12-03-2005, 03:59 AM
The Jays Wrote:lose what? if it don't work, the forum goes back to being the archive. we're fucking bored here! we've done forum subject changes before, it's a simple thing. we still go about our normal business in the pit or sportscenter, except we have a forum on top with a subject we all agree on and can contribute to, that is, until we get bored with it, and in the meantime, we try and grab some new members and subject them to torture.Worst case secenario...it'll just go back to the 12 person circle jerk we've had going for the last few years.
I hold the dubious honor of being the only person never modded who has also never been to a party who in the past had a shared account with a vegetable reference that has had consensual sex with a woman who wasn't from the board that also knows what >) means and remembers the end of the golden age.