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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Smackdown Spoilers!

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Smackdown Spoilers!
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posted on 10-03-2001 @ 7:05 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

- Shane talks about the faxes from the Austin regarding the requests for a rematch for the WWF title but Regal rejected them. Shane talks about not liking or respecting the Alliance but to respect what is right and he refers to Austin getting a rematch for the WWF title. Shane talks about Austin's contract and refers to the fact that he should immediately get a rematch. Shane insults the crowd about high school and law school to the fans of Mobile, AL. Shane calls out William Regal. Regal comes out onto the stage with a microphone and a paper in his right hand. Regals tells Shane that he has Austin's contract and admits that Shane is quite correct and that the proper thing to do is to grant the rematch. Regal talks about a slight problem back in July around the time he left the WWF to join the Alliance, that Austin lost all his rights and privaledges and tore up the contract and then told Shane he had NOTHING!. Shane then made a challenge to Regal to have Kurt Angle to face an Alliance member and if the Alliance member wins that Austin would get his rematch on RAW. Shane then said that if by chance Angle would beat the Alliance member that Angle would face the WCW champ, The Rock on RAW and make history as a Unified champ. Shane reminds Regal that when he speaks to Angle that Angle has all to gain and nothing to lose. Kurt Angle's music hits and Angle himself joins Regal on the stage. Angle calls Shane and admits he had fun kicking Shane's butt on RAW and asks how the ankle. He tells Shane to tell Austin is still a hoses ass. Shane then tells Shane that he accepts and that it's True, It's Damn True, it's Bloody True!

Christian & X-Factor vs. Edge & The APA

- Had a couple mins of lost transmission but the match was still in progress. Bradshaw was in control of X-Pac and then Albert got tagged in and proceeds to stomp on Albert. Match goes back and forth and continues on. Edge gets in the ring and goes after Christian but he runs. Edge then gets confronted by Albert but Edge is able to score with his Buzzkiller DDT on Albert to score the pin.

Winners: Edge & The APA

Big Show & Spike Dudley vs. Hurricane Helms & Mike Awesome

- Helms gets it going with Spike first and has the early going. Big Show gets tagged in and goes after Mike Awesome and Hurricane. Awesome hits a top rope shoulder block on the Show and connects. Show recovers and chokeslams Awesome and tags in Spike and gets on 'Show's shoulder and hits one hell of a splash on Awesome to get the win.

Winners: Big Show & Spike Dudley


- All the Alliance members place their votes into a box and the box is given to Shane to determine which Alliance member will face Kurt Angle tonight. Rob Van Dam wins the vote ballots.

Rob Van Dam vs. Kurt Angle

- Series of armdrag takedowns in the opening. Several athletic reverses, Angle hits a German suplex but only a 2 count. RVD gains the advantage during the next few mins as the match goes to the outside. RVD covers Angle but only a 2 count. RVD bloodied Angle's mouth as he got drilled by RVD. RVD hits a 2nd rope side kick. RVD hit the Rolling Thunder and then Angle locks in the Ankle lock but RVD breaks it with a kick to Angle's mouth. RVD continues to punish Angle and gets several near falls. RVD puts Angle in a reverse chinlock in the middle of the ring but comes back and breaks the hold and slugs it out with Angle and hits a pair of suplexs and RVD gets dropped on the top of his head each time. Angle almost hits the Olympic Slam but RVD counters with a spinning heel kick. RVD almost hits the 5 Star Frogsplash but misses and Angle hits the Olympic Slam but as the 3 would've come down, Nick Patrick comes down and pulls out Earl Hebner and decks him, Mike Kyota comes down and chases Nick away, however Shane comes in the ring and drills Angle with a steel chair as Angle put RVD in the Ankle lock and RVD does tap out but still no ref. The ref gets back into the ring as RVD covered Angle and gets a 3 count on Angle. After the match, The Alliance comes into the ring and puts RVD on their shoulders in celebration.

