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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - State of the Xbox Vol. 5

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: State of the Xbox Vol. 5
posted on 06-26-2001 @ 3:41 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Here is the Latest news on Xbox I hope you enjoy. Again this was taken from Microsoft Xbox Site

New Page 1

State of the Xbox Vol. 5


When you mention the word "research" to most people, they think of
boring homework (at least I do).  At many companies, research is a
division of people who spend their days on pie-in-the-sky thinking which
may not ever see the light of day.  You might think that
Microsoft Research
and the Xbox team have very little in common, since Xbox is
so focused on the great games that will be part of the Xbox launch on
November 8th.  But what would happen if you took one of the brightest
research minds and unleashed him on the most powerful game console in
the world?  Let's have a look...


Jed Lengyel is a Microsoft researcher who spends his time thinking about
ways to use advanced 3D graphics techniques to make things more
realistic. We're not talking about adding a few polygons to a scene,
either.  When Jed thinks about reality, he attacks the hard problems
like ultra-complex surfaces of grass, leaves, fabric, fur, and fuzz. 
When games try to fake a surface like these with a simple texture,
gamers know it right away.  The game looks flat and artificial, which is
exactly the opposite of what Xbox is all about!  Xbox is about depth and
reality, so Jed had found a perfect place to stretch his wings when he
moved in with the Xbox development team.

Jed found that with Xbox's super-fast 6.4 gigabyte per second system
memory, more RAM than any other console, and the raw horsepower of the
Xbox Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), he was able to turn ideas into
reality.  You can see the effect that richly rendered surfaces have on
the realism in the above bunny.  In fact, you must click the bunny and
see it up close!


"If you're in a racing game and you want to stop and walk toward a tree,
the tree should look as real close up as it did far away," says Jed. 
Gamers couldn't agree more!  In the below sample from the Xbox
Development Kit, you get a feel for what we're talking about.  The trees
in the distance are rendered with simpler texture-based methods, while
the trees up close feature real-time rendering of individual leaves, and
even grass that is modeled such that it blows in the wind and shows

According to Jed, "The graphics performance in the Xbox is so much
better, and there's so much more memory on the Xbox. With the vertex
shaders and the pixel shaders; we can put our code right down there next
to the metal." If you're a graphics buff, you'll want to be sure to read
about the techniques that make available to Xbox game developers at

Microsoft's Research Web site
in more detail. 

But hold on just a second... how exactly did we digress into this
discussion about complex rendered surfaces and advanced graphical
techniques?  I thought we were going to stay focused on games between
now and Xbox launch later this year! While the theory is interesting and
the samples are cool, we all know that if it doesn't have an immediate
impact on games, it doesn't matter to Xbox.


So let's talk games. Because of the tight loop we keep with game
developers, some of these techniques have already found their way into
games. One of the best examples is Activision's

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2X
. They've already got utterly realistic
grass in this amped-up Xbox-only version, using these very same
graphics techniques. Check out a few brand new screenshots from TH2X!


In State of the
Xbox Vol. 2
I said that, "The surfaces of objects will be
rough or smooth like they'd be in reality. Fabric and hair will flow;
grass will blow in the wind..." in Xbox games. Here we are just over a
month later, and we can already see some of that taking shape in a
playable game. Once you've played a game that offers this level of
detail, you'll be hooked instantly and nothing else will compare.


It's always fun to watch talented minds get to run wild with power at
their disposal. That's what Xbox is all about: power to let creative
game designers do what they've always wanted to do. I hope you've
enjoyed this peek into the techniques coming from one such mind, and the
application it gets from the Xbox Development Kit in a real game like
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2X. Check back soon for the next installment of
State of the Xbox. Didn't I mention a giveaway at one
point? Trust me, you won't want to miss this.

Jeff Henshaw

Executive Producer, XDK


Since 8/99 Proud To Be Spreading O&A Like The Virus It Is, And No Vaccine In Sight
posted on 06-26-2001 @ 4:02 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Those pics look sweet. I am definitely going to have to pick up one of these pups.

Resident Board Socialist

Email me here

IM me at stickysituation2 or pinkorag

I have brought the 3 i's of SamH and ass-fucker into the International

It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees-Emiliano Zapata
Just Jon
posted on 06-27-2001 @ 5:32 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
we already have an x-box thread. you could have posted it there.


