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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Looking For TimJ

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Displaying 1-25 of 35 messages in this thread.
Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Looking For TimJ
invader from mars
posted on 01-04-2002 @ 1:09 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00
All your friends at the defunct sternfannetwork site miss you.

If you see this, please respond.

Love and kisses,

— The guy who "spanked" you.

posted on 01-04-2002 @ 1:14 PM      
Registered: Apr. 01
He went that ah way.

Shane Falco in The Replacement on the last play of the game: "I wish I could say something classy and inspirational, but that just wouldn't be our style. Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory... lasts forever."
Want to use the O&A EZPass lane? here's how (only for NY listeners, sorry to everyone else):
The URL is: ""+previous phone screener before Stinky+previous phone screener's girlfriend's REAL name+".html" AIM: RonRon5477
posted on 01-04-2002 @ 1:18 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Have fun in Fight Club Kiddies.

L33T LIEK JEFFK MOTHERBITCHES. I fucking hate everyone of you motherfuckers, so leave me the fuck alone and DIE. Jesus Christ, you fucking mongoloids disgust me. You're all living proof of why Abortions should be mandatory in some cases. We should Enslave the retards and use them to build our Utopia. After that, we'll just put a bullet in their mis-shapen skulls. Or throw them in ovens, whichever is cheaper.

Trust is a weakness, Betrayal is the hidden blade.
AIM | E-MAIL | 1337
The Sleeper
Being a Minor is a Threat
to my Social Life
PoseUr i ahve 2 threads at teh top, i feel like maynard
posted on 01-04-2002 @ 1:20 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
oh boy, a fight between "invader from Mars" and "TimJ". Is anyone as pumped as I am for this??

You tell me that nothing matters, You're just fucking scared
You tell me that I'm better, You just hate yourself
You tell me that you like her, You just wish you did
You tell me that I make no difference, Well at least I'm fucking trying
What the fuck have you done?
Doc Smith
I Love Anthony Zinni
posted on 01-04-2002 @ 1:23 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
I like ice cream too

hoohoo...look, I'm ripping off Fez

If hate were people
I'd be China
...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 01-04-2002 @ 1:28 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00

I guess one person can make a difference but most of the time they probably shouldn't.

slap nut
posted on 01-05-2002 @ 1:34 AM      
Registered: Jan. 01
Hey look its Gerry aww Howie's not in Toronto anymore poor you

This message was edited by slap nut on 1-5-02 @ 1:37 AM
invader from mars
posted on 01-05-2002 @ 11:53 AM      
Registered: Nov. 00
Howard is still available here in Toronto TimJ (slapnut). Though not everyone can pick him up.

With a good receiver and $160 antenna I pick up the show out of Buffalo on WBUF 92.9 clear as ever.

And guess who's on from 3 to 7 in the afternoons.

And if there promos are to be believed their ratings in Buffalo are better than in Boston.

aaasteve and FUGLY send their love.

Stand up straight
Stomach in
Shoulders back
posted on 01-05-2002 @ 1:13 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Aww look how cute. A peon who is acting tough.

Spray it down,
buisness as usual.

Yeah, I am bitter man now, what about it?

[Email][email protected][/Email]
posted on 01-05-2002 @ 2:44 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01

aaasteve and FUGLY send their love.

Hey Gerry, Steve be me and Timmy, we truly do miss you but I can't understand why this was moved to the fight forum, anyway, Tim, I dedicated a whole forum to you on the new stern message board ... hope to see you there, baby.

Author Comment for: The official Timj thread!!!

FOS Rock Star

The official Timj thread!!!
Posted: 1/2/02 10:20:54 pm
This is for all you Timj fans out there and I know who you are.

I know that I haven't felt complete since SFN went down, the main reason? The absence of a one little special boy, A boy who would Comit unspeakable tricks on demand, a boy named Timj, this boy is gone. He hasn't died or fled the country but he simply isn't posting on FOS, so how can a Stern board be complete without timj? Impossible I say and that is why, I have started the Timj thread.

