Bush says forests need to be thinned - Printable Version

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Bush says forests need to be thinned - The Brain - 08-13-2003

Quote:Originally posted by vampchick
Quote:Well, I won't get into this debate again, but technically we didn't put him into office. The Electoral College did.
politics aint my bag <b>baby</b>.
Hey, do you guys hear that?

I think Sloats just went into cardiac arrest. :rofl:

Bush says forests need to be thinned - vampchick - 08-13-2003

Quote:I think Sloats just went into cardiac arrest.
that was my plan all along, im a twisted little fucker

Bush says forests need to be thinned - Rooner - 08-13-2003

Shit, you think thats bad, check out what the Secretary of the Interior, Gail Norton,the department in charge of taking care of the environment, is doing. The whole Bush administration is run by large corporations. They suck.

Bush says forests need to be thinned - Six-Pack - 08-13-2003

Quote:The whole Bush administration is run by large corporations.

WHAT??? :o

Bush says forests need to be thinned - tinymike - 08-13-2003

reminds me of part of retirement speech I was privey to when the CEO of a major media company I was working for retired.

"Now that I'm retiring, I can say things without caring too much about what people think. I've been pondering political correctness in media. What I don't understand is man kind can procreate just about anywhere, anytime. In the back of car, in a parking lot, you name it. Why the hell does the white spotted owl need 50 million acres?"

Bush says forests need to be thinned - Sloats - 08-13-2003

OK, all of you concrete walkers, here's some conter-intuitive facts concerning forests.

Forest need/count on trama around every 40 years. It needs this to support a diverse habitat. If it wasn't for forest fires, you would have freak environmental zones like the Redwood forest in Cali. That forest supports nothing but those trees. There is no underbrush that allows rabbits to hide in, there is no new growth, nothing. Also, for many species of trees, they will stand twice as long as their life time. Eventually a tree will outgrow it's ability to provide all of its cells with water and photosynthesis. What then happens is that the trunk of the tree will dry out and start to rot from the inside. There may be folliage at the top, but the tree is just waiting to die. If you leave a section of a forest like that for too long of a time, you get a tinder box: a single spark on a pine needle will send the entire tree ablaze in minutes.

It's funny how some environmentalists don't want to study an environment and how it works but would rather artifically protect aspects of an environment and thereby ruin the entire environment.

Bush says forests need to be thinned - Drunken GW - 08-13-2003

fuckin tree huggers!!!!!
i make sure all my copies are single sided!!!

Bush says forests need to be thinned - FollowThisLogic - 08-13-2003

Quote:Originally posted by Flock of Moosen
Well, I won't get into this debate again, but technically we didn't put him into office. The Electoral College did. Rolleyes
Just more proof that it is an outdated system that needs to go.
Aww, are you sure you don't want to get into it? Smile

Hate to break it to ya, but the E.C. is the same exact thing as it is every other day of the week. Sure, they give it a spiffy name cause it's a Presidential election - but the only difference between the E.C. and the House/Senate representative government that you're used to every day, is that the House and Senate are combined in the voting.

The major problem is that people believe we live in a democracy - that's stupid. We don't. We never did. People want to think so, and those people are wrong.

Pay attention the next time you salute the flag. "...and to the <b>republic</b> for which it stands..." - republic, not democracy. A republiuc is a representative government, the one we live in.

A democracy - a true one - means that the people vote on everything, and it also removes the need for elected officials. You vote on every bill, every day.

This country is way too fucking stupid to handle that shit.

And anyway, who would you rather have in there? Gore? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Bush says forests need to be thinned - The Brain - 08-13-2003

Quote:Originally posted by Sloats
Forest need/count on trama around every 40 years. It needs this to support a diverse habitat. If it wasn't for forest fires, you would have freak environmental zones like the Redwood forest in Cali. That forest supports nothing but those trees. There is no underbrush that allows rabbits to hide in, there is no new growth, nothing. Also, for many species of trees, they will stand twice as long as their life time. Eventually a tree will outgrow it's ability to provide all of its cells with water and photosynthesis. What then happens is that the trunk of the tree will dry out and start to rot from the inside. There may be folliage at the top, but the tree is just waiting to die. If you leave a section of a forest like that for too long of a time, you get a tinder box: a single spark on a pine needle will send the entire tree ablaze in minutes.

It's funny how some environmentalists don't want to study an environment and how it works but would rather artifically protect aspects of an environment and thereby ruin the entire environment.
Exactly. Forest fires are nature's way of cleansing dead vegetation, and rereleasing the soil for use by new plant life. What these guys are really trying to do is protect landowner's property.

Ever notice whenever these major forest fires are happening in California, or Montana, the news reports that the threaten "local residents"?

Here's a thought... MOVE AWAY FROM THE FUCKING FOREST! No one told them to plunk their home way out in the sub-suburbs. This ain't the Old West times anymore; we have cities dammit, we should all live in them-- unless you are a fucking farmer, and even then, a forest region isn't exactly ideal to you.


Quote:This country is way too fucking stupid to handle that shit.
Thank God for the Founding Fathers. Even they knew the vast majority of the local citizenry would be either too uninformed (stupid) or too lazy to make rational decisions concerning this nation's furture. The E.C. is a go-between, just like Congress.

Bush says forests need to be thinned - Sloats - 08-13-2003

Quote:Originally posted by The Brain
Quote:Originally posted by Sloats
Forest need/count on trama around every 40 years. It needs this to support a diverse habitat. If it wasn't for forest fires, you would have freak environmental zones like the Redwood forest in Cali. That forest supports nothing but those trees. There is no underbrush that allows rabbits to hide in, there is no new growth, nothing. Also, for many species of trees, they will stand twice as long as their life time. Eventually a tree will outgrow it's ability to provide all of its cells with water and photosynthesis. What then happens is that the trunk of the tree will dry out and start to rot from the inside. There may be folliage at the top, but the tree is just waiting to die. If you leave a section of a forest like that for too long of a time, you get a tinder box: a single spark on a pine needle will send the entire tree ablaze in minutes.

It's funny how some environmentalists don't want to study an environment and how it works but would rather artifically protect aspects of an environment and thereby ruin the entire environment.
Exactly. Forest fires are nature's way of cleansing dead vegetation, and rereleasing the soil for use by new plant life. What these guys are really trying to do is protect landowner's property.

Ever notice whenever these major forest fires are happening in California, or Montana, the news reports that the threaten "local residents"?

Here's a thought... MOVE AWAY FROM THE FUCKING FOREST! No one told them to plunk their home way out in the sub-suburbs. This ain't the Old West times anymore; we have cities dammit, we should all live in them-- unless you are a fucking farmer, and even then, a forest region isn't exactly ideal to you.


Quote:This country is way too fucking stupid to handle that shit.
Thank God for the Founding Fathers. Even they knew the vast majority of the local citizenry would be either too uninformed (stupid) or too lazy to make rational decisions concerning this nation's furture. The E.C. is a go-between, just like Congress.

I'm sorry, but I love living amonst trees. Cities suck. Plain and simple. I need my space, clean air, huge buffers between me and other people.

:tog: Plus, black people get really nervous when they are around really tall trees, so I know I am safe.:/tog: