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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Can I play with the crane George?---First US citizen killed in Enduring Freedom

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Can I play with the crane George?---First US citizen killed in Enduring Freedom
The sky is blue
posted on 10-11-2001 @ 4:28 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
--A sign of a boring war?

Airman's Death Is Campaign's First

MacDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. (AP) — An Air Force sergeant was killed in a heavy equipment accident in the Arabian Peninsula, becoming the first announced American death in Operation Enduring Freedom, military officials said Thursday.

Master Sgt. Evander Earl Andrews, who died Wednesday, was assigned to the 366th Civil Engineer Squadron at Mountain Home Air Force Base in Idaho. He was originally from Solon, Maine, the base said.

Maj. Eldon Hardwick from the Army National Guard headquarters in Augusta, Maine, said the accident happened in Aludeid, Qatar, and involved a forklift. Qatar is on a peninsula jutting off Saudi Arabia in the Persian Gulf.

Lt. Col. Dave Lapan, a defense department spokesman at MacDill, said Andrews was at a ``forward deployed location'' supporting the campaign when the incident happened.

A woman who answered the telephone Thursday morning at the Andrews home in Mountain Home said Andrews' wife, Judy, was not saying anything but would be meeting with her minister and might have something to say later. The woman did not identify herself.

Andrews was the son of Odber and Mary Andrews in Solon, in western Maine. A man who answered the phone at the residence late Thursday morning did not want to speak to reporters.

Three Air Force officers and a deputy sheriff arrived on the family's doorstep at 1:30 a.m. to deliver the news, said Dassie Andrews Jackson of East Madison, who is Odber Andrews' sister and Evander Andrews' aunt.

Evander Andrews, who was raised in Solon, had four young children ages 2 1/2 to 10, Jackson said Thursday. He enlisted in the Air Force after high school and had served 18 years, she said.

While officials at the Maine Guard were familiar with the incident because it involved someone from their state, they said Andrews was not a Guardsman but a regular, active-duty airman.

In addition to Andrews, a soldier was seriously injured Wednesday in Turkey after being trapped between two trucks, military officials said.

Officials did not disclose the soldier's name, the extent of his injuries or the exact location of the accident.

He was airlifted to the military hospital in Germany.

``U.S. medical personnel on the scene performed initial lifesaving care,'' after which the soldier was taken to a U.S. base in Incirlik, Turkey, said Maj. Brad Lowell, a U.S. Central Command spokesman at MacDill.

The soldier was in serious but stable condition Thursday at the U.S. military's Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, officials said.

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Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 10-11-2001 @ 4:35 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
Well allegedly we've killed over 100 civilians which is the death toll for the Taliban on a bad day.:

Afghan Taliban Say Over 100 Killed as Raids Resume
By Sayed Salahuddin and Alan Elsner

KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Massive air raids on Afghanistan triggered fresh accusations from the ruling Taliban on Thursday of more civilian deaths, including up to 100 killed in a village, and key U.S. ally Britain said the campaign was far from over.

Taliban Ambassador to Pakistan Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef said a further 15 people died when a mosque was bombed near the eastern city of Jalalabad.

That report is likely to add to the growing unease in the Muslim world over reported civilian deaths, while the killing of a Westerner in Kuwait fueled fears of reprisals by Muslim radicals inspired by Osama bin Laden.

The reclusive Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar, who has been sheltering bin Laden and is himself a key target in the bombing campaign, called for help from the Islamic world.

In Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim country, radicals denounced the government's failure to condemn the air campaign and vowed fresh protests over the raids, saying they would track down Americans and Britons and force them to leave.

There was no immediate comment on the Taliban's death charges from the United States, which accuses Saudi-born bin Laden of masterminding the devastating September 11 suicide hijack attacks on New York and Washington.

Taliban Education Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi told Reuters bin Laden was alive and well. ``He is fine, in a secret place,'' he said. Zaeef said Mullah Omar was also alive.


Sporadic anti-aircraft fire again raked the skies above Kabul on Thursday evening, when three planes flew over the capital and dropped at least three bombs, a witness said. Britain warned Afghanistan this was the start of a long campaign.

``We are very much still at the beginning,'' Sir Michael Boyce, chief of the defense staff, told a news conference. He said the U.S.-led air campaign had hit 40 targets in its first four days.

The raids overnight on Wednesday had been the biggest to date since they began on Sunday and residents of Kabul and elsewhere prepared for another anxious evening on Thursday.

``This is the worst night that we have had so far,'' one said on the previous night's raids. ``I cannot tell you how frightened people are. It is terrible.''

Muttaqi said the raids hit Kabul airport, military bases to the east of the city and government facilities in Kandahar, home of Mullah Omar.

