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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - The New Weezer Song Sucks

Displaying 1-19 of 19 messages in this thread.
Posted ByDiscussion Topic: The New Weezer Song Sucks
Goat Pupil
posted on 05-08-2001 @ 8:18 PM      
Registered: Apr. 01
I just saw the video and the song is so bad. Those guys used to be cool what happened to them.

Check this Out
posted on 05-08-2001 @ 10:47 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
nah, you've just not been paying attention, they've ALWAYS sucked---one good video directed by Spike Jonez does not make a good band

I stand alone on the cliffs of the world,
no-one ever tends to me.
Sitting alone covered in breeze.
Some things are so my mind can breathe.

The waiting is hard, fuckin' takes so long.
Draped in sun, hands in sand.
Earth acid cleanses me.
It cleanses me clean, but the world it never comes(Kyuss, Space Cadet)
Tony Metropolis
posted on 05-09-2001 @ 7:33 AM      
Registered: Feb. 01
Weezer has always sucked and their new video doesn't change that. If you didn't think they sucked when they came out with "The Sweater Song" then you have some bad taste in music.

"I am a sophisticated sex robot sent back in time to change the future for one lucky lady."-The Shermanator
posted on 05-09-2001 @ 10:54 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
I guess I have bad taste in music because I liked the song for what it was. A funny, catchy ditty... Weezer's like any other ninties college band...

If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
-George Carlin

jap bike jim
posted on 05-09-2001 @ 3:04 PM      
Registered: Dec. 00
I am not the one to put down any music some one takes the time to write. But i wasn't feelin that song. Wheezer is not the best band but this was no where close to their last videos.

"what about me, what about raisin"
Heroin Bob
posted on 05-10-2001 @ 1:13 AM      
Registered: May. 01
Ok yeah Spitfire and Tony know jack squat about Weezer, that's been proven. And listen Goat just take the time and listen to the song again it's not so bad. I was talking to a friend that hated it once and listened to it again and began to like it. It took me a while to accept "Pinkerton" so just go to and search for the message board you'll see a lot of opinions there.

This message was edited by Heroin Bob on 5-10-01 @ 1:17 AM
posted on 05-10-2001 @ 7:42 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 00
Hey Bob, haven't you been banned before?? I may be wrong, but I'm not wrong about Weezer sucking....what a sad band...

Why fucking bother

"Think before you write" - Froy

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posted on 05-10-2001 @ 9:46 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00

Ok yeah Spitfire and Tony know jack squat about Weezer, that's been proven has, has it?

I bought the first cd when I really didn't have good broad taste in music...Sorry, they're just quite untalented, pop bullshit that the record companies like to spew at the unknowledgable music consumer...Just an opinion dude, not changing that

I stand alone on the cliffs of the world,
no-one ever tends to me.
Sitting alone covered in breeze.
Some things are so my mind can breathe.

The waiting is hard, fuckin' takes so long.
Draped in sun, hands in sand.
Earth acid cleanses me.
It cleanses me clean, but the world it never comes(Kyuss, Space Cadet)
Heroin Bob
posted on 05-10-2001 @ 3:58 PM      
Registered: May. 01 i've never been banned thanks for asking. And spitfire if you wanna talk about pop bullshit we could have a whole discussion on Third eye blind or Matchbox 20 but i don't have the energy for it, plus weezer have been getting a lot of press if you've opened your eyes lately even more so than Tool another band that hasn't released an album in 5 years.

posted on 05-10-2001 @ 4:04 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00

plus weezer have been getting a lot of press if you've opened your eyes lately even more so than Tool another band that hasn't released an album in 5 years.

Do you know where the interested from the press comes from? Well, if you don't, let me tell you...Good pitch from record label publicists and/or agency publicists...That's what everything you see in most magazines come from. It's my busines, I know this.

This means that lots of press does not equal a good band...look at how often J'Lo/Brittney Spears/O Town/N'Sync etc. etc. are in mags.

I stand alone on the cliffs of the world,
no-one ever tends to me.
Sitting alone covered in breeze.
Some things are so my mind can breathe.

