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<title>The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - O & A Phrases</title>
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<th width="20%" align=left>Posted By</th><th colspan=2 align=left>Discussion Topic: O & A Phrases</th>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff><marquee behavior=alternate>Froy</marquee></b><br><font class="smalltext"><font color=red><b>King Shit<br>
*board owner*</font></b><br></font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-13-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>6:01 PM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>

<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">O&A Board Veteran<br>Registered: Feb. 01<br><a href="javascript:Whois(10430)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2>What are some of your favorite original O & A coined phrases?

And no, this isn't a mindless list. I actually want to use some of them as default user titles on the board.

ie: Jacktool

<img SRC="">

<b>I believe in the Faith... that can save me.

I believe in the hope and I pray...

That someday it may raise me... above these badlands

<a href="" target=_new>Over The Limit</a></b></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff>barch97</b><br><font class="smalltext"><!fnm><font size=3 color=green><b>BBTB</b></font><br>
<!FOM>The barch gots lots a dick<br>
<!fnmoron><marquee><font color=pink>Theoretically, if I were to smack you in the face with my penis, it would leave a bruise in the shape of a mushroom.</font></marquee><br>
<!fnmoron>I kind of enjoy my anonymity on the board<br><!FTL>WOW Forum Ambassador</font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-13-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>6:06 PM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>

<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">O&A Board Veteran<br>Registered: Jul. 00<br><a href="javascript:Whois(205)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2>fucktard

<center><a href=><img SRC=""></a>

<font color="yellow" face="Arial" size=+2% ></font>

Long Live the <b>"Syndication Underground"</b>

<font color="red"><i><marquee direction=right> The more things change... </marquee>

<marquee> The more they stay the same. </marquee></i></font>

<font color="4d4d4d" face="Arial" size=-1% ></font></center></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff>Danked</b><br><font class="smalltext"><!fnm><font color=green size=2>Dankarella! </font></font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-13-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>6:19 PM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">O&A Board Regular<br>Registered: Aug. 00<br><a href="javascript:Whois(552)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2>Assfuck


<center><img SRC=""></center>

<marquee BEHAVIOR="left"><b><font color="green" size="1">KNOW YOUR DOPE FIEND. YOUR LIFE MAY DEPEND ON IT! You will not be able to see his eyes because of Tea-Shades, but his knuckles will be white from inner tension and his pants will be crusted with semen from constantly jacking off when he can't find a rape victim. He will stagger and babble when questioned. He will not respect your badge. The Dope Fiend fears nothing. He will attack, for no reason, with every weapon at his command--including yours. BEWARE. Any officer apprehending a suspected marijuana addict should use all necessary force immediately. One stitch in time (on him) will usually save nine on you.</font></b></marquee>

<font color="#4d4d4d" size="1"></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff>Freddy's Ghost</b><br><font class="smalltext"><!BM>I'm not fooling anyone. I'm not as smart as Fast Freddy.</font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-13-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>7:19 PM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">Hanger-On<br>Registered: Jul. 02<br><a href="javascript:Whois(20315)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2>

1. - "Whip'em Out Wednesday" [Not the event or act of, the actual phrase]

2. - "Vos Sucks"

<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff>Reservation at Dorcia</b><br><font class="smalltext"></font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-13-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>7:33 PM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">Hanger-On<br>Registered: May. 02<br><a href="javascript:Whois(19644)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2>"You really are awful"

Good old Norton

<img SRC="">

<b>That's what I love about fucking sheep, "No" means No, but "BAAH" can mean anything...</b></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff>MadMickwop</b><br><font class="smalltext"></font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-13-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>7:46 PM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">Psychopath<br>Registered: Apr. 02<br><a href="javascript:Whois(19390)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2>Your Mom's box.

<img SRC="">

"God made man. Sam Colt made man equal." </td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff>Tequila</b><br><font class="smalltext"><b>Fez claims this land in the name of <font color=green>Por</font><font color=orange>tu</font><font color=green>gal</font>!</b><br>
<!LM>Why worry about the train if it never makes it around the tracks??

