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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Smackdown Spoilers: a Superstar returns that no one (NO ONE!!!) expected...

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Smackdown Spoilers: a Superstar returns that no one (NO ONE!!!) expected...
posted on 12-19-2001 @ 1:32 AM      
Registered: Dec. 00
Earlier today, Flair and Booker T are in Vince's office waiting for Vince himself. Flair has Booker T's new contract and Booker examines it and loves what he sees and Flair hates it every second. Booker then demands a pen from Flair, signs the contract and gives it back to Flair. As Flair leaves, he looks down to confirm with his own eyes Booker T.'s signature and smiles widely, with Booker loving it in the background.

Kurt Angle vs. Edge
-Both men exchange back and forth offensives for 2.5 mins. Angle deliberatly low-blows Edge which causes a DQ. Both men still fight after the match, Angle locks in the Angle-lock on Edge twice while refs try to pull Angle off of Edge.
Winner by DQ: Edge

Booker T greets Vince excitedly regarding the contract, but Vince is confused and doesn't know what he's talking about. Flair shows up on the scene and verifies it all to Vince as Vince said he owed Flair one. Vince and Booker are then made aware that Booker is now a WWF wrestler and will wrestle tonight against Stone Cold in a First Blood Match! Vince and Booker then stare each other dead in the eye, stunned.

Rock Interview
-The Rock talks about Test's immunity and says that just because he has immunity and can't be fired doesn't mean he can't get his ass whooped!. Rock talks about how he's been picking on announcers, refs and women, etc. The Rock then sings a 12 days of Christmas song..Rock says he wants to sing what he has in store for Test tonight.."On the night Test face the Great One, this is what he'll see.." 12 Sharpshooters stining, 11 Eyebrows Raising, 10 Spins-a-bustin', 9 Knoggins Knockin', 8 Kicks-a-kicking, 7 Punches-a-punching, 6 Suplex smashin',5 Five seconds of the people chanting The Rock's Name..(Audience: Rocky!), 4 Rockbottoms, 3 People's Elbows, 2 On your big buck teeth, And an Ass-kicking all over Neeew Orleans!! If Ya Smellelela What The Rock Is Cookin'!!

Rikishi vs. Lance Storm
-Rikishi has the offensive going against Storm in the begining. Lance gets back into the ring and stomps away on Rikishi for a moment until Rikishi regains control after a sunsetflip. Rikishi attempts to drop into the hold but got nothing but mat, Lance hits a clothesline on Rikishi from the top rope but a 2 count only. Lance continues his attack with a sleeper hold however Rikishi fights outta it with a Samoan drop and then charges Lance in the corner and that sets up Lance for a Stinkface until Test comes out. Lance kicks Rikishi in the left knee and takes down Rikishi with a savate kick followed by a pin while using the ropes for leverage.
Winner: Lance Storm

Backstage, Booker T asks Kane for advice regarding the First Blood match. Kane tells him not to breathe.

Backstage, Sharmell Sullivan interviews Matt Hardy who tells her that even though he has had his differences with Jeff, they are still brothers. He also never realized how much Lita meant to him. He walks off, in tears.

Matt Hardy vs. Undertaker
-Matt comes down after 'Taker comes down and hammers Undertaker with a kendo stick. Matt continues hammering 'Taker with the stick but 'Taker delivers the knee to the mid section and then Matt hits a clothesline and almost hits a Twist of Fate but Undertaker pushes outta it. Matt continues doing what he can to get a step ahead of 'Taker but isn't entirely successful. Undertaker continues his attack on Matt on the barricade and goes to the announce table and throws Matt on it and he slides off. Undertaker then drills Matt twice with the edge of a steel chair. Matt tries to fight back but he's got nothing to gain from it except for a flight onto the time table. Undertaker tells Matt that he will respect him and drills him with a right hand. Both men get back into the ring and Undertaker continues his assault on Matt with a face rape on Matt and several kicks followed by the Last Ride Powerbomb and the 1-2-3. As 'Taker leaves on his bike, he gets off of it and then walks back into the ring and takes Matt and throws him outta the ring. Undertaker grabs a chair and drives it into his throat!! Matt is assisted by EMT's as he looked very bad. Matt then gets hauled away on a stretcher.
Winner: The Undertaker

