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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Sopranos predictions and eventual wrap-up:)

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Sopranos predictions and eventual wrap-up:)
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posted on 05-18-2001 @ 10:50 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
decided to start a prediction/chat/aftershow wrap-up so we dont have 15 of them on sunday. so whos going to get snuffed on sunday??? well I'm torn myself. im 50/50 on either christopher or jackie jr. getting killed on sunday. the vote for jackie jr is obvious after last week. christopher has been very uppity lately though. mouthing off to pauly and tony doesnt get you any points in the family. plus there was the crow that was hanging around on the windowsill when he was being "made", thats never a good thing. but i just dont know which one i like to get whacked more. maybe ill make my mind up by sunday. so what do you guys think? whos going to get it?

Christ, you know it ain't easy,
you know how hard it can be
the way things are going
they're gonna crucify me-john lennon

posted on 05-18-2001 @ 11:00 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
maybe it's Paulie, i figure since he hasn't shown since the Pine Barrens episode (was that 1 week or 2 weeks ago?) that maybe they wanted to keep him low-key till his big finish...

but you're probably right. seeing how most of this season's plotlines are all spread out, maybe they've been planning this for Christopher for awhile. there was that rumor that circulated in the news, too, but there's been a rumor for just about everybody...

We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold... HST

This message was edited by danked on 5-18-01 @ 11:04 PM
Francine Banger
posted on 05-18-2001 @ 11:06 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00

maybe it's Paulie, i figure since he hasn't shown since the Pine Barrens episode (was that 1 week or 2 weeks ago?)

IT was 2 weeks ago. Not last weeks episode, but the one before that.

Ill put my money on Christopher, but I wouldnt be surprised if its somebody that nobody is thinking about, just for shock value.

My dark horse is Carmela.

I dont think it will be Jackie Jr, thats too obvious.

This message was edited by Francine Banger on 5-18-01 @ 11:08 PM
Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 05-18-2001 @ 11:17 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
I'm going to say something really out there. I don't think that either no one will get whacked or if someone important gets whacked we won't know who it us until the fourth season premier.

If someone were to get whacked I would put my money on Pauly with Christopher hanging on for life. Anyone want to form a list of left out plotlines? I have a small list I created a couple weeks back:

  • Tony's mistress
  • Guilt over Livia's death (not used as much as I t hought or hoped)
  • Noah (sex/dumping)
  • the new york boss
  • Junior's cancer
  • Guilt over Pussy
  • A lot about Ralphie
  • Anthony Jr's punishment
  • Anthony Jr's panic attacks
  • The Rape
  • FBI situation/The lamp
  • Christopher becoming a made man (important for two episodes, then dropped)
  • Meadow's Psycho Roommate
  • Ecstasy (Meadow on, Jackie selling)

Eliza Dushku- Hotter Than Britney
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posted on 05-18-2001 @ 11:21 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
I think Chris will run into jackie Jr. and whack him then Chris will have to be whacked for disobeying Tony's orders or something like that.

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posted on 05-18-2001 @ 11:31 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01
This might be overdoing it, but it could end up being Jackie Jr., Christopher, and Paulie. Hey, "Oz" has about 5 or 6 people get killed in every episode, so who knows, maybe The Sopranos will start catching up to them.

Skeet Slambone
posted on 05-19-2001 @ 12:06 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
I've got a feeling an attempt is going to be made on Tony. There are a few people with reason enough to do so. Soprano's isn't really the cliffhanger type of show, but we could be left with a "who shot tony" "will tony make it" type of thing.

posted on 05-19-2001 @ 1:38 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
I thin the whacking situation will come down to this. Ralphie will give Jackie a second chance christopher and or furio will be pissed and whack jackie. Ralphie will get revenge and take one of them out. Thats that plot line.

On the other side one of the people dieing may be uncle Jr from his cancer. As far as the story lines go I think alot of people get confused they have these senerios as kind of like Ironic twists.

Lets take the rape for instance. they dont show it anymore because they made their point already.
The point was Dr. Melfi was raped and the police let the guy go. Her being an upstanding citizen in her view she felt betrayed by the police. Having knowing what Tony does and his feelings for her she was satisfied and content with the fact that at any moment she could have had that guy whacked. and it never traced back to her. she knew all she had to do was say something.

Same thing with the black guy Medow was dating an Ironic twist. Tony judging the guy soley on skin tone and not that of a human. When the black kids father meets Medow he probably tells him to break it off. He listens. When Medow is told she does the opposite and bangs the guy. Its all just Ironc twists to show you how different things are when you judge. Like in the very first season when Jackie had the cancer Tonys words are why a good guy like Jackie why him. Yeah he is a good guy thats a killer and a theif only on a higher level. A glamourous thug.

Thats my take.

Heres a decent site with some good predictions.
also they have soe off teh funniest lines of the Sapranos.Visit this Website

This message was edited by knock411 on 5-19-01 @ 2:06 PM
posted on 05-19-2001 @ 4:56 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
I have this eerie feeling that the guy who takes care of Uncle Jr does some killing in the episode. I'm not sure if he kills the Main characters or a secondary character, I just think that he will kill. And with this I will predict that he kills Uncle Jr. He is suffering from the Big Casino and Tony doesn't want to see this. Thus then the fat guy gets orders to kill him.

