Episode III's Official Title is... - Printable Version

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Episode III\'s Official Title is... - 60FeetUnderWater - 07-25-2004

"Revenge of the Sith"

Ok all you closet and openly dorky SW fans, lets here your thoughts.

As much as the first 2 prequels rubbed many the wrong way, I still look forward to seeing Episode III and then, all 6 episodes in a row.

Episode III\'s Official Title is... - Flock of Moosen - 07-25-2004

Sounds fine to me. Actually sounds much better than the previous one "Attack of the Clones". Frankly, the way the last one ended, the Sith would be looking for revenge after their setback.

I was just reading this article on and was surprised to find out that some people actually get all worked up over the titles.
Jesus Christ people, it's just a title! As far as I'm concerned it's the final product that they put on the screen that truly matters.

Here's to hoping for a masterpiece to wrap this all up.

Episode III\'s Official Title is... - Ronin - 07-25-2004

[homer simpon] Wow, what an ending! Who would have thought Darth Vader was Luke Skywalker's father![/homer simpson]

Episode III\'s Official Title is... - dru - 07-25-2004

i like the name. its much better than the last two names. & it kinda cool how it parallels jedi.

Episode III\'s Official Title is... - Crack Hitler - 07-25-2004

i honestly dont care, i loved starwars as a kid, had the action figures read the comics... but lucas has sucked such huge donkey balls on these last two that i can't seem to get any anticipation worked up for this. i hope its good, and after it comes out if everyone says its great, i'll go see it. but i am not holding my breath

Episode III\'s Official Title is... - 60FeetUnderWater - 07-26-2004

To me, its not about "can Lucas make this one better than I or II".

I'm more concerned about whether or not Episode III helps Eps I and II fit along better with the rest of the episodes.

I'm more worried about how all six episodes are going to flow. I'm hoping it all seems natural and not like 2 seperate sets of trilogies filmed 20 years apart. Episode III is the episode that will make or break all six episodes or at least the first 3 episodes.

I also dug the parallel made between Revenge of the Sith and Return of the Jedi. Makes me wonder what Episode IX would have been called had Lucas decided to film the last 3 episodes.

BTW, I say he completes the last trilogy in CGI style. He should/could use the faces of a young Hamill, Fisher, Ford, etc and do the last three Final Fantasy/Animatrix's Flight of the Osiris-style.) Take advantage of the fact that all the main cast members are still alive to record the voices and all the while, push Lucasfilm into the CGI film foray, setting new standards and such.

SW fans all know and accept that Lucas loves to showcase new film innovations in each of his films, why not try it in this fashion?

To me, it would be better than never finishing the last trilogy at all.

Episode III\'s Official Title is... - The Brain - 07-26-2004

Quote:Originally posted by 60FeetUnderWater
BTW, I say he completes the last trilogy in CGI style. He should/could use the faces of a young Hamill, Fisher, Ford, etc and do the last three Final Fantasy/Animatrix's Flight of the Osiris-style.) Take advantage of the fact that all the main cast members are still alive to record the voices and all the while, push Lucasfilm into the CGI film foray, setting new standards and such.

SW fans all know and accept that Lucas loves to showcase new film innovations in each of his films, why not try it in this fashion?

To me, it would be better than never finishing the last trilogy at all.
But isn't that the problem? Don't you think Lucas has already gone <i>too</i> CGI-heavy with Episodes 1 and 2? There's a reason why the middle trilogy will always rank higher, and it's because he relied on his actors' talent to drive the story, not fancy computer gimmicks.

And as annoying as they were: midgets in Ewok suits <b> > </b> CGI Jar Jar Binks any day of the friggin' week.

Episode III\'s Official Title is... - 60FeetUnderWater - 07-26-2004

Well, I wouildn't be surprised if Lucas added even more effects to the "original trilogy" to have it aesthetically match up with the prequels. I can already see it: "Lucas will redo the original trilogy and have it exclusively launch with the prequels in a six-episode DVD box set."

Secondly, the stories of Episodes 7-9 deal with Luke, Han and Leia (or so I thought) and you very well know that they are (and look) too old to play those roles now.

To me, I rather see Lucas try to pull a feat like an all CGI SW trilogy than recast the roles of Luke, Leia, Han, etc. with different actors. By using the same original actor faces in a CGI setting, Lucas can at least preserve, to a certain degree (much more so than recasting the parts), the SW continuity.

It's not about special effects, its about how you go about implementing them. There was probably over 1000 SE shots in each LOTR movies (which in todays standards is a damn high count) but the effects served the story/screenplay well, none of it was gratuitous in nature.

With an all-CGI movie/trilogy, you wouldn't have to worry about such a thing.

Nevermind the fact that it would be quite impressive if Lucas pulled it off, how else could you play out the story/conclude the SW saga and maintain a high degree of continuity?

"Too much special effects" didn't almost ruin Eps I and II...poorly written dialogue from a whiny pussfied Anakin within cliche' romance scenes (and having to deal with Jar Jar) almost ruined the prequels.

Episode III\'s Official Title is... - dru - 07-26-2004

Quote:Originally posted by 60FeetUnderWater

\"Too much special effects\" didn't almost ruin Eps I and II...poorly written dialogue from a whiny pussfied Anakin within cliche' romance scenes (and having to deal with Jar Jar) almost ruined the prequels.


Episode III\'s Official Title is... - Hawt Baux - 07-26-2004

I fell asleep in the theater during Episode 1.