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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - davey boy smith dead

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FN Moron is an indian giver!!
I had my cool status for about 10 min. then it was gone. GONE!
Agent WD40 Licensed to Kill
My spoon is TOO BIG. (finally)
WORD UP KIDDIES! This is Poop Dog, the gangsta specta of defeat!
Hanger-on to the JYDs for LIFE
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P®oJë©T M@¥hέm
posted on 05-18-2002 @ 10:00 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 01

Davey Boy Smith passes away

by Dave Meltzer

[email protected]

The much troubled life of Davey Boy Smith ended last night of a heart attack at the age of 39. Smith was on a weekend vacation in Envereme, British Columbia with girlfriend Andrea Hart. We are awaiting other details.

"Because we don't know when we will die, We get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens a certain number of times, and a very small number, really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood? An afternoon that’s so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life without it. Perhaps four or five times more, perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps twenty. And yet it all seems limitless." -Brandon Lee
JYD-4-LIFE! woof!
123...Not so bare anymore since I got a number underneath my name again
I also have an imaginary girlfriend.
posted on 05-18-2002 @ 10:02 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 01
RIP, Davey...From the only guy that somehow still has a lil' bit of respect for you.

Shit Can Happen

2002 Crack Committee Objectives:


1. 94 Wins and NL East Title by the Mets this year


2. Hate the Braves with a passion


3. All 5 Starters have winning records this year


4. Mets win World Series!!!


5. Have Red Sox miss the playoffs yet finish 10 games in front of the Yankees

Sir Okonkwo
posted on 05-18-2002 @ 10:33 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01

It's really sad and astounding how so many wrestlers die so young. What's also sad is seeing guys like Eddy Guerrero, HHH, Scott Hall, and Curt Hennig heading down the same path. It would be nice for the industry as a whole to clean up it's act, but I don't think that will ever happen. If it were baseball or football players dying young of heart attacks and drug related problems, there would be a major public outcry, but since it's wrestling, it's almost accepted.

Metal / Wrestling / Baseball
Ninja / pr0n
So... how did you get your spiffy new status?
Age-Challenged Sexual Tension Relief Worker
posted on 05-18-2002 @ 10:45 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01

Daddy's Little Girl
I often find my opinions stick out like an erection in a lesbian bar.
posted on 05-18-2002 @ 10:47 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
I dont feel bad. He did it to himself. All the shit he did, it was only a matter of time.

Bloody Anus
Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
posted on 05-18-2002 @ 11:04 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 00
Wow, they really do come in 3's, don't they?.. Never even had a chance to post a 'who's next' speculation thread.

I think my mask of sanity              is about to slip

2002 Crack Committee Objectives:
1. 94 Wins and NL East Title by the Mets this year 2. Hate the Braves with a passion
3. All 5 Starters have winning records this year 4. Mets win World Series

Officer Joe Friday
posted on 05-18-2002 @ 11:44 PM      
Registered: May. 01
That's shocking news. I didn't hear about the Mass Transit and Big Dick Dudley's deaths until reading them on here today and now Davey Boy is dead too. That's pretty fucked up even though his life has been in a ruin since the Montreal fiasco and he went to WCW.

He was one of my favorite wrestlers when I was younger, I even rooted for him during his first WCW stint that included the god awful mini-movie with Cheatum the Evil Midget blowing up Davey Boy and Sting's boat. I did lose some respect for him when I met him and Owen Hart at a mall signing. Owen was very cool but Davey Boy came off as a huge dick. Damn, they are both dead. That's fucked.


But there's also this: there are over 5,000 men in this city, who know that being a policeman is an endless, glamourless, thankless job that's gotta be done.

I know it, too, and I'm damn glad to be one of them."
Cluster F
posted on 05-19-2002 @ 3:00 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Bret has to be contemplating suicide, you think?

Sucks that hes dead, and yeah, i guess it does happen in 3's.

Thanks to Austin for the pic

2002 Crack Committee Objectives:
1. 94 Wins and NL East Title by the Mets this year
2. Hate the Braves with a passion
3. All 5 Starters have winning records this year
4. Mets win World Series
(optional) 5. Have Red Sox finish 10 games in front of the Yankees (optional)

Crack Committee Members: Cluster F, Rageparty, Bloody Anus, DiamondDust, JayMohrMassage, HammerSavage, PeterDragon, and 1888RustyTrombone...the force is growing.
voted most likely to get searched at the airport
Subama Bin Zero
(© AntsInMyPants - 2002)
Seriously need to rethink my concept of "funny"
Alkey is my bitch! I'm havening a hard time fittening in.
It's official, I am seriously a complete and utter ass-tool, please anally rape me with a rusty 5 iron wraped in barbed wire.
I am the new Balloon Not. Be careful around me ladies, I don't use common sense.
posted on 05-19-2002 @ 3:21 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

I dont feel bad. He did it to himself. All the shit he did, it was only a matter of time.