"Now the seasons over, and I feel it gettin' cold. I wish I could take you to some sandy beach road, we'ed never grow old. Ah but baby you know thats just jive, but tonight's bustin' open and.... I'm alive!"~Bruce Springsteen (Thunder Road Est. 1973)

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Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 05-19-2001 @ 5:16 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
How about the black cop who pulled over Tony?

I was listening to all the theories of who will die and no one's mentioned Silvio. I know he didn't have that big a role this season but it's possible..

Eliza Dushku- Hotter Than Britney
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Brother Joe's Schindler's List on Napster and Limewire as Brother Joe- Schindler's List
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I shall call him mini-FTL
posted on 05-19-2001 @ 5:28 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I just want to state for the record right now that i will have to tape the sopranos since i have plans sunday night - if i come to OT and see any threads titled "insert person here Gets whacked" or any other spoilers for titles i will personally hunt down and murder that individual.

as for predictions, i think that jackie jr. is gonna get whacked, richie already started to prime his mother for the death of her child. i think that the russian dude from the woods is gonna come back and kill furio or someone like that, and then paulie will get blamed for it and get whacked too - its out there but thats what i think.

Props to PanterA for the sig

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posted on 05-19-2001 @ 10:32 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Skeet, I agree with you...I think someone's gonna try to whack Tony at the end, like in a car bomb or something, Then we'll be left hanging til next year to see if he's alive

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posted on 05-19-2001 @ 10:38 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Anthony Jr dies. Jackie lives and battles Tony next season to defend his fathers name. Meadow is pregnant with either Jackie Jr's kid or Noel's. Pauly gets wacked early next season, Christopher teams up with Jackie.

You heard it here first.

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It at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do suck seed. - Curly Howard.
Skeet Slambone
posted on 05-19-2001 @ 10:48 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Spitfire, I kinda think we may be seeing that. Unfortunately I'm not sure if I would be very excited about it. I've always hated cliffhangers.

Claim staked by FTL.
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 8:37 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Figured I would bring this to the top since its a HALF AN HOUR AWAY!!!! Happy Viewing everyone ;)

Adopted cuties: Two slots me now

posted on 05-20-2001 @ 10:07 PM      
Registered: Sep. 00
What an awesome episode. I love Jackie Jr's sister pissing off Meadow in the kitchen, and the cousin asking if Jackie was dealing while they were dating. :)

This message was edited by RandomNY on 5-20-01 @ 10:11 PM
Claim staked by FTL.
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 10:09 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
WTF...was anyone else disappointed???

What a voice in Junior though, he sounded amazing

Adopted cuties: Two slots me now

Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 10:11 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
I thought it was OK, not exactly the best episode but good but not great.

We didn't need to see a trailer for Spielberg's latest (however I have to admit that A.I. might be excellent, I just hope people realize that it's really STANLEY KUBRICK'S baby, not the overrated Steven's)

The funniest scene of the entire episode was Bacala and Junior at the funeral and then running away. I didn't expect Jackie Jr. to die because that would be too predictable but that's why you didn't really think it .

Ralphie is pissing off Silvio and Pauly and others but with Tony siding with him he's also pissing off Pauly for next season (he rejected a drink with the boss). Did anyone think of Walken when they saw the Major from HMI and I liked how Tony questioned the Army of One slogan. As for Jackie's sister, I think some problem's going to start between her and Meadow but she is kind of hot.

Oh well, off to X-Files finale

Eliza Dushku- Hotter Than Britney
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This message was edited by IkeaBoy on 5-20-01 @ 10:22 PM
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 10:12 PM      
Registered: Sep. 00
I liked it I didn;t expect much more than that. I expected Jackied to get whacked. They should have done a 2 hour season final though to tie up soem more loose ends since the next season is going to take another year before it starts.

posted on 05-20-2001 @ 10:15 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
this whole season was a let down,, was that opera song supposed to piece together all the un finished storylines or something

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posted on 05-20-2001 @ 10:15 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Wasn't that bad. Do you think Jackies friend set him up? He got him a place in the bad part of town, which made it look like it his murder had something to do with drugs. I like the way they are setting Tony up to be taken out next season. Who would the new boss be?

Get your mouse off my sig pic!!
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 10:15 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00

No rape conclusion, no reprecussions for paulie, nothing happenes to Christopher. This episode just sucked.

"Murder one inborn into your every cell
It's in your blood and you can't shake it
Because you were bred to take it
Next stop annihilation
They bred the hate right in your bones"
-The Misfits

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Skeet Slambone
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 10:16 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
I'm not impressed one fucking bit by that episode. As usual half the shit we see in the "previously on" had nothing to do with the episode. I don't know what the fucking problem is this season, but it kinda sucked.

Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 10:20 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
I don't know WBK but I thought the music thing at the end lasted a bit too long. I did think Meadow was going to be hit by a car thus endeth the episode though.

Eliza Dushku- Hotter Than Britney
Read my column at Foundry

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Brother Joe's Schindler's List on Napster and Limewire as Brother Joe- Schindler's List
Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 10:20 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
I don't know WBK but I thought the music thing at the end lasted a bit too long. I did think Meadow was going to be hit by a car thus endeth the episode though.

Eliza Dushku- Hotter Than Britney
Read my column at Foundry

Or go to my O&A sound site

Brother Joe's Schindler's List on Napster and Limewire as Brother Joe- Schindler's List

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