Heavy B-52 and B-1 bombers targeted Taliban troops with deadly ``cluster'' and other explosives overnight and into Thursday, U.S. defense officials said.

Pentagon officials said a military garrison near Mazar-e-Sharif in northern Afghanistan had also been attacked.

The officials who asked not to be identified said the military planned to use helicopter gunships to hunt down bin Laden's shadowy al Qaeda network but not immediately.

A government spokesman in Pakistan, Afghanistan's neighbor and the only nation with diplomatic ties with the Taliban, confirmed U.S. military personnel had arrived in his country but stressed that its own role was limited to logistical support.

President Bush issued a list of 22 ``most wanted terrorists'' -- starting with bin Laden.

Those listed all have names suggesting they are from the Middle East and have been indicted for five major incidents in the 1980s and 1990s, including bombings and hijackings.

``Eventually, no corner of the world will be dark enough to hide in,'' Bush said.

Mullah Omar appealed to the Muslim world to help his Taliban, who have imposed their own brand of Islam on an impoverished country that has proved a graveyard for foreign armies.

``Every Muslim, having a strong faith, should resolutely act against the egoistic power (America),'' he told the BBC. ``They should extend any help and support they can to the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.''


In Kuwait, a Canadian man was shot dead and his Filipina wife wounded on Wednesday, diplomats and security sources said. Some reports suggested the attack might have stemmed from anger at the U.S.-led raids on Afghanistan.

Diplomats said a man in Saudi Arabia threw a Molotov cocktail at a car driven by a German couple on Tuesday in an incident which might also have been linked to the raids. The couple were unhurt.

In the United States, a third person tested positive for exposure to anthrax in Florida, intensifying fears the bacteria spores had been deliberately spread.

One man who worked at the offices of American Media Inc in Boca Raton, Florida, has died. The two who tested positive also worked at the company.

Acting U.S. Attorney Guy Lewis said the investigation was now considered a criminal probe but stressed there was no indication the anthrax was produced or caused by individuals related to the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington.

U.S. security agencies were on high alert all over the world.

One U.S. official said that since September 11, authorities had foiled bomb plots targeting four U.S. embassies. The official declined to identify the embassies or the plotters.

In Indonesia, protesters converged on the U.S. embassy in the capital Jakarta as a radical group's deadline for the government to cut ties with Washington and its allies expired.

The Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) gave President Megawati Sukarnoputri till Thursday to act, failing which it would hunt foreigners to expel them and attack foreign targets.

``The sweeping will be conducted as elegantly as it can. We will approach foreigners. For Americans and Britons they will be warned in a nice way to leave Indonesia,'' FPI chief Muhammad Rizieq said. ``If necessary, we will take them to the airport.''

Indonesian police later said they would charge Rizieq with incitement.

Jakarta and other main cities in Indonesia have seen small demonstrations over the past few days. Muslim prayers on Friday are a likely flashpoint.

The Organization of the Islamic Conference expressed concern on Wednesday at the prospect of civilian casualties in Afghanistan but avoided condemning the raids.

A communique issued at the end of an emergency meeting of foreign ministers in Qatar said member countries representing 1.2 billion Muslims condemned the attacks on the United States.

The statement was ``meant to send a signal that we tacitly approve the strikes and distinguish between the Taliban, who are smearing Islam's image, and the poor Afghans,'' a senior Gulf Arab official told Reuters at the meeting.

On the financial markets, Asian stocks were heartened on Thursday by a strong performance on Wall Street as leading world equity markets hauled themselves back to levels seen just before suicide attacks on New York and Washington.

The buoyant showing helped drive European stocks higher.

In the United States, pop diva Whitney Houston's rendition of ``The Star Spangled Banner'' was the hottest-selling single this week as patriotism dominated at radio stations and music stores.

"I didn't realize how tragic it [the WTC attack] was until the celebrities told me"- Ron Bennington

Thursday October 11-- CBS: premiere of SURvIVOR: Africa, CSI...NBC: Friends, Inside Schwartz, Will and Grace, Just Shoot Me...FOX: A's at Yankees...ABC: Whose Line, Millionare...UPN: Smackdown...WB: Elimidate Deluxe, Charmed...
posted on 10-11-2001 @ 4:45 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Don't 100 die a day due to malnutritian anyways?

She tastes like a gyro.

I loathe the Froy.
Kid Afrika
posted on 10-11-2001 @ 4:51 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Figures the first american to die has to go out like a total fucking idiot. No wonder people make fun of Americans.

So what do you really wanna do when I get militant

Thought I was a pimp, flip the script if you can' get with this

They call me Big Boi, I be cappin with a big gun

Run up on it if you want it, then you bite the big one

Doc Smith
I Love Anthony Zinni
posted on 10-11-2001 @ 4:52 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Huh...Fez = Teenweek?