This thread will follow, almost stalk Timmyj without him even knowing, some call me strange, some call me gay but I say that I just have fallen in love. Fallin in love with Timj, a 12 year old boy? they say it's not right, I say, who are you to tell me what is right, love does not have boundary or borders, love knows of no demands. Love is from the heart.

Sure, me and Tim had a rough and rocky beginning but so did Oj and Nicole and look how fine they turned out. The truth is that emotions arrive in a ball, a full circle, I hated Timj so much that I turned the corner too love, so you see, I can never be complete without Timj by my side.

Every Wednesday and Sunday, they will be another Timj entry, another one of his post(s) from various boards, I will bring them home. Home? Yes, home, home to the FOS board.

So everyone new to the Timj experience, say hi and hold on tight, you're in for the ride of your life.

Timj on The New York Radio Message Board, He's shaking that booty to some phat ass beats...

I know this doesn't concern NYC, but First Full Power Dance Station signs on


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Posted by Tim on December 31, 2001 at 17:04:48:

Cox's Classical 93.1 in Miami Fla has change to Party 93.1 a full fledged dance station. It is the first dance station to get on a major signal, the other ones are on poor & fringe signals (Party 105 Long Island, 95.3 the Party in Orlando, Energy in Chicago). I know its not NYC related, but this could change how dance stations are preceived especially if it does well.

It turns out that our Timmy is quite the little dancer.
---------------------------------- Immigrants and Faggots make no sense to me, they come to our country and think the'll do as they please, they want to spread their fucking disease!!! Turn around bitch, i've got a use for you, besides, you don't have nothing better to do and i'm board... It's so easy. easy when everone wants to please me baby!!! Come doused in mud, soaked in bleach, just like i want you to and oh yea, boobs r still fun!!!

Edited by: aaasteve5 at: 1/2/02 10:31:28 pm

Posts: 751

Gerry Lincoln
Ultimate Stern Fan

Re: The official Timj thread!!!
Posted: 1/2/02 10:32:23 pm
Steve said:

///////It turns out that our Timmy is quite the little dancer.

I'm sure you would love to make him dance again, wouldn't you Steve?
"To the world you may be just one person,
but to one person you may be the world,"
-Taylor Hanson

Posts: 2892

FOS Rock Star

Re: The official Timj thread!!!
Posted: 1/2/02 10:35:40 pm

I'm sure you would love to make him dance again, wouldn't you Steve?

Well, wouldn't we all want to see Timmy dance?
Shake that hairless ass Tim, do it for the fans!
---------------------------------- Immigrants and Faggots make no sense to me, they come to our country and think the'll do as they please, they want to spread their fucking disease!!! Turn around bitch, i've got a use for you, besides, you don't have nothing better to do and i'm board... It's so easy. easy when everone wants to please me baby!!! Come doused in mud, soaked in bleach, just like i want you to and oh yea, boobs r still fun!!!

Posts: 752


Re: The official Timj thread!!!
Posted: 1/2/02 10:41:46 pm
I made a lurking visit to the message board the other day only to find that those friggin people are absolutely OBSESSED with Howard Stern. If they hate him so much, why continue to talk about him? I laughed my ass off when I found a thread dedicated to the discussion of the "Big Willy Pop" bit being used on "Best Of" during vacation and how Hoawrd must have used it as a "fuck you!" to Opie & Anthony. I found this absolutely hilarious because Howard has played that bit since...well it seems like forever. I guess the current producer of the O&A show made that bit years ago and sent it out to all the stations across the country to get some noteriaty.

I find it hilarious that the idiots over there actually think that Howard gives those two douche bags any thought what so ever. They have thread upon thread discusing how much stern sucks and how he doesn't fight back against O&A, he just puts gag orders on them...that they complain about regularly. I think the flunkies over there need to pull there heads out of O&A's ass and realize how truly insignificant they are.

Even though I mean everyword...this post is to just add to aaasteve5's bait.

Posts: 25

Gerry Lincoln
Ultimate Stern Fan

Re: The official Timj thread!!!
Posted: 1/2/02 10:45:33 pm
Steve do you remember what school he said he attended?

Perhaps you could hang out in the schoolyard and wait for him.

Then take his hand and guide him to the nearest Internet Cafe and get him signed up.

