. He can now diversify his offense though a trade if he wishes because he has a plush of outfielders. But it might not be neccesary. He needed power. He got it. There is no way in hell you can call this deal unfair. Our relative positions in the standings not withstanding, we both addressed our teams needs and exchanged players that will equally benefit us both.

Also the arguments against this trade are dicotomous. One is bitching because I supposedly stole a closer for nothin. Bullshit. The other one is bitching because now slut has a lot of outfielder. See previous post regarding that issue.

SLUT (aka: Gooch)
Quote:SUBJECT: it is irrelevent...

how many OF i have, you idiot. shouldn't i gain the OF i want to deal the OF i'm not goinbg to use. i swear some of you are like stupid children that ate too much lead. it's my business to decide what to do with my glut of OF. maybe i'm dropping, maybe i'm offering a trade. what the fuck are you thinking that you can protest b/c something seems "fishy"...yeah it's fishy, i'm playing a game dimwitted tool

Quote:SUBJECT: Go fuck yourself

Both of you can kiss my fuckin ass. Im tired of the name calling and bullshit over stupid trades. I voice my opinion, and thats the shit I get? I'll give both of you assholes my address, come meet me in person and call me that shit, and i'll kill you and your mothers.

Quote:SUBJECT: It's amazing...

how these 2 jackasses can say whatever they want, yet if i say something negative, I get the hammer for it. It must be because Im not Jewish, or because Im not a 35 year old fat fucker from Philly with no dignity and no self respect. Also, it sucks that I barely know anyone here, so trade negotiations are pretty much nonexistant, except for with Austin for the most part, since hes the only one i really know.

Also, Slut, my opinion was that you having way too many OF was a bad thing, and im not the only one who thinks that. I mean, it really does look like your trying to hand your pal the championship by giving him exactly what he needed for 2 guys that he didnt even have in his lineup.

Now thats just my opinion, notice, Redemption, that i didnt call anybody dimwitted or anything gay like that. Just dont be a fucking asshole and reply by saying shit like that, cause you really make yourself look ignorant, and you REALLY piss me the fuck off, especially on a god-awful morning like today. And for the record, Austin told me to post about the trade in the first place. I was going to anyway, but it shows that more than just myself are against this trade.


Fuck you and your lousy morning. The trade is fair. End of story. All you do is whine and whine some more. I am not Slut's buddy or anyone elses. Just because I have two quality players on my bench to trade and I'm doing well you start up with your bullshit. I don't care who likes the trade or not. It is fair and there is no logical argument outside the fact it is beneficial to me (and Slut as well). Well no shit. That's why you trade. To improve your team.

Also I don't want your address. This is too much fun. Morons like you inspired me to do what I do. You jackass.

Good stuff.

- diceisgod - 06-27-2004

Quote:SUBJECT: Alright...

First off...everyone, calm the fuck down. You guys are insanely tense. Wow. We all need to sit down and have a beer one of these days, seriously.

Second, I have to agree with xxx and xxx here (yeah, im using names now.)

It's not shady at all, it just doesn't have a shred of sense when at the end of the day Redemption gets a top 10 closer and Slut gets a back log of outfielders and he DOESNT EVEN DROP AN OF AS PART OF THE DEAL. So what makes you think he will actually do anything more with that situation? I'm lead to believe this is a case of horrid mis management, not collusion. So I think it should be vetoed.

Quote:SUBJECT: A few things

1. Redemption, you are an ass. You are in 2nd now, but you wont be for long. Trust me, I know, because i was 2nd in Austin's league last year around this time and i struggled to finish 3rd or 4th, i forgot. Theres still a LONG way to go in the year, you douchebag.

2. xxxx, you're right, this trade is much more about mismanagement than collusion. I will take back my collusion statement.

3. Also Irv, yeah it is a bit tense around here, a few beers would be fine. But, your only 13, i cant be responsible for that shit.

