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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Funny thing I heard about O/A syndication.

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Funny thing I heard about O/A syndication.
posted on 03-02-2001 @ 12:42 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
i was just reading a message board on my
friends' website and a guy from the DC area
said that o/a were trialed down there (in DC) a
few months back. i assume that they were on
tape-delay since the two radio crybabies are
on from 2-7pm.

does anyone know if they will be syndicated
down there? i wonder how the show would
translate down there. i can see the show
working in philadelphia, boston, and
connecticut in addition to NY and NJ. but
down if the show airs in the south, it wouldn't
seem to fly.

ANYHOO, i wonder if the guys are holding out
about syndication and making it seem like the
reason they aren't syndicated is b/c they are
being "BAD". maybe they have been trialed in
other places, and their format just doesn't
work in some regions.

i personally don't care if they are syndicated.
i'd rather see them be a local show and think
that syndication tends to make people lamer
and more tame (see stern and don and mike
for examples of this).


posted on 03-02-2001 @ 12:53 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
if you consider yourself a fan of O and A then you should know what happned regarding DC

John Madden: Here's A Guy That When He Talks He Drools!!
posted on 03-02-2001 @ 12:54 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 00
If you think that O&A are holding out on being sydicated, the only way you could be right is if they were going to be sydicated in Iowa. Anywhere else, it is just a matter of it getting donw, and they are probably around 3 months or less left in their contract, so unless WNEW helps them out a little with better prizes and shit that they are looking for, who knows what O&A will do...

"Think before you write" -

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I'd like to introduce you to my new girlfriend, Joe Curry I owe Froy a cookie. Sig contest?? What sig contest?!?!?
posted on 03-02-2001 @ 1:03 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
why would Infinity Broadcasting syndicate us now when we have 3 months left in our contract?

>>>maybe they have been trialed in
other places, and their format just doesn't
work in some regions.<<<

Yah..And we kept the fact that we were on in other markets on a trial basis a "secret". Please fucking kill yourself.

"Take Your Stinking Paws Off Me You Damn Dirty Ape!"
Tony Metropolis
posted on 03-02-2001 @ 1:11 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
Yech. Get in the coffin. Die

With 3 months left in their contracts WNEW's best bet is to dangle the syndication carrot in fron to ftheir noses AGAIN. I think O & A aren't complete F-tards so they won't fall for that old gag.

    posted on 03-02-2001 @ 1:29 PM      
    Registered: Jan. 01
    yer moms box...maybe u should try ur format somewhere else and keep it a secret cocklord =)

    Gilman! Why are u here? U Fag!! adopted by General In The ONA Army
    posted on 03-02-2001 @ 1:41 PM      
    Registered: Oct. 00
    maybe i did miss a something about the
    whole DC thing b/c i travelled a little bit this

    anyway, all you f-tards don't have to get all
    defensive and personal. i listen to the show
    ever day, but i don' t get all involved in the
    stipulations and terms of O/A's contract.

    maybe that means that i'm not a 'true fan', but
    at least i don't sit around an get my nads all in
    an uproar just b/c someone has an opinion.

    and if IAMANTHONY is really anthony, i
    compiment you on your diplomatic skills (i.e.,
    telling someone to die). way to keep an
    audience! i didn't mean to say anything bad
    about the show, and you guys usually seem
    like you're up front about everything.

    or maybe i'm just mixed up, maybe we all got
    off to a bad start. maybe the comments like
    'die now' are little more than affectionate


    I'd like to introduce you to my new girlfriend, Joe Curry I owe Froy a cookie. Sig contest?? What sig contest?!?!?
    posted on 03-02-2001 @ 2:15 PM      
    Registered: Oct. 00
    opinion is one thing,speculation is another.If you listen to the show you would know we were on in DC on saturdays and on WBCN once.If we had been in any other markets, we would have talked about it.To say maybe we were tied out somewhere and it didn't work is false speculation.THAT'S what the problem is.Got it? Now kill yourself!

    "Take Your Stinking Paws Off Me You Damn Dirty Ape!"
    posted on 03-02-2001 @ 2:22 PM      
    Registered: Oct. 00
    Who gives a shit about syndication?We're lucky enough to hear them,so,screw everybody else.

    [email protected]
    Mr. Brownstone
    posted on 03-02-2001 @ 2:26 PM      
    O&A Board Regular
    Registered: Dec. 00
    I wish I could get anthony to tell me to kill myself twice within an hour.

    I see stupid people...They're everywhere...They don't know they're stupid...
    posted on 03-02-2001 @ 2:29 PM      
    Registered: Oct. 00
    Please kill yourself!!!!! The only think more f-tarded than your first post was your second one!!!! And I do believe parts of CT are in the NY listening area .....TOOL!!!!

    -Someday, sometime, I will get my lazy ass to transfer to another site ... until then .....
    posted on 03-02-2001 @ 2:31 PM      
    Registered: Jan. 01
    But don't worry BOX you can still make the show down at the WWF tonight, be there around.....OOPS

    Remember don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things
    Silvio Dante
    posted on 03-02-2001 @ 4:40 PM      
    Registered: Sep. 00
    >>>why would Infinity Broadcasting syndicate us now when we have 3 months left in our contract?<<<

    Anthony, we are talking about Infinity here, nothing would surprise me.

    Hey Anthony, would you like to make a deal on some Furbys for your girlfriends.

    onehung lo434
    posted on 03-03-2001 @ 7:09 AM      
    O&A Board Regular
    Registered: Oct. 00

    Who gives a shit about syndication?We're lucky enough to hear them,so,screw everybody else.

