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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Pierced... In places you'd love to lick...

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Pierced... In places you'd love to lick...
Xtreme Skiing Assualt Force
Split Personality #1
posted on 08-28-2001 @ 8:18 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Kat I too would recommend the tongue. Its relatively painless when done well, and like bj said, mouthwash and water to clean like 6 times a day...a small price to pay for all the fun it can be. Also, I have my tragus pierced, its the piece of cartiledge in your ear right in front of the opening. Didn't hurt at all, and I have gotten compliments on it. Just do what everyone said and make sure you look into what you are piercing and check on who is doing it. Get a good recommendation on the person before you let them stick you with a needle. Good luck!!

AIM: SkiT4you
First Member of the JWO

Kindest regards to Grumpy for the sigpic
posted on 08-28-2001 @ 9:37 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
Back to the piercings again.....

I've heard with some people that the tragus is difficult to pierce because it's VERY tough cartalidge. As for the tongue. It's ok, but become very trendy. But, it's painless. I never used a mixture because I'm germ-phobic with things like that. I used to go through a full big bottle of Listerine Antiseptic a day. Yeah it burns, but that means it's working.

Whatever you get, make sure you like it. And that it's not gonna get in the way. Don't run out and get a hoop in the center of your bottom lip or anything without thinking of the ramifications. It looks cool, and is great during oral, but can you hold a real job with it? Can you have it at your current job? Those are a few things to think about.

Welcome to my nightmare.
posted on 08-28-2001 @ 9:46 AM      
Registered: Nov. 00
I do not know who told you about the nipple piercing feeling cut off. The only downfall to a nipple piercing is most if not all stay permanently erect. If anything, my nipple piercing made it more sensitive rather than less. It all depends on who does it, the wrong person can really do damage with any piercing.

****graduate of the Brokenjaw School for Newbies****
Absolutely spectacular, and 1337 as hell.
posted on 08-28-2001 @ 12:34 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
Belly button rings are always a sexy- but also a bit overrated. As for the hood of the clit, that idea just wigs me out, for some reason.

FMFB, I'm totally interested in getting my tounge done. Isn't it a bit risky?

posted on 08-28-2001 @ 1:07 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00
I think you should go for the belly button. Nothing is more sexy than a girl with a nice stomach and a belly ring.

Enrolled in the King F-tard school of disobedience

The Painter
1/2 a bottle of Jack Daniels... it's a cure-all
posted on 08-28-2001 @ 7:23 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
If you get your tounge pierced, does spaghetti caught on it?

posted on 08-28-2001 @ 7:32 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Wounded...I've had my tongue pierced for almost a year and I have never had a problem. There are a few things that you have to be careful of though. You need to make sure that the place you go is reputable (as always) and make sure that your piercer wears gloves, uses a clean needle and also cleans the jewlery. After your piercing is done, it is going to hurt tongue throbbed for a few days and I had a hard time talking and eating. Make sure you keep it clean...I bought Listerine and rinsed regularly and I also used Gly-Oxide to further prevent infection. Although I have had my tongue pierced for a while now, there are still a few things that are hard to ice cream in a cone, etc. Also if you do get it done, make sure not to touch it or play with it.

why do I say I'm fine when it's obvious I'm not?
why's it so hard to tell you what I want?
why can't you just read my mind?

posted on 08-29-2001 @ 3:17 AM      
Registered: Oct. 00
i've heard that with clit piercings, it's
pleasurable at first, but after awhile you lose
sensation in there. i personally wouldn't want
afew months/years of great pleasure for the
next 30 or so years to have no feeling the
tongue.. everyone has it and it can really fuck
up your teeth and gums but if you do decide to
get it,suck on ice cubes the first few days and
it won'tswell up too badly
belly button is the most prone to infection ..
think about it.. every day you take a shower,
where does the shampoo and soap and stuff
run downand get stuck in
eyebrow looks ok on certain people, but it
could leave a nasty scar..
eventually most piercings grow out (note i said
I've had my tragus, eyebrow and cup on my
ear start to grow out and i've seen nipps start
to push out also, there's a possibility that your
body can reject peircings.
nipps hurt more for guys then girls.. girls have
alil more tissue there.. mine didn't hurt too
badly, but my tits felt like they were on fire for
a bit with most piercing, it's the clamp that
hurts more than the needle
everyone can tolerate different levels of pain,
and for alot of people getting pierced is a rush
(i've had about 30) like it's been said just
make sure that you go to a reputable place

as for size, you really shouldn't get bigger than
a 12 gage for the initial piercing, ears
anywhere from 18-14 or 12
and stick with stearling silver, don't get the
niobium one's because they fade fast and can
chip and lead to an infection, not too good for
a new piercing

I just can't believe all the things people say.
Why must I deal with this shit every fucking

ever stop to think .....
and forget to start again?

This message was edited by lyneday on 8-29-01 @ 4:11 AM
That's Miss Jesus Cooze to you!
posted on 08-29-2001 @ 4:44 AM      
Registered: Apr. 01
Dad- My lap top died, they replaced the whole dam hard drive. I haven't installed AIM on the new one yet. Email me or something and we'll babble. I can tell you about how I ran away from home this week end. :)

Walk it off, deek...

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