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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Favorite Transformer

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Lord Magus
I have Cool-Mod-Powers and can read the Cool-Mod-Forum, then I drive home in my Cool-Mod-Car UFC
posted on 03-07-2001 @ 1:58 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Brawn and Ironhide.
Brawn being the only Transformer to ever shoot Megatron with his own cannon.
Both just being all-around bad-ass's.
Grimlok as well, he rocked.
As far as Decepticons...
Megatron, Soundwave and Devestator.
Oh, and to end the confusion.. the Autobot boom-box was called "Blaster"

NO! I am NOT a Goth Dude!!
"It's hard to garble nawdle zous,
With all these marbles in my mouth"

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posted on 03-07-2001 @ 2:20 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Yes I do belive your right as the autobots boombox but as for the deceptacons it was soundwave.

posted on 03-07-2001 @ 2:25 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Here he is.


Function: Communications
"When the music is rockin', I'm rollin'."
Finds all Earth music interesting, but it's rock 'n' roll--good, hard, and loud--that really sparks his circuits. In the forefront of any situation he's involved in. As AM/FM stereo cassette player, he can perform as deck plus receive radio signals of all frequencies with power outputs as low as 1/1,000,000 watt. Acts as Autobot communications center...can transmit up to 4000 miles. Carries electroscrambler gun that disrupts electrical devices.

Any others Id be glad to find info for ya.

posted on 03-07-2001 @ 2:52 PM      
Registered: Dec. 00
Hey I finally found a good cartoon that came out of the 80's.

Proud grunt of the O+A army

Graduate of the Flizy school of destruction
Opi wan kinobi
posted on 03-07-2001 @ 3:50 PM      
Registered: Mar. 01
Hey knock, we definitley can't forget Voltron. That show kicked ass too. i think it was on a little bit later in the day after transformers. I remember watching transformers, GI Joes, and Voltron. All in one day! It was fuckin great! Ah memories. i wish everything could just go back to those days. You what i mean. Watchin cartoons all day and not havin to worry about anything at all like homework or g/fs or anything like you have to worry about now. Well thats how it was for me anyway.

"these are not the radio show hosts you're looking for."
posted on 03-07-2001 @ 6:00 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Yeah Back then I was glued to the TV watching. GI Joe, He Man, Voltron, Transformers, Thundercats, They definatly were the days man.
Not a care in the world.

Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 03-07-2001 @ 8:04 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
I always liked Soundwave and I forgot the exact name but he was purple and turned into a gun and the toy made sounds when you pulled the trigger. I'm sure there are a bunch more, this weekend I'm renting this movie and cherry falls.

Opie and Anthony- making Rape Legal
posted on 03-07-2001 @ 8:16 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Mar. 01
Voltron was alson a Fav of mine

Soundwave and Devastator were by far my favorite Decepticons

As for Autobots....The Dinobots were the best. Grimlock, Slagg, Swoop. God those were some fun times

posted on 03-07-2001 @ 8:37 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Ikea boy here ya go.
His power is second only to Megaton himself!

Shockwave was first introduced in transformers comics in Issue 4 as a Powerful usurper to Megatrons leadership (and he trashed every Autobot bar ratchet in one shot). Unlike Starscream in the TV show he held this for more than 5 minuets at a time. In the show he was more of a brown nose to Megatrons character. However in both cannons he was very powerful and cool. His toy was brought out for the transformers line in 1985 (I believe) and was only available in Europe, like most cool toys, for one year (USA may have been available for longer). Unfortunately he was only available in short supply so only one person you knew back then would have him, and if like me you either hated him or tried to become his friend.

Also released as Gun Borg and Shackwave as before transformers in the 70’s Shockwaves toy has been around the block. The original was made by Toy box like others such as Omega Supreme and Skylinx. All of them had a battery-operated feature. Omega Supreme walked and flashed lights, Skylinx walked and Shockwave Lit up and made sounds. Brief note Shackwave and others do not come in Shockwaves colour as far as I know so your safe in believing it’s a true shockwave by his dark purple colour.

Transformation: Shockwave has 3 modes, actually he only has 2 but there is a variation on one, which can be called his space gun configuration like shown in the comics. From Gun Mode (as packaged): First pull down the legs\handle and separate. Then when both are fully extended move the sights down and flip rear end over and move legs back. Remove Grey barrel portion, and separate arms. Flip arms down and swing forearms round. Flip ears and voila Shockwave! The arms can be moved about quite well and provide some possibility, the legs can also be bent at the knees.

Space gun mode is formed by separating legs when in gun mode, and flipping down the sights. Then push legs back up and Shockwave should now be in space gun mode.

Pushing down the trigger will cause the hands to light up and the speaker to emit sounds (any mode).

Shockwaves main mode is pretty stable if you find it in good condition. Like megatron his legs tend to loose their tightness and he shrinks in size. But this sort of solves one problem, his size. Compared to megatron he is almost twice the size. He is bigger than devastator and Menasor. His likeness is grate when compared to the TV show and comic. He has some articulation in his arms so he can sort of target Autobots and Renegade Decepticons. He cant move his arms at the shoulders though. His head swivels in 360degrees. The feature of the toy is cool and lame at the same time. The lights are nice as his gun arm lights up, but the sounds are irritating. In gun mode this is even better as the attachment conducts the light from the arm and looks really cool. One other interesting feature is that in gun mode megatron is at a perfect height to look up and hold the end of his target\viewfinder.

Just Jon
posted on 03-07-2001 @ 9:08 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
Jetfire was way cool. A Robotech rip-off, sure, but he still kicked ass. And Skyfire on the cartoon was only half as cool....



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