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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - What movie have you rented lately?

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NIGGA PLEASE! All the bitches in here are crazy!
posted on 06-09-2001 @ 5:43 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Well, I don't rent much anymore, but the last one.......OH SHIT!!!! - I don't own that one...BRB....gotta make a return ;)

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posted on 06-10-2001 @ 3:26 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 00
I rented Little Nicky tonight and god damn did I laugh my fucking balls granted, I am a pothead and I was under the influence of the greens, but I thought it was great...I reccomend it for anyone who wants to laugh...

Why fucking bother

"Think before you write" - Froy

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Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 06-10-2001 @ 9:02 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
the new apocalypse now trailer is here and I thought Little Nicky was Sandler's best since Happy Gilmore (Gilmore and Maddison being the only two movies of his I liked) and Dana if you like Rush, try and see "The Tailor of Panama" it's not in wide release but it's a very well done spy thriller with just the right amount of humor. Rush plays the title character and Pierce Bronsnan is a sleazy spy who needs him to get information from his clients/

Tripod Fucking Sucks Ass, bastards shut down my site which really only had sounds but a way for others to download it
Eliza Dushku- Hotter Than Britney
Read my column at Foundry

This message was edited by IkeaBoy on 6-10-01 @ 9:06 AM
posted on 06-10-2001 @ 11:56 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Traffic - hated it
Pay It Forward - good movie
What Women Want - cute

They're crawling out of the woodwork! Idiots everywhere!!!

I don't know what is worse the assholes who create speculation threads or newbies who think they know everything...sheesh!

Kid Afrika
posted on 06-10-2001 @ 11:59 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Kim, you hated Traffic? I was thinking about buying that, what didn't you like about it?

I have abduc... I mean adopted tankGrrl24
I'm also schoolin' "bling bling w/ ice" on the ways of a GANGSTA

Currently walking on egg shells.
It's a battlefield out there.

It's like, "How much more black could this be?",
and the answer is none. None more black.

Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 06-10-2001 @ 5:23 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
I thought traffic was pretty good but not great, not nearly as good as last year's Requiem for a Dream. It was well made but a lot of the plotlines were predictable and stereotypical and it got a bit preachy. And Willem Defoe in Shadow of the Vampire (I think that's out on video too, if it is SEE IT) was better than Del Toro (yes Oscars make me bitter)

Tripod Fucking Sucks Ass, bastards shut down my site which really only had sounds but a way for others to download it
Eliza Dushku- Hotter Than Britney
Read my column at Foundry
Kid Afrika
posted on 06-10-2001 @ 5:26 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
could you stop your incessant babbling and tell me if traffic was good? i didn't see requiem for a dream, so I can't make an accurate comparison. just give me the straight dope.

I have abduc... I mean adopted tankGrrl24
I'm also schoolin' "bling bling w/ ice" on the ways of a GANGSTA

Currently walking on egg shells.
It's a battlefield out there.

It's like, "How much more black could this be?",
and the answer is none. None more black.

This message was edited by Kid Afrika on 6-10-01 @ 5:27 PM
Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 06-10-2001 @ 5:30 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
OK- I thought Traffic was a pretty good movie, well acted and well made. However a few of the storylines were cliched and plotpoints were predictable. It got a bit preachy near the end but Douglas, et al gave fantastic performances. It's not as great as others made it out to be but still a good movie to see. If you can get it for cheap K1d (cheap being same price as rental or a little above), I'd get it and give it a shot. I think it's a worthwhile movie to see at least once.

Responding to another post I saw: I didn't think G2k was that bad but then again I've seen a lot of the older Godzilla flicks.

Tripod Fucking Sucks Ass, bastards shut down my site which really only had sounds but a way for others to download it
Eliza Dushku- Hotter Than Britney
Read my column at Foundry

This message was edited by IkeaBoy on 6-10-01 @ 5:33 PM
posted on 06-10-2001 @ 6:09 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Rented Little Nicky I thought it was pretty good. I thought Traffic was great in my humble opinion. Renting Requiem tonight check back later on that one.

Resident Board Socialist

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It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees-Emiliano Zapata
posted on 06-10-2001 @ 6:32 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Kid... I just didn't think the movie was as great as everyone made it out to be. It had three stories going on at the same time and none of them really had substance. My boyfriend, who usually likes these type of movies, didn't care for it either. It isn't a movie I'd buy.

They're crawling out of the woodwork! Idiots everywhere!!!

I don't know what is worse the assholes who create speculation threads or newbies who think they know everything...sheesh!

Kid Afrika
posted on 06-10-2001 @ 6:39 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Thank you kim, a nice succinct answer. ikea, you could learn something here, if you didn't already know everything. ;)

I have abduc... I mean adopted tankGrrl24
I'm also schoolin' "bling bling w/ ice" on the ways of a GANGSTA

Currently walking on egg shells.
It's a battlefield out there.

It's like, "How much more black could this be?",
and the answer is none. None more black.

This message was edited by Kid Afrika on 6-10-01 @ 6:43 PM
American Fing Psycho
posted on 06-10-2001 @ 7:42 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
I just bought Traffic. Its a good buy. I rented Hidden Dragon and that was fuckin sick. I can't wait to get Blow.

