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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Gonzo vs. Jesus (please do not read this if you are easily offended or are a devout christian)

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Gonzo vs. Jesus (please do not read this if you are easily offended or are a devout christian)
King Shit
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posted on 04-15-2001 @ 6:17 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01
As an atheist, I say BRAVO!

~Matt/Froy from Jersey

Official Protector of Gay Marco & SwampJunk...if he ever decides to post.
Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 04-15-2001 @ 6:27 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Gonzo, bravo man, this thread rocks.

I'm an agnostic. I think this thread is the best. Why? Cause he can back up his own arguments with real Bible passages. And if you don't believe his passaaages, go to and look them up yourself. They're all real.

The Bible is two thousand years old. Can YOU prove that it really happened? I sure as fuck can't. So, which is it, a great novel by some of the most talented writers of the day, or an account of events that actually happened?

And would it shock you so much if an entire religion spawned from a BOOK... especially one so powerful, two thousand years ago? A book that gave people hope and something to look forward to.... then they build on that hope and make a belief... then a structure of beliefs... then over a century or two it's forgotten that it was all just a novel to begin with.

Just look at the Star Wars novels. Not as powerful as the Bible of course, but look aat all the books from all the different contributing authors..... unless you own a time machine, who are you to say the Bible isn't the same?

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posted on 04-15-2001 @ 6:44 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Everybody go and says well my god can kick your god's ass. And it's not about that. It's about being a good human but some people pervert that and say everyone that doesn't believe in their god is going to hell. I believe hell is for kid touchers(no offense gonzo), killers, hypocrites(the big ones), and warmongers, and oppressers. And I'm sticking to my religion because in my heaven I get poontang. Sounds like a sweet deal to me.

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posted on 04-15-2001 @ 6:48 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
like i said before if you love jesus let me nail you to a cross and you can die!!!! maybe you make it back maybe not.

Look at people who praise jesus when good happens and they praise him when bad happens? why is that? cause they are weak people who need something to cling onto. Like rabbits foots when the answer is not "why me" but "why not me" shit just happens without some huge cosmic balance. I choose to do something and i chosse not to.

Do i beleive in a higher power? yes i do but it is not what is written and shoved down our throats but what is in our hearts.

Have you come here for forgiveness
Have you come to raise the dead
Have you come here to play Jesus
To the lepers in your head

She-Mail Me Here

Mi1o Yambag
posted on 04-15-2001 @ 6:50 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I'm a Catholic, but I'm not at all offended by this thread. In fact, I really like the thread. While I don't agree with what you're saying, you state your points very well, and have info and Biblical passages to back it up, so how can I, or anyone, argue with what you're saying.

The only thing I'd like to add is that the Bible shouldn't be taken litterally. It's, at best, a collection of stories based in truth that had been passed down verbally over the years. Just like that old game 'telephone' the stories are bound to change. The only way one can really interpret the Bible is as an example of how to live--peacefully, lovingly, and morally. The actual details should not really be taken seriously.

Smoke Weed Everyday

My adopted junior yambag is Ants in My Pants
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Missile Command
posted on 04-15-2001 @ 7:24 PM      
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Registered: Nov. 00
im jewish and ive always seen most of christianity as a pessimistic anal retentive religion that forces you to cling to a form of beliefs no matter how good you are, else you burn in hell. with all the jack chick comics, and bible thumping dickheads pointing at everything calling it blasphemous, ive come to understand the existence of christianity less and less.

but i dont know christianity it is only a presumption of mine, and no religion is better than ther other, but i will say, i think judaism is a bit more optimistic than the other.

on top of that im not a very good jew, i go to temple 3 times a year(high holy days as they are called), and only acknowledge it very little only when the extremely major holidays occurr. id like to think religion as something that you believe in, but are not meant to base your life around it, i understand to love god, and obey the things that are important that he tells us, but to those who take it to the next level, use it as a defense to harm, kill, and make life less fun for us i say FUCK YOU.

we live for the sake of living, not for the sake of dedicating your existence to an intangible figure that people say exists. i admire atheists

bodies strewn across the dead end street
broken bottles under children's feet
but i won't heed the battle call
it puts my back up, puts my back up agains the wall
Mr. Brownstone
posted on 04-15-2001 @ 7:28 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Amen brother!!! I'm agnostic, I believe is the possibility of some sort of Divne Presence, but if there is the religions have all got it wrong. Spirituality is an intesely private matter and one person's experience will not be the same as anothers, therefore religions make very little sense, especially if they're forced onto someone. My philosophy is that we'll all find out when we die so why sweat it now.

