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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - This is why I hate Norton

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: This is why I hate Norton
posted on 09-13-2001 @ 10:37 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Text cannot express the venom that i intend to convey here. Just try to imagine the hate that i spew forth.
You fucking piece of shit. You God forsaken animal.
With all the destruction and death around us, you waste some of your pathetic life to tell us that you think a COMIC is out of line? I wish i had you in front of me right now, because you would pray to be one of the victims of this tradgedy fortunate enough to have died quickly.

God loves's everyone else that thinks you're an asshole.

Posting regularly,yet still a lowly lurker.

Check out my band at
Beyond Mirth
posted on 09-13-2001 @ 11:05 PM      
Registered: Sep. 01
wow! lotta anger coming out here. It is totally understood. I am obviously a new member to the board so I will step very lightly here...
Greed, I understand where you are coming from. In an attempt to not repeat what everyone has said here so far...Norton does NOT wish innocent people harm. He doesn't even wish certain people harm. Its just a comedic way to express how stupid, ignorant, evil, or just how much of a tool certain people are. You HAVE to know this man. Come on now! You really think that he sat there and pictured that specific person falling in a puddle of AIDS? Is that even possible? by the same token, I think your point is something along the lines of "be careful what you wish for". And I think that is something tat most people dont realize when thay banter and vent. I'm sure we all, including you, say things that we dont EXACTLY mean. Norton just takes these to the extreme in a comedic sense. I am the same way. Not as much anymore.

My friends all know me as the guy who says the most ridiculous thing imaginable. I once said the phrase "yea, the family fuck is when a chick is delivering a baby and the baby comes out feet first. What you do is have sex with the baby, then as you do that you push the baby in and out of the chick's junk so you are actually having sex with both at the same time!" LOL, yes that is SICK and twisted. But everyone was on the floor laughing.

i have grown up (a little) and I try to be concious of the things I say, realizing that it wasn't the healthiest thing to be trying to think and say and portray the most ridiculous thing just to get a luagh. But at the same time, I still do take things to the extreme to prove a point, and that is what Norton does.
I dont think you are a dick, but I just think you got the wrong idea.

sorry if I offended anyone (<---that's just something I'm used to saying)

***kill em! kill em all! rid Earth of these demons now!***

...And still these thoughts ring true, to your own self be true and be careful what you learn cause sometimes knowing burns.
Cranky Ass
posted on 09-13-2001 @ 11:25 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
While I respect your opinion, which you and several others here have not, I respectfully must disagree with you Greed.

"Tragedy is when I cut my finger, Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die." -Mel Brooks

Mel Brooks, perhaps one of the most respected and most well known comedians of all time pretty much sums up why Norton is not an evil man but simply a comedian's comedian. I am not going to bash you or threaten you with removal from the board simply because you have a dissenting opinion, I not only respect your dissent but feel it is healthy as hell. If anything telling you not to say it is as bad as you saying Norton should not say what he does.

Tread lightly. I found out the hard way that this board is not a democracy and you could be censored for what you say.

I'm sure if you really think about it you can see where Norton is coming from.


Read My Column, Kickin Ass With FoundryMusicAntD on ,
the most difficult site to navigate on the net and tune into my midnite show on Radio

God Bless America!!! Support Firemen, Red Cross, United Way, and everyone helping restore peace.

This message was edited by Cranky Ass on 9-13-01 @ 11:33 PM
posted on 09-13-2001 @ 11:37 PM      
Registered: Aug. 00
mirth that was one of the sickest weirdist things i've ever seen. i laughed but how the fuck does that come up in conversation
as for greed. first off to take the time to think of this in the midst of everything else is sick and second I have talked to norton and as others have said he is a polite, nice, intelligent person. his act is justthat an act and dont' tell me you are a bigger fan,i've listened since boston or that i'm a follower cause fuck you i've met the guy other than that i agree with everything mag said

[email protected]
posted on 09-13-2001 @ 11:42 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
shit nevermind.

I never was intending to say anything negative about Norton personally.

I understand he's a comic, and I understand that many people find many differen things funny. If I don't like him, I turn him off.

I never liked the comments he makes. I've posted about it before, and this disaster just reminded me of why I don't like it.

As everyone else in this country, I've been spewing venom for the last three days in attempts to verbalize my emotions here.

I realize that this is just such an insignificant aspect of the horrors that have occurred. I didn't want this to be a 40 reply post.

I apologize if I got anyone riled up about anything other than what we should all be focused on.

