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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Whoa I Didn't See This Coming

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Whoa I Didn't See This Coming
The Painter
1/2 a bottle of Jack Daniels... it's a cure-all
posted on 07-31-2001 @ 6:23 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
I know it's not the music topic, but it seems to fit.

Billy Joel;

There's always a place for the angry young man, with his fist in the air, and his head in the sand.

AM You should be fighting for Human Rights in Iran. Just don't get caught. They'll cut off your head.

This message was edited by The Painter on 7-31-01 @ 8:08 AM
posted on 07-31-2001 @ 6:38 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Mar. 01
America should not have to answer to anyone, and we should not be intimidated by anyone. We are the most powerful nation, yet these smaller and weaker nations feel they can tell us what to do using diplomicy and threat tactics. Fuck that, and fuck anyone who is against America, it's government, and it's people.

You Never Know.
posted on 07-31-2001 @ 7:54 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
AM...being in the military myself, I have spent time in both Iraq and Iran, albeit briefly. It's true, [sarcasm]Iraq, Iran and the U.S. are secretly working together...after all, Saddam and President Bush are drinking buddies, right?[/sarcasm]

You say the U.S. is some power hungry entity looking for world domination? Like Doc said, have you ever actually served in the military or known someone who has? When we got involved in conflicts, we do so to make/maintain peace...not help the oppressed country become the aggressor.

All I read in your posts is a lot of anger towards this country...the best advice I can give you is

I don't think you'd be expressing your views so readily back in enjoy the freedom you have here, or leave....

Any potential adoptees can go

One adoptee currently in "AFD's Newbie Academy" Currently, Duvious is in training...
Thanks to Maynard for the Sig help.

Doc Smith
I Love Anthony Zinni
posted on 07-31-2001 @ 9:02 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Thank you AFD, it really pisses in my corn flakes when people live in America, get all the benefits of living here, and all they can do is complain that the people need to wake up and see the atrocities that our government does to others.

I guess securing natrual resourses for this nation is not an important goal of the government? This country runs on eneergy, it is one of the most vital parts of our economy. There would be a massive domestic recession, and because of the reliance of other countries on the economy of the US (I'm not going to explain the macro-economics, so just take my word for this here) there would be a world-wide recession if there was another energy shortage like in the 1970's. You could not live the life that you live now if gas were $10 a gallon and electricity was 90 cents a kilowatt-hour.
So, that being said, it is the responsibility of the government to ensure energy resourses for us, for you and me to keep the standard of living we have now. This means taking a passive role in the governments of nations who produce energy resources. It would be nice is we could live in a perfect world where no one would price gouge for something as vital as oil, but if you are going to do that, the people of this country, through its government, will fight back.

I can levitate birds.
No one cares.
posted on 07-31-2001 @ 12:51 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

AM You should be fighting for Human Rights in Iran. Just don't get caught. They'll cut off your head.

Yeah because of US involvement that is why. I can thank America for helping create oppression for my family. Abuses of human rights for oil. Sounds like a great deal for me.

and unicron


America should not have to answer to anyone, and we should not be intimidated by anyone. We are the most powerful nation, yet these smaller and weaker nations feel they can tell us what to do using diplomicy and threat tactics. Fuck that, and fuck anyone who is against America, it's government, and it's people.

Are you serious? That sounds like a totalitarian leader.


so enjoy the freedom you have here, or leave....

So I can enjoy it but not exercise it to express my utter disgust for U.S foreign policy.


Thank you AFD, it really pisses in my corn flakes when people live in America, get all the benefits of living here, and all they can do is complain that the people need to wake up and see the atrocities that our government does to others.

You know doc I'm grateful of my rights here but all I'm doing is speaking out aganist the terrible acts of the government.


This means taking a passive role in the governments of nations who produce energy resources.

Passive? It is much more agressive. Have you read some of the docuents? The government has sponsored and even joined in on state terrorism all over the world. Do you expect someone to just stanby by and say hey America is great.


You say the U.S. is some power hungry entity looking for world domination?

Not necesarily that but more like influence and power.

Let me tell you this how would you feel is say you had a lot of oil resources and let's say China created a coup so they can get cheaper oil. And then China joined in on the intelligence agency in killing, and torturing opposition. Then there is a revolution here and all that is left of the opposition to take over is far right christian extremists? You know when you talk about someone's birthland and they got family there the countries "economic" reasons is a real bad reason to be agressive towards other countries.

Resident Board Socialist
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I currently have brought into the International
posted on 07-31-2001 @ 1:50 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Lighten up, Francis.

Any potential adoptees can go here:E-Mail Me

One adoptee currently in "AFD's Newbie Academy" Currently, Duvious is in training...
Thanks to Maynard for the Sig help.

Is Don on the phone?
posted on 07-31-2001 @ 8:27 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01

I don't think you'd be expressing your views so readily back in enjoy the freedom you have here, or leave....
Thank you AFD, it really pisses in my corn flakes when people live in America, get all the benefits of living here, and all they can do is complain that the people need to wake up and see the atrocities that our government does to others.

Maybe you true Americans should stop waving your flags for a minute and listen to yourselves. In America, we can express our disdain for policy freely, without the fear of expulsion or death that many people experience under totalitarian regimes.

AM may be giving America more responsibility for country conditions in Iran than we deserve, however, we are partially responsible. Sponsoring fiscally and tactically their enemy (Iraq), in the futile hope that Saddam would be a more stable trading partner was like giving GonzoStyle the key to the daycare center. This is a guy who dropped chunks of radioactive metal on troops, and sarin gas on his own people!

We may be a free country, but we certainly aren't a perfect one. Overlooking our flaws only dooms us to repeat yesterday's atrocities. Anyone who beats the drum blindly and follows in lockstep without thinking, well... you finish the sentence.

Okay, enough deep thought. See you in the WOW forum.


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