We'll roll on with our heads held high
Our conscience in the gutter
Our dreams up in the sky
---The Living End

I see stupid people...They're everywhere...They don't know they're stupid...
Kid Afrika
posted on 04-15-2001 @ 7:34 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
In Dogma, it is said that when we are little our glass (faith) is small, and easier to fill, as we grow older the glass gets bigger, and harder to fill. I went to church as a child, but now I see organized religion for what it is, "the world's longest running scam."

Rather die makin' money than live poor and legal
As I slang another ounce, I wish it was a kilo.
I need money in a major way.
Time to fuck my BEEEYATCH!! Hey!, and getten' paid
You other mothafuckas callin',
But me and my mothafuckin' thug niggas,
We straight ballin'!!

NO!!! You can't have any smiley faces in your status!!!
Missile Command
posted on 04-15-2001 @ 7:42 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 00
i think leon trotsky said it best(i think he said it) religion is the opiate of the people. maybe a divine presense exists, but religion has been turned into the way you have to live, people cling onto it thinking they have a handle on life and that they know what the future holds for them. anyone that lives their life modeled after a religion is making a mistake, and it keeps them from living. experience is the greatest joy in life, and religion shields you from it, leaving you empty inside.

i just cant help myself, im feeling like im going out of my head
uncanny strange deja vu, but i dont mind, i have to find the truth.
The Painter
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posted on 04-15-2001 @ 7:43 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
It's all a bunch of crap. Church doctrine changes every fifty to hundred years. Why? It's all politics. What was good during the Crusades ain't no good today. Religion is the opiate of the masses

Mr Quotes same quote at same time

This message was edited by The Painter on 4-15-01 @ 7:51 PM
posted on 04-15-2001 @ 7:46 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
MrQuotes trotsky didn't originate that. It was marx that said that. But he was a marxist so he is obviously going to quote him.

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posted on 04-15-2001 @ 7:52 PM      
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Registered: Jan. 01
Gonzo, big thumbs up. And to all in here today, happy zombie day/Easter. After all it is about a guy rising from the grave. It's all a matter of perspective. I am an athiest. Lost religion when my folks sent me to catholic school as a protestant. The bible is just so full of contradictions, it is hard to believe people can base their lives on it.

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The Brain
He's good at teh rhyming questions
posted on 04-15-2001 @ 8:03 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
If anyone is interested, the Discovery Channel is just starting a three-hour look on the historical Jesus that could prove enlightening...

F N Moron
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posted on 04-15-2001 @ 8:21 PM      
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Registered: Oct. 00
I tend to see most all organized religions and churches to be nothing but tax-exempt, hypocrytical, money laundring warmongers. Religions are a major reason for war. Holy Wars have been around for thousands of years.

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King Shit
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posted on 04-15-2001 @ 8:44 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01
Simply put, religion is man's worst invention

~Matt/Froy from Jersey

Official Protector of Gay Marco & SwampJunk...if he ever decides to post.
posted on 04-15-2001 @ 8:48 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
I don't know froy butt plugs kind of have it beat.

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F N Moron
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posted on 04-15-2001 @ 8:49 PM      
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Registered: Oct. 00

Professional Slacker
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Current Adoptees: candy girl & Sluggo667
posted on 04-15-2001 @ 8:51 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
This reminds of that chris rock line. "Some people believe in god just in case. Because you don't want to be the guy at the gates and you are saying well come on you didn't really show any evidence of your existence." I'd rather be an atheist than believe just in case. But right now I got faith in god but not religion. Organized religions cause so much evil.

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The Brain
He's good at teh rhyming questions
posted on 04-15-2001 @ 9:01 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01

Simply put, religion is man's worst invention

True, and yet not true. Religion, expression of faith, in its most simplistic form can actually be healthy for a community or people to embrace. If Catholicism/Christianity, Judaism, Islam, etc. adhered to the single belief "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"{Mt. 7:12} [and even perhaps a second lesser doctrine of "Judge not lest you be judged" {Mt. 7:1-2}], the world around us would probably be a fairly harmonious place to live in, if only because the doctrines simply promote us to be good, while allowing us our own free will to express our goodness as best we see fit...