This message was edited by Greed on 9-13-01 @ 11:58 PM
posted on 09-14-2001 @ 12:10 AM      
Registered: Jun. 01
While I respect your opinion, which you and several others here have not, I respectfully must disagree with you Greed.

this is not a knock on you cranky ass, but it just reminds me of something my father always says says..."opinions are like assholes, everybody has one."

snootchie bootches :P


"We all have nightmares to remind ourselves who we really are."-Leonard Shelby: Memento

posted on 09-14-2001 @ 1:20 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70

I will say this because I have the pleasure of being able to say that I know Jim Norton and have had the opportunity to converse and socialize on a small basis with him. If you were a more educated or informed person, you would realize that Jim is one of the most polite, considerate, and friendly people that you will ever meet.

I can agree with froy i also have had the pleasure of speaking to Jim in person and on the internet on a few occasions and my humor is parralel to his. But i also agree with every word froy said. I assumed to at first Norton was just some heartless person, but i learned the opposite when i met him.

Unlike many others he never does schtick or comedy or tries to be funny in person. He is a very regular man and he is very considerate and an extremely kind person. Plus he is one of the most sincerest people i have ever met.

Before you say i am saying this because i am blind or an O&A fan i am not. I think Jay Mohr is a complete asshole i have met him once at a bar 9 and the guy is a complete waste of flesh.

But of all the people i have had the honor of meetering from the show Mike Denacola and jim norton are class acts.

As far as Jims humor i spoke to jim in e-mails about the humor he and i possess. It is not because we are desnsitized about aids or death BUT because if we can not laugh in the face of tragedy we will never overcome it. I have seen friends die of cancer and aids and commit suicide and i have seen many tragedies. I don't take it light nor do i not care. But i know neither Jim Nor I nor do most good comics like Jim use it for shock value. Jim said to me "Most people arent shocked at humor, they are offended because laughter is an admission or acknowledgement and they are inherently dishonest." People feel is you don't say Cancer but "the Big C" somehow it will maybe go away if you don't acknowlege it. But you have to throw it in peoples fuckin faces. Not acknowledging Aids till the late 80's by the reagan administration helped the disease spread like wild fire.

This can all be summed up with one old quote

"people fear what they do not understand."

"For all we have and are, for all our children's fate,
stand up and take the war, the Hun is at the gate!"
--- Rudyard Kipling

May God Have Mercy On thier Souls.
Beacuse We Will Not. -- John McCain 9-12-01

She-Mail Me Here

posted on 09-14-2001 @ 9:10 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

slipping in a puddle of AIDS, and the like are foolish, and in many cases funny.

Wow...what a hypocrite. Wishing aids on someone is wishing death on someone. Get with it man, you're contradicting yourself.

Chief Engineer of the Starship Foundry. (NCC 1841-A)

Visit FoundryMusic & Chat
I was supposed to have a status, but some FNMoron forgot what it was supposed to be.
posted on 09-14-2001 @ 1:17 PM      
Registered: Aug. 00
If you want to direct your negativity against a comedian, George Carlin was supposed to have a special coming out next month called "I Like It When A Lot of People Die." I heard him rehearse it last month and in the closer he lists multiple tragedies happening one after the other which cause many deaths. I only hope after this he won't even THINK of performing that bit again.

I can't complain but sometimes I still do. Life's been good to me so far . . .
Devon, Get The Tables
posted on 09-14-2001 @ 1:32 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
Hey Douche:

Learn that there is separation between the man and his act. To attack the man is reprehensible. If you do not like his act, turn the dial, if you dislike theman, tell it to his face.

Now serving at the NRA cafe: The Notorious BLT
Stand up straight
Stomach in
Shoulders back
posted on 09-14-2001 @ 4:30 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Hey, It's all good, Greed. Hey even I know when I cross the line.
And no need to worry, I'd still fight along side you in the trenches, even if you hate me or not.
Now let's get back to waiting for results.

There are regrettable necessities, dying for your country is one of them. Bombing your foes to extinction isn't one of them.

Now accepting two recruits for the revived Armored Division.

Beyond Mirth
posted on 09-14-2001 @ 4:46 PM      
Registered: Sep. 01
Damn its been so dreary the past few days everywhere! I finally got a burst of laughter out today. I was listening to the show and Anthony said probably the funniest thing I have heard in a long time; "I guess it won't hurt cause it's kinda like a nerf, but if you see these people throw an eggroll at them! Just go buy an eggroll, and uhhh...throw it at em!"

...And still these words ring through: to your own self be true
and be careful what you learn cause sometimes knowing burns.
I have no fucking clue what happened to Sluggo667.
VinnyWS6: chicks? they dont have the penis so why would i care about them
VinnyWS6: froy is quite hansome
VinnyWS6: I want froys cock!
posted on 09-14-2001 @ 8:47 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
Typical post on Person speaks his mind, Everyone attacks, member falls back and apoligizes for speaking his opinion. Greed these people said some bad shit about you! And, You apologize. Leave, just leave this is a horrible place. It amazing what people will say over a computer. Members have been leaving left and right. And, for good reasons. It is possible to be a fan of the show and not post here. Know who your friends are and where you're wanted.
Greed, get up and call a friend.

posted on 09-15-2001 @ 12:05 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Vinny get a fuckin clue why don't you leave if this place is so horrible? You stir up so much shit here constantly, who are these "many" people who left who you speak of? Name me one?

