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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - STRANGE fears...

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: STRANGE fears...
posted on 06-25-2001 @ 10:56 AM      
Registered: Jun. 01
We're all afraid of something, whether it be heights or spiders or snakes or whatever. But, I have some fears that are, well, a little strange.
1)Escalators...I'm terrified of getting sucked in. I know the odds are more than a milion to one, but I still hold the railing till my knuckles turn white.
2) Masks: Haloween is a tough time for me, I am TERRIFIED of masks. My best friend has this crazy monkey mask. He put it on last night, I screamed like a little girl and burst into tears!
3) Strangulation: I can't have anyone put their hands even remotley close to my neck, I freak out.
4) Clowns...I know a lot of people get freaked out by clowns, but I was kidnapped by one at an amusement park when I was little, and now, I can't even look at them.

It's all very much like Opie with the vaccum cleaners...

So, am I alone with these fears? Anyone else afraid of these things or others?

I've been adopted by spitfire!!!

This message was edited by Brittney on 6-25-01 @ 11:24 AM
posted on 06-25-2001 @ 11:10 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01

Escalators...I'm terrified of getting sucked in. I know the odds are more than a milion to one, but I still hold the railing till my knuckles turn white.

That kids back on the escalator again!

I too have some strange fears, but they're more emotional then physical like yours.

Ahlexus is the newest castaway on Gilligan's Island. If she pisses in your wheaties, let me know.
posted on 06-25-2001 @ 11:12 AM      
Registered: May. 01
My fear WAS that O and A would not be resigned and I would have to go through this summer driving in silence.

But now I am fearless. HA HA


.......Proud graduate of the Spitfire421 school of altered reality.......

This message was edited by SpiritOfDirt on 6-25-01 @ 11:15 AM
kevin from ct
posted on 06-25-2001 @ 11:14 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Talk about weird, I was JUST about to ask you if I could put
on a scary clown mask and see if I could choke you on an

Life...its is just so ironic sometime

Kid Afrika
posted on 06-25-2001 @ 11:14 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
I'm not afraid of a little "STRANGE", in fact I am constantly in search of it. :)

"What's with the Mission Impossible III shit, Milo?
You're a geek!"

posted on 06-25-2001 @ 11:17 AM      
Registered: Jun. 01
Maynard, that's my answer when people ask me why I'm afraid of escalators..."didn't you see Mallrats?"

I've been adopted by spitfire!!!
posted on 06-25-2001 @ 11:19 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
I can honestly say I have no fears. I take everything in stride. I suppose that makes me strange, but there is no argument there.

o&aswallow Recognized His Destiny Early.
Too Many Hotties, Not Enough Horny Goat Weed

Now accepting foster children applications. Cash only, no checks.
Email at [email protected]

Pia has occupied one of the foster bedrooms as of 6/22/01. If she is naughty, I'll do the spanking.

TwatGunk has been released from foster custody and has been thrown to wolves like the rest of us.

It at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do suck seed. - Curly Howard.

Pennsylvania resident, but original NYC listener.

This message was edited by o&aswallow on 6-25-01 @ 11:37 AM
posted on 06-25-2001 @ 11:22 AM      
Registered: May. 01
share your fears on this board, are you crazy? ;)

spiders, don't know why, but i hate them.

Proud to be C-blocked since day 1!
Thanks to Jo for this sig pic and miss anonymous for the use of the ass!

This message was edited by wage on 6-25-01 @ 11:38 AM
King f-tard
posted on 06-25-2001 @ 11:37 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
Heights usually get me, even if I know that I am safe, and there is no way I can fall or get hurt, I still get the fear inside me.

Let the purge begin. Chicago, HELLO
Alcohol. The cause of and solution to all of life's problems
posted on 06-25-2001 @ 11:44 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
I'm not really afraid of heights, I want to go skydiving one day and I love rollercoasters, but I'm afraid to stand at the top of a ladder, I get all dizzy...also when I look out the window if I'm in a high building..weird

Honestly, though, really normal people frighten me...the ones with no major problems in their life, nothing bad has ever happened to them, they're almost perfect people with very miniscule flaws...That's who I'm scared of the most LOL

We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of uppers, downers, laughers, screamers... Also, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls... The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge, and I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon.

I've accepted AmishBabeinPa and Brittney into the School of Altered Reality...any problems, E-Mail Me
posted on 06-25-2001 @ 11:50 AM      
Registered: May. 01
Spit, don't be scared of me. I'm harmless.

Besides you made me this way. LOL


.......Proud graduate of the Spitfire421 school of altered reality.......
posted on 06-25-2001 @ 11:57 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

) Clowns...I know a lot of people get freaked out by clowns, but I was kidnapped by one at an amusement park when I was little,
and now, I can't even look at them.

Ok, I really don't want to bring up any bad memories but you really sparked my interest. Story time...

SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 06-25-2001 @ 12:04 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00
I'm terrified of Fez's mom. Now there is one scary women. . . . . LOL

All kidding aside, Maxim magazine this month has a great article on HOW TO OVERCOME YOUR FEARS. Well worth reading.