We NEED our TimJ !!!
"To the world you may be just one person,
but to one person you may be the world,"
-Taylor Hanson

Posts: 2893

FOS Rock Star

Re: The official Timj thread!!!
Posted: 1/2/02 10:47:43 pm
Since you bring it up Skeptic, here's what Timmy had to say about this sensitive issue...

slap nut (Timj)
Scourge of the SFN
posted on 12-12-2001 @ 6:07 PM
Posts: 299
Registered: Jan. 01
Hey ste trying to piss them off is one thing, but using their 'actual bits' & passing them off as his own is completley different. Its not like Stern tried to do something similar what he did is the 'actual bit' that O&A did that director Rick wrote & was done by Rick's wife, thats the actual bit Stern played, not his own version the exact one that was on O&A with Rick's wife in it. Kind of similar to Manqueer playing the Steven Lynch 'Special Olympics" song the exact same version that was RECORDED in O&A's studio live on air.
Also as for pissing someone off I think O&A have really pissed Stern off, pissed him off so much he had to result to a 'gag order'

Oh my, It seems Timmy is hot!

---------------------------------- Immigrants and Faggots make no sense to me, they come to our country and think the'll do as they please, they want to spread their fucking disease!!! Turn around bitch, i've got a use for you, besides, you don't have nothing better to do and i'm board... It's so easy. easy when everone wants to please me baby!!! Come doused in mud, soaked in bleach, just like i want you to and oh yea, boobs r still fun!!!

Edited by: aaasteve5 at: 1/2/02 10:55:36 pm

Posts: 753

FOS Rock Star

Re: The official Timj thread!!!
Posted: 1/2/02 10:54:48 pm
This should do for this week...

slap nut (Timj)
Scourge of the SFN
posted on 12-12-2001 @ 6:53 PM [] [] [] []
Posts: 299
Registered: Jan. 01
[] Ste all I'm saying is Howard's attempt to piss off O&A is stupid & silly. O&A have pissed off Stern & they have done a better job at it. Using someone else's exact bit & claiming it as ur own just to piss them off is stupid and who knows if its Howards true intent. He just could be stealing it because he thought it was funny & wants everyone to think it is his bit.

slap nut
Scourge of the SFN
posted on 12-12-2001 @ 11:54 PM [] [] [] []
Posts: 299
Registered: Jan. 01
[] Who knows what Howard's true intentiions are. However, if he did this to piss off O&A. Why now?? Why didn't he do this when O&A were bashing him & pissing him off?? He doesn't instead he bitches & cries to Infinity got the gog order inforced, now for a 2nd time & THEN and ONLY THEN does it. He doesn't do it when they can fight back, he does it when they aren't allowed to fight back. That shows how much of a pussy he really is. If he wasn't such a pussy he wouldn't have cried & bitched to the 'higher ups' in Infinity when O&A pissed him off & bashed him. he guy can dish it, but he can't take it. Not even talking about the crap direction the show has gone in Howard is not the same person he once was.

slap nut
Scourge of the SFN posted on 12-13-2001 @ 11:16 AM [] [] [] []
Posts: 299
Registered: Jan. 01
[] Hey Ste, thats quite interesting how you list that as the fall ratings, even though the actual fall book is still in effect for a few more weeks & the actual fall book doesn't come out till jan. Those could be the trend #'s, but those #'s are hard to get and I haven't seem them anywhere to back it up,(not in papers, radio boards), etc.

slap nut
Scourge of the SFN posted on 12-14-2001 @ 4:24 PM [] [] [] []
Posts: 299
Registered: Jan. 01
[] JE the bit was written by the producer of the O&A show, Rick and his wife did the voices.

slap nut
Scourge of the SFN posted on 12-19-2001 @ 1:16 PM [] [] [] []
Posts: 299
Registered: Jan. 01
[] Roger I agree. With 9/11 you really can't make anything of O&A's ratings for a couple months. The reason we can make the argument that it hurt O&A more than Stern is before Sept 11 O&A were doing fine & pretty steady for a while, they had a slight drop in the last trend, but a couple tenths in 1 trend is nothing. Meanwhile Stern's #'s have pretty much been dropping steadily over the past 2 years. From a 10 to a 6 in 12+ and a 16 to an 8 in 25-54, thats a big drop & unlike O&A's drop it happened BEFORE 9/11.

