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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Your status history

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Your status history
Is Don on the phone?
posted on 09-06-2001 @ 8:19 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
Sorry, it's classified...

Arthur Dent
posted on 09-06-2001 @ 9:16 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 00
Mine came in two stages.

First, I got "So called board expert" from Gooch because, as soon as I "got" the board and how it worked, I started giving advice to EVERY newbie who showed up.

Then, in December I got "owns a copy of the Anarchist cookbook" because of a thread I started on assasination methods. (Yes, I was really bored. :) ) I THINK I got that part from Upuauat.

So, my status hasn't changed since last December.

"When I was born I was so surprised I couldn't talk for a year and a half." - Gracie Allen

A much wittier reply came to mind immediately after I clicked the 'Send' button.
Elite Ninja Gaiden Infiltration Unit
posted on 09-06-2001 @ 9:21 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01

never had one

LOL! LMYBAGEGHETN:BCWDE@$^TAO!!! Kudos to whichever mod did that one. To those who didn't notice, CanWeSeeYourStuff said "never had one". I then look over to see that his status is "never had one"

"I know I'm homophobic, but not about gay guys; they don't bother me at all. It's straight guys who don't know they're gay; they fuck my shit right up." -- King Missile - Gay, not gay


Validictorian of the danked school of etiquette.

posted on 09-06-2001 @ 9:38 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01


Hey I'd like to daze away to a place no one has known
In a state of mind I could call mine and only I could own
Where I can hum a tune any time I choose and there's no such thing as time
Where I can feel no pain just calm and sane what a place for one to find
Mistress Of The Double Posts
posted on 09-06-2001 @ 10:46 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Kudos to whichever mod did that one

I think it was Joey.

"One girl, I drove through three states wearing her head as a hat." ~ Garland 'The Marietta Mangler' Greene
"Hand me the keys, you cocksucker!" "In English, please?" "Excuse me?" "In English." "Hand me the fucking keys, you cocksucker, what the fuck?"
Hey... Buckaroo! Yes, everyone knows I type in a unique manner. No need to comment.
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 2:36 AM      
Registered: Mar. 01
UHMM hey evERyOne i BeeEn On vaCtioN for a wEEk firSt PoST bacK And UhMmMmmMm WeLL . . .

I doNo Who mAdeMy stAtS buT ! it doeSS SpeaK thE truTh moSt oF thE tiME eh .? :) So Fuck It im ConteNt!

crx girl
Newbie! vg Y's me
ugo girl
Limey Mothercocker
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 3:00 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
i had "whiny insomniac bitch" for about 24 hours, then there was "i prefer a nice soft hand sized breast" i don't know where either of those came from. but it was there for a while, until one fateful night out in brooklyn, by the time i got home i had "i pee in dark corners" probably shouldn't've brought that one up, but i considered it a great achievement to persuade someone to change it, and well it's grown from there... i'm pretty sure i'm the only one with a link :)

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. --Victor Hugo
regardless of my status, i am a nice person. no really, i am, i swear;) crack hitler belongs to me :)
need me? try: [email protected]
red rocket is under my supervision until 8/27
That's Miss Jesus Cooze to you!
posted on 09-07-2001 @ 4:17 AM      
Registered: Apr. 01
Mine has always been, and will probably always be, "Jesus Freak." And I'm okay with that. I got it when I was rather new, and I Assume GS gave it to me because he and I got into some kinda "God exists/doesn't exist" thing in some thread that I don't even remember the name of. Just for the record, I never came to the board to "spread the word of God," or anything. Topics just came up, and I figured that if the poster didn't want my contradictory opinion he could keep his to himself. Let me remind everyone that I never started a Jesus thread anywhere here, and that most of my topics are about me getting pierced, crazy ass naked wrestling with a 6 ft inflatable penis, and the sexual habits of me and my boyfriend.

( * Y * )

Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand...

posted on 09-08-2001 @ 12:08 AM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Never had one. Probably never will.

VIRRRRGINS PEOPLE!!! And ... A McGwire Rookie Card!

E-Mail Me
Black Rock Coalition
Do you have a basketball in your car?
posted on 09-09-2001 @ 8:46 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: May. 00
woah, i finally have a status! There goes the neigborhood.

EDIT: Woo-hoo, very amusing. :)

--Lent, the poster formerly known as Rowelentless--

2 Slots (huh huh I said slots) are now open in the LENT's school of enlightenment.


This message was edited by Lent on 9-9-01 @ 9:21 PM
Doc Smith
I Love Anthony Zinni
posted on 09-10-2001 @ 12:47 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
CBH got in touch with me in the long, long ago and asked me what I wanted my status to be, hence the "Hey you, get out of the gene pool"

It stayed that way for a good what, 47 years?

I've said so many boner-ific things in the interm...but for some reason the Dirty Pepperoni Snoter Crew refenence I used a few weeks back was deemed sufficently craptacular to follow me around. I said I'm the only guy on this board not a member of some silly little group like the aformentioned made-up club...taa-daa

If I ever had twins
I'd use one for parts

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Displaying 51-61 of 61 messages in this thread.