E-mail: [email protected]
AIM: JonNeedsSN
Adoptee: whodawhatawhata and MamA CaZ
You listen to me! While I will admit to a certain cynicism, the fact is I am a nay-sayer and a hatchet man in the fight against violence! I pride myself in taking a punch and I'll gladly take another because I choose to live my life in the company of Gandhi and King! My concerns are global. I reject absolutely revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a love. I love you, Sheriff Truman.
posted on 06-28-2001 @ 8:57 AM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Yeah and we have about 20 PS2 threads, Crazy Taxi, Half life about 500 SU threads asking were I can get it or thanking Chuck and everyone for the thread, We have at least 1 Sopranos thread for every episode, we have about 20 different threads about a board party or event,.........

I think you get the point so why don't you control those then get back to me. Besides new topic on Xbox new thread on Xbox just like any other subject matter on this board. I know you are an Xbox and Microsoft Hater so do me a favor if you can not add something with substance to a thread on that subject matter whether it be critical or not then please don't post. But I guess that's how you got up to 4654 posts as of 9:00 am 6/27/01.

Since 8/99 Proud To Be Spreading O&A Like The Virus It Is, And No Vaccine In Sight
posted on 06-28-2001 @ 5:12 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Holy Shit now you two are gonna argue over another X-Box Smex,chill out dude.It looks like you cant take critcism very well.It's a message board dude relax.You really could have just added this to the other thread.Oh and BTW the screen shots look great.I know i have been hard on MS and the X-Box but i'm starting to come around.Maybe one day Jon will too.LMAO.

posted on 06-28-2001 @ 5:55 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00

I’m glad to see that I have enlightened someone with Xbox and the potential it has to make gaming so much better that’s all I ever wanted to do when I posted anything related to the Product. I never posted anything to bash PS2 or Gamecube. These are all good products onto there own I just wanted to let everyone know that there is something else coming out soon that I think you will be impressed with just as (Edit Grammar)I was when I DEMOED the Xbox

Listen you have a valid point about it being a message board and all and it's not that I can't take criticism or anything but it's just that every time I post anything related to Xbox or MS JustJon just has to chime in with BS and has nothing to add to the thread or subsequent t posts. Now I don't know the guy or anything but it looks like he has a beef with MS or something, he must be a UNIX or Mac guy I have no problem with that you don’t see me bashing anyone or any OS or product here. All I ask is, and I feel that this goes for the entire board and not just "my threads", that if you have something to add to a thread go ahead and do it, just don't do it for the sake of being a "Psychopath" or "Board regular" there is to many emphasize on quantity and not quality. It's not that I can't take criticism or a "negative" post as long as you can say something with "meat" and not just “you suck” or “Xbox blows” etc...

Could it have gone in the Same thread???? Debatable. was it Xbox related? Yes, but it was a different topic on Xbox so I felt that it should go in a different Thread. If you think I'm wrong ok I can accept that even though I feel that I truly do “Think before I write” and felt it was no big deal. BUT there are plenty of threads that should not have been started in this forum alone that no one else seems to say a peep to. So if you want to single me out go ahead but please don't ask me to "chill out" because I am chill it's those who feel they have to single a particular board member out on a number of occasions that I just don't like. I have not read one message asking people not to post the same “Best PS2 game ever” related topics in any of those 10 Topics.

Please Please Please everyone I’m not Pissed nor do I need to “relax” Yes it’s a message board WE SHOULD ALL act like that. We all have lives here outside of the board and we should not attack nor should we be made to feel like we are being attacked. ( By the way I want world Peace and to feed all the hungry in the World as well ). All I have ever asked in the past and now is that if you want to respond to a thread do so but make sure you can articulate a point. So I hope we can all move on because there is nothing to see here, Hey were is the love in the Room

Peace and Good night need to go start cooking dinner

Since 8/99 Proud To Be Spreading O&A Like The Virus It Is, And No Vaccine In Sight

This message was edited by smex182 on 6-28-01 @ 5:57 PM
I got a staple in my ass and all I got was this status
posted on 06-28-2001 @ 6:43 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
am i the only one who isnt that excited about X-box?

"i hate people that dont get it!"
posted on 06-28-2001 @ 7:35 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Ok Smex,so what's the point?Your last post was the same as reading war and peace.Some people have a problem with MS.That's their right.Your a MS "lover" and thats fine for you.I just wish you would let people post the good with the bad.Not everything about X-Box is perfect.


there is to many emphasize on quantity and not quality

For some people your right on target


Could it have gone in the Same thread???? Debatable. was it Xbox related? Yes, but it was a different topic on Xbox so I felt that it should go in a different Thread

Look i could care less if you post the same topic 100 times.I'm not a Mod.It's not up to me or Jon to tell you what to post and what not too.
My opinion is that the X-Box looks good.I like that you bring new info about it to the board.

posted on 06-28-2001 @ 11:20 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
in terms of power the Xbox and gamecube are pretty much equal(both being more powerful than the ps2). but since Xbox comes from MS i just don't trust it. and mikewow i'm not excited about the Xbox either. can't wait 'til november 5.