Chris Jericho Interview
-Jericho says he don't appreciate the response the people has been giving him lately, he reminds them that their hero, favorite, cheer loudly, but no boo him and asks "Why is that?..". He says its basic human nature, he says that it's human nature to hate those who are better. (Audience: WHAT?). Jericho tries to make them realize the magnitude of being the Undisputed Champion. Jericho keeps talking about being better in education, conditioning, athlete, champion, etc. (Audience: WHAT?). He says he's better than The Rock, Stone Cold, Ric Flair. Jericho signals for the footage from RAW with RVD and Flair and Vince. Jericho then proceeds to thank Vince from keeping Flair from screwing him, he then goes on to mock RVD until Rob Van Dam himself appears on the stage. RVD looks very ticked!!. Jericho goes WHOA, he then says that here is his chance and he blew it with the Undisputed title, Jericho then berades him about coolness. RVD then says he's not cool at all, Jericho. Normally he'd be very cool but not tonight because tonight he's pissed off!!..RVD snaps and then charges the ring and attacks Jericho. A minute later Jericho tries to use the WCW title belt on RVD but got a spinning heel kick with it in the face and that followed up with a 5 Star Frogsplash!. Rob Van Dam was PISSED!!!!

Jericho comes in and complains at Flair about being screwed. Flair comes back at him with a match in which Jericho defends his title against the Big Show.

Chris Jericho vs. The Big Show
-Jericho and Big Show go back and forth so many times in this match. Jericho gets tossed around like a ragged doll several times. Big Show maintains most of the match until the end when Jericho drills Show with a title belt to get the 1-2-3. Jericho wrestled this match in street clothes.
Winner: Chris Jericho

At his home, William Regal says he was on the operating table for 7 hours. William then rants of what he's gonna do to Edge when he returns and he will be turned into a bloody vegetable and take the IC title. William says he's down with the devil and the devil always wins.

Rock vs. Test
-Test jumps the Rock upon his entry into the ring. Test opens up with the fists across the Rock's face in the corner. Test follows up with a clothesline to the turnbuckle, The Rock battles back for a second but Test followed up with another clothesline. Test hits a standing suplex, however only a 2 count. Rock battles back with an elbow to the chin but gotta sidewalk slam in. Test locks The Rock in a bearhug, The Rock fights outta it. The Rock fights back with a clothesline and then Test tried a pin attempt but got caught with his foot on the ropes. Rock hits the DDT on Test as Test was intimidating referee Tim White. The Rock battles back with a right hand, a kick to the face and then a knock outta the ring. Rock gets drilled on the steel steps. Lance Storm comes into the ring and hits his savate kick in the The Rock's face, Test re-enters the ring and tries a pin, 2 count only!. Test once again gets in Tim's face again. The Rock finally goes on the offensive and drags Lance Storm into the ring and Test accidently drills him with the Big Boot. The Rock follows up with the Rock Bottom to get the 1-2-3.
Winner: The Rock

Before the match, Booker T and Vince recieve a Christmas gift as they we're discussing strategy. The gift contained a medical kit loaded with stuff.

Steve Austin vs. Booker T
-Austin comes down and throws in 2 chairs and the ring bell. Both men hammer each other to try to open up the other man first. A turnbuckle pad is removed to help out in that endeavor to bust one open first. Both men fight on the outside and Austin slams Booker on the steel steps and then uses and electrical extension cord to choke out Booker. Booker drills Austin with a steel chair shot outta desperation to break the choke with the cord. Booker then takes a couple shots at Austin, Austin fires back but Booker knocks Austin down. Both men continue the slugfests with takedowns. At this point, Austin has busted his lip open but ya gotta bleed from the head to win the match. Booker locks in a sleeper hold on Austin twice and both times Austin broke loose. Booker slammed Austin into the 2nd turnbuckle on the ring and he hit hard. Booker then tries to slam Austin on the exposed turnbuckle and each time, Austin prevented it from occuring. Austin drilled Booker on the exposed steel. Austin goes for the Stunner but Austin gets shoved into Earl Hebner. Austin was gonna drill Booker with a steel chair when suddenly The Big Bossman comes out in a suit and drills Austin with a chair and that opens up Austin. Earl Hebner is still knocked down and Booker is continuing his attack on Austin. Austin stomps away on Booker in the corner and then hits the Stunner. Earl comes around as Austin was gonna drill Booker with a steel chair. Earl notices the blood on Austin's head and calls for the bell.
Winner: Booker T.

