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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Are you where you thought you'd be?

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Are you where you thought you'd be?
posted on 11-19-2001 @ 2:01 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
A lot of people ask the question, "what do you wanna be when you grow up.?" Well in recent retrosepct in examining my life so far and after trying to lecture my younger cousin on certain things. I looked at myself and though, "is this really where I thought I'd be now?"

How about you? Are you where you thought you'd be at your age now? If you're 22 or 25 or 30. 10 years ago did you picture yourself here? If you're 12 like AM don't bother, lol.

But I am totally not where I pictured myself not physically, mentally, financially it kind didn't work out how I pictured. But then again I was always the shy and quiet type so the extrovert I have become over the last 5 years has amazed me, I used to be very frightened and shy and very very much an introvert. I am in actually a nice sounding job with a cool title but the pay is nowhere near what I expected to be making and physically I need a lot of work from where I was 5 years ago. Marriage is still not a thought I'm still 22, well I'll be 23 next monday on 11/26 but still I need to take care of myself first.

So what about you?

I'm Deep Inside Your Children.
They Will Betray You In MY Name.

She-Mail Me Here

posted on 11-19-2001 @ 2:09 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
What a cheap attempt to let everyone know it's your birthday next week. :-)

Oh and to answer your question, for the most part yes. Other than being further behind than I would like to be from a personal wealth standpoint, career wise I'm pretty much on track.

I know the task of satisfying the hotties is monumentous, but I am up to the task!

American Patriot, Pennsylvania resident, but original NYC listener.
Mullet Master Yo Gooch, Moron here... how's that for some fucked up shit... Fez is giving you status... Karma sucks, huh?
posted on 11-19-2001 @ 2:12 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Hmmm...i'd say no. I thought I'd be rich now at 31. I thought I'd be an artist or a writer. Though I have done about passably...I do have a career in the publishing world...I too am not satisfied physically, financially, socially, etc. I've taken some steps to change that, b/c I feel alot may fall into the phsyical realm...and changing that should change my mental health...and changing my mental health I think is the bottomline to being satisfied to what you DO have, and help in the things you want to make happen.

I will share something I've learned...though it may seem silly or stupid. Think of your life so far as a straight line, and then make a line depicting that on a paper. Then make a dot to where you want to be (your goals). And sit and look at the space and decide...well, if I continue my line...will I get there. Chances are (especially in my case), that it is a NO. That there needs to be less of the same old, and the need for a radical and fundemental change. Because, in the end, we all live in our comfort zone...and that straight line, in almost all cases will never get to the goals you want.

Just my take on it.

Kid Afrika
posted on 11-19-2001 @ 2:15 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Nope, I'm alive.

I seriously never thought I would make it to be 30 years old. But, here I am.

I never thought I could hold down an office job with a decent salary, but I've found it easier than I could've imagined.

Things are seldom what they seem, and often the insurmountable is merely a chicane in lifes highway.

And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger
those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.
And you will know my name is K1d when I lay my vengeance upon you.

Faceman says I'm an "a-hold".

posted on 11-19-2001 @ 2:16 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70

What a cheap attempt to let everyone know it's your birthday next week

Yeah that's right my birthday is NEXT WEEK. Coincidently a week from today, NEXT WEEK. Bah no one cares especially me anyway, just another day which i will work, don't forget to post in Slash's 'official' birthday thread, cause even the great gonzo is not worthy of a seperate thread, slash will kick my ass.

So anyway thanks for reminding everyone my birthday is NEXT WEEK.

I'm Deep Inside Your Children.
They Will Betray You In MY Name.

She-Mail Me Here

posted on 11-19-2001 @ 2:17 PM      
Registered: Sep. 01
Yup, and I just came to the realization that the journey was a lot more interesting than the destination. Fortunately, every day you can think about where you want to be 10 years from now, and you can make changes as you go :)

Arthur Dent
posted on 11-19-2001 @ 2:23 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 00
Nope. Career wise, what I do is NOTHING like what I wanted to do. Don't misunderstand. I love my job and make good money. It's just completely different from what I wanted to do when i left college and makes no use of my degree.

Personally, I'm behind schedule on what I planned when I left college, but I'm still on track.
posted on 11-19-2001 @ 2:27 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
No freakin way am I even close to what I imagined. I think back 10 years, and I was probably going on the track of becoming a music teacher (not totally out of the question even now). But did I ever imagine that I would have gone through 3 MAJOR career changes and have been married and divorced(well almost divorced) by the time I was 26.

I pictured myself going to college and meeting the right girl, and working somewhere forever. BAH! What a fucking lie the "typical" life is. I would really like to be making more money now, but who knows what's going to happen. I don't think that I will, because I'm about to quit my job again.