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance
-Thomas Jefferson
The sky is blue
posted on 10-11-2001 @ 4:53 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00

Huh...Fez = Teenweek?

I pick up what falls through the cracks.

Wanna be the coolest kid on your block? Get an 'I love Froy t-shirt!' Add it to your sig today!
Email me at [email protected]
That's Miss Jesus Cooze to you!
posted on 10-11-2001 @ 4:56 PM      
Registered: Apr. 01

I pick up what falls through the cracks

Mildly ammusing comment..... Banned.....
Mildly ammusing comment..... Banned.....
Mildly ammusing comment..... Banned.....
Mildly ammusing comment..... Banned.....
What to do..... What to DO!!!???
*rocks back and forth in corner*

Proud to call Gonzostyle my fellow brother in Christ

"I'll fly my country's flag outside my home everyday for the rest of my life, even if it's three inches tall and hoisted on a toothpick! GOD BLESS AMERICA!" --My dad

Thank you to all the vets who have helped me to believe.
Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 10-11-2001 @ 5:02 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
Could Fez be....Lewis Black?

"I didn't realize how tragic it [the WTC attack] was until the celebrities told me"- Ron Bennington

Thursday October 11-- CBS: premiere of SURvIVOR: Africa, CSI...NBC: Friends, Inside Schwartz, Will and Grace, Just Shoot Me...FOX: A's at Yankees...ABC: Whose Line, Millionare...UPN: Smackdown...WB: Elimidate Deluxe, Charmed...
The sky is blue
posted on 10-11-2001 @ 5:07 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00

Mildly ammusing comment..... Banned.....
Mildly ammusing comment..... Banned.....
Mildly ammusing comment..... Banned.....
Mildly ammusing comment..... Banned.....
What to do..... What to DO!!!???
*rocks back and forth in corner*

Go ahead......say it.

I'm a plumber.

Wanna be the coolest kid on your block? Get an 'I love Froy t-shirt!' Add it to your sig today!
Email me at [email protected]
posted on 10-11-2001 @ 5:08 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00

Figures the first american to die has to go out like a total fucking idiot. No wonder people make fun of Americans

A little respect may be in order, don't you think?

God bless all who are going to war for this great nation.

Kid Afrika
posted on 10-11-2001 @ 5:43 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Look who you're talking to. PFFT!!

So what do you really wanna do when I get militant

Thought I was a pimp, flip the script if you can' get with this

They call me Big Boi, I be cappin with a big gun

Run up on it if you want it, then you bite the big one

posted on 10-11-2001 @ 5:50 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Only K1d would find it amusing to poke fun at the death of the first US serviceman in WW III. Ponderous, f'n ponderous.

Who want's to play Afghan Bingo?
B1 - B52 - A10 - F15
BINGO! - Buh-bye Mother F'er
Oh and kissy-pie huggy-poo The Froy thing.

American Patriot, Pennsylvania resident, but original NYC listener.
King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 10-11-2001 @ 5:54 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01
I feel bad for the family. That's going to be a tough childhood for the now fatherless four young kids who aren't even teenagers yet.

I believe in the Faith... that can save me.
I believe in the hope and I pray...
That someday it may raise me... above these badlands
posted on 10-11-2001 @ 5:55 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Do not call this WW3. That is just what the
terrorists wanted to start. The World Wars
pitted an alliance of nations versus another
alliance of nations.

Resident Board Socialist
Email me here or IM me at stickysituation2 or pinkorag
Webmaster of the Undergound Unofficial I Hate WhackBagKid Message Board
I currently have brought no one into the International
Doc Smith
I Love Anthony Zinni
posted on 10-11-2001 @ 5:57 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00

Go ahead......say it.

I'm a plumber.

So that explains why you show about 18 inches of butt-crack every time you tie your shoe

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance
-Thomas Jefferson
Kid Afrika
posted on 10-11-2001 @ 5:58 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Maybe I'm just the only one willing to admit that sometimes, stupid is stupid. I hold no reverance for some tool that wasn't paying attention and put himself and others at risk. I'm broke, but I can afford to pay attention.

So what do you really wanna do when I get militant

Thought I was a pimp, flip the script if you can' get with this

They call me Big Boi, I be cappin with a big gun

Run up on it if you want it, then you bite the big one

I hope people forgot that I went home with Sandy Kane one night
posted on 10-11-2001 @ 5:59 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00


World War III? Are you fuckin' kidding me? We don't have enough enemies in this to have a world war!
And people die everyday in accidents.. I would hope that this isn't going to be blown out of proportion at a casualty of war or anything stupid. When i was on active duty my friend got hit by a truck and killed in New Mexico during Desert Storm.. You'd be hard pressed to find his name on the casualty list from Desert Storm...

"Where the HELL have I been?"

