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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - question for ozzy fans

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: question for ozzy fans
Teen La Queefa
posted on 04-06-2001 @ 10:41 PM      
Registered: Mar. 01
hey bangster, thanks for the advice, just to let you know that i didn't start this shit. i didn't want

this, but im not gonna get shit on by a couple of dildos on this board, moderators or not. im not new to the board i've been here for a LONG time,just not always posting. also it's not dick, it's deek.

posted on 04-06-2001 @ 10:52 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

also it's not dick, it's deek.

I guess fez is a deek now. I suggest you hit the edit button teen.

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Head its just not for breakfast anymore

This message was edited by adolescentmasturbator on 4-6-01 @ 11:20 PM
crx girl
Newbie! vg Y's me
ugo girl
Limey Mothercocker
posted on 04-06-2001 @ 11:08 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
actually teen, you did start this. first by screwing up and posting in two places, which i guess could've been an accident, i'm not sure how you would manage that, but still, a minor offence. and i'll even say that face may have been a wee bit hard on you to begin with. although it's understandable, because when you have these little fuckups the mods are the ones who have to fix it. but then, you see you committed a second, much worse offense. you could've just taken what was said and gotten yourself adopted, perhaps even apologized, but no, you had to fight back and insult a whole bunch of people in the process. bad move my friend. but you're new, this is a much friendlier place and maybe if you just stop right now, get adopted and lurk, oneday, things might be ok again. but if you continue to fight a battle you can't win, well, your time here will be short.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. --Victor Hugo
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posted on 04-06-2001 @ 11:09 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Queefa, you may want to listen to the wise words of crxgirl.
If you just "let it go", there might be some hope for ya. But the more you continue to fuss about this petty shit, the more we will remember how much of a waste of sperm you are.

posted on 04-06-2001 @ 11:15 PM      
Registered: Mar. 01
I didn't try to say deek. I meant dick. As in...dick.

Adopted by Jon_Benet_Norton
Teen La Queefa
posted on 04-06-2001 @ 11:20 PM      
Registered: Mar. 01
crx girl you are 100% correct, yeah i know i f'd up. this is fight club though isn't it? if it didn't get moved here i woulda stopped a long time ago if a moderator told me in a humane way to knock it off. but no it didn't happen that way. like i said i didn't want this, we are all here for one cause, o&a right? as im sure you know, you get respect when you give respect.

posted on 04-06-2001 @ 11:28 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
And you havn't given much, huh?
You should've just apologized and moved on. But No. You just sapzed, like a retard in a funhouse.

posted on 04-06-2001 @ 11:34 PM      
Registered: Mar. 01
a retard in a funhouse? lol. what the fuck are you talkin about jew?

(yea i know, cheap way to get posts, but what would u do if u only had 29 posts?)

Adopted by Jon_Benet_Norton
posted on 04-06-2001 @ 11:42 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
What would I do if I had 29 posts?

Posts are like pot. Its the quality not quantity that counts.

posted on 04-06-2001 @ 11:48 PM      
Registered: Mar. 01
it was a rhetorical question. well sry anyway man.

yea i know, cheap way to get posts, but what would u do with the amount of posts i have?
Adopted by Jon_Benet_Norton
Teen La Queefa
posted on 04-06-2001 @ 11:51 PM      
Registered: Mar. 01
jewdown sounds like you meant a retarded jew in funfouse are you describing yourself. "ching ching" that was me throwing a penny into the house of mirrors.

posted on 04-07-2001 @ 12:06 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Good god, you stupid fuck!
You don't even get the reference! Here is a dime, buy a clue, you fucking toilet bowl cleaner.

So the anti-semite comments are worthless, just like your life!

Teen La Queefa
posted on 04-07-2001 @ 6:26 PM      
Registered: Mar. 01
wow! a dime, i take that as a compliment, thats a lot from your people. hey you're not one of those curley loxed people thats runs around crown heights in a fucked up station wagon with 42 of your cousins and brothers are you?