Are you really the devil...

Its a very sad thing to hear, died of a heart attack at the age of 39. he did alot for the sport of wrestling and he will be deeply missed. RIP davey boy :(

Master of the Cold....
Beans Malone
posted on 05-19-2002 @ 8:37 AM      
Registered: Mar. 02
RIP Davey

REAL NAME: David Smith
BORN: November 27, 1962 in Manchester, England
HEIGHT: 5 ft. 11 in.
WEIGHT: 260 lbs.
HOMETOWN: Leeds, United Kingdom.
FINISHING MOVE: Running Bulldog Powerslam.

Eve and the Handyman Showtimes 1:30, 3:45, 5:55, 8:10, 10:10, 12:10.
posted on 05-19-2002 @ 9:12 AM      
Registered: May. 02
Davey Boy was one of my favorite wrestlers growing up.

I know his personal life was pretty fucked up, but you have to respect what he did in the ring.

Personally, I think that ass-clown, the Ultimate Warrior, is partially to blame for this. Smith devolped a heavy pain killer addiction after nearly crippling himself on the Warrior's trap door in the ring.

what's a status?
posted on 05-19-2002 @ 9:24 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Is bret going to blame Vince for Davey Boy's death too?

Hello! Hello! Diamond Dust! Hello!
posted on 05-19-2002 @ 10:35 AM      
Registered: Feb. 01
RIP Davey


Bret has to be contemplating suicide, you think?


Is bret going to blame Vince for Davey Boy's death too?

Considering that Bret supposedly once said something a couple years after Montreal that if he was driving and saw Davey Boy and Diana (his sister, then married to Davey) crossing the street in front of him, he'd speed up, I don't think Bret is that sad right now. Of course, that was before Davey Boy allegedly beat Diana up before they divorced, so you never know, Bret mighta liked Davey Boy for that.

With all these "allegedly"s and "supposedly"s, I'm starting to sound like a Mike Tyson bit.


It's really sad and astounding how so many wrestlers die so young. What's also sad is seeing guys like Eddy Guerrero, HHH, Scott Hall, and Curt Hennig heading down the same path. It would be nice for the industry as a whole to clean up it's act, but I don't think that will ever happen. If it were baseball or football players dying young of heart attacks and drug related problems, there would be a major public outcry, but since it's wrestling, it's almost accepted.

A-FUCKING-MEN. You and I are starting to agree way too much lately I've noticed (well, outside of the subject of William Regal). We should both be extremely scared of these recent happenings.

2002 Crack Committee Objectives:
1. 94 Wins and NL East Title by the Mets this year
2. Hate the Braves with a passion
3. All 5 Starters have winning records this year
4. Mets win World Series
5. Hopefully come up with a better name for the Crack Commitee than something the Mad Dog came up with. Come on!
FN Moron is an indian giver!!
I had my cool status for about 10 min. then it was gone. GONE!
Agent WD40 Licensed to Kill
My spoon is TOO BIG. (finally)
WORD UP KIDDIES! This is Poop Dog, the gangsta specta of defeat!
Hanger-on to the JYDs for LIFE
This status is sponsored by:
P®oJë©T M@¥hέm
posted on 05-19-2002 @ 11:40 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 01
he was definitely one of my favorite wrestlers as a kid. 39 is to damn young to die of a heart attack.

"Because we don't know when we will die, We get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens a certain number of times, and a very small number, really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood? An afternoon that’s so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life without it. Perhaps four or five times more, perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps twenty. And yet it all seems limitless." -Brandon Lee
JYD-4-LIFE! woof!
posted on 05-19-2002 @ 1:11 PM      
Registered: Mar. 01
it really sucks to see davey boy dead. he was one half of one of the greatest tag teams of all time with my favorite wrestler of all time dynamite kid the british bulldogs. the matches they had with the hart foundation are still i think the standard of what a a tag match is supposed to be. his match with bret hart at summerslam '92 was a 25 minute classic with great give and take wrestling. the british bulldogs where inavators in the ring,doing alot of moves and taking crazy bumps that nobody thought of doing. but you can only do so much to your body,and i guess his body had enough. its a shame that he died because i heard davey and his son where gonna be a tag team. that would have been cool to see. R.I.P. davey boy.

