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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Article that somes up the problems of the WWF
posted on 04-03-2002 @ 2:35 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01

Contact the Ditch at

Point of View, April 2, 2002: Of ref bumps and Raw turns

We're often told that 'sports entertainment' dictates having non-finishes and non-matches on Raw and Smackdown in order to build interest for the PPVs. I can appreciate that, to an extent; it's the old "why buy the cow when the milk's free" scenario. But, do we REALLY get our money's worth?

To me, a PPV should be about stars having matches with the kind of decisive finish that we simply wouldn't be privy to on free TV. When something happens like a run-in or a screwjob, you're left with a longer version of a TV match, with a finish that's little more compelling than what we get for free.

The WWF has moved away from the Russo era, in which nearly every single match requires a run-in. However, they've simply replaced the run-in with another time tested way of cheating the fans out of actually having big names to real jobs. The ref bump. Here, now, is a look at ref bumps from 2001 on, in PPVs.

Royal Rumble 2001: HHH and Angle have their last PPV match to seemingly blow off the feud from the summer. The match progresses, HHH has it in hand, but the ref gets bumped and Austin runs out. Kick, wham, stunner, Angle retains. This was used to build to Austin vs HHH at No Way Out, even though the feud was very much established without having this screwjob ending.

No Way Out 2001: Ref is bumped for some transitions in the Angle vs Rock match. Poor Earl Hebner...

Wrestlemania X-7: Angle vs Benoit is marred by a ref bump, when Angle taps but it isn't seen. Angle comes back to win, and they feud some more, even though any number of things besides a ref bump could have prolonged the feud.
Ref is bumped for about 12 minutes during HHH vs Undertaker, allowing HHH to get in a sledgehammer shot for a nearfall. Undertaker wins anyway. Boy, doesn't HHH look good here after headlining for the whole of 2000?
Ref is bumped in Austin vs Rock, and misses no pin attempts. It was a no-DQ match, thus there was no reason at all for this to happen. Oh, my bad, it's Earl Hebner.

King of the Ring: A ref bump saves Edge from Angle in the KOR final, allowing Shane to run in and cost Angle the match. Way to build the future star, WWF!
Earl Hebner gets bumped in the main event. What a shocker.

Invasion: Earl Hebner gets bumped, allowing Austin to screw Team WWF. Earl is 6 of 7 in taking bumps in the main event of PPVs.

Summerslam: Ref bumps are the FINISH of the main event. Earl: 7 of 8.

Unforgiven: Dueling ref bumps screw up the finish. Earl: 8 of 10.

Survivor Series: Hebner and Patrick bump each other, allowing Angle to screw Austin and Team Alliance. Earl: 9 of 11.

Vengeance: Hebner is bumped for most of the finish. Jericho becomes the undisputed champ ONLY because of Booker T's interference. Boy, that's the sort of push Bischoff was never going to give him, right? Earl: 10 of 12.

Royal Rumble 2002: Rock vs Jericho sees Hebner get bumped, allowing Nick Patrick to screw around with Rock enough for Jericho to get a layered cheating victory. Earl: 11 of 13.

No Way Out 2002: Ref is bumped for most of the Rock vs Undertaker finish, which is nothing but dueling screwjobs.
HHH vs Angle has about six or seven ref bumps AND a screwjob ending.
Austin vs Jericho sees Hebner get bumped, allowing the nWo to beat up Austin and give Jericho the win. Earl: 12 of 14.

Wrestlemania X-8: The ref gets bumped in both nWo matches, yet Austin and Rock go on to win clean anyway, thus making Hogan and Hall look about two or three notches below them.

Earl Hebner got bumped in 12 of the last 15 main events, and 8 of those were vital to the finish. At what point, exactly, did we start paying our hard-earned money for ref bumps? I say, watch PPVs in a bar until they start giving us at least moderately clean finishes for the big matches.

Raw has become a mecca for interviews, backstage segments, recaps, "moments ago", and recaps of what happened "moments ago" in an interview taped backstage. We give up match time in order to have well-developed storylines... right? Well, let's look at ten major plot points, and see what impact they're still having today.