Am I happy? Well, is anyone ever truly happy?

you can have my isolation, you can have the hate it brings
you can have my absence of faith, you can have my everything

People suck.
Harmless Teddy I wish Maynard was still posting here so I could implant my head up his ass.
Needle dick, bear salesman. I think I'm a revolutionary. Actually, I'm a one trick pony.
I enjoy C&BT
posted on 11-19-2001 @ 2:28 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01

I seriously never thought I would make it to be 30 years old. But, here I am.

this is supposed to be a good thing , right?

Arpi Karhu Kauppias Forever!!!

AIM- Arpikarhu

posted on 11-19-2001 @ 2:30 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Well, I'm in the profession I wanted to be in, public relations, but not doing what I really wanted to do. Although I am definitely not doing as much work as I thought I'd have to, lol, especially as an account executive.

You know what though? I used to have it all planned, but now everything is unclear. I honestly don't know what I want to be doing 10 years from now. Most importantly, I just want to enjoy my job and what I do every day, I don't want it to run my life. A job is something you do in between weekends and spending time with your friends and family. So I guess I'm not as goal-oriented as I used to be, or maybe I am in just a different way. I figure I'll stay at current job for another year or 2, gain more "experience" and then see where the road leads me. I'm pretty much up for anything.

Fortunately, I'm adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug, uh, regimen to keep my mind, you know, uh, limber.

posted on 11-19-2001 @ 2:34 PM      
Registered: Oct. 01
I am not at all where I thought I would be at the age of 21. I always thought I'd be a pothead for life, but I have turned into a drunk. I make $420 a week, from what it looks like the job is a dead end. I didn't finish high school and never attempted to, therefore it looks like I will be working with a bad back and arthritis when I'm 35. I went from a happy-go-lucky class clown with a different girl every month, to a depressed drunk with one girl who doesn't really care if I die tomorrow. She only cares about the $420 I bring home, and what she's getting out of it.

I've lost friends I thought I'd have for life, and I have become the one thing I hate most in my life: My Father. So thanks for letting me vent Gonzo. I'm going to go hang myself now.

Truthfully, only I can help my situation and I figure I have plenty of time left to do so. Good luck everyone, in all your endeavors.

Norton: Patty has the sex appeal of Brundlefly.

I <3 the Froy

This message was edited by Brundlefly on 11-19-01 @ 7:08 PM
Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 11-19-2001 @ 2:41 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
When I was in high school, if you told me my life would turn out the way it has, I never would have bought it. The old me would figure the current me should be fresh out of college, and probably making as much money as I actually did make about two and a half years ago.

Instead I quit college, moved out, back, and out again, got myself into professional nerdism (read: computer jobs), and am doing fairly well for myself. Of course the old me also wouldn't expect me to be nearly 100 pounds heavier, but hey, take the bad with the good....

I'm with Gooch on the line theory.... if all you do is keep the status quo, that's all you'll get. If you want more, you've gotta strive for it.

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.
"Miracles and lucky charms made the girl of my dreams the girl in my arms." - Dr. Frank
Noellevious.... she's made me so proud. Viddy well, little brother... err, sister.
Psycho Bitch
posted on 11-19-2001 @ 4:19 PM      
Registered: Jul. 01

Bah no one cares especially me anyway, just another day which i will work, don't forget to post in Slash's 'official' birthday thread

I would like to go on record as saying that I was the first one to mention your birthday in said thread so if you ever say no one cares about you again I WILL kick your ass, and I don't give a damn how much bigger than me you are, I will just borrow a pair of shoes that will make me 3" taller!

Now with that said, I'm not ecxactly where I thought I would be but I'm not far off. As soon as I find a new job I'll work on the rest. I've managed to support myself independently with no problem and found a decent career path making good money without the advantage of a college degree. Now I just need to find a place where I can expand on those skills. Hopefully the economy will pick up really soon and thos of us that are unemployed can get back to work and our goals.

Ang Gooch...that is a very good way to look at it. You are dead on with the "comfort zone" comment. Radical change scares people for the most part but is a necessary tool for life.

I Love The Sean Cold ;)
You say you don't know what you're doing here...Does that mean you might disappear ...How would I know ...You might feel that there's something real...In the next hello.... How would I know...If you don't tell me so...if you wanted to go ...How would I know .
[ÝAIMÝ ] [ÝE-MailÝ]

posted on 11-19-2001 @ 4:33 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70

I would like to go on record as saying that I was the first one to mention your birthday in said thread so if you ever say no one cares about you again I WILL kick your ass

Sorry I didn't know you cared, you sure know how not to show it.

I'm Deep Inside Your Children.
They Will Betray You In MY Name.

She-Mail Me Here

posted on 11-19-2001 @ 4:43 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
10 years ago, when i was 9, i thought i would rule the world. At 19, me and my Tokugawa Ninja Clan are close to achieving that goal.