slap nut
Scourge of the SFN posted on 12-20-2001 @ 1:46 AM [] [] [] []
Posts: 299
Registered: Jan. 01
[] O&A do NOT have a 2.8. The summer book had Stern had a 6.4 & O&A at a 4.4 (on the NYRMB & posted by Sniffen so its accurate). The fall book comes out in a few weeks, but the latest trend has Stern & O&A down by a few tenths of a point each, no where near the 1.6 drop STe said they had to a 2.8, thats WAY OFF.

---------------------------------- Immigrants and Faggots make no sense to me, they come to our country and think the'll do as they please, they want to spread their fucking disease!!! Turn around bitch, i've got a use for you, besides, you don't have nothing better to do and i'm board... It's so easy. easy when everone wants to please me baby!!! Come doused in mud, soaked in bleach, just like i want you to and oh yea, boobs r still fun!!!

Posts: 754

Gerry Lincoln
Ultimate Stern Fan

Re: The official Timj thread!!!
Posted: 1/2/02 11:19:45 pm
There lay sweet TimJ, all snug in his bed

While visions of ratings books danced in his head
"To the world you may be just one person,
but to one person you may be the world,"
-Taylor Hanson

Posts: 2894

Stern Crazed Mod

Re: The official Timj thread!!!
Posted: 1/3/02 10:06:47 am
This is quite amusing. I gotta admit, I haven't even given a single thought to Dopey & Antifunny since the last time I was over at SFN. I can't believe this little boy is so obsessed with these two insignifigant pimples on Howard's ass. Aaasteve really needs to give him something else to channel his passion into....
Beer soothes the upset soul - Thomas Mann

Posts: 1668

FOS Rock Star

Re: The official Timj thread!!!
Posted: 1/4/02 12:07:38 am
Aaasteve really needs to give him something else to channel his passion into....

What ever do you mean?

---------------------------------- Immigrants and Faggots make no sense to me, they come to our country and think the'll do as they please, they want to spread their fucking disease!!! Turn around bitch, i've got a use for you, besides, you don't have nothing better to do and i'm board... It's so easy. easy when everone wants to please me baby!!! Come doused in mud, soaked in bleach, just like i want you to and oh yea, boobs r still fun!!!

Posts: 763

FOS Mascot

Re: The official Timj thread!!!
Posted: 1/4/02 7:47:01 am
I like the Mona Lisa, but does the bitch have to smile? - Guillermo del Toro

Posts: 1576

Gerry Lincoln
Ultimate Stern Fan

Re: The official Timj thread!!!
Posted: 1/4/02 9:22:29 am
TimJ pulled a "seven-point-nine" in the last SFN ratings book.
"To the world you may be just one person,
but to one person you may be the world,"
-Taylor Hanson

Posts: 2947

Big Fan, Big Fan
Re: The official Timj thread!!!
Posted: 1/4/02 11:42:39 am
I can see our TimJ out at the clubs with his WoW t-shirt on, trying to impress the
ladies(or the guys), BTW, I believe our TimJ goes to the Shadybrook Institute.

Posts: 108

FOS Rock Star

Re: The official Timj thread!!!
Posted: 1/4/02 1:51:14 pm
Calling all Timj fans, this E-mail address holds the key... [email protected]

We can be saved, that E-mail address is the e-mail address of TIMJ, yes, it's true. There is no other way, Gerry tried to contact him through but they deleted it, I went to his school but he was no where in sight, this is the only way, we must start now. The only way to get him here is to tell him we're here, discussing O&a in this here thread... so lets go, I already sent mine now send yours, invite our friend to play.

(please notify this thread when you send your e-mail out)
---------------------------------- Immigrants and Faggots make no sense to me, they come to our country and think the'll do as they please, they want to spread their fucking disease!!! Turn around bitch, i've got a use for you, besides, you don't have nothing better to do and i'm board... It's so easy. easy when everone wants to please me baby!!! Come doused in mud, soaked in bleach, just like i want you to and oh yea, boobs r still fun!!!

