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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - a summary of the lost day...

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: a summary of the lost day...
...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 05-23-2001 @ 11:49 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
ok yesterday seems to be gone so lets sum up what we saw here...

Kid posted what can best be considered an ass-kissing post to FMjeff in order to try and angle to become a mod. myself, slash and others called him out on it, he accused us of defiling a thread dedicated to jeff and asked how froy would like it, i responded with, thats the kind of attitude that will keep you on the outside looking in.

L-train posted what could best be described as another piece of shit post that hes become known for. something about blockbuster and kiddie porn i believe.

grumpy came out of hiding and started to lay into kid again. the sexual tension between them is getting more and more intense by the day.:)

gs had a story about him, i mean some unamed mod and a dog. truly another of gonzo's classic.

we had yet another, i hate the casino banners thread...go figure.

and the south park forums are still deader than snot.

fez is still a dick, kid is still bitching and moaning about laughriot, vg made a guest appearance, not that anyone will ever know now, gooch was eating his dog with some mustard and relish i believe, people are adding little symbols to their sigs again like the old days, fez is still a dick, opak is still awol, ice is back in hiding, and the board is just buzzing along like always :)

hope that all helped you, lets hope things are just as exciting today

ps fez is still a dick:)

Christ, you know it ain't easy,
you know how hard it can be
the way things are going
they're gonna crucify me-john lennon

posted on 05-23-2001 @ 11:53 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 00

gooch was eating his dog with some mustard and

Shhhhhh Face, I though that was confidential mashroom information...

Why fucking bother

"Think before you write" - Froy

E-Mail Me

SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 05-23-2001 @ 11:56 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00

grumpy came out of hiding and started to lay into kid again. the sexual tension between them is getting more and more intense by the day.

LMMFAO - This just doesn't not sound right. Are you insinuating that Kid and I are having "relations" cuz if you are Corpse is gonna be jealous. Kid's his new play toy. Not mine.

"How much fooohhh da littil gihhhrrrlls? I take dem bot. How much?
posted on 05-23-2001 @ 11:56 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
what about when Matt and Vin sold the deed to the board to me?

Kinda gets you by the boo-boo, don't it?
posted on 05-23-2001 @ 11:57 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00

ice is back in hiding

Does that mean that the Armageddon has been delayed another 3 months? Sweet...

"Murder one inborn into your every cell
It's in your blood and you can't shake it
Because you were bred to take it
Next stop annihilation
They bred the hate right in your bones"
-The Misfits

Have any anime questions? Send me a E-mail or IM me at AIM:Hitokiri182
I have adopted jerichoholic1 and Daisy NJ as my newbies. Dont ask me how I adopted her, the Gods must be smiling upon me. :)
posted on 05-23-2001 @ 11:58 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
danked, then you better quite smoking and start savng---you got LOTS of server bills to pay :)

If you don't like my fire, then don't come around, cause I'm gonna burn one down, I'm gonna burn on down
My new demented chick in training is psychokerri, all problems should be addressed to [email protected] :)

Head Slap... Swim Move...
posted on 05-23-2001 @ 12:00 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
Joey, the name was Joey!

Chef Corpse Boyardee brought the food!

Rumor has it that I stole today. Come back tomorrow.

...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 05-23-2001 @ 12:00 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00

Shhhhhh Face, I though that was confidential mashroom information...

come on corpse, like its a big secret that gooch eats alot;););)(but i luv him! comics way out)

Christ, you know it ain't easy,
you know how hard it can be
the way things are going
they're gonna crucify me-john lennon

posted on 05-23-2001 @ 12:00 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
well, i'm gonna have to start charging per post, kids... start a penny jar!

Kinda gets you by the boo-boo, don't it?
posted on 05-23-2001 @ 12:01 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
... And the little blue dolphins have been replaced on everyone's Sig Pics.

(Or did that happen on Monday and I lost 2 days?)

"I use you for good board
I'm not your friend"

Guided by Dryblood.
Kid Afrika
posted on 05-23-2001 @ 12:01 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70

Kid's his new play toy

Hell Fucking NO!!! I'm no one's play toy. And I'm not having "relations" with Grumpy the angry big-nosed dwarf. These accusations are completely farsical(sp?).

What the FUCK are you looking at?