Aftermath: [Will not air on TV]
-After the match, Vince is seen on the Titantron laughing evily. Booker T. comes back out and tells the people to shut the hell up. He takes credit for kicking Austin 3:16's ass. Booker then says if Austin came out now that he would kick his ass one more time and could we dig it?..(Austin's music hits). Austin comes back out and Booker gets it going until Austin hits the Stunner a moment later. Austin calls for some beer and gets 3 of them. Austin then gives Booker T. the finger. Booker stands on the stage and does a double-finger at Austin. Austin gets a mic and says It's Over twice, it's through, that's it. Austin says to bury the hatchet, etc. Austin offers Booker a beer and asks the fans if we wanna see Austin and Booker T. drink a beer together...Hell Yeah, (What?)..Hell Yeah!. Austin offers Booker a beer and he takes it and opens it up and both men toast it twice and a second later, Stone Cold Stunner to Booker!!. Austin then leaves the arena and Booker is lieing in the middle of the ring with the crowd chanting WHAT?. Booker then stares down at a fan and calls him out (a child). Booker walks away and outta the arena and the show ends.


The hocker
Professional Smartass Since 1983
Billions and Billions Served
what's a status?
posted on 12-19-2001 @ 8:48 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I thought Bossman was dead. Would have been better if it was DDP. He is the main star from the Alliance who has not been brought back yet. Would have given DDP some heat and gotten him back involved in Main Events.

posted on 12-19-2001 @ 10:16 AM      
Registered: Aug. 01
I was just about to start writting on how the Rock has not been used by the WWF lately in cutting Promos but I guess that will change on Smackdown.
Anyway, It seems that lately the Rock has taken a back sit and let others carry the WWF batton. I still don't see why so many people complain so much about him. He dose not have an ego, (yeah may be a bit, but he have the least ego of all the WWF stars) He does the best selling job in the WWF today, he has the most electrifying move in sport entertainment, he help push others and he has the best mic skill in the WWF today.
So do so many people (actually only a few hardcore fans) dislike him? Could you guys just be Player hating?

Can you smell it?
Sir Okonkwo
posted on 12-19-2001 @ 11:13 AM      
Registered: Jun. 01
Damn, I'm glad I haven't been watching WWF recently. So much talent on the roster, and they bring back Bossman? Can't wait for that next Kennel From Hell match...

And Vapour, obviously I can speak only for myself and not anyone else, but here's my opinion on The Rock:

He's a poor seller. Very poor. Of course, in the current WWF style which sacrifices basic psychology for fast-paced action(!), there's little room for proper selling, but popping up from a belly-to-belly suplex after holding your back for two seconds is NOT a good sell.

His moves are incredibly weak and lack technique. His sharpshooter is the worst I've ever seen, it looks more like a gay sex position than a painful submission. Sgt. Slaughter's atomic noogie was a better submission than Rock's sharpshooter.

The rock bottom is a poor finisher. It is just a simple back bump and is never built up to, it just comes out of nowhere 95% of the time. Why should this finish a match, when his opponent has been taking the same bump throughout the match with little consequence?

The people's elbow is also lame. VERY lame. The elbow drop is one of the simplest moves for anyone to execute, and dancing around for 20 seconds while your opponent lays on the mat like a retard isn't going to make it look that much more painful or credible.

He can't throw a good worked punch to save his life. The punch-punch-punch-SPITPUNCH spot looks like it hurts as much as a kiss from grandma. Of course, it pops the crowd, and that's what counts, right?

He needs a good opponent to carry him through a match. His most famous feuds (from what I remember, which might be fuzzy) have been with Jericho, Austin, HHH, Benoit, and Foley. He's had quality matches against all of these opponents, but throw him in there against a substandard worker, and he's pretty much lost (see Rikishi or Undertaker or Kane or Rob Van Dam).

His act is played out. What makes Austin's character so great out of the ring, is that he can take the crap the writers write for him and turn it into gold. Rock's promos might be entertaining for a moment or two, but are almost never anything memorable, and finding a new creative way to insert "monkey's nipple" into a wrestling show isn't going to draw any heat for a match or sell any tickets.

