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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Feed questions..

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Feed questions..
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 12:08 PM      
Registered: Aug. 01
I have been sarching all of the board for live feeds and I can't find a set that gives live feeds of O&A can anyone help me out a little bit.. I am stuck in college with out them and I need them back.. Heck I miss most of WNEW Ron and Fez etc... Is there a live feed of WNEW anywhere?

I can be emailed.. or

I love all radio!
Just another dick making a comeback
The Dr. Seuss of SU
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 1:21 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00
There are indeed, but there are also posts all over here that teach you about it. If you want it, look for it. I'm not going to rag you for asking (as will happen, trust me), just understand that it's not open information and it's protected fiercely. You're gonna have to work for it, my man.

"A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer in your pants!"
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 3:52 PM      
Registered: Aug. 01
Stomper, I also just went to school and have been upset that I am now without O&A and Ron & Fez, but I knew right away not to ask flat out where I can get a feed from. I am also new to the board, but there are ways of finding out without asking so blantantly. Just look hard and you will find it, I did.

Just another dick making a comeback
The Dr. Seuss of SU
posted on 09-02-2001 @ 4:19 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00
Well said, but let's not rip the guy a new one. Maybe we do too much of that now. We're all fans of a great show.

Okay, now I'M gonna get abused.....

"A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer in your pants!"
posted on 09-03-2001 @ 7:09 PM      
Registered: May. 01
Hmmmm... didn't i see something similar posted again??? Now why isn't the regulars ripping this guy a new asshole? That's weird.....

OH RIGHT!!! He actually asked nicely instead of telling all of us to F@%# ourselves.

Just another dick making a comeback
The Dr. Seuss of SU
posted on 09-03-2001 @ 7:16 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00
And, Trancer, you can bet I am doubting my earlier please for compassion. That other guy REALLY pissed me off and from now on, if someone asks a question I know is all over the board, I may rip them the new one myself.

"A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer in your pants!"
posted on 09-03-2001 @ 7:19 PM      
Registered: May. 01
I'm pretty sure there are plenty of other guys who would also love to rip these new guys a new one. So you won't be the first or the last. But i still stand neutral, i say we give everyone a chance.

[barch? any comments?]

The barch gots lots a dick
Theoretically, if I were to smack you in the face with my penis, it would leave a bruise in the shape of a mushroom.
I kind of enjoy my anonymity on the board
WOW Forum Ambassador
posted on 09-04-2001 @ 9:04 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jul. 00
It was a holiday weekend. Couldn't someone else have filled in for a day or two?
Besides, it's been a week or two since we tried being nice to newbies... Figured I give TJLamb0518's plan a try. (That lasted about as long as usual. lol)

Long Live the "Syndication Underground"
Just another dick making a comeback
The Dr. Seuss of SU
posted on 09-04-2001 @ 8:35 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00
Barch, I appreciate your consideration, but hey, screw 'em! I should mention that my change isn't because of this particular newbie, but the other newbie on the related thread. I realize that this may not be fair, since the author of this thread doesn't seem bad at all, but hey, life sucks big donkey balls sometimes, you know?

"A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer in your pants!"
If Men bled, Tampons would be FREE!!
posted on 09-05-2001 @ 3:32 PM      
Registered: Aug. 01
You know this whole thing is quite amusing. Every few days someone comes asking about feeds. Im tempted to setup a feed taht just loops "your a jackass" over and over again. LOL

Listen Up jackasses!!!
posted on 09-05-2001 @ 6:56 PM      
Registered: May. 01

Im tempted to setup a feed taht just loops "your a jackass" over and over again. LOL

Nah, i really don't think that would work, you actually gave these people too much credit. If they can't find the SU feeds, what makes you think they would find your "jackass" feed?

Displaying 1-11 of 11 messages in this thread.