adopted by adolecentmasturbator

This message was edited by ass-fucker on 7-1-01 @ 5:11 PM
Xtreme Skiing Assualt Force
Split Personality #1
posted on 07-02-2001 @ 8:37 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Well, I think everyone here must have had a great week last week...I personally can't wait til november 5 and 8...I was officially added to the list of Gamecube AND XBox at the toys r us warehouse and will get mine the day that they arrive in the building prior to being sent to the stores (same way I got my ps2)...the still shots look fantastic, and I really can't wait to start some gaming on these new can't we all just get along???

oh, and its not just a message board

AIM: SkiT4you
First Member of the JWO
posted on 07-02-2001 @ 11:32 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Skitch where is the warehouse(s)? I think I just might do that.

Resident Board Socialist

Email me here

IM me at stickysituation2 or pinkorag

I am currently looking for newbies to bring into the International

It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees-Emiliano Zapata
Xtreme Skiing Assualt Force
Split Personality #1
posted on 07-02-2001 @ 3:38 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
AM, the only way to get on that particular list is to be related to someone who works there...lucky for me, I fall into that is the warehouse located in Mt. Olive New Jersey...

AIM: SkiT4you
First Member of the JWO
posted on 07-02-2001 @ 3:45 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Can I get adopted into your family until Nov. 8th?

Resident Board Socialist

Email me here

IM me at stickysituation2 or pinkorag

I am currently looking for newbies to bring into the International

It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees-Emiliano Zapata
Evil Dead Ash
Good? Bad? Guy with the Gun Brigade
posted on 07-02-2001 @ 7:51 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Hey smex do you think the X-Box will be a sucessfull system?.I am thinking about geting one.I just don't think it will catch on like Sony or Nintendo.I could be wrong.Now i am pro PS2 but I have an open mind about the X-Box.Just want to see what the Cube and X-Box half to offer.Then i'll decide.

Names Ash. Housewares.
posted on 07-02-2001 @ 8:16 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

Hey smex do you think the X-Box will be a sucessfull system?.

Well i can answer this question for ya Smex.Yes he thinks it will be sucessful system.I bet he thinks it will blow out you dont have to be a brain surgeon to figure that out.

posted on 07-02-2001 @ 8:39 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
will the xbox be succesful? i don't know. both the cube and the xbox have more 'power' than the ps2, and both have incredible graphics, but good graphis don't make good games, this is why i think the xbox will fail. the reports from gamer journalists (like have not been so positive for the xbox, in fact some games were described as "not much fun" even though they look real amazing (and they are only a few months from luanch! i hope they delay and release a good produt and not rushed and deliver crap). i think bill gates will try to squeeze as much money out of us a possible andthen abandon the system when he sees that sony and ninteno are controlling the market.

This message was edited by ass-fucker on 7-2-01 @ 8:50 PM
Just Jon
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 1:07 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
I was chillin' at the local EB talking to friend that works there when the manager came out of the back and said they were getting the demo system in August. Guess we'll all get a chance to try it then.


E-mail: [email protected]
AIM: JonNeedsSN
Adoptee: whodawhatawhata and MamA CaZ
You listen to me! While I will admit to a certain cynicism, the fact is I am a nay-sayer and a hatchet man in the fight against violence! I pride myself in taking a punch and I'll gladly take another because I choose to live my life in the company of Gandhi and King! My concerns are global. I reject absolutely revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a love. I love you, Sheriff Truman.
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 9:58 AM      
Registered: Oct. 00


Thanks for responding but let me add something to "my response" :).

I think that in the long run Xbox will do very well. I don't want Xbox to blow PS2 out of the water necessarily and I don’t think it will do so (from a market share perspective), I do think that it will make them sweat more then they are now. I want MS to have the pressure on them to keep on innovating and raising the bar. When it's launched on Nov 8th you will see just as many people lining up for the system as PS2. Go to your local EB and you will see that they are no longer taking reserves for the fist shipment but they will put you on the list for the 2nd 3rd or 4th lists.

Will every single game at launch be winners? Of course not, why, because PS2, Nintendo,...whoever has never been able to accomplish that, ever. Will Xbox have some great games yeah how many don't know I've only demoed one, Halo at that alone is cool with me for launch that and NFL fever 2002 (the screen shots look great).

Everyone producing games for Xbox may not have their games ready for the initial launch but I think that by this time next year Xbox will have some great games for the system and it will be on it's way to earn some respect in the industry. It won't be a NEO GEO type of system, we all forget how everyone attacked the 1st play station and how the Gaming community said the same things they say about the Xbox now.