Tremble with fear foolish mortals, my time is near.


Vengence be thy name. Death be thy Chore. Move swiftly, Move silently and cede thy Wrath.

I've Got A Vagina With Teeth.
Dragoon Battalion
My friends call me Weed
posted on 11-19-2001 @ 4:45 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Being almost 30 [shamelessplug](I turn on 2/23 for all of those concerned)[/shamelessplug], I can honestly say that aside from being married, I'm not really where I thought I would be at this age. When I was younger I always wanted to play football or baseball - but my knees being bad prevented that career move for me before I got into High School. Then I shifted my sights onto Computers, but a quickly-shrinking market while I was in college didn't seem too desireable, so I shifted yet again to business, ending up in accounting (while keeping computers as more of a hobby - one I'm damn good at). Add my dad passing on unexpectedly when I was 19 to the mix, and the plan I had for my life when I was younger never came to be.

The big question is - Am I happy? For the most part, I'm content. I make a decent salary for "monkey work" (at my Firm, anyway), and I'm married to a wopnderful woman who would bend over backwards for me (and has on several occassions), and despite my family having a few fuckups in the bunch, I'm tight with my mom and my bro - the ones who matter most. My career could be more exciting, and I have been thinking of getting back into computers - some IT programming or hardware troubleshooting position - but for now its ok. I know having to deal with alcohol and drug addiction in my family (the fuckups)and my dad passing (diabetes), I had to grow up a hell of a lot faster than I thought I would, but thats made me a better person I think.

All in all, life is ok - I think it could be a little better, but thats up to me to make the change - and I'm currently working on that as we speak.

..Land of the free...home of the brave...

You can reach me through AIM or email. Don't be shy, drop a line and say Hi!

posted on 11-19-2001 @ 4:47 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
wait a minute, i was suppose to have goals... its not live minute to minute? uh oh i am in trouble.... although this sounded like the "mid-life crisis" thread in the beginning of this thread...

Psycho Bitch
posted on 11-19-2001 @ 4:57 PM      
Registered: Jul. 01

Sorry I didn't know you cared, you sure know how not to show it.

Yeah 'cause we all know how well it works out when I do ;) lmao

I Love The Sean Cold ;)
You say you don't know what you're doing here...Does that mean you might disappear ...How would I know ...You might feel that there's something real...In the next hello.... How would I know...If you don't tell me so...if you wanted to go ...How would I know .
[ÝAIMÝ ] [ÝE-MailÝ]

posted on 11-19-2001 @ 5:15 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Just as 'goatweed said, I'm content. For my first two years of college, all I really focused on was drinking, partying, girls, etc. Didn't take things too seriously so long as I could skate by in classes. Then a few things made me wake up and realize I need to take more responsibility for my actions. So now, after having graduated and recently marking my two year markin in the USAF, things are going fairly well. Of course more money would be nice, but I didn't join to be rich-just to do something I know I can be proud of at the end of the day.

As for the future, who knows....

That's right, that's what I said....
i know better than to ask for a status from you mean ol' mods
Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag
I shall call him mini-FTL
posted on 11-19-2001 @ 5:20 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
well now that i'm in college, i'm studying for what i've been looking to do for a while, which is to end up in law school and become a lawyer. its pretty much what i've wanted to do for a very long time, and as of now that hasn't changed.

but i'm still young, you never know.

The more things change the more they stay the same.
The more they stay the same, the more I go insane.
King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 11-19-2001 @ 5:42 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01
Nope, I was supposed to have my company launched a year ago, then the economy stepped in.

I believe in the Faith... that can save me.
I believe in the hope and I pray...
That someday it may raise me... above these badlands
posted on 11-19-2001 @ 6:00 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Froy, ten years ago you were wearing pull-ups....

She tastes like a gyro.

I loathe the Froy.

Sloats Burgh Buddy .
crx girl
Newbie! vg Y's me
ugo girl
Limey Mothercocker
posted on 11-19-2001 @ 6:09 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
pretty much, yeah.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. --Victor Hugo
regardless of my status, i am a nice person. no really, i am, i swear;) crack hitler belongs to me :)
need me? try: [email protected]
Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 11-20-2001 @ 1:52 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00

Tuesday November 20- CBS: JAG, Guardian, Amy...NBC: 8-9- J-LO Concert, Frasier, Scrubs...FOX: 70s Show, Undeclared, 24...ABC: Dharma, Spin City, NYPD Blue...UPN: Buffy, Roswell...WB: Gilmore, Smallvile
posted on 11-20-2001 @ 3:04 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Nope. But not in a bad way.

I didn't think I'd be unmarried and unemployed at 26.

But I also didn't think that I'd have made enough money in four years of work for it not matter whether I had a job or not for the next four years.

Best sports writer ever

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