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Rock and Sock ..... - Grumpy - 12-09-2003

Last nights raw was interesting. I thought the show would tank with ideas after Stone Cold was "ousted" but Foley and Rock coming back added an interesting twist to things. In the end, you know Stone Cold will be back. hence the whole petition thing.....I guess Stevie boy needed a vacation and this was his out....

While I'm on the topic of Raw, and my black bretheren will forgive me for this somewhat racial comment I'm about to make, but is it me or does Mark Henry look like a cross between a neanderthal and a gorilla? Did we finally find the missing link? What a fuckin ogre.....

Also, anyone know what happened to the missing french man? It seems he's been replaced by the candy ass french dick sucking faggot Rob Conway. I'm thinkin they need to do a no DQ TLC cage match with the dudleys. I want to see the french faggot bleed.....

Rock and Sock ..... - Faceman - 12-09-2003

Austin is promoting his book, hence the time off.

Mark Henry looks like the offspring between a gorilla and the predator which prompted my funny line of the night..."Someone needs to call Arnold to take his fucking ass out...or even danny glover for that matter"

I AM SICK AND FUCKING TIRED OF THE DUDLEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAME FUCKING 4 STAPLE MOVES EVERY MATCH. DUD!!!!!!!!!!!! Conway is fucking gold grumpy, you watch, he has the moves and mic skills of a young Rocky. If they went with this originally instead of using that stiff Granier this Revolution angle would have been fucking huge. Plus they almost killed spike in what has to be the non-purposeful bump of the year. and that is a good thing.

This jericho/trish thing better be going on, because its the best angle they have going right now. You can see Jerischo wasn't happy with the match on sunday so maybe we see his real feelings coming out for trish. and then down the line a feud with christian, for the IC belt would be nice, but we can't always get what we want.

Rock and Sock ..... - Six-Pack - 12-09-2003

Jericho is the man. He's the only reason why I watch Monday Night RAWNG anymore. I was hoping something more would have come from it last night, like maybe the girls screwing the Dudleys out of the match.

Rock and Sock ..... - TheDude - 12-09-2003

Granier is actually pretty injured, which is why they been using the Conway guy.

Jericho is the next headine main eventer, if they would only let him. They should send that heap of shit Goldberg to the unemployment line and give the strap to the Highlight of the Night.