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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Who do YOU look like??

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Who do YOU look like??
posted on 10-29-2001 @ 8:57 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
I've gotten references to either John McEnroe or Tom Hanks.......except I'm taller than both but Tom Hanks has more hair :-(

E-Mail Me

09.11.01 - To those who we'll never see again - you'll be in our hearts forever. To those who did this.....buh bye motherfuckers.
posted on 10-29-2001 @ 9:37 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Well, I guess some people have told me I look like Parker Posey, buyt maybe it's the attitude she spewed forth in Dazed and Confused...can't seem to see why though, I'm such a sweet person :)

Old School? New School? Shit, I didn't even go to school!

posted on 10-29-2001 @ 10:24 AM      
Registered: Apr. 01
I had a report due on Space and I didn't know where to turn, until the voice of God suggest that I Look into the encyclobia Britanica.

"Your Ego is a Muscle."
posted on 10-29-2001 @ 10:50 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Looks like Snot wins the most inane, has absolutely nothing to do with the topic post of the week. And it's only Monday?

Puff The Magic Dragon
Raised it's Fearsome Head,
It Had One Simple Mission
To Make al-Qaida Dead!
Oh and kissy-pie huggy-poo The Froy thing.

American Patriot, Pennsylvania resident, but original NYC listener.
Xtreme Skiing Assualt Force
Split Personality #1
posted on 10-29-2001 @ 10:56 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
gunther from friends...or bruce willis, take your pick

AIM: SkiT4you
Diddling Myself
posted on 10-29-2001 @ 11:10 AM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Most say I look like a giant penis. Whether I look like a famous penis, is another question altogether.

posted on 10-29-2001 @ 12:05 PM      
Registered: Apr. 01

Looks like Snot wins the most inane, has absolutely nothing to do with the topic post of the week. And it's only Monday?

Early bird gets the worm.

I mean I look like the kid from that commercial.

"Your Ego is a Muscle."
posted on 10-29-2001 @ 12:43 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Matthew Lillard, which I don't see at all, or Matthew Broderick when he did Ferris Bueller...

posted on 10-29-2001 @ 12:51 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

is that from the knees up?

Lets put it this way, I've been told to put on a blue dress and a beret and we would be twins...and I unlike Monica wouldn't be dumb enough to blab about my escapades to Linda Tripp! :)

i can't believe my dream is over
i woke up this morning with nothing but light in my eyes
now i'm one with the fools of love
Psst...thanks AFDude for the sig pic find...can't wait to see how ya look in a skirt ;)

posted on 10-29-2001 @ 12:56 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
well, i know the first person i'm saying hello to at the Hooters party...

Zen and the Art of Message Board Posting

posted on 10-29-2001 @ 1:20 PM      
Registered: Sep. 01
I've often been told I look like Julia Roberts, but even though I'll probably never meet any of you, in case I do, I do not think I look like Julia Roberts so don't hold me to it :)
As an aside, I would love to meet everyone here to find out what everyone really looks like and what they're like in person, someone start that thread, ok? ;)

posted on 10-29-2001 @ 2:05 PM      
Registered: Aug. 01
Vin diesel.

Bin Laden is a dead man
Free Northern Ireland
posted on 10-29-2001 @ 2:20 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I was gonna post a pic of myself and let you decide, but I'm not in the mood. I've done it before and it always takes me an hour to figure out how to do it.

But the last time I did it, FollowThisLogic told me I looked like a young, thin Mick Foley. (Still not sure how to take that)

I get this alot:
"Hey you look like my cousin...You look like a friend of look like this guy I know..."

Thanks to Grumpy for his help with the sig.


Phantom Fields
posted on 10-29-2001 @ 2:40 PM      
Registered: Aug. 00
Keaneau Reeves. Or Milhouse VanHouten.

Original SWILLER - Affiliate S.T.O.N.E.R.
posted on 10-29-2001 @ 4:23 PM      
Registered: Mar. 01
I was once told that I look like Shane Spencer . . . if he let himself go.

'Wear your crutch like a crown of negativity.
Calculate what we will not tolerate.
Desperate to control, all and everything.
Unable to forgive, Scarlet letterman.' MJK
Sir Okonkwo
posted on 10-29-2001 @ 5:49 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
James Hetfeld pre-sellout

Jesus (the bible guy, not the pool boy)

I get both all the time...

"My political opinions lean more towards anarchy....The most improper job of any man, even saints, is bossing other men."-J.R.R. Tolkien, The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, 1981

"Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker and Tits"-George Carlin

"Now you listen here to me, you horrible little creature"-William Regal to X-Pac
The Sleeper
Being a Minor is a Threat
to my Social Life
PoseUr i ahve 2 threads at teh top, i feel like maynard
posted on 10-29-2001 @ 6:04 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Its funny that 2 people have mentioned Matt Damon because I get that alot too. I guess I see the resemblance.

"Ya know, Repossessing things is the hardest part of my job."
Numb Nutts
posted on 10-29-2001 @ 8:05 PM      
Registered: Aug. 01
I have 2...neither do I concider a compliment.

When I have a full beard - Chuck Norris.
When I dont- Nick Noltee

posted on 10-29-2001 @ 8:23 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
I've been told - I've actually had people running up to me, thinking I was Jennifer Love Hewitt. Not so much anymore, since I stopped straightening my hair and I wear my glasses more often than I do my contacts, but I still get it. When I was in bartending school, my teacher called my Jennifer. It was kind of weird.....

But, I always get people telling me that I look like someone they know.

Remembering all those who perished in the tragedy against our great nation on Sept. 11, 2001.

This message was edited by Brittney on 10-29-01 @ 8:34 PM
posted on 10-29-2001 @ 11:18 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00
I've been compared to John Belushi and Kevin Pollak. But now that I have a beard who knows? Movie stars don't have facial hair...

"If it wasn't for the weed, I don't think I'd get nothin' done!" -- Snoop Dogg, "The Daily Show"
F the S out of her A
posted on 10-30-2001 @ 12:03 AM      
Registered: Jun. 01
I just realized this weekend that I look like The Dude from "The Big Lebowski."

I am not sure how I feel about that.

Corn- the tracer-bullets of the digestive system
posted on 10-30-2001 @ 3:29 AM      
Registered: Oct. 01
I've been told that people tell celebrities they look like me, but i cannot confirm nor deny this. I will keep you posted.

Kindest Regards, Your Name

posted on 10-30-2001 @ 3:38 AM      
Registered: Dec. 00

I've been told - I've actually had people running up to me, thinking I was Jennifer Love Hewitt. Not so much anymore, since I stopped straightening my hair and I wear my glasses more often than I do my contacts, but I still get it. When I was in bartending school, my teacher called my Jennifer. It was kind of weird.....

artfag dot net!

posted on 10-30-2001 @ 3:46 AM      
Registered: Mar. 01
FMM, that pic almost made me vomit. yegh, i was disgusted.

'Wear your crutch like a crown of negativity.
Calculate what we will not tolerate.
Desperate to control, all and everything.
Unable to forgive, Scarlet letterman.' MJK
Ants in My Pants

Well, since this thread is going to be deleted anyway... I'm a flaming homosexual and I love having big hard hot man meat rammed into my mouth and ass. Umm, this IS going to be deleted, right???
Prettiest Butterfly in the garden
All Blow job poems ©Fez 2002-2003. I'm obsessed with Alkey's penis.
posted on 10-30-2001 @ 1:03 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01

I've been told - I've actually had people running up to me, thinking I was Jennifer Love Hewitt.
Was that before you got fat? ;-)

"Ants in my pants, it was bigger than an elephant... I swear it was this big!"

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