"For all we have and are, for all our children's fate,
stand up and take the war, the Hun is at the gate!"
--- Rudyard Kipling

May God Have Mercy On thier Souls.
Beacuse We Will Not. -- John McCain 9-12-01

She-Mail Me Here

posted on 09-15-2001 @ 2:03 AM      
Registered: Jun. 01
If you want to direct your negativity against a comedian, George Carlin was supposed to have a special coming out next month called "I Like It When A Lot of People Die."

if i am now forced to live in a world where george carlin can't do one of his bits...i dont know if i can make it


"No poor bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making other bastards die for their country."-George S. Patton, General (1885-1945)

Clint Horrace
posted on 09-15-2001 @ 2:09 AM      
Registered: Jun. 01

If you want to direct your negativity against a comedian, George Carlin was supposed to have a special coming out next month called "I Like It When A Lot of People Die."
If you can't find humor in George Carlin, what can you find humor in? He is the master and tells life like it is.

I am the C.L.I.T. Commander!

This message was edited by Clint Horrace on 9-15-01 @ 2:46 AM
Lord Magus
I have Cool-Mod-Powers and can read the Cool-Mod-Forum, then I drive home in my Cool-Mod-Car UFC
posted on 09-15-2001 @ 2:27 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
You know what Vinny....
Out of 40 posts in this thread I count MAYBE 7 that are "Attacks" including mine, even though I think I calmed down towards the end of my post.
Quite frankly your attitude doesn't float.. you posted something and people pointed out how you could be mistaken and you started getting agitated. (in another thread, but it's the same thing that happened here and you didn't even post)

It amazing what people will say over a computer.

Indeed.. one has only to look at some of your recent posts to see that.

Leave, just leave this is a horrible place.

Here... let me help you with that....
Vinny.. wether you like it or not this is not just a message board, this IS a community.. and I won't tolerate your outright negativity when what most people here need is comfort and positivity.
I'll even give you the benefit of the doubt that you're just venting your frustration, when and if you calm down feel free to e-mail me and I'll consider unbanning your account, but for now I think maybe you need some time off.

No! I am NOT a Goth Dude!!
"Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun!"

This message was edited by Lord Magus on 9-15-01 @ 2:40 AM
posted on 09-16-2001 @ 10:32 AM      
Registered: Jan. 01
The only thing I can say here that truly offends me is "METS IN 2002"

posted on 09-16-2001 @ 2:58 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
I already once responded a while ago to how I feel about Norton, and, was to RottenVinny:

the actual post can be found here:

here's a copy of what I said in it:



What about other people that say stuff about blacks? Froy, "Well have raped and stolen from the poor countries of the world, and we are said to be the laziest country in the I guess it would make sense. " Ok, so he is saying black people are rapist,theives,lazy. So what the fuck? Its ok for him? What about Norton calling blacks savages,Baboons? I know you guys are older and more experineced. But, Thats the way i am so get used to it. I'm just a kid from long island that loves the same radio show you do. So, can you guys drop this and get back to having fun, and talking about the show?

-Let me tell you something about Jim Norton. I met the man
ONCE- at an unofficial get together at
scruffy mcduffy's on 8th avenue about 8 months back.
I happen to run into Jim a few weeks later while walking
down McDougal Street in the Village. We see each other,
HE gives me a pound (as WE say in, 'The Hood')-
i.e., we greet each other- and he not only invites
me to the comedy club that he's a regular at- he gets me a
FREE pass in - i'm sitting in the comics section chilling
like i'm one of them-
and he tells me before i go in- "don't tell anybody- but JERRY SEINFELD
is going to do a suprise performance
in a few minutes." Now I'M a HUUGE fan of jerry seinfeld- though others
may not be - so this was an especially big deal for me - and, indeed
Seinfeld came in and ROCKED like a one-hour suprise gig!