Edited by: aaasteve5 at: 1/4/02 1:56:26 pm

Posts: 767

Gerry Lincoln
Ultimate Stern Fan

Re: The official Timj thread!!!
Posted: 1/4/02 1:59:29 pm
Steve, you'll have to have TimJ contact FOS to register as new registrations are closed here at the moment.

And now we have a legitimate reason to get him over here — Loganfield wants to discuss ratings.

You might even want to paste Loganfield's request in an email to Tim.

Books — that's where our TimJ truly shines!
"To the world you may be just one person,
but to one person you may be the world,"
-Taylor Hanson

Posts: 2958

Gerry Lincoln
Ultimate Stern Fan

Re: The official Timj thread!!!
Posted: 1/5/02 1:09:22 pm
aaasteve5 said:

Gerry tried to contact him through but they deleted it...

Praise Jesus!

My topic was not deleted but moved to the "Fight Club" forum. I can't imagine why though — that's the last thing I want, is a fight with our dear sweet TimJ...

Go get him, Steve!

I am a "Hanger On" at

...and proud of it!
"To the world you may be just one person,
but to one person you may be the world,"
-Taylor Hanson

Posts: 2981

FOS Rock Star

Re: The official Timj thread!!!
Posted: 1/5/02 2:46:59 pm
If you even as far as tap Timmy, you'll be in big trouble Gerry!

No one touches my Timmy, well, except me of course but only when he needs a beating.

Even though, you have touched him before, I remember at SFN one time, you had to give him a swift beating for posting in General Chatter.

---------------------------------- Immigrants and Faggots make no sense to me, they come to our country and think the'll do as they please, they want to spread their fucking disease!!! Turn around bitch, i've got a use for you, besides, you don't have nothing better to do and i'm board... It's so easy. easy when everone wants to please me baby!!! Come doused in mud, soaked in bleach, just like i want you to and oh yea, boobs r still fun!!!

Alkey gave me my bonus points back.
posted on 01-05-2002 @ 3:54 PM      
Registered: Aug. 01
its disturbing you took the time to put that all together
its even more disturbing i sat there reading the whole thing
10 minutes i'll never get back, bah

Stand up straight
Stomach in
Shoulders back
posted on 01-05-2002 @ 4:45 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
The scariest part Thrillhouse is that some of these people need a hobby.
I'm gonna go resume my posting while I try to figure out what the fuck this mumbo jumbo is about.

Spray it down,
buisness as usual.

Yeah, I am bitter man now, what about it?

[Email][email protected][/Email]
slap nut
posted on 01-05-2002 @ 10:58 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
Gerry the reason why the promos make you belive O&A's ratings are better in Buffalo than Boston is because its ture. They are doing great it Buffalo O&A said that iut of all their syndicated markets Buffalo has the highest #'s and then Clevland.

Harmless Teddy I wish Maynard was still posting here so I could implant my head up his ass.
Needle dick, bear salesman. I think I'm a revolutionary. Actually, I'm a one trick pony.
I enjoy C&BT
posted on 01-05-2002 @ 11:12 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01
this thread is the biggest piece of moronic shit.

Arpi Karhu Kauppias Forever!!!

AIM- Arpikarhu

invader from mars
posted on 01-05-2002 @ 11:47 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00
slap nut
Scourge of the SFN
posted on 01-05-2002 @ 10:58 PM
Posts: 303
Registered: Jan. 01
slapnut said:

Gerry the reason why the promos make you belive O&A's ratings are better in Buffalo than Boston is because its ture. They are doing great it Buffalo O&A said that iut of all their syndicated markets Buffalo has the highest #'s and then Clevland.

Oh I believe O&A have good ratings in Buffalo.

Buffalo radio, for the most part, sucks.

O&A are kind of a breath of fresh air.

Are you going to take us up on our invitataion?

I believe someone sent you an email.