Now all I gotta say to you
Wannabe, gonnabe, pussy-eatin' cocksuckin' prankstas
When the shit jumps off what the fuck you gonna do
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta

Download Your Own "No Clowns" Logo Here

posted on 05-23-2001 @ 12:01 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 00

Are you insinuating that Kid and I are having "relations"

Why insinuate? You are in hiding for so long, then you pop out and attack sexual chocolate...we knew you liked the dark meat, but not the big guys too...don't you have some work to do anyway??

Why fucking bother

"Think before you write" - Froy

E-Mail Me

posted on 05-23-2001 @ 12:08 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Does every fucking thread lately have to turn into a geeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy sausage party?????

If you don't like my fire, then don't come around, cause I'm gonna burn one down, I'm gonna burn on down
My new demented chick in training is psychokerri, all problems should be addressed to [email protected] :)
posted on 05-23-2001 @ 12:15 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
[whisper]Face I thought we agreed that I get 2 mentions in your post.[/whisper]

I'm your quiet neighbor.

...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 05-23-2001 @ 12:16 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00

Does every fucking thread lately have to turn into a geeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy sausage party?????

you have no idea how this board works do you spit? do you even pay attention;);)

another p.s. laughriot is still pissing people off with each and every post. happy now???

Christ, you know it ain't easy,
you know how hard it can be
the way things are going
they're gonna crucify me-john lennon

Mullet Master Yo Gooch, Moron here... how's that for some fucked up shit... Fez is giving you status... Karma sucks, huh?
posted on 05-23-2001 @ 12:17 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00 cruisin for a bruisin again???? (belch!)

That's as bad as me telling you that there is a spill in aisle 5. =)

posted on 05-23-2001 @ 12:19 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Facey, maybe I need to be adopted again ;)

I just would like some more sexual tension of the hetero kind to balance things out :)..we don't need a gey bang we???

If you don't like my fire, then don't come around, cause I'm gonna burn one down, I'm gonna burn on down
My new demented chick in training is psychokerri, all problems should be addressed to [email protected] :)
posted on 05-23-2001 @ 12:20 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 00

That's as bad as me telling you that there is a spill in aisle 5

Or we could just call you to lick it up...

Why fucking bother

"Think before you write" - Froy

E-Mail Me

Mullet Master Yo Gooch, Moron here... how's that for some fucked up shit... Fez is giving you status... Karma sucks, huh?
posted on 05-23-2001 @ 12:23 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
ok that's it...

King f-tard
posted on 05-23-2001 @ 1:40 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
Back from the dead, and to think some of us were worried.

Official driver of the Tart Cart (Extra helmets are in the back)
I thought we were all just having fun...
i know better than to ask for a status from you mean ol' mods
Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag
I shall call him mini-FTL
posted on 05-23-2001 @ 1:45 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Gooch is posting sigs again...i guess all is right with the world :) lol

Props to PanterA for the sig

"Never Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Groups"

My adopted mini-critics are Stefanie and BarbieDiesDos
posted on 05-23-2001 @ 1:50 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Don't forget that we found out that Dan has a small wee-wee....acording to Dream, that is.

Sean Cold 3:16
posted on 05-23-2001 @ 1:55 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Fuck man! i got really fuckin scared there for a second!

I thought I typed the wrong URL and that would not have been that good!

Without a post for a whole day, I thought i was on fuckin Candyland!

And Thats The Bottom Line.....

E-Mail Me

My basic disk will make you take a razor into your wrist
Make you satanistic
Make you take the pistol to your face
And place the clip and cock it back
And let it go untill your brains
are rippin' out your skull so bad
And sew you back and be a waste of stitches

Please do me a favor if I ask and fuckin' kill yourself!

and i am apologizing now for the spelling errors, its 34 am and im drunk, so no time for spell check! Gotcha, SLASH i'll mmmm momo all i want! and you cant stop me!
posted on 05-23-2001 @ 2:09 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

vg made a guest appearance, not that anyone will ever know now

Gah damn..of course on the day i make a valid all gets deleted...BAH! thats all i have to say about that :(
thats convinced this is all Asshole's fault..he stole yesterday...damn you Asshole!

i think you're the least fucked up
person i've ever met
and that may be as close to the real thing
as i'm ever gonna get
but my quarter's gonna run out now
or so i'm told
i guess i'd better go sit down
and wait for you
till my coffee gets cold...

This message was edited by virgingrrl on 5-23-01 @ 2:15 PM
posted on 05-23-2001 @ 2:16 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
OMG a Dillon reference?? When was that last time we had one of those? The past two days have really been momentous.
:sniff: :sniff:

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