Remember even though it’s MS look at the big picture MS has over 30 Billion in the bank and it’s adding about another Billion every month. Why is that important you ask? Well it means MS has the money to throw at the Xbox and make it work. If MS isn’t producing the games then MS has the money to through at its partners to produce those games.

But hey what the F do I know anyway I just check the inside of my underwear and it doesn’t say Bill Gates

Happy Gaming

Since 8/99 Proud To Be Spreading O&A Like The Virus It Is, And No Vaccine In Sight
Just Jon
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 2:32 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00

I want MS to have the pressure on them to keep on innovating and raising the bar.

Historically, Microsoft has never done this. They've bought and stole everyone else's technology to put out shoddier products than their competitors, but have huge marketing and legal muscle behind the M$ product.


E-mail: [email protected]
AIM: JonNeedsSN
Adoptee: whodawhatawhata and MamA CaZ
You listen to me! While I will admit to a certain cynicism, the fact is I am a nay-sayer and a hatchet man in the fight against violence! I pride myself in taking a punch and I'll gladly take another because I choose to live my life in the company of Gandhi and King! My concerns are global. I reject absolutely revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a love. I love you, Sheriff Truman.
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 3:27 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Well I guess I can make pointless statements with no specific details as well, so I will conform to how things work on the board.

The big yellow one is big bird.

Since 8/99 Proud To Be Spreading O&A Like The Virus It Is, And No Vaccine In Sight
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 3:58 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
i agree with Just Jon, MS constantly releases crap, and there are very little things we can do about it. i hope i'm wrong, but my instic tells me the xbox is going to suck ass.

posted on 07-03-2001 @ 4:35 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

i agree with Just Jon, MS constantly releases crap

Usually i would agree but if i recall MS did release Age Of Empires 2.Now that game kicked major ass.:)

posted on 07-03-2001 @ 5:40 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Actually M$ didn't develop Age of Empires 2. They just distributed it.

Resident Board Socialist

Email me here

IM me at stickysituation2 or pinkorag

I am currently looking for newbies to bring into the International

It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees-Emiliano Zapata
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 6:22 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Proved wrong yet again

posted on 07-03-2001 @ 9:20 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Close but no cigar

REDMOND, Wash. - May 3, 2001 - Microsoft Corp. today announced that it had reached an agreement to acquire Ensemble Studios Inc., the games developer responsible for the top-selling, award-winning Microsoft® "Age of Empires®" game franchise. Under the terms of the agreement, Ensemble Studios will continue to create titles from its Dallas headquarters as part of Microsoft's growing pool of top-tier development talent.

Microsoft and Ensemble Studios have worked closely during the past six years to develop the internationally popular "Age of Empires" franchise for the PC. To date, the "Age of Empires" series has sold approximately 8.5 million licensed units worldwide and has won five Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences awards, including Strategy Game of the Year three times (1997, 1999 and 2000) and PC Game of the Year (1999).

"We are thrilled to bring Ensemble Studios under the Microsoft banner," said Stuart Moulder, general manager of the Games Division at Microsoft. "The depth of talent and the leadership of Tony Goodman is a winning combination, and this acquisition will help strengthen our mutual commitment to remaining a PC games industry leader."

The agreement comes on the heels of other successful games developer acquisitions, including FASA Interactive, creator of the best-selling "MechWarrior™" game franchise; Access Software Inc., creators of "Links®" golf simulation games, the most popular PC golf franchise; and Bungie Software Products Corp.

"This announcement today is a natural evolution from the relationship we've had with Microsoft," said Tony Goodman, president and CEO of Ensemble Studios. "Both companies have tremendous respect for each other. This deal gives Ensemble and Microsoft a long-term strategy for doing what we do best: working together to make world-class games." The "Age of Empires" real-time strategy series comprises "Age of Empires," "Age of Empires Expansion Pack: The Rise of Rome," "Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings®" and "Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion," as well as packaged sets of those games.

About Microsoft Games Division

Microsoft's Games Division is a leading worldwide games company with three core businesses: games development and publishing, Xboxâ„¢ video game system and The company's award-winning PC game titles excite the imaginations of casual gamers and appeal to the passions of hard-core players. Xbox, the video game system, is a future-generation platform that inspires developers to create better games, faster. ( is the Internet's largest game site.

About Microsoft

Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq "MSFT") is the worldwide leader in software, services and Internet technologies for personal and business computing. The company offers a wide range of products and services designed to empower people through great software - any time, any place and on any device.

Since 8/99 Proud To Be Spreading O&A Like The Virus It Is, And No Vaccine In Sight

This message was edited by smex182 on 7-3-01 @ 9:27 PM

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