What? Yes! I read Maxim for the articles. Also Playboy and Stuff......;)

Newest member of Grumpy's Adopted Midgets: ShavinBush
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Alcohol! The ultimate excuse!

posted on 06-25-2001 @ 12:10 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
The story is very simple: I was very young,probably about 5, and visiting my grandmother in Syracuse. We went to an amusement park/boardwalk kind of thing...I was there with my brother, mom, and grandmother. There was this clown following us all day. Finally, we stopped to get ice cream. My mom sat on a bench outside the ice cream shop and my grandmother and brother went inside. I went in to tell my grandma what kind of ice cream I wanted and the next thing I remember is the clown bringing me back to a very frantic mother. As I've been told, I was missing for about 45 minutes, but I really have no recolection of the goings-on of that time.

I've been adopted by spitfire!!!
The Mrs.
posted on 06-25-2001 @ 12:19 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
Well thank god i'm not the only one afraid of clowns. I also have a fear of midgets. And god forbid if i was to see a midget clown i would probably pass out on the spot. Strange but true.

Filzy's significant other and graduate.
Doc Smith
I Love Anthony Zinni
posted on 06-25-2001 @ 12:21 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
I am scared of carnies
You know, circus folk
Small hands...smell like cabbage

OK, I'm sorry that was just too easy

Seriously though, if there was one thing I fear, it is that I will die and not have accomplished anything. I am afraid of wasting my life (which makes that fact that I post on a message board quite an interesting quandry, no)
I fear lying on my deathbed as an old man and having regrets over how I wasted my time here

So that's why I try to live each day with no I guess fears can be good things, this fear keeps me from getting complacent with my life

From cowardice that dares not know the truth,
From laziness that is content with half-truth,
From arrogance that thinks it knows the whole truth,
Deliver me
posted on 06-25-2001 @ 12:33 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
The Mrs...I had a dream the other night, that I was driving down the street by my house, and there was a shitload of police activity...gunfire, the whole 9. So, I went to turn my car around in a parking lot, and it turns out that midgets and "freaks" were waging war against the cops. It was all VERY weird!

I've been adopted by spitfire!!!
Claim staked by FTL.
posted on 06-25-2001 @ 12:37 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

I am scared of carnies
You know, circus folk
Small hands...smell like cabbage

Damn you Doc I was going to write that

But as for my fears, i am not scared of heights i used to make my parents stuff my shoes when i was 4 so I could go on roller coasters.

My biggest fear is sleeping in front of a big window, or big sliding glass door. I dont know why but I freak out, just think there could be someone watching me or if a person wanted to they could have a clear shot at me to kill me. Had to sleep in my living room once and the couch faces a big bay window, and i had to cover it with a comforter so I wouldnt be so scared.

ok you can all laugh at me now

CIT (Cuties in Training): none, have room for 2 email me if you want to be a Cutie

Yahman - Certified Cutie as of 6/19/01

Xtreme Skiing Assualt Force
Split Personality #1
posted on 06-25-2001 @ 12:42 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Doc, the thought provoking member of the board! I am afraid of heights I guess...unless I am at the ski area or have my ski/snowboard boots on...something about it makes me feel safe. Other than that, the only thing I fear is not dying the way I want to go.

AIM: SkiT4you
The Mrs.
posted on 06-25-2001 @ 12:44 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
Ummm ok that is kind of weird. That would be more like a nightmare for me. What the hell did you have before ya went to bed?...:)

Filzy's significant other and graduate.
SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 06-25-2001 @ 12:45 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00

god forbid if i was to see a midget clown i would probably pass out on the spot

Nope......not gonna touch this one. Uh uhhhh. Not gonna go there.....

Personally, I used to fear lightening. I think it has something to do with seeing it strike within 30 feet of me 6 times over a few years when I was a kid. I'm over it now. The best way to overcome your fears is to face it head on. I did the unthinkable. I moved to Florida, the lightening capital of the U.S. Now I stand outside in lightening storms defying them. Kinda like Chevy Chase in CaddyShack.

Newest member of Grumpy's Adopted Midgets: ShavinBush
Any inappropriate behaviour should be reported to me.
If you're having problems with your sig pic site host, feel free to go here: Visit this Website
Alcohol! The ultimate excuse!

posted on 06-25-2001 @ 12:58 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
I don't know...I might have been drunk...

I've been adopted by spitfire!!!

Head Slap... Swim Move...
posted on 06-25-2001 @ 12:58 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
I'm afraid of computers.

I also have an irrational fear of being surrounded by lawyers.

posted on 06-25-2001 @ 1:08 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
I am afraid of airplanes crashing on me. I'm not afraid of flying, and I don't think about airplane crashes when I'm in a plane, but if a plane is flying exceptionally low near me - I get a little freaked.

I am also afraid of some dolls. In particular, porcelain dolls that have teeth, and those "real baby" dolls that look like dead babies. I cannot watch any of the Child's Play movies.

Finally, I am very afraid of the little voodoo doll from "Trilogy Of Fear" (anyone who was a child in the 70's should know what I'm talkin' bout). :(

Proud adoptee of Spitfire

Spank you very much,
Amish Babe
Claim staked by FTL.
posted on 06-25-2001 @ 1:09 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

I also have an irrational fear of being surrounded by lawyers.

Yeah I start to cringe whenever I'm near one
weird I get that feeling at every board function I am at...hmmmmm

CIT (Cuties in Training): none, have room for 2 email me if you want to be a Cutie

Yahman - Certified Cutie as of 6/19/01

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