1. Jericho & Benoit beat Austin & HHH. This led to the King of the Ring main event, after which both HHH and Benoit were out for the rest of the year. Jericho was forgotten about until his feud with Rock. Most of the problem here is injury, which I can forgive them for.
2. ECW re-forms in Atlanta. This was just an excuse for Stephanie to put herself on TV again. The only ECW guy to get a push was RVD, and that was only because he got so over so quickly. Today, ECW is dead and buried, along with WCW. No impact of this development.
3. Rock returns to the WWF. No real impact, because he just did everything he's been doing since 1999.
4. Regal screws Angle out of the WWF title. This was supposed to be the "Biggest Raw ever", but the main development was canceled out mere WEEKS later when Angle turned on the WWF. Ye gods.
5. Angle turns on the WWF. Well, he hasn't gone back to being a face, but the actual action has long since been forgotten.
6. Rock and Austin sing songs before Survivor Series, at which point Rock attacks because he still hasn't forgotten about what happened at Wrestlemania. Anyone remember how many WEEKS after this it was before Austin (who never apologized for trying to kill the WWF, or for screwing Rock at X-7) was tagging with Rock? Why should WE care about main event storylines if the writers drop major plot points which are overtly brought back into the spotlight mere weeks earlier? If the WWF was a normal television show, Stephanie would be fired for gaffes like this, but because her last name is McMahon she's set for life.
7. Raw is Flair. This still has impact, since it led to the Flair/McMahon feud, which is still going on and caused the fed split.
8. Undertaker makes JR kiss Vince's ass. Undertaker is still a heel, but this action is long since forgotten. JR doesn't seem any more upset with 'taker than with any other heel.
9. Raw is HHH. They still play up his heroic return from injury, so I guess that's impact.
10. Stephanie and HHH break up. This only happened a month ago, and they wrapped it up last week (I hope). Let's try and forget the whole "Vince and Steph are fine with each other" part. This had all the impact it could have possibly had, and was specifically brought up over and over again. Interesting that Stephanie is involved, eh?

So, to sum up. PPVs are no longer for settling feuds, but for having screwy non-finishes designed to make sure nothing is blown off ever. Raw is used for storylines, but only rarely do said storylines contain plot points which are brought up after the next PPV. Also, said storylines are usually filled with holes and are only rarely intriguing. The WWF has the most talented roster in the history of wrestling, but rather than revolve around the wrestling, the product revolves around the abysmal writing of Stephanie McMahon.

And people wonder why I'm so critical of the WWF lately.

123...Not so bare anymore since I got a number underneath my name again
I also have an imaginary girlfriend.
posted on 04-03-2002 @ 11:19 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 01
No kidding! Poor Earl is being abused too much Lol! The worst part is how the ref awakens from his looooooong sleep right after one of the wrestlers gets attacked and he acts like he never saw it! And then that damned sloooooooooooow 3 count, I hate that!

Shit Happens...
posted on 04-04-2002 @ 12:41 AM      
Registered: Apr. 02
Besides the bump, what about Distracting the ref. I'm so tired of seeing someone climb on the rope to get in the ring.. then the ref totaly doesnt care about whats going on in the ring anymore and is more concern about the person trying to get in the ring.. While the ref is distracted.. Someone cheats,pretty much match over. If someone is to try to get into the ring and cheat. the ref should just stop the match, have security take away the person who is trying to cheat

Don't ask me, I"m just a girl
posted on 04-04-2002 @ 10:52 AM      
Registered: Oct. 00
He has a point about the ref being bumped, but I disagree with most of what he said. The WWF isnt on a downswing because there isnt any clean finishes. If, as he suggested, every PPV match ended in a clean 1-2-3, it would be boring as hell and people would still complain. Granted, it would be nice to have a few clean matches, but every one to settle a fued, it would suck.
The WWF is in a downswing because there hasn't been anything new and exciting. The invasion sucked. NWO was cool for a short time, but without Hogan; Hall Nash and Xpac do nothing and aren't exciting. The problem is I started watching when it was DX and Vince vs. Stone Cold, where every week something mind blowing would happen (Vince getting a visit from Stone Cold in a hospital, Stone Cold driving a beer truck to the arena and spraying them all with beer, etc.) Now its all the same old stuff day in and day out.

Thanks to Brokenjaw for the sigpic

The official mantra for the Olympics “quicker, higher, stronger” has been replaced by “complain, protest, boycott” for the Salt Lake games. Article coming soon

Hello! Hello! Diamond Dust! Hello!
posted on 04-04-2002 @ 12:07 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
They REEEEEEEEALLY do have to cut out the ref bumps on PPVs, but that ain't the major problem. The major problem has been nobody getting elevated to keep things fresh. For the past two years, the main eventers have been the same guys and it hasn't moved. Getting old guys who were on top before (the nWo)doesn't freshen up the main event scene at all, because it's the same guys who were on top years ago. The WWF was at it's best when guys like the Rock and HHH and even Foley were truly being elevated. They haven't given any midcarder, like these guys were at the time, the light of day anymore and that is why I and many others are optimistic about the split.

"Losers always whine about 'doing their best'. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen."
posted on 04-04-2002 @ 1:03 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00

The major problem has been nobody getting elevated to keep things fresh.

True, but for that to happen, they'd have to either lose or lower someone else. I think the WWF's biggest problem is that they don't ever lower the old main guys. The only person they elevated in the past 2 years was Jericho, and with all the main eventers they have now, there's no room to do it. Until guys like the Rock, Undertaker, and Austin leave, its going to be the same way.