With that said, I will give him credit for seemingly being more willing to put others over than most top-level WWF talent. But, maybe that's because deep down, he knows that he just isn't very good?

Anyway, sorry about the rant, but you did ask...
I've Got A Vagina With Teeth.
Dragoon Battalion
My friends call me Weed
posted on 12-19-2001 @ 12:45 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Sounds like an OK Smackdown. I like the med-kit as a gift promo, thats pretty funny.

Big Boss Man? his ass for the Royal Rumble or something. I agree, DDP should've gotten the push back. They have so much talent, why bring the Boss Man back?

Am I the only one getting a little tired of the Booker/Austin Feud?

Rocky is soon to be departing the WWF scene for a while for reshoots on the Scorpion King (I read that somewhere, if I remembered I'd link it, but I know I read it). I can take or leave him actually. His promos usually make me laugh.

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The mind is like a works best when it is open

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posted on 12-19-2001 @ 1:30 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Sir O, I knew I liked ya for some've just detailed every reason why I hate the Rock. You can count on one hand how many wrestling moves he uses in a match (punches and kicks don't realy count) Maybe his movie career will pick up and we'll be seeing much less of him

I'll be stoned for Christmas, You can count on me. Please have strobes and Michelobs and a place for me to pee. I'll see mom for Christmas, I'll treat her rude and crude. Oh, I'll be home for Christmas, if only for free food.
Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 12-19-2001 @ 1:34 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Damn. When I think a wrestler "no one (NO ONE!!!)" would expect to return, I think Andre, Owen, Pillman....

Bossman? You should have said "no one (NO ONE!!!!!!!!!!) wanted..."

Maybe now that Bossman's back, he can renew his feud with the Big Show. Cause y'know... Big Show's a nasty bastard, and his momma said so.

Anyhoo, the Rock debate is no debate. SirO is dead-on, and Vapour is:

a) a teenage girl.
b) a mark who uses smart terms to think he's cool, but really doesn't know what they mean, like "selling".
c) smoking something really fucking good.

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.Everyone else has a scrolling marquee in their sigs. I was beginning to feel left out.
"Miracles and lucky charms made the girl of my dreams the girl in my arms." - Dr. Frank
Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 12-19-2001 @ 1:44 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Strange things are afoot with this thread. How's this for a topper?

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.Everyone else has a scrolling marquee in their sigs. I was beginning to feel left out.
"Miracles and lucky charms made the girl of my dreams the girl in my arms." - Dr. Frank
what's a status?
posted on 12-19-2001 @ 1:56 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
You may not like the Rock's wrestling ability but he does:
1)Do amazing promos (2 come to mind this year that really stood out. Y2J and him discussing Stephanie's Boob job and the first time he met Booker T and asked him is he going to park his car at Summerslam and made fun of Booker's intelligence)
2)He will do the job to a lesser opponent.
3)He will sell a move most of the time.
4)He brings megabucks into the WWF through merchandising.
5)He is very charismatic. When he hosted SNL, it was their number 1 show of the year. Also he made the WWF look good by being at both the republican and democratic national convention.

A lot of guys are not good wrestlers. I will tell you one thing, Rock is a hundred times better wrestler than say a Goldberg or a Kevin nash. He has gotten much better too. His match with Austin from Wrestlemania is a match of the year candidate.

No matter how much you hate him, he is willing to do what is best for the business.

Sir Okonkwo
posted on 12-19-2001 @ 1:57 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
Bah Spit, you only like me cause I'm not a chick :)


Strange things are afoot with this thread. How's this for a topper?

Now I'm confused...

Bring back Akeem, The African Dream!!!!11

posted on 12-19-2001 @ 2:10 PM      
Registered: Apr. 01

a) a teenage girl.

you have a problem with teenage girls? :-)

my take on the rock: the women love him, the kids love him, guys like you (who actually know stuff about wrestling) dont like him, his promos are hilarious, his wrestlings generally pretty crappy, i like him and wear my "most electrifiying man in sports entertainment" tshirt with pride :-)

my website

(the artist formerly known as edge)

**Official Good Will Embassador from England**
posted on 12-19-2001 @ 4:32 PM      
Registered: Aug. 01
the answer is none of the above. Although (C) is closer. I was drinking something really good (jack Daniel) and had some tenage girls with me :-) Haaaa... What a life.

