Worst Commercials Ever? - Printable Version

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Worst Commercials Ever? - Tenbatsuzen - 07-14-2003

I'll start with something simple - The baseball "Defensive Drills" video that's been running on ESPN ad naseum.

Want to know how fucked up this ad is? Fred McGriff is wearing a mesh baseball cap in it - and they have COME BACK INTO STYLE, 11 years after he shot the ad!

Worst Commercials Ever? - Sloats - 07-14-2003

[Image: emanski_mcgriff.jpg]

Worst Commercials Ever? - 60FeetUnderWater - 07-14-2003

I submit the following:

all of those damn commercials on FNC they run in the morning (during Fox & Friends) with that annoying as shit pudgie fuck of a guy...

"I just lost another customer. Thanks"...


Worst Commercials Ever? - Canadian Tool - 07-14-2003

Any of the TRUTH commercials...those things make me wanna light a ciggarette.

Worst Commercials Ever? - Flock of Moosen - 07-14-2003

Yeah, those TRUTH ones annoy the hell out of me as well. I understand the reasoning, but just once I'd love to see them attacked on the streets by bystanders who are sick of seeing them. :lol:

Worst Commercials Ever? - 60FeetUnderWater - 07-14-2003

Quote:Originally posted by Flock of Moosen
I'd love to see them attacked on the streets by bystanders who are sick of seeing them. :lol:

I'm sure that has happened...such a shame that the footage ends up on the cutting room floor. :lol:

Or, send the Trigger Happy crew an e-mail...

I'd love to see a pack of squirrels just come out of nowhere and wreck havoc...

then, smoke a butt at the end of it all.

Worst Commercials Ever? - McNabbShouldDie - 07-14-2003

Anything with Billy Mays...of course those are infomercials but its all the same boring shit to me.

Worst Commercials Ever? - Canadian Tool - 07-14-2003

I also nominate the guy(can't remember his name) that sells the disks teaching people how to use their computers.

I think, Ant once said on the show- if they don't know how to use their computer, the disk will probably end up in the toaster.

Worst Commercials Ever? - JimmyBlueEyes - 07-15-2003

I usually watch those Truth commercials, light up and say, FUCK YOU, NICOTINE NAZIS!!!!

Worst Commercials Ever? - Tenbatsuzen - 07-15-2003

Sad truth: Those commercials are funded by Big Tobacco. The money came from the Government's crackdown on them a few years ago.