The Official " What I Got For Christmas " Thread - Printable Version

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The Official \" What I Got For Christmas \" Thread - Buttmunch - 12-25-2003

I didn't get nothing.

I had to pay $50 and pick up the trash.

The Official \" What I Got For Christmas \" Thread - Suzie - 12-25-2003

It was a typical case of AMerican blind justice!

The Official \" What I Got For Christmas \" Thread - Buttmunch - 12-25-2003

And they all moved away from me on the Group W bench.

The Official \" What I Got For Christmas \" Thread - Suzie - 12-25-2003

there was all kinds of mean nasty ugly looking people on the bench there. Mother rapers. Father stabbers. Father rapers! Father rapers sitting right there on the bench next to me!

The Official \" What I Got For Christmas \" Thread - BITENY - 12-25-2003

Well, because my boyfriend lost his job, he couldn't get me the digital camera he was going to buy me......(fucking Gateway assholes...)
So he got me a really really limited edition Pulp Fiction dvd w/a framed movie still inside (of John Travolta).
And his parents got me body wash/lotion---more to add to my collection Smile

The Official \" What I Got For Christmas \" Thread - Tenbatsuzen - 12-25-2003

I got a whole bunch of stuff for my kitchen. Pyrex dishware, kitchen gadgets, mixing bowls, tupperware, etc.

(yes, it's homo, but I like having a well-stocked kitchen)

Bunch of CD's.

Some clothes, including a Jews sweatshirt I've been wanting, along with some fleece.

Brother got me a DVD Burner and a Netflix subscription. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

The Official \" What I Got For Christmas \" Thread - Tenbatsuzen - 12-25-2003

Quote:Originally posted by RapeFantasizer
I open my gifts tomorrow, but tonight I got (urgh) a cookbook, cake dish and pie server from my brother's in-laws.

30 Minute Meals? Big Grin

The Official \" What I Got For Christmas \" Thread - dru - 12-25-2003

Quote:[i]Originally posted by

Some clothes, including a Jews sweatshirt I've been wanting, along with some fleece.


The Official \" What I Got For Christmas \" Thread - The Man - 12-25-2003

Quote:Originally posted by GMANN
Mom and Dad got me 2 pairs of jeans, a nice dressy sweater, and 2 regular sweaters.....ALL BLACK!!!
Sister got me 2 black. Nice!

Did you get any nailpolish, goth-boy?

The Official \" What I Got For Christmas \" Thread - JimmyBlueEyes - 12-25-2003

Only two things I wanted...I am not happy