So Don't You say SHIT about JIM NORTON - you whiney, 16 yr old,
white supremacist, can-hardly-spell, don't know shit about life yet
and is still a bottom feeding racist already, dragging
other names in to blame when you can't properly defend an
indefensable position, resorting to CryBaby tactics when
ANTHONY himself has to chew you a new one just
to crawl your punk-asscunt-ass out of the well-deserved barrel
you placed yourself in......: stops to breathe :,
spills out inflammatory, incendiary shit like
"i don't like black people..this fucking wigger bitch..etc, etc"
and then wonders why his inexperienced 16 yr old
ass gets piled on (:hmmmmm, that reminds me of AIMP'S post: ),
piece of sheittt! (it's the black irish in me!)

but, you know what, i'll stop and apologize to you right now.
you're tooooo easy a target. and it's not fair.
you can't hack it - as evidenced by this thread,
the nik carter thread, and every other post you've posted.
Im not an adopter or mod- so it's not my place to tell you to
get adopted...but you know what?...GET ADOPTED!!!!
if anyone'll want your wannabe skinhead, Racist Vinnie Jr behind!

don't worry - you're not alone- ALOT of people don't like black
people in this country!- you'll always have friends.

just stop being a punk and if you make a statement-
don't try to drag other people into the barrel you made
for yourself!
froy and jim norton can take care of themselves-
YOU started this thread!

and for the rec, FROY is NOT racist! Douschebag!
in the few correspondences i've had with him- he's been
100% cool with me!

and Jim Norton is DEE Fucking Man- he deserves every bit of
Success he's getting now!

9 - 11 - 01...Never Forget
NIGGA PLEASE! All the bitches in here are crazy!
posted on 09-16-2001 @ 8:06 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

You all know that, if a week ago, he had said to someone he disagreed with, "I hope the World Trade Center gets hit by a plane and you blow up in the explosion", there would be a group of people laughing at his creativity and wit.

NO , we would be calling him Norton-damos

This message was edited by MashedPotatohead on 9-16-01 @ 8:31 PM
Tony Metropolis
posted on 09-16-2001 @ 8:45 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
"My friends all know me as the guy who says the most ridiculous thing imaginable. I once said the phrase "yea, the family fuck is when a chick is delivering a baby and the baby comes out feet first. What you do is have sex with the baby, then as you do that you push the baby in and out of the chick's junk so you are actually having sex with both at the same time!" LOL, yes that is SICK and twisted. But everyone was on the floor laughing."

Damn Mirth, I gotta start hanging out with you.

Beyond Mirth
posted on 09-16-2001 @ 10:07 PM      
Registered: Sep. 01
ugghh! Greed, what is your opinion of Stephen lynch? just out of curiousity. I wouldn't say he does the exact same thing as Norton but it is along the same line i think.

Matt: "Dave this chick is so hot i want to talk to her but I don't really know how to start a conv. Isn't she supposed to open up for Beyond Mirth next week?"

Dave (me): "yea she is dude. i know the perfect way you can talk to her. What you do is, as soon as she gets on stage and starts playing, walk up on stage and put your junk on the piano keys. Look deep into her eyes with love and then punch yourself in the junk as hard as you can. Then immediately start yelling "IT HURST IT HURTS SUCK IT SUCK IT NOW PLEASE". Trust me it works 9 times out of 10 man"

Matt: *barf*

sorry people needed to bring some humor to this thread!

I've been adopted by Austin, thanks cuz. 9/14/01

...And still these words ring through: to your own self be true
and be careful what you learn cause sometimes knowing burns.
Cranky Ass
posted on 09-17-2001 @ 1:47 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
Take everything Norton says on the level that its humor for humor's sake.

If this guy doesn't like Norton, Carlin would have him screaming bloody murder. The funny thing is, their humor wouldn't be half as funny if knee jerk reactionary people like Greed didn't exist. We don't laugh at it because of its shock value, but because its so ridiculous, so over the top, that nobody in their right mind (which obviously you're not) would take it at face value.

Listen to some Lenny Bruce and get yourself a comedic education.


Read My Column, Kickin Ass With FoundryMusicAntD on ,
the most difficult site to navigate on the net and tune into my midnite show on Radio

God Bless America!!! Support Firemen, Red Cross, United Way, Salvation Army and everyone helping restore peace.
posted on 09-17-2001 @ 2:06 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Bruce was brilliant. Carlin is better. As Norton said in his post. I have a line. It's wishing death on others.

have fun at my expense all you want people. If this can make everyone laugh a little, it's fine with me.


These cocksuckers funded this bombing by shorting stocks becuase they knew the market would go down.

Buy something!

Cranky Ass
posted on 09-17-2001 @ 2:17 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
Well its good to know you're not completely in the dark. I don't support piling on someone for having a different opinion, believe me i've been on the bottom of those piles more times than I can remember and didn't survive a few.

Carlin and Bruce have wished death on others in their acts, in jest of course, the same way Norton does. I think your beef with Norton is really that you think he's a hack, not that he's evil.


Read My Column, Kickin Ass With FoundryMusicAntD on ,
the most difficult site to navigate on the net and tune into my midnite show on Radio

God Bless America!!! Support Firemen, Red Cross, United Way, Salvation Army and everyone helping restore peace.

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