"Hey i never said I was a good drunk"
"I don't hate the seals. I just hate the enjoyment they give to people." Bachman
Ants in My Pants

Well, since this thread is going to be deleted anyway... I'm a flaming homosexual and I love having big hard hot man meat rammed into my mouth and ass. Umm, this IS going to be deleted, right???
Prettiest Butterfly in the garden
All Blow job poems ©Fez 2002-2003. I'm obsessed with Alkey's penis.
posted on 06-10-2001 @ 10:57 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01

~ Wild Things
Mmmm, Denise Richards and Neve Campbell making out with each other. What a beautiful piece of American cinema.

posted on 06-11-2001 @ 1:32 AM      
Registered: May. 01
You got to love wild things... but my latest was
- Anti trust (just finished it 10 min ago..)
-crouchy tiger, high as a kite dragon
Traffic was ok, but not the best movie ever

Happily Married To A Beautiful Chick
posted on 06-11-2001 @ 3:56 AM      
Registered: May. 01
Saw Snatch last night with Benicio Del Toro and Brad Pitt. Del Toro is good, and Pitt is excellent with that accent. It's a movie worth seeing.

Have you ever had that typical Dutch feeling...."Have I That???"
Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 06-12-2001 @ 12:03 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
I finally saw Clear and Present Danger. Very good movie, much better than Patriot Game, far less cliched than PG and better made. I'm going to say it's better than Hunt for Red October too.

The narrator in Fight Club is the man we will be, Patrick Bateman in American Psycho is
the man we want to be
Eliza Dushku- Hotter Than

posted on 06-12-2001 @ 12:07 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Mar. 01
i just rented "Hunt for Red October" and "For a Few Dollars More" those movies.

Ikea...HFRO is 147% better than CAPD

Most Recent, as in release, i rented....X-Men, but i never got to finish watching it cause my Ex decided to go nuts and broke the DVD..i had to pay Blockbuster in cash for it....and i never got to WATCH IT!

This message was edited by Unicron on 6-12-01 @ 12:11 AM
Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 06-12-2001 @ 12:35 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
I posted this right after watching this and I haven't watched Hunt for awhile and usually after I see a movie I haven't fully decided a definiteive opinion on it but the more I think about it Hunt was a better, more intelligent thriller than CAPD which did have its share of cheesy lines. So after like an hour after seeing it I might end up switching the Best Ryan to Hunt (maybe not 147% better but better none the less) but I'll probably figure it out tomorrow, Patriot Games will totally remain the worst.

Hey Unicron, what are your thoughts on the SoaF movie if you've heard anything yet?

The narrator in Fight Club is the man we will be, Patrick Bateman in American Psycho is
the man we want to be
Eliza Dushku- Hotter Than

This message was edited by IkeaBoy on 6-12-01 @ 12:42 AM
Xtreme Skiing Assualt Force
Split Personality #1
posted on 06-12-2001 @ 9:10 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
I keep renting American History X, cause I can't find the special edition on DVD...great f'n movie! Also rented american psycho, now I own that. Next for me will be traffic, and maybe this requim movie a few of you are mentioning...

Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 06-12-2001 @ 9:43 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
Rent Traffic and Requiem and watch them back to back for two views of the drug problem in America. It works a lot better if you get stoned before.

The narrator in Fight Club is the man we will be, Patrick Bateman in American Psycho is
the man we want to be
Eliza Dushku- Hotter Than

posted on 06-12-2001 @ 9:57 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
I thought Requium is a much better take on the drug problem. Traffic took the story of the daughter and sort of made it hollywood. Requium didnt do that. Besides, Darren Aronofsky is an amazing director.

Everyone that reads this thread should go rent the movie PI.
It was also directed by Aronofsky. That movie is absolutely amazing!!!

"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."

Ahlexus is the newest castaway on Gilligan's Island. If she pisses in your wheaties, let me know.
Still room for one more castaway.
posted on 06-12-2001 @ 10:01 AM      
Registered: May. 01
I saw The Cell last night, thought it was pretty good.
Saw PI a while ago, indeed that movie is great! Great story.

Have you ever had that typical Dutch feeling...."Have I That???"
Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 06-12-2001 @ 10:03 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
Requiem was my favorite movie of last year. I can't wait to see what Aronofsky does with the Batman Prequel (he's the director). And I also agree Requiem was a better take on drugs than Traffic.

The narrator in Fight Club is the man we will be, Patrick Bateman in American Psycho is
the man we want to be
Eliza Dushku- Hotter Than

This message was edited by IkeaBoy on 6-12-01 @ 10:05 AM
posted on 06-12-2001 @ 10:16 AM      
Registered: Sep. 00
I just bought the Mission on DVD, because you can never be too depressed! God that's an awesome movie!

Colonel Will Bill
O&A's only Dallas listener
posted on 06-12-2001 @ 10:16 AM      
Registered: Jan. 01
~Best In Show-f'ng hilarious for a dog movie

~Dish Dogs - don't watch the whole thing, fast forward to about 5 minutes in and watch the Shannon Elizabeth strip tease, she shows some tits, but they seem alot smaller than those I saw on the MTV Video Awards.

~Meet The Parents-pretty good

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