And Sir O, I couldn't disagree with you any more. Next to HHH, the Rock is the next best seller in the WWF today. But if your criteria for selling is not getting up after a suplex, then nobody in the business can sell.
Yes, I agree that most of his moves are weeak and does not seem like they can hurt a fly, but they are exciting and that is what WWF wants and needs. EXCITMENT. Tell me, PPV headlined by Chris Beniot or The ROCK which Sells more and brings highest ratings. Strong technical moves or excitement?
You said he needs a good opponent to carry him through a match? Oh yes I guess I can disagree with you more.
And Oh no his act is not played out. The Chant ROCKY! ROCKY! ROCKY!is still been screamed by the Millions and Millions guessed it the Rock's fans.

If you are talking strickly about wrestlings Skills and moves, the Rock will not be named in the top 25 But SCSA, Goldberg and some other top Money makers will not be there either. Great Wrestling/Technical Skills is great, as a matter of fact my favorite match is that of Benoit Vs Angle, but the WWF can not survive on pure wrestling alone. They need excitement, crowd participation, acting, ability to communicate and other skills that has nothing to do with wrestling. And Today in the WWF no one have these other talents more than the ROCK.
Face it the Man is all that Teen said, what else do you want.
You've gatta learn to like HIM for he is the ROCK! and yes he his DAMM funny.

Can you smell it?

This message was edited by Vapour on 12-19-01 @ 4:41 PM
FN Moron is an indian giver!!
I had my cool status for about 10 min. then it was gone. GONE!
Agent WD40 Licensed to Kill
My spoon is TOO BIG. (finally)
WORD UP KIDDIES! This is Poop Dog, the gangsta specta of defeat!
Hanger-on to the JYDs for LIFE
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P®oJë©T M@¥hέm
posted on 12-19-2001 @ 4:53 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 01
YYYYYEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! the big bossman is back!!! now we can see even better matches than were on before!(EXTREME SARCASM)

give me a break, with all the talent the wwf holds, why would they take up even more time with the big bossman?!?!

dogs know
Sir Okonkwo
posted on 12-19-2001 @ 5:52 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
Damn Vapour, you might want to consider laying off the bottle a bit. To even imply that Rock can sell a move better than most on the WWF roster is ludicrous. Like I said before, the WWF style doesn't leave much room for proper selling and psychology, and he's not at Undertaker levels of suck, but it detracts from his matches. If Kurt Angle gives Rock a suplex, and he just pops right up like nothing happened and starts throwing girly punches, it kills the whole illusion that what we're seeing is supposed to be a competitive match and that Kurt Angle (Olympic gold medalist) is a credible opponent. To put it in perspective, what if Edward Norton had shrugged off prison rape in American History X?

Yes, I agree that most of his moves are weeak and does not seem like they can hurt a fly, but they are exciting and that is what WWF wants and needs. EXCITMENT
Nothing like a main event wrestler who's own defenders cop to him looking weak. If he looks like he can't "hurt a fly", then why is he constantly winning matches where the point is to, you know, incapacitate a 250#+ grown man? Because he's exciting? Hell, Jenna Jameson is exciting, I get that warm fuzzy feeling when she's getting railed, she doesn't look like she could hurt a fly, I guess that means she should win wrestling matches too?

Tell me, PPV headlined by Chris Beniot or The ROCK which Sells more and brings highest ratings. Strong technical moves or excitement?

I don't have the numbers at my disposal right now (I'll try to find them if you pester me enough), but the PPV Benoit headlined against The Rock last year (Fully Loaded) did one of the highest buyrates for a non-Wrestlemania PPV with Rock in the main event. Benoit also drew a strong buyrate in the triple threat main earlier this year at KOTR with Jericho and Austin, which did better numbers than HHH/Austin vs. UT/Kane at Backlash. I think people will pay to see Benoit, oh yes I do.

And Oh no his act is not played out. The Chant ROCKY! ROCKY! ROCKY!is still been screamed by the Millions and Millions guessed it the Rock's fans.
They're sheep. These are the same fans who chant "Whooooo!" for every chop, not because they've ever seen a Flair match, just because everyone else is doing it.

