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Socom II
i have given up on the ranking and ladder position system, i know i am good, that is enough for me my stats are far better then it would appear by my cookie. i have won almost twice as many rounds as lost, 40% of my kills are headshots. i have like 200 more kills than deaths. and yet my ladder position when i looked last night was 240.000. i give up
[Image: saturday123.jpg]
It's always funny until someone gets hurt, and then it's just hilarious
The rank system is bullshit until you learn a few secrets to it.

Always be on the weaker team. Play as a terrorist and destroy the other team with sweeps (6-0 wins). Play in full rooms, 8 vs 8 holds more weight then 4 vs 4.

Complete all of the objectives for that map, so if it's a Breach and you're a Terrorist don't let them win. Camp on the bomb area.

Know your weapons and the lag effect on some maps. Personally, I like using the M-14. With a double load of ammo and some m-67's the power to destroy is in your hands.

PMN mines are a double edged sword on friendly fire maps. I've given up using them due to too many douche nozzles killing themselves or the hostages with them.

Accuracy counts!!!! Don't be one of those ass fucks who like to shoot their gun in the air at the end of the round. If you have to celebrate a good corpse fucking or tea bagging does wonders for the enemy's morale.
<center><img src=""></center><center> We don't want your forgiveness. We won't make excuses. We're not gonna blame you, even if you are an accessory... But we will not except your natural order. We didn't come for absolution, we didn't ask to be redeemed. But isn't how it is, every goddamn time... Your prayers are always answered, in the order they're received...

so how about a game thursday night 11:00, leave your aim on so we can meet in a room somewhere. oh, i finallly got off my ass and got a new router.
[Image: saturday123.jpg]
It's always funny until someone gets hurt, and then it's just hilarious
Quote:Originally posted by 60FeetUnderWater
I was hoodwinked??!!

I did not die at the hands of teh Fantasizer??!

mother bitch!

actually that time is was her, so yes you got slammed by a chick,
[Image: saturday123.jpg]
It's always funny until someone gets hurt, and then it's just hilarious
Quote:Originally posted by madmick
Quote:Originally posted by 60FeetUnderWater

(psst, I already revealed how much I suck. Rape taught me a valuable lesson that fateful day...)

That wasn't Rape who raped you.

Pfffft!!!!!!! I'm insulted by such accusations. I kicked his ass, and badly I might add. Confusedpin:

The ranking system sucks. I'll get MVP a few rounds in a row and my rank goes down, then I don't do so well for a few rounds and it goes up. Either way, I have my cookie and I will get those damn wings one of these days!
[Image: 2girls.jpg]
Learn something new everyday, 460 really does suck.

Thursday I'm in.

Maybe DIG will show up too.
<center><img src=""></center><center> We don't want your forgiveness. We won't make excuses. We're not gonna blame you, even if you are an accessory... But we will not except your natural order. We didn't come for absolution, we didn't ask to be redeemed. But isn't how it is, every goddamn time... Your prayers are always answered, in the order they're received...

I'm not available on thursday, but if any of you are in a clan and would like to have a clan war with myself and the rest of my clan, I'd be happy to kick your asses as well.
[Image: 2girls.jpg]
I don't doubt you ability's at all Rape. Maybe next time you'll make it.

What Clan are you in?
<center><img src=""></center><center> We don't want your forgiveness. We won't make excuses. We're not gonna blame you, even if you are an accessory... But we will not except your natural order. We didn't come for absolution, we didn't ask to be redeemed. But isn't how it is, every goddamn time... Your prayers are always answered, in the order they're received...

The name is the originals, but the tag is [dog]
[Image: 2girls.jpg]
look at my hours that I've logged in. I've played less than all of you.

Not making excuses and I'm not ashamed. Besides, when you suck at something, there's only room for IMPROVEMENT.

Regardless of my suckiness and Socom ineptitude, I WILL pop & lock all over your asses with every chance that I get.

See ya on thursday...

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