Thanks to Brokenjaw for the sigpic

The official mantra for the Olympics “quicker, higher, stronger” has been replaced by “complain, protest, boycott” for the Salt Lake games. Article coming soon

posted on 04-04-2002 @ 5:41 PM      
Registered: Oct. 01
This is just one of the problems with the WWF. Personally, I think the ref bump situation is due to one thing in particular: the laziness or general ineptitude of the booking / writing committee (fronted by Daddy's Little Girl). They can't think of an interesting or original ending to finish the match, so voila! The ref bump. The bumps are, IMO, *almost* as bad as Vince Russo's booking, which was so filled with run-ins it was ridiculous.

The major problem has been nobody getting elevated to keep things fresh. For the past two years, the main eventers have been the same guys and it hasn't moved.

I'd say this is one of the biggest problems the WWF has. The main event scene hasn't changed much, for 2 reasons. One is fear: the WWF has a couple known draws (Austin & Rock), and a couple name guys who may / may not draw (usually depending upon whether or not either is feuding with Rock / Austin) in the form of HHH / Undertaker. They don't want to damage anyone of them.

In the last couple years, there have been semi-pushes of Kurt Angle & Chris Jericho into the upper card, but neither has been met with much success because of how abysmally both of their main event / title pushes have been. Let's look at those two further:

1. Angle is maybe the best pro wrestler in the WWF, outside of Benoit, and has proven that he can get over well as a heel. In his first title run, he was presented as a transitional champ who frequently had to cheat to win. He was (and is to this day) presented as a goofball, but God bless Kurt, he's made it work well. His second title run was only to capitalize on the pro-America feelings post 9-11, and the WWF quickly took the title off of him after that, less anyone in the general public realize what they were doing. Overall, while he remains in the upper mid-card, he's never been allowed to reach the upper echelon, due to bad booking and, realistically, politics (best example of the latter was the Trips / Steph / Angle love triangle plot, which suddenly ended as soon as Angle started getting more over than The Game). Hopefully, his spot will be cemented in the upper card eventually, as he still probably has many years left in the business.

2. Chris Jericho came into the federation HUGELY over, and from there, he continued to remain over in the midcard, but has also been the victim of bad booking over and over again. The man was forced to feud with Chyna, of all people. Despite all of this, he was STILL over, mainly due to his charisma and mike work, and became the first ever Undisputed champion....and then promptly proceeded to warm the belts so that HHH could take them off him. I really, honestly, DO feel that someone has a hard-on against Jericho in the locker room - most likely HHH. During his reign as champ, he was made to look like a loser who had to cheat to beat even the most worthless of faces (i.e. Rikishi), was made to look like Steph's bitch (to the point where SHE became the focal point of his feud with HHH), and worst of all and most damaging, he was presented as beneath all of the other upper carders such as Austin / Rock / Undertaker / HHH (Trips, of course, went even farther, and openly stated that he felt Jericho was beneath him in a NON-kayfabe interview), which of course led to his great worked-shoot promo against The Rock where Jericho screamed, "I am NOT a fluke!" Jericho is the victim of the worst booking, AND I'd say there's at least some decent evidence that someone (*coughHHHcough*) in the WWF has a vendetta against him, for whatever reason.

Basically, the WWF needs to insert new blood into the main event scene, and they already have it in the form of Angle, Jericho, and couple others such as Benoit and RVD. But it won't happen anytime soon, because they're afraid of damaging their current upper carders (should they, you know, actually job to guys like Benoit) and because of bad politics.

Sound familiar? It should. Welcome to the new WCW. Just keep watching the same faces in the upper card until they all get old and grey.

"Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem

This message was edited by Se7en on 4-4-02 @ 6:08 PM
posted on 04-04-2002 @ 6:42 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01
Well said Se7en!!!!

I agree with you I think Y2J, Angle, RVD and Booker should be moving into the Main Event arena, and not have tired old rooty pooh Rock, Crybaby Austin, HHH/Steph real bitch, or that worthless Uneverjobber in the Angels for a while.

Anyone want advanced screening tickets to Halloween 57?
I didn't think so.
posted on 04-06-2002 @ 8:00 PM      
Registered: Jan. 02
WM 17, and it's HHH VS Undertaker match pissed me off. That had to be the longest one..... frigginn' ref would've been up faster then that.

123...Not so bare anymore since I got a number underneath my name again
I also have an imaginary girlfriend.
posted on 04-07-2002 @ 8:11 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 01

the problems of the WWF

I think another problem is Scott Hall wrestling Crash on Heat...

2002 Crack Committee Objectives:
1. 94 Wins and NL East Title by the Mets this year
2. Hate the Braves with a passion
3. All 5 Starters have winning records this year
4. Mets win World Series

...Take Me Down to the Paradise City,

Where the Grass is Green,

And the Girls are Pretty!...

...Oh won't you please take me Home!...

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