    Pretty selfish comment Boriqua.Can Opie and Anthony come out to play today?Or are they grounded?

    Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
    I will die a traitor's death
    posted on 03-03-2001 @ 10:30 AM      
    O&A Board Veteran
    Registered: Sep. 00
    With the recent hash of incredibly retarded posts am I the only one forseeing another Board War in the near future?

    And YerMomsBox- Mark DID say it best: GO FUCK YOURSELF

    This message was edited by IkeaBoy on 3-3-01 @ 10:31 AM
    Psycho Mark
    posted on 03-03-2001 @ 10:41 AM      
    Registered: Sep. 00
    Thats right Go Fuck Yourself you stupid faggot cocksucker.

    Hey ANT that sig of EARL is too fuckin funny, you better watch out for the NAACP!!!!

    posted on 03-03-2001 @ 10:47 AM      
    O&A Board Veteran
    Registered: Aug. 00
    Holy shit! Pickle boy jones rises up from the depths to post in a thread were the originator of the thread has already been told to kill himself. Unreal, hey Yer, maybe you should just stop posting in this thread seeing is how Ant already told you to kill yourself, now Mark is getting in on the action too...

    "Think before you write" -

    E-Mail Me
    posted on 03-04-2001 @ 11:55 PM      
    Registered: Oct. 00
    Just a bit of insight.........
    I live about 1 1/2 north of the city and I get O&A where I live. I have friends farther north and in CT who also get the radio transmission. I have travelled in many directions and it seems that you can get the show about 2-3 hours outside of the broadcast area (in any direction). Just thought I'd share.......

    posted on 03-05-2001 @ 12:17 AM      
    O&A Board Regular
    Registered: Oct. 00
    Moth, weird fuckin sig, but If I travel down to like past bridgewater a little bit, there is no way I can get the show clearly.

    The Official Comedic Kryptonite of
    Rangers Suck!
    posted on 03-05-2001 @ 7:40 AM      
    Registered: Nov. 00
    YerMomsBox, who are you and where have you been? This board was never diplomatic, nor is the show this board is dedicated to. I think O&A have been waiting so long because they want to get the biggest ratings possible in NY, then they have the opportunity to immediately go to big markets. If they wanted to, they could probably be in Albequerque, or Little Rock like Don and Mike, but good things come to those who wait. Either that or they piss off the bosses a lot.

    Visit this Website

    New York Dragons Arena
    Football!!! See their
    home-opener April 21st
    against the Toronto
    Phantoms at the Nassau
    posted on 03-05-2001 @ 11:45 AM      
    Registered: Oct. 00

    i know that people on this board are pricks 99.9999999999% of the time. i think it's because it's easy for them to be so hard-ass when they are typing on a keyboard in the safety of their parents' basements, or maybe they are frustrated because they can't go out and get chicks b/c they are too busy posting on this board all day/night (just look at the number of posts that some of them have).

    just b/c Ant tells me to die doesn't mean he thinks any higher of all the cocksnots who sit around and post here all day and say the same crap day in and day out.

    finally, if anyone actually read my original post, i was never saying anything bad about the show, i was simply speculating on how the show would do in other areas. instead of reading the post, and having thoughts of your own a lot of you decided to bury your noses right up Ant's ass.


    Kid Afrika
    posted on 03-05-2001 @ 12:18 PM      
    Registered: Jan. 70
    YerMomsCrotchSnot, you obviously have no fucking clue about the people that frequent this board. But, far be it from me to educate you... Except for one thing, most people on this board are actually decent hard working people. They are nice to the people they respect, they simply have little tolerance for the mentally challenged.

    So climb down off of your soap box, nobody gives a shit about your moronic opinion. If you had anything productive to add to the board, you might actually be accepted. But I don't think there's much chance of that so instead...


    Head Slap... Swim Move...
    posted on 03-05-2001 @ 12:32 PM      
    O&A Board Veteran
    Registered: Oct. 00
    Damn, K1d Chesterfield, err, Cherry AfR1kA, err, whatever his name is these days, I think he's confused...well, anyway, Dickface in yermom's box, go fuck yourself.

    Being the diplomatic soul that I am, let me tell you that your impressions of the Board and its members don't mean a bucket of piss to any of us. If you belonged, you would take a beating, joke around a bit, and make friends. The majority of us have.

    Oh, and to reemphasize a point made by Cybil above me, lots of us are in fact not cowering in our parent's basements 24 hours a day, being tough guys behind our keyboards.

    Anyway, I'm wasting my time. But, now I feel badly for being so harsh with you. I tell you what, do me a solid. Give me some reassurance that you won't do this again, and I'll make sure you don't get picked on anymore. Just do me a little favor....Toss My Salad!

    Mentor to Snakebite and Whoremoan
    Little Salad Tossers: Lloyd Dobler and Jake Ryan

    I have abducted Shot Girl as my newbie

    New Board? Bah! No soup for you!
    posted on 03-05-2001 @ 2:01 PM      
    O&A Board Regular
    Registered: Jan. 01
    Don't blame yermomsbox. This family photo on loan from the yermomsbox family photo collection, clearly demonstrates that yermomsbox's inability to adequately channel his brain cells towards useful thought, may in fact be related to a less than responsible upbringing by his parents.

    It at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do suck seed. - Curly Howard.

    This message was edited by o&aswallow on 3-5-01 @ 2:08 PM
    posted on 03-05-2001 @ 2:25 PM      
    O&A Board Veteran
    Registered: May. 00
    Box...this one is for you...

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