Quote:SUBJECT: I just want to know how it's beneficial

When he's still got a horrible middle infield?


Irrelevant. He got a great deal. It's his business what he does with the shitload of outfielders he has. Vetoing this is fucking bullshit.

ME (again)

He needs runs, hits, rbi's. I gave him players to address those needs. They are outfielders. So fucking what. Now he can trade ome of his garbage fielders to addres his infield woes. This is why people deal: TO MAKE THEIR TEAM BETTER. You can't impose how people manage their team. That's fucking crap.

- GonzoStyle - 06-27-2004

why the fuck wasnt I invited to this league!!!!

- Galt - 06-27-2004

Hunter and (for some reason this year) Chipper are dogshit. White is playing above his head and will get hurt.

Matsui and Alou are no stiffs. Beltran, Abreu, and Pierre I'd rather have then Alou or Matsui, but if you can play all five, then there's a definite upgrade over Hunter and Chipper.

Who is the giant fag making all the noise? Does she post?

- diceisgod - 06-27-2004

I have no clue....this trade is one veto away from getting shitcanned. For this to happen is a complete farce. I don't know if that retard posts...probably did at one point. No clue who it is.

- GonzoStyle - 06-27-2004

Quote:First off...everyone, calm the fuck down. You guys are insanely tense. Wow. We all need to sit down and have a beer one of these days, seriously.

He must be a jew if he expects you all to share one beer.

- IrishAlkey - 06-27-2004

Ask for Bernie and Jeter for Uribe!

- Sir O - 06-27-2004

The trade is questionable, but I don't think worthy of a veto. Can you post the full rosters of both teams so we can see the whole picture?

Damn, I miss Austin's league...didn't join this year cause I wouldn't have the time to keep up on my team as I should...glad to know the shitstorms are still abrewing!!

- Paper Boy - 06-28-2004

Quote:Ask for Bernie and Jeter for Uribe!


- diceisgod - 06-28-2004

The whole argument is ridiculous. Gooch said it best in a later post on the baseball board: the only valid reason to veto a trade is if it is unfair or there is collusion. There is neither. I didn't even realize it was fucking Gooch until I IMed him and he started blathering about messageboard nonsense (dead give away) I check his profile on YMB and sure enough his AIM sn matched. Even if it was him he has no reason to want to help me nor I him. I don't even know the man. Again this whole thing is ridiculous. Cordero will be mine oh yes he will be way or another. We have "colluded" to ensure this. If this falls through Plan B will be initiated. There will have to be a new horseshit reason conjured up to veto it.

- Goatweed - 06-28-2004

drama on a fantasy baseball message board? you don't say!!

- Goatweed - 06-28-2004

p.s. - yes, it seems like a solid trade.

- Keyser Soze - 06-28-2004

unless its outright obvious collusion, i say any trade should be allowed if someone else is stupid enough to make it.

- GonzoStyle - 06-28-2004

I don't get the fuckin beef, if you both accept the trade then what the fuck?

Its not like matsui and alou are fuckin scrubs.

Its not as bad as some fuckin trades and trade offers I have seen.

Someone actually had the fuckin nerve to offer me pokey reese in exchange for A Rod, the amazing part was that he was serious and said that pokey is a great player, he even IMed me with a whole rant on it.

- IrishAlkey - 06-28-2004

Clemens for Tino!

- diceisgod - 06-28-2004

It got vetoed by the way. That league is a joke.

- Keyser Soze - 06-28-2004

thats dumb, i would drop every player on my team to protest the veto

- Galt - 06-28-2004

I'd hunt them all down and force them to watch me kill their families, but I guess Keyser's way would work too.

- IrishAlkey - 06-28-2004

They take their fantasies seriously!

I must join this league next season and fuck it up.

- Keyser Soze - 06-28-2004

i totally want in. im in second place in the YMB league. it would be, in the proper context of the word, ironic, if i won with the name "The Smarmy CDIHers"