If you are talking strickly about wrestlings Skills and moves, the Rock will not be named in the top 25 But SCSA, Goldberg and some other top Money makers will not be there either.
I probably wouldn't put Rock in the top 300 in the world. Austin's probably top 5. Goldberg's irrelevant.

They need excitement, crowd participation, acting, ability to communicate and other skills that has nothing to do with wrestling.
Just because Vince McMahon's hype department says something, doesn't make it fact. Wrestling at its core is a worked sport that's presented as legit competition, everything else is just fluff. It's insulting to the fans to be expected to believe that mic skills and crowd chants win matches.

You've gatta learn to like HIM for he is the ROCK! and yes he his DAMM funny.
Again, he wins matches because he's funny? Ok...

Bring back The Reverend Slick!

This message was edited by Sir Okonkwo on 12-19-01 @ 7:11 PM
So... how did you get your spiffy new status?
Age-Challenged Sexual Tension Relief Worker
posted on 12-19-2001 @ 7:30 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01

And Oh no his act is not played out. The Chant ROCKY! ROCKY! ROCKY!is still been screamed by the Millions and Millions guessed it the Rock's fans.

They're sheep. These are the same fans who chant "Whooooo!" for every chop, not because they've ever seen a Flair match, just because everyone else is doing it.

WHUT?!! ;)

Sig Pic Approved By IrishAlkey
Cluster F
posted on 12-19-2001 @ 9:27 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
First off, about the topic...why Bossman??? Makes no sense to me, the guy is over the hill, and not even a cool over the hill guy. Bring back DDP (although i think he will be used as a face).

Now to the current topic...Sir O, i have to agree with Vapour on this one, and not just because i never agree with anything you ever say :). I am not a Rock fan so ill get that out in the open. But, the guy sells. True he isnt a HHH or an RVD, but the man can sell moves. Plus, considering that is one of the big 2 money makers that the WWF has, he is willing to put over other talent, to a degree. You think that guys like Kevin Nash or Goldberg would want to put over Test like the Rock has been doing now? (no knock on Test cause he is one of my 3 favorites). By the way:


Damn Vapour, you might want to consider laying off the bottle a bit.


S.T.O.N.E.R. (Swiller party)

Look who's talking dude :).

Anyway, the point is, lay off the Rock. The fact is that the man can be entertaining at times and makes a lot of money. Plus he helps other talent out. And (gasp) yes, he does sell. Stop being so damn critical of wrestling and sit back and try to enjoy what you are watching. There is a reason why the WWF is successful in today's pop culture ya know.

AIM: GMoneyBagz

Crack Committee - Baseball Objectives Completed :)

Go Knicks, Giants, Rangers, and Rutgers Men's Basketball (now 7-2)

This message was edited by Cluster F on 12-19-01 @ 9:49 PM
Numb Nutts
posted on 12-19-2001 @ 10:23 PM      
Registered: Aug. 01

but throw him in there against a substandard worker, and he's pretty much lost (see Rikishi or Undertaker or Kane or Rob Van Dam).

How can you call Rob Van Damn "substandard"??????

So... how did you get your spiffy new status?
Age-Challenged Sexual Tension Relief Worker
posted on 12-19-2001 @ 10:49 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01

Stop being so damn critical of wrestling and sit back and try to enjoy what you are watching.

Fuck that. The WWF is putting out a substandard product (damn Vinnie Mac and his monopoly). When you can go to your local high school or bingo hall and see a better quality show than what the WWF is offering, there's something very wrong.

And yes, the Rock is shit when it comes to selling. He's a hell of an entertainer, but when it comes to selling, he's all about making himself look invincible and the other guy look like shit.

Sig Pic Approved By IrishAlkey
Sir Okonkwo
posted on 12-20-2001 @ 12:42 AM      
Registered: Jun. 01
Aah, the Cluster F run in. Where's that Diamond Dust dude to make this official? ;)

Anyway, yeah, Rock is better than Nash and Goldberg. My turd smells better than your turd...