Some of us actually miss you!

invader from mars
posted on 01-05-2002 @ 11:47 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00
slap nut
Scourge of the SFN
posted on 01-05-2002 @ 10:58 PM
Posts: 303
Registered: Jan. 01
slapnut said:

Gerry the reason why the promos make you belive O&A's ratings are better in Buffalo than Boston is because its ture. They are doing great it Buffalo O&A said that iut of all their syndicated markets Buffalo has the highest #'s and then Clevland.

Oh I believe O&A have good ratings in Buffalo.

Buffalo radio, for the most part, sucks.

O&A are kind of a breath of fresh air.

Are you going to take us up on our invitataion?

I believe someone sent you an email.

Some of us actually miss you!

I've Got A Vagina With Teeth.
Dragoon Battalion
My friends call me Weed
posted on 01-06-2002 @ 12:25 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

Some of us actually miss you!
Things must really be slow over at SFN.

Sig Pic Under Construction

The mind is like a works best when it is open

You can reach me through AIM or email. Don't be shy, drop a line and say Hi!

invader from mars
posted on 01-06-2002 @ 12:34 AM      
Registered: Nov. 00
hornygoatweed said:

Things must really be slow over at SFN.

Are you implying that our Tim is anything less than exciting? We happen to love him very much!

In any case, SFN has been down for about two months, so people have regrouped at a couple other playgrounds.

I've Got A Vagina With Teeth.
Dragoon Battalion
My friends call me Weed
posted on 01-06-2002 @ 5:21 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

Are you implying that our Tim is anything less than exciting?
Not at all - I'm simply saying that you people must be so bored as to have to come here and hunt people down. Get a life deek, go find a Shoutcast feed of the Best of Hooknose - it'll be funnier than anything he's doing these days.

Sig Pic Under Construction

The mind is like a works best when it is open

You can reach me through AIM or email. Don't be shy, drop a line and say Hi!

This message was edited by hornygoatweed on 1-6-02 @ 5:23 PM
invader from mars
posted on 01-06-2002 @ 11:04 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00
I never thought of it as "hunting people down" as you put it.

I can't speak for anyone else but I like Timmy because he brought an alternative view point to the table at SFN.

Just as pretty well everyone here thinks that Opie and Anthony are the best thing on radio, so too, at SFN, everyone thinks Howard is the closest to Jesus Christ they'll ever get.

Once in awhile it's nice to have a discussion with someone who disagrees.

Timmy is that guy. No matter what, he always defended O&A against sometimes vicious and vitriolic attacks.

I respect that.

As for "Best Of Hooknose" — that's actually funny — I've got over 1500 90-minute cassettes of the Stern show so I really don't need to search out stuff on the 'net. And you're right — since Jackie left, the show has definitely suffered.
However, in my opinion it's still the best thing on morning drive radio.

posted on 01-07-2002 @ 5:48 PM      
Registered: Dec. 01
Hey speaking of invading, did anybody see WWF's invasion?

Harmless Teddy I wish Maynard was still posting here so I could implant my head up his ass.
Needle dick, bear salesman. I think I'm a revolutionary. Actually, I'm a one trick pony.
I enjoy C&BT
posted on 01-07-2002 @ 5:50 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01

I've got over 1500 90-minute cassettes of the Stern show so I really don't need to search out stuff on the 'net

can you say "pale friendless virgin"?

Arpi Karhu Kauppias Forever!!!

AIM- Arpikarhu

Doesn't Live Up To The Hype
I should have stayed OVER THERE
posted on 01-07-2002 @ 7:39 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 01

can you say "pale friendless virgin"?

Not really, whenever I try it comes out gabled and sounds like Arpikarhu.

slap nut
posted on 01-07-2002 @ 11:37 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
Hey Gerry I like to have the O&A vs Stern debates. Actual debates not the just rules & suck cause they do crap. BTW I did sign up for the board last night, but registeration has to approved on the board, so I am waiting to be approved.

...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 01-07-2002 @ 11:58 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00

can you say "pale friendless virgin"?

Alkey, Alkey, Alkey

I am the game, you don't want to play me
i am control, no way you can shake me
i am heavy debts, no way you can pay me
i am the pain ,and i know you can't take me

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Displaying 1-25 of 35 messages in this thread.