Winner: Rob Van Dam

Tazz vs. Maven

- Tazz locks up Maven into the corner and calls out Maven. The match goes back and forth with Tazz punking and smacking out Maven. Maven does smack Tazz around a couple times but Tazz's experience overcomes Maven and Tazz puts Maven in the Tazzmission and Maven's first match is a quick defeat with a tap out. After the match, it appeared Tazz was gonna show Maven some compassion by assisting him and raising his hand but it only followed by a clothesline and a toss outta the ring by Tazz. Not my idea of a good debut for Maven, he deserved better..

Winner: Tazz

Booker T vs. Kane

- Booker opens up on Kane in the corner and then Kane opens up on Booker in the opposite corner. Kane slams Booker and drops a pair of elbows and a leg drop. Booker and Kane continue several exchanges of their usual offensive arsenal. Kane gets a foot in the face as he attempted his top rope clothesline..OW!. Booker covers Kane twice but only 2 counts. Kane does finally hit that top rope clothesline and Booker retreats to the outside of the ring, then Test gets involved in the match and attacks Kane with the big boot. Kane then got a Scissors Kick by Booker T. and got pinned. After the match, Kane got jumped by Booker and Test and The Undertaker came down and cleared house.

Winner: Booker T

Torrie Wilson vs. Stacy Keibler [Bikini Contest]

- The Coach does all the talking of being Ready, Stacy is wearing a light blue bikini with tieable sides on the bottom, *Whistles*. Torrie is wearing a light pink colored bikini but look Excellent!. Coach asks for opinion from the fans as to who the winner is but Torrie got the most positive reaction. The Coach declares Torrie the winner. Stacy got very ticked and attacks Torrie with her pink robe and drags her over twice. As The Coach attempted to separate the two women he got a slap across the face by Stacy for his trouble. Tajiri comes out and chases Stacy away and Tajiri helps Torrie.

Winner: Torrie Wilson

Dudley Boyz & Nick Patrick vs. The Rock, Chris Jericho, & Mike Chioda

- Rock Bottom followed up by a lionsault on Patrick. Chioda does the people's elbow, at the Rock's request, for the pin.

Winners: Rock, Y2J, & Mike Chioda

Sgt. Squeegie
posted on 10-03-2001 @ 7:45 AM      
Registered: Nov. 00

Dudley Boyz & Nick Patrick vs. The Rock, Chris Jericho, & Mike Chioda

This is the best that the writers can come up with? Putting referrees in the main event? Fire the damn writers and hire some real writing talent.

United as a nation we stand and united as a nation we will kick some Bin Laden ASS!

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Fight for the rights of every man
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User Formerly Known as wabaker
what's a status?
posted on 10-03-2001 @ 8:10 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Torrie Wilson vs. Stacy Keibler [Bikini Contest]

I agree this should have been the main event of the evening.

I've Got A Vagina With Teeth.
Dragoon Battalion
My friends call me Weed
posted on 10-03-2001 @ 9:48 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Maybe its just me, but I think the lack of competition is really starting to hurt the WWF. Their storylines have been sucking major ass, and there really doesn't seem to be a "buzz" anymore. Perfect example - Maven gets a debut tonight, coming off the Tough Enough show, and they basically throw him out to the wolves and play his ability down. It just seems to be getting really stale, and I'm losing interest these days.

"HLJC 4 LIFE The mind is like a parachute - it works best when open. HLJC 4 LIFE"

Cementbag has enrolled in Goatweed University, but I've got one open seat left!
Email me here or AIM me at Organic999 to apply!!

posted on 10-03-2001 @ 12:07 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01

It just seems to be getting really stale, and I'm losing interest these days.

I think this where we are seeing the down side to not having seperate wrestling organizatoins. The WCW nitro in it peak forced the WWF to do more intresting things. This a good example of what happens when you monoplize a industrey.

Hello! Hello! Diamond Dust! Hello!
posted on 10-03-2001 @ 12:09 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
I think you guys are being a little too critical mostly because Raw happened to suck Monday. The shows aren't at 1998 level of good, granted, but they've been good lately and I've enjoyed them. This Smackdown looks pretty good, actually. I mean, I like the direction this RVD thing is going and with him being the reason Austin gets his title shot as well as all the Alliance members voting him and celebrating HIM, Austin is gonna be MORE pissed at him.