...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 04-07-2001 @ 6:44 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
wow racial humor. when we fail to win an intelligent arguement all of mankind falls back on 2 things, profane language and racist remakrs. teen, things around here got out of control. consider it just a case of mistaken intentions. on both our parts. you are a feisty one i must say, thats both a blessing and a curse around here. trust me, ive seen people like you come and go, some have stuck around and others have just pissed enough people off to be banned for the good of the board. please do yourself a favor and try to get adopted. if you want to become a producive member of the board, i suggest you go to gd, look at froy's adoption thread and get yourself adopted by an official adoptor. that way you can learn the ins and outs of the board, where to do what, how to do it and all those nice things. if you dont want to, things will be made tougher on you, i can just see it by the reactions you are causing on the board already. just a friendly tip from a mod. and another tip, if and when you get adopted, ask your adoptor about a poster named, JMB. because i have to tell you, you remind me of him an awful lot, your attitude at least

Well some say I'm lazy
And others say that's just me
Some say I'm crazy
I guess I'll always be
But it's been such a long time
Since I knew right from wrong
It's all the means to an end,
I keep it movin' along -G n'R

I have a little Wick.
posted on 04-07-2001 @ 8:50 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Yes, I think I will get in on this. You see when I see a newbie, or anyone carry on, much like an angry, spoiled child, I personally get involved. I cannot and will not tolerate posters who:
1-Have no respect.
2-Will not take the friendly advice given them.
3-Spew racial slurs and profane language when above advice is offered.
4-Believe they can come into our tight knit community and think they can post anyway or anything they want.
5-Think that there will not be repercussions for their actions.

Is that better????

Oh and ask Knock411 about the way I deal with problem posters!!



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Teen La Queefa
posted on 04-09-2001 @ 12:04 AM      
Registered: Mar. 01
alright faceman i hear ya, im willing to call it a truce since i enjoy the radio show and this board, i'm not looking to get booted , as i mentioned to crx girl, i would not have continued if this hadn't moved to fight club.
ok, so for now on i'll be nicey nice.

posted on 04-09-2001 @ 1:51 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
DAMN IT! I come back after the weekend & don't even get a chance reply because he's already given up....


"The ass-f's need to be crushed."-Buttmunch
Teen La Queefa
posted on 04-09-2001 @ 4:19 PM      
Registered: Mar. 01
hey rog a truce and giving up are two different things, don't you know that? say what you gotta say dude.

posted on 04-09-2001 @ 4:24 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
I was just looking to pass the time with a good fight club session, but I'll follow the rules & not start (or restart) trouble.

"The ass-f's need to be crushed."-Buttmunch
posted on 04-11-2001 @ 12:03 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jun. 00
Holy crap I forgot about this thread. Just had to say thanks Faceman.

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Parents have a big misconception about rock. Like they say, "I don't want you to be involved with it because you'll become a drug addict or an alcoholic." Well, guess what? If I wasn't in rock n' roll I'd be a real mess...
Sebastian Bach

Teen La Queefa
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 12:49 AM      
Registered: Mar. 01
well i finally decided, i think diary of a madman is better.

I've Got A Vagina With Teeth.
Dragoon Battalion
My friends call me Weed
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 1:04 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
hey, glad to hear! That makes me wanna dig out my old vinyl copy since its covered with as much dust as this thread is!

"The mind is like a parachute - it works best when it is open..."

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King f-tard
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 8:39 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
Wow, this is old, I think I saw caca post back in there.

Let the purge continue. Ohio, Are you ready for this?????
Alcohol. The cause of and solution to all of life's problems
what's a status?
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 8:42 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
You are giving things that start with Teen a bad name. Usually teen = more gooder, but not in your case dumbass.

SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 2:57 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00
I've come to the conclusion that any user who's name starts with Teen is generally retarded and has absolutely no fucking clue whatsoever about what a brain cell is. Yep, the trend is a definite.

Teen + User Name + = Retard

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If with age comes wisdom, I should have been a fucking sage by now!

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