[Insert witty/profound sig line here]
(Forgot how to store sig pics.. Bored? Then remind me)

posted on 10-11-2001 @ 6:11 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00

A little respect may be in order, don't you think?

heh heh... dead drunk dwarf still funny

Zen and the Art of Message Board Posting

Currently tending the growroom, WeirdNJ. Please report any stash-pinching to me...

King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 10-11-2001 @ 6:17 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01
Calling a war a 'world war' has nothing to do with how many enemies you are fighting, it's whether or not it is a global conflict, it's more geographic, than political.


So that explains why you show about 18 inches of butt-crack every time you tie your shoe

Yes, but it doesn't explain why you salivate at the sight.

I believe in the Faith... that can save me.
I believe in the hope and I pray...
That someday it may raise me... above these badlands
posted on 10-11-2001 @ 7:50 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

Do not call this WW3. That is just what the
terrorists wanted to start. The World Wars
pitted an alliance of nations versus another
alliance of nations.

If my fairly accurate recolection of WWII is correct, there was an alliance of nations (US, Great Britan, Canada, Australia, Russia etc) against three countries Germany, Japan and Italy.

So now we have an alliance of nations (US, Canada, Great Britan (starting to sound familiar?)) against Afghanastan, Iraq, Iran and the Sudan (Oh we haven't attacked the later yet? Stay tunned kiddies).


World War III? Are you fuckin' kidding me? We don't have enough enemies in this to have a world war!

In addition to the previous point, if you think the Arab coalition will hold, you better start reading history. And Pakistan's government which is not supported by it's people will probably be overthrown by a civil war and that will turn against us. Why do you think we are building up so many troops in Pakistan? Pakistan has made it clear that it will not allow us to launch offensive strikes from it's soil. And if Pakistan falls, India will want to step in.

And you still don't see this as WW III? Why is our government preparing us for a long haul war? Nobody knew WWII was WWII when it first started.

Who want's to play Afghan Bingo?
B1 - B52 - A10 - F15
BINGO! - Buh-bye Mother F'er
Oh and kissy-pie huggy-poo The Froy thing.

American Patriot, Pennsylvania resident, but original NYC listener.

This message was edited by o&aswallow on 10-11-01 @ 8:17 PM
posted on 10-11-2001 @ 9:18 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

So now we have an alliance of nations
(US, Canada, Great Britan (starting to sound
familiar?)) against Afghanastan, Iraq, Iran and
the Sudan (Oh we haven't attacked the later yet?
Stay tunned kiddies).

Those countries aren't allied with each other.
Therefore it is not similar to the World Wars.

Resident Board Socialist
Email me here or IM me at stickysituation2 or pinkorag
Webmaster of the Undergound Unofficial I Hate WhackBagKid Message Board
I currently have brought no one into the International
Kid Afrika
posted on 10-11-2001 @ 10:25 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70

if you think the Arab coalition will hold, you better start reading history.

When the FUCK did this "Arab coalition" happen?

Again, I am soooooooooooooooooooo glad you idiots don't run this country.

So what do you really wanna do when I get militant

Thought I was a pimp, flip the script if you can' get with this

They call me Big Boi, I be cappin with a big gun

Run up on it if you want it, then you bite the big one

Doc Smith
I Love Anthony Zinni
posted on 10-12-2001 @ 10:06 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00

Yes, but it doesn't explain why you salivate at the sight.

What, you guys don't love a booty that you could crack open a Corona with?

Yeah, I know...derailing a topic is a no-no...

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance
-Thomas Jefferson
Psycho Bitch
posted on 10-12-2001 @ 10:22 AM      
Registered: Jul. 01
I'd hardly call it a World War...we are not fighting the countries themselves but the terrorists that reside in them....I think there's a huge difference there.


people die everyday in accidents.. I would hope that this isn't going to be blown out of proportion at a casualty of war or anything stupid.

He's right, this was an unfortunate accident that could've happened to him in his own backyard. Just because it happened overseas we're gonna call him a casualty of war? That's ridiculous.


Yeah, I know...derailing a topic is a no-no...

Yeah it should be spanked :)

If I seem a little scattered There's an empty space where something used to beat
I'm definately shattered Like some stupid piece of china How pathetic of me

Let it be me, I'll be your poetry in motion. A desolate island when you sail the deep blue ocean. All your tomorrows for all your yesterdays. I'll be a lamb or a lion you can tame. And I hope and I pray that my offer will find its way. Yes I know there'll come a day, when in return I'll need the same. Let it be me, the star who guides you through the night. I'll make it worth your while.

Doc Smith
I Love Anthony Zinni
posted on 10-12-2001 @ 10:25 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00

Yeah it should be spanked

By Fez???!!!111


The price of freedom is eternal vigilance
-Thomas Jefferson

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