Also, by pinning the champ, doesn't RVD get a title shot? Wouldn't surprise me if before the Austin-Angle match on Raw, Angle signs the No Mercy title match between himself and RVD, then Austin wins the belt Monday night and it's the excuse for Austin-RVD for the title at No Mercy! They'll probably add in Angle to make it a triple threat then eventually.

Now, you can't tell me that storyline sucks ass, as, at its worst, it's at least elevating a guy into a main eventer. (RVD)

And tell me that ref thing don't at least SOUND funny to you. Geez, since when did wrestling become so serious that a ref can't fight in the main event of a TV show if it provides decent entertainment value? If it were a PPV, I'd aunderstand you'd be pissed since people paid $30 for it, but it's TV. Get a grip. RVD-Angle is the real main event of Smackdown, anyway. Just cuz its the last match dont make it the main event

Cluster F
posted on 10-03-2001 @ 12:55 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Albert got tagged in and proceeds to stomp on Albert.

That mustve hurt a lot. :)

AIM: GMoneyBagz

The (UN)Official Olympic Milkman of
I've Got A Vagina With Teeth.
Dragoon Battalion
My friends call me Weed
posted on 10-03-2001 @ 2:19 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

Now, you can't tell me that storyline sucks ass, as, at its worst, it's at least elevating a guy into a main eventer. (RVD)

You've got a point there, I also like the way this storyline is going. But what about everyone else? Booker T and Shane vs. The Rock is old, UT/Kane is about as exciting as a sever case of diherria, and intergender matches are generally lame. I wouldn't be as pissed if the WWF went back to the way it used to be - start off the TV shows slow, build up a great storyline that goes into the PPV, which usually led to a great PPV. I see your point about it being TV, hence free (although TNN is a cable channel, so in theory its not "free") but I really believe that the WWF needs some competition to like the fire under the writer's asses to keep things going strong. Think about it, who do they have to impress? There is no other wrestling program on the air, so if someone wants to watch wrestling, even if its bad, its better than nothing.

"HLJC 4 LIFE The mind is like a parachute - it works best when open. HLJC 4 LIFE"

Cementbag has enrolled in Goatweed University, but I've got one open seat left!
Email me here or AIM me at Organic999 to apply!!

posted on 10-03-2001 @ 2:22 PM      
Registered: Aug. 01
I think the problem is that the WWF have too many names on their roster. Therefore, they can not cover all the posible angles they could have gone with some stories. They are only focusing on the main eventers. (ROCK, AUSTIN, SHANE, ANGLE, TAKER/TAKEER2(kane),RVD) and attempting to build up a couple on names. They seem to be unsure as to what they want to do with the other story lines. For this reason we will see Austin Vs Angle For he 3rd time on PPV and ROCK Vs Boker Shane. IT will be one thing is these fued are interesting, but they SUCK and No one else wants to see them. ENd them already. (JuST VENTED)

Untill the WWF breaks up the WWF/WCW/ECW thing, the shows are just gonna get more and more booring.

Hello! Hello! Diamond Dust! Hello!
posted on 10-03-2001 @ 5:14 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
That's a very fair point, goatweed. There's no question competition is better for everybody. I'm just saying the company isn't putting on as bad a product as I see some (not most) are saying. Go back to May. THAT was a bad WWF product. And don't even get me started on how much better the current WWF product is than WCW from 1999 on.

I think the best point was Vapour's. It's pretty damn hard to come up with compelling shit for 7 or 8 guys who all belong in the main event. It's much easier to have a compelling main event scene when your only main eventers are Austin, Mankind, and the Rock like two or three years ago, believe it or not. By having to switch guys in or out of the main event cuz there are too many of them, you cant tell that good of a story, so I hope they split the two organizations soon and split the main eventers between them. Still a good product NOW, though.

Sgt. Squeegie
posted on 10-03-2001 @ 7:49 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00
Dave Scherer of is reporting that Kevin Nash has been in talks with Vince Mcmahon about returning to the WWF. He wants to bring Scott Hall with him and reform the nWo angle....

I don't know what to classify this as....Good or Bad...

On one hand it could be the shot in the arm that the WWF needs to improve their shows. On the other hand it just brings in two more big name guys who are going to want their TV time.