YOUR DRUNK& HIGH BROTHER,HeyBEERMAN 420 another proud graduate of AUSTIN's school... thanks for the pic austin
Crimson Mask
posted on 05-19-2002 @ 2:40 PM      
Registered: Apr. 02
R.I.P. Davey Boy
I was a huge British Bulldogg fan growing up, i always liked that Davey was the power-style based bigman yet he could really mix it up when it came to putting on a great technical match. Especially in his earlier matches (pre-wcw) he always had a great sense of ring psycology and when he teamed with Dynamite the both of them would create such deep storylines to their tagteam matches.
I hope the WWE has the decency to put a tribute to Davey Boy Smith before Raw, as he did contribute so mutch to WWF's success.
My condolences go out to the Hart family who have lost so mutch and to David Smith's family for there loss.

posted on 05-19-2002 @ 8:40 PM      
Registered: Oct. 01
I can't really feel much of anything over this. It's shocking, but really, I'm not terribly surprised by the news. This is the logical end result to Davey Boy's personal downward spiral. I won't go so far as to say he "did it to himself", but I will acknowledge that Davey's choice of lifestyle wasn't exactly the most healthy.

I will say this, though - it is a damn shame that Davey Boy, legit scumbag and crazy in the head that he was in the end, is dead at 39, and yet talentless loads like Mark Henry & Big Show are still drawing breath. Smith is dead, and yet somehow a waste of skin like Bradshaw lives on. It's an unfair world we live in.

"Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem
posted on 05-19-2002 @ 8:45 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01

Are you really the devil...

Why would I be the devil? Cause I dont feel that bad for someone that abused drugs and pain killers and a heart attack is the final result? I dont feel bad for him, yeah it is sad but it was the end result. Now people I do feel bad for are the people that died on September 11th and the hard working people that die everyday of natural causes and innocent people.Not drug abusers

123...Not so bare anymore since I got a number underneath my name again
I also have an imaginary girlfriend.
posted on 05-19-2002 @ 9:50 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 01
So you're saying that if half of the people on this board died, you wouldn't care? You lil' fucker....:mad: :-D

BTW, pretty shitty PPV so far, they put what should have been the main event into the first match. Austin's match was brutal and sadly Kurt Angle lost his last match in the WWF...

Shit Can Happen

2002 Crack Committee Objectives:


1. 94 Wins and NL East Title by the Mets this year


2. Hate the Braves with a passion


3. All 5 Starters have winning records this year


4. Mets win World Series!!!


5. Have Red Sox miss the playoffs yet finish 10 games in front of the Yankees


This message was edited by rageparty on 5-19-02 @ 9:56 PM
posted on 05-19-2002 @ 10:11 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
Any match involving Big Show sucks.

posted on 05-20-2002 @ 12:26 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00

with girlfriend Andrea Hart.

Andrea Hart? I thought he was married (and divorced) from Diana. I'm behind on the inside stuff, did he ditch her to go out with her sister?

Thanks to Brokenjaw for the sigpic

posted on 05-20-2002 @ 1:49 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
Guy had a thing for the Hart girls, I am not sure what he saw in them though.

Xtreme Skiing Assualt Force
Split Personality #1
posted on 05-20-2002 @ 4:04 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Like many, I loved the bulldogs as a kid growing up. dynamite and davey boy had some great chemistry together. RIP davey boy.

and yes, lets have the wwfe do right and give some kind of response to this prior to raw.

posted on 05-20-2002 @ 9:01 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
Now that video on just now was the WWE at its best, atleast they did it on there own without the fat overweight "reporters" having heart attacks over it incase they did not do it.

So... how did you get your spiffy new status?
Age-Challenged Sexual Tension Relief Worker
posted on 05-20-2002 @ 9:28 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01

Andrea Hart? I thought he was married (and divorced) from Diana. I'm behind on the inside stuff, did he ditch her to go out with her sister?

Andrea is the estranged wife of Bruce Hart, Diana's older brother and Smith's ex-brother-in-law.

Daddy's Little Girl
I often find my opinions stick out like an erection in a lesbian bar.

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