The waiting is hard, fuckin' takes so long.
Draped in sun, hands in sand.
Earth acid cleanses me.
It cleanses me clean, but the world it never comes(Kyuss, Space Cadet)
Heroin Bob
posted on 05-10-2001 @ 8:21 PM      
Registered: May. 01
It might also have a little to do with huge underground following that they've had since '97, this isn't the Spin Doctors we're talking about here...anyway the new disc owns!

posted on 05-10-2001 @ 8:26 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Tool has people that will buy the album no matter what. Weezer on the other hand has to trick people into buying it.

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IM me at stickysituation2

The Fourth International Is At Hand. The Beautiful Hand of Socialism Will Come and Sweep Away the Imperialist Pigs. Crush Your Oppressors.
...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 05-10-2001 @ 8:31 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
ok heres my opinion, tool is a very good band that has worldwide acclaim and even had enough talent to start a side project[a perfect circle] that was widely accepted by fans and critics alike. weezer has a good publicity machine that makes people think crap is good music. plain and simple and i hate to break it to you but spit has more musical knowledge than anybody i know. after all she turned me onto the new train cd and that cd is awesome:)

This time I'm 'a let it all come out
This time I'm 'a stand up and shout
I'm 'a do things my way

It's my way
My way, or the highway
posted on 05-10-2001 @ 8:46 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Spit has turned me onto several bands. Maybe she should just post all the music she listens to so we know what the hell is good.

E-Mail Me
IM me at stickysituation2

The Fourth International Is At Hand. The Beautiful Hand of Socialism Will Come and Sweep Away the Imperialist Pigs. Crush Your Oppressors.
posted on 05-10-2001 @ 9:07 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00

Awwww, you guys :) :) :)

I stand alone on the cliffs of the world,
no-one ever tends to me.
Sitting alone covered in breeze.
Some things are so my mind can breathe.

The waiting is hard, fuckin' takes so long.
Draped in sun, hands in sand.
Earth acid cleanses me.
It cleanses me clean, but the world it never comes(Kyuss, Space Cadet)
Heroin Bob
posted on 05-10-2001 @ 10:22 PM      
Registered: May. 01
I'm pretty sure Weezer had to trick people into selling out shows too, thanks for the info. I won't even comment on Train...too easy.

posted on 05-13-2001 @ 6:41 AM      
Registered: Jul. 00

---*---In The Garage---*---

I've got the dungeon Master's Guide
I've got a 12-sided die
I've got Kitty Pryde
and Nightcrawler too
Waiting there for me
yes I do, I do

I've got posters on the wall
My favorite rock group KISS
I've got Ace Frehley
I've got Peter Criss
Waiting there for me
yes I do, I do

In the garage
I feel safe
No one cares about my ways
In the garage
Where I belong
No one hears me sing this song
In the garage

I've got an electric guitar
I play my stupid songs
I write these stupid words
and I love every one
Waiting there for me
Yes I do, I do

---*---Why Bother---*---

I know I should get next to you
You've got a look that make me think you're cool
But it's just sexual attraction
It's nothing real so I'd better keep whackin

Why bother, it's gonna hurt me
It's gonna kill when you desert me
This happened to me twice before
It won't happen to me anymore
I've known a lot of girls before
What's the harm in knowing one more?
Maybe we could even get together
Maybe you could break my heart next summer

Why bother, it's gonna hurt me
It's gonna kill when you desert me
This happened to me twice before
It won't happen to me anymore

It's a crying shame I'm all alone
Not with you - nor her - nor anyone
Won't deny me of my head
Crack it open and then I would share

Why bother, it's gonna hurt me
It's gonna kill when you desert me
This happened to me twice before
It won't happen to me anymore
Why bother, it's gonna hurt me
It's gonna kill when you desert me
Why bother, it's gonna hurt me
Why bother, it's gonna hurt me


"Our love is rice and beans and horses lard"
Black Francis
Tony Metropolis
posted on 05-13-2001 @ 4:32 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
How did Weezer and Tool get mentioned in the same discussion? Weezer isn't in the same ballpark as Tool and I bet everyone can agree with that. Tool is a great band with amazing talent and Weezer is, uh,... forget it, I don't even want to waste my time with that band.

"I am a sophisticated sex robot sent back in time to change the future for one lucky lady."-The Shermanator
Heroin Bob
posted on 05-13-2001 @ 7:26 PM      
Registered: May. 01
I personally don't give a fuck about Tool i just mentioned they were releasing albums the same day...dumbass, anyway i'll be enjoying them on SNL for the season finale.

Displaying 1-19 of 19 messages in this thread.