I am going to start a new thread about this if you want to vent about or praise it.

United as a nation we stand and united as a nation we will kick some Bin Laden ASS!

I am a real American
Fight for the rights of every man
I am a real american
Fight for whats right
Fight for your life

User Formerly Known as wabaker
123...Not so bare anymore since I got a number underneath my name again
I also have an imaginary girlfriend.
posted on 10-03-2001 @ 8:33 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 01
i dont see how RVD vs. ANGLE was the third match, i would have made it the main event rather than the cock, y2j and the refs match

Sir Okonkwo
posted on 10-03-2001 @ 8:47 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
The WWF needs to get back to basics, and fast. Fire the entire writing staff, because they obviously don't know how to book a wrestling program. Cut the stupid comedy skits, because they're just not funny. If I want to laugh, I'll watch the fuckin' Simpsons. Simple face/heel wrestling matches worked for decades, and can still work. Fuck the McMahons, fuck putting women who can't wrestle in the ring, fuck the alliance, fuck dopey Hurricanne gimmicks, fuck big roided out stiffs who can't work a match to save their lives, fuck 20 minute promos, fuck meaningless title belts, fuck backstage politics interfering in the way the promotion is run, fuck making legit wrestlers play the role of pussy-whipped nancy boys, fuck Undertaker and his dog-faced wife, fuck 2 minute matches with no clear winner, fuck the McMahons, fuck hardcore matches that are anything but hardcore, fuck sports entertainment, and fuck Paul Heyman up the ass with a rusty butter knife.

It is the World Wrestling Federation, isn't it?

"Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker and Tits"-George Carlin

"Now you listen here to me, you horrible little creature"-William Regal to X-Pac
Hello! Hello! Diamond Dust! Hello!
posted on 10-05-2001 @ 10:17 AM      
Registered: Feb. 01
Ugh! Sir, you sure you aren't Scott Keith in disguise? You sound like every wrestling geek on the internet who takes this shit way too seriously and makes you wonder if they've ever gotten laid despite being 30 years old. Wow.

Hey, maybe the WWF will hire YOU as a writer since you obviously would be great at it! Just have guys in their underwear wrestle, the average guy will LOVE THAT!

I don't think you get the point. The point is to attract CASUAL fans since hardcore fans like you and me will watch anyway. The hardcore fans love it for the action, but the hardcore fans are also typecast as inbred retards by the general public. They gotta attract people who usually wouldn't watch (it's called BUSINESS), and so goofy skits and sports entertainment and bikini contests are important to the bottom line. Just cuz YOU want it, doesn't mean it is what the targeted ausience wants.

Like goatweed said, the biggest problem for these writers is that they have too much shit to do. They have to give all the talented wrestlers something to do and that's impossible, even WITH 4 hours a week. So, the product suffers a bit admittedly, because they have to wing it due to injuries and finding places to put guys when there isn't as much time as needed. Firing the whole writing staff won't accomplish shit cuz the next group will have the same problems.

To close, I'd still like to say how shocked I am that a small, but loud group people are trashing the WWF to THIS extent. DID ANYONE WATCH WCW???????

posted on 10-05-2001 @ 10:35 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01

To close, I'd still like to say how shocked I am that a small, but loud group people are trashing the WWF to THIS extent. DID ANYONE WATCH WCW???????

I use to watch WCW, and I admit that at the end was horriable. They tried to get back the basic and nobody watched. I do agree with Sir O on one thing they could deffintley do things a little better. I use to love it when DDP was jst getting his ass kicked by the NWO time after time, and then later he would inflict his revenge. WWF does to much you win, and then I win there is never and momentum built up.

Sir Okonkwo
posted on 10-05-2001 @ 4:40 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01

Ugh! Sir, you sure you aren't Scott Keith in disguise?

No. If I were, I'd probably kill myself.


You sound like every wrestling geek on the internet who takes this shit way too seriously and makes you wonder if they've ever gotten laid despite being 30 years old. Wow.

I'm a wrestling fan. When I don't like the wrestling being presented to me, I criticize it. That's what a wrestling fan does.


Hey, maybe the WWF will hire YOU as a writer since you obviously would be great at it! Just have guys in their underwear wrestle, the average guy will LOVE THAT!