But it is the organized religion that everyone seems most distressed by, because it is that which creates an aura of isolationism: if you are not with us (in our method of worship and faith), then you are obviously against us. Organized religion allows for no middle ground, no place where a person can acknowledge certain doctrines or aspects as part of their lifestyle, while denouncing other beliefs that might not fit in their personal philosophy.

posted on 04-15-2001 @ 9:40 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
Wow you got some good points there, I don't know if I should believe in Jesus anymore.....wait im Jewish what the fuck am I talking about?

I Hate Punk Rock
Mi1o Yambag
posted on 04-15-2001 @ 10:11 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

id like to think religion as something that you believe in, but are not meant to base your life around it, i understand to love god, and obey the things that are important that he tells us, but to those who take it to the next level, use it as a defense to harm, kill, and make life less fun for us i say FUCK YOU.

I couldn't agree more.

I call myself a Catholic because I believe in the fundamental principals of it--treat others the way you want to be treated, and live a fairly moral life--and because I believe in Jesus. As for the details of it, however, that's where I disagree. I never go to church--not even on holy days, and I follow few, if any of the rituals. In fact, the only things I do that are remotely religious are having faith and praying. And both of those are true to each and every religion--organized or not.

Smoke Weed Everyday

My adopted junior yambag is Ants in My Pants
posted on 04-15-2001 @ 10:21 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
I am in no way an atheist and like i said before i belive in a higher power but like i said it is in you and your heart.

I do not go to any temples at all. Where is it written that if you go to temple or church or a mosque that you are reaching your lord there? God or whatever you chose to call it is everywhere and in everything. In christianity itself jesus said he would be everywhere under any rock and in everyones hearts. Prayer is the oldest and best form of therapy. All therapy is, is getting things off your chest just saying hey i am fucked up. But to cling to it like it is a protective layering that will keep you safe from all evils is wrong.

People waste their lives questioning such things as heaven, hell, afterlife but live in the now. You may live to be a 100 or you may not live past tommorow who knows? And as to what happens then, well if there is nothing ask yourself this question...will you even know? You go to sleep you are away and gone and if you don't wake up will you be bothered that you are dead? no you won't know.

I look at it like tony soprano once said in the 1st season of the sopranos. "Do you eat beef? yeah i do. well if you were in india you'd go to hell for it. What does that mean? Means this whole fuckin thing makes no sense."

Have you come here for forgiveness
Have you come to raise the dead
Have you come here to play Jesus
To the lepers in your head

She-Mail Me Here

The Brain
He's good at teh rhyming questions
posted on 04-15-2001 @ 10:26 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01

I call myself a Catholic because I believe in the fundamental principals of it--treat others the way you want to be treated, and live a fairly moral life--and because I believe in Jesus. As for the details of it, however, that's where I disagree. I never go to church--not even on holy days, and I follow few, if any of the rituals.

But that is the problem, Yambag... the doctrines of Catholicism will still dismiss you as a sinner, even though you live a morally just life, simple because you don't adhere strictly to the rituals... and that means ALL of the rituals.

The point of organized religion is that a member cannot (or at least, is not supposed to) pick and choose what the person does or does not like about the religion; either one accepts all of it in a tightly-wrapped package, or simply put the person does not belong to that religion.

posted on 04-15-2001 @ 10:31 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Totally agree with you gonz. God is in your soul not in a place built out of glass, stone, and wood.

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Just Jon
posted on 04-15-2001 @ 10:35 PM      
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Registered: Aug. 00
I was raised Jewish, but am a deist. To me Judaism is a sense of history to what my ancestors went through. I don't believe in the faith, I don't observe it, but I do gather with family on the holidays because it gives me a chance to see my extended family.


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You listen to me! While I will admit to a certain cynicism, the fact is I am a nay-sayer and a hatchet man in the fight against violence! I pride myself in taking a punch and I'll gladly take another because I choose to live my life in the company of Gandhi and King! My concerns are global. I reject absolutely revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a love. I love you, Sheriff Truman.

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