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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Fun with a crazy conspiracy lady!

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Fun with a crazy conspiracy lady!
posted on 07-15-2002 @ 6:03 AM      
Registered: Dec. 00
This could eventually be really good radio.

There's this lady in Wisconsin named Nancy Ann Luft, and she's just - a total loony toon if there ever was one. She is one of the biggest conspiracy theorists out there, insisting that there are "Sputnik Forces" out to mind control us Americans.

I really thought it was a joke, when a friend of mine in law enforcement told me about her being on an important govt. agency's watch list.

resenting the upper class is not unique. but she is really convinced of a conspiracy with more levels than i knew existed.

She sends her ramblings via email and letters all over the govt.

All of her postings on usenet (most recent ones first)

including this gem on
Nancy on the Smart Kidnapping

her home page 1

her home page 2

Her mailing address is out there on the web, so I'm wondering how great would it be if we
sent her strange mail with a return address of "sputnik" or had russian guys show up at her house. Since she probably owns as many guns as ted nugent, we might have to enlist steve-o from jackass.

As far as I can tell she's not been on Art Bell or the other crazy-ass shows, but she's still kind of an legend in conspiracy newsgroups.

on sept 11. b)on sept. 11 at 3 p.m. that day

This message was edited by JerseyTeabagger on 7-15-02 @ 6:25 AM

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