Well, I can guarantee that I could do a better job than the present team of failed sitcom and soap opera writers. But since I have zero shot of working for WWFE, I guess I have no way of proving that, do I?


I don't think you get the point. The point is to attract CASUAL fans since hardcore fans like you and me will watch anyway.

The casual fans have been slowly and surely turning away from wrestling for some time now. The decreased attendance, buyrates, and ratings are proof of this. I haven't spent a dime on the WWF product in a few years, and yet, I'll spend hundreds of dollars on tapes of promotions OTHER than the WWF and to attend indy shows in bingo halls. And I'll still be watching wrestling long after today's casual fans have moved on to the next fad. If Vince had any long term business sense, he'd market more to those fans who are GUARANTEED to still be watching wrestling in the future, because it's in their blood. Wrestling fans don't need to buy Undertaker T-Shirts and giant foam fingers and CD's of poorly composed entrance music, because they are more than happy to spend their money on the actual wrestling product if it's good enough.


The hardcore fans love it for the action, but the hardcore fans are also typecast as inbred retards by the general public.

Newsflash, ANY wrestling fan is still looked at with some level of disdain. That will probably never change. Wrestling and mainstream just don't mix, it's like oil and water.


They gotta attract people who usually wouldn't watch (it's called BUSINESS), and so goofy skits and sports entertainment and bikini contests are important to the bottom line. Just cuz YOU want it, doesn't mean it is what the targeted ausience wants.

And I should care what the target audience wants, why?? As a wrestling federation, WWFE and Vince McMahon and all the writers and superstarz have ONE job and one job only: to entertain ME. And if I'm not entertained, I'm not going to sit there and say to myself that it's ok, because that's what everyone wants. Like, say, you go to a diner. You order a cheeseburger deluxe. Five minutes later, the waiter brings you a #1 from McDonalds. You complain, but the waiter explains that it's what "the targeted diner" wants. Do you then smile and happily consume your Big Mac, or do you once again voice your disapproval before throwing down their Big Mac and taking your business elsewhere?

The targeted WWF audience can be "retrained" to appreciate quality wrestling. If they can be trained to like some of the shit that's going on now, they'll eat just about anything up.


Like goatweed said, the biggest problem for these writers is that they have too much shit to do. They have to give all the talented wrestlers something to do and that's impossible, even WITH 4 hours a week.

So to compensate, they put referees in the main event? Makes sense...


So, the product suffers a bit admittedly, because they have to wing it due to injuries and finding places to put guys when there isn't as much time as needed. Firing the whole writing staff won't accomplish shit cuz the next group will have the same problems.

Not if they hire writers from WITHIN the wrestling business who know a thing or two about crowd psychology and drawing heat, instead of the sitcom and soap opera writers they currently have.


To close, I'd still like to say how shocked I am that a small, but loud group people are trashing the WWF to THIS extent. DID ANYONE WATCH WCW???????

Yes, and it seems the WWF is going down the same road as WCW went, which is WHY people are complaining. Those who forget the past, are doomed to repeat it...

Honestly, I WANT to like the WWF again. They have one of the most amazing talent rosters ever assembled, and the potential to REALLY, REALLY rock like no federation ever has before. I just don't think it's being run very well right now, and the product is severely suffering because of this, and has been for a while. The occasional main-event match notwithstanding, almost NOTHING on WWF TV seems important any more. It's as if they're going through the motions, trying to squeeze as many merchandising dollars out of their audience as possible while killing time waiting for something, ANYTHING to happen. And the writers don't know how to make anything happen. Come on, they totally ruined the invasion angle, in which not one, but TWO entire promotions invaded their home turf. The WCW achieved more success with two individual wrestlers invading. Not two promotions, two wrestlers. See the problem with this?

Maybe I do take it too seriously, but like I said, I'm a wrestling fan. That's what I do. And it beats sticking pushpins in my yambag (NOW IT'S MINE, EEEEEGGGGHH!!!).

"Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker and Tits"-George Carlin

"Now you listen here to me, you horrible little creature"-William Regal to X-Pac

Displaying 1-16 of 16 messages in this thread.