S.T.O.N.E.R. (Swiller party)

Look who's talking dude .
Where'd I put that Chimay this time? Aah, that's where's my bong?:)

Stop being so damn critical of wrestling and sit back and try to enjoy what you are watching. There is a reason why the WWF is successful in today's pop culture ya know.
Like I said earlier, I haven't seen a WWF show in a few weeks. But I've seen enough of The Rock to know he isn't very good. Vapour asked, I answered. And, uh, there's a reason why Keanu Reeves is successful in pop culture too. But his acting ability isn't the reason.

How can you call Rob Van Damn "substandard"??????
Weak punches, sloppy dangerous ring work, no sense of ring psychology, overuse of props, and an annoying fanbase who think he's the Second Coming.

Bring back The Warlord!

King f-tard
posted on 12-20-2001 @ 9:52 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
You are forgetting the most important thing. Wrestling today isnt about knowing how to wrestle, its about showmanship. I love benoit and guys who can actually work, but the Rock is what people want to see. People love him, they even love the elbow and eyebrow. But remember these are fans that also pop like crazy for the worm.
I wont claim to love to watch the rock wrestle, but I do love his presence, and you have to admit that he has improved drastically from where he used to be, he used to know NOTHING, but now he can carry a match. I guess its just a matter of opinion.

IM me Or E-Mail Me

Lets Go Knicks. They arent that bad, they might make the playoffs only to knocked out in the second round.
posted on 12-20-2001 @ 11:58 AM      
Registered: Aug. 01
The return of Bossman someone get Steph and Vince out of the writing team please.

Bin Laden is a dead man
Free Northern Ireland
posted on 12-20-2001 @ 12:31 PM      
Registered: Dec. 00

I love benoit and guys who can actually work, but the Rock is what people want to see. People love him, they even love the elbow and eyebrow. But remember these are fans that also pop like crazy for the worm.

Okay, I don't like the Elbow. I don't like the Eyebrow. The only time I ever chanted "Rocky" was at the July 30 Raw when they showed the Stallone statue in front of the Spectrum.

But there's nothing wrong with popping like crazy for the Worm.

Anyway, back to the topic I started...

The hocker
Professional Smartass Since 1983
Billions and Billions Served
Sgt. Squeegie
posted on 12-20-2001 @ 9:51 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00

Anyway, back to the topic I started...

So..are we discussing your experience with "Fucking Big Boss Man" or did you forget a word?

Due to the people at @Home being assholes and not letting anybody to retrieve their files from their server before pulling the plug and my ignorance for not keeping a copy of the sig pic on my computer I no longer have a sig pic. A new one is in the works.
United as a nation we stand and united as a nation we will kick some Bin Laden ASS!

I am a real American
Fight for the rights of every man
I am a real american
Fight for whats right
Fight for your life

MSN Messenger: [email protected]

This message was edited by Sgt. Squeegie on 12-20-01 @ 9:54 PM
posted on 12-21-2001 @ 5:31 PM      
Registered: Aug. 01

So..are we discussing your experience with "Fucking Big Boss Man" or did you forget a word?

Must have been a real pleasnat experience that he keep wanting to talk about it. :-)

Can you smell it?
posted on 12-26-2001 @ 3:49 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
2 things:

1) Never knock "Bingo hall wrestling" It revolutionized the sport. Without any major competition this is where the WWF is going to have to look for inspiration. And as a fan and semi-participent of the independent scene I can say you aren't always going to get the best quality, but there are some really impressive workers out there who will have their time to shine.

2)No matter what may be brought up during a debate about pro wrestling, your never going to change a persons opinion. The reaso you love or hate a wrestler comes down to wether you connect with their "character". Some wrestlers understand that and try to mold to what the crowds want to keep themselves fresh (Austin, Angle to a lesser detail) Except for when he was "First 3rd generation superstar Rocky Maivia"(And yes I hated him then too and he didn't have a lot of people's respect because they believed it all came too easy to him.)The Rock hasn't changed his character at all. People used to mock Hulk Hogan for this Before they mocked him or the NWO. The only difference is like people said before, the Rock is willing to put others over, and not just to comeback at a PPV and beat them with a silly leg drop (He uses a silly elbow.)

What Would Jesus Do? He died so the rest of us could have a better life. Why don't you go and follow his lead.
With friends like these, who needs enemies?
No Crew Needed,
MSN Messenger name: good2goguy

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