IrishAlkey wuz here!!!</font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-13-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>7:46 PM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">O&A Board Veteran<br>Registered: Jan. 01<br><a href="javascript:Whois(7039)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2>I always use the phrase "Walk it off deek!"

<center><img SRC=""></center>

<marquee><font face ="comic sans ms"><font size=5><font color=red>LET’S GO YANKEES!!!!!</font></font></font></marquee>

<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=1><font color=”blue”><b>Two trailer park girls go round the outside; round the outside, round the outside Two trailer park girls go round the outside; round the outside, round the outside - Guess who's back, Back again Shady's back Tell a friend Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back - I've created a monster, cause nobody wants to see Marshall no more They want Shady, I'm chopped liver (huh?) Well if you want Shady, this is what I'll give ya A little bit of weed mixed with some hard liquor Some vodka that'll jump start my heart quicker than a shock when I get shocked at the hospital by the doctor when I'm not co-operating When I'm rocking the table while he's operating (hey!!) You waited this long, now stop debating Cause I'm back, I'm on the rag and ovulating I know that you got a job Ms. Cheney but your husband's heart problem's complicating So the FCC won't let me be or let me be me, so let me see They try to shut me down on MTV But it feels so empty, without me So, come on and dip, bum on your lips Fuck that, cum on your lips, and some on your tits And get ready, cause this shit's about to get heavy I just settled all my lawsuits, FUCK YOU DEBBIE! - Now this looks like a job for me So everybody, just follow me Cause we need a little, controversy Cause it feels so empty, without me I said this looks like a job for me So everybody, just follow me Cause we need a little, controversy Cause it feels so empty, without me Little Hellions, kids feeling rebellious Embarrassed their parents still listen to Elvis They start feeling like prisoners helpless 'til someone comes along on a mission and yells BITCH!!! A visionary, vision of scary Could start a revolution, polluting the airwaves A rebel, so just let me revel and bask in the fact that I got everyone kissing my ass. And it's a disaster, such a catastrophe for you to see so damn much of my ass; you asked for me? Well I'm back, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na Fix your bent antenna tune it in and then I'm gonna enter in, ending up under your skin like a splinter The center of attention, back for the winter I'm interesting, the best thing since wrestling Infesting in your kid's ears and nesting Testing, attention please Feel the tension, soon as someone mentions me Here's my ten cents, my two cents is free A nuisance, who sent? You sent for me? A-tisket a-tasket, I go tit for tat with anybody who's talking this shit that shit Chris Kirkpatrick, you can get your ass kicked worse than them little Limp Bizkit bastards And Moby? You can get stomped by Obie You thirty-six year old baldheaded fag, blow me You don't know me, you're too old, let go It's over, nobody listen to techno Now let's go, just game the signal I'll be there with a whole list full of new insults I been dope, suspenseful with a pencil ever since Prince turned himself into a symbol But sometimes the shit just seems everybody only wants to discuss me So this must mean I'm disgusting But it's just me, I'm just obscene No I'm not the first king of controversy I am the worst thing since Elvis Presley to do black music so selfishly and used it to get myself wealthy (Hey!!) There's a concept that works Twenty million other white rappers emerge But no matter how many fish in the sea It'll be so empty, without me Chem-hie-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la La-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la</b></marquee></font></font>


<marquee behavior=alternate><a href="mailto: [email protected]">E-Mail Me</a></marquee>

<font size=1><a href=aim:goim?ScreenName=oanda1027fm&Message=Your post sucks><center><font color=green>Bitch about my posts Click me!!!11 </font></font></center></a>

</b></center><font size=1><font color=4D4D4D></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff><marquee behavior=alternate>Buttmunch</marquee></b><br><font class="smalltext"><font color=red size=2><b>U<font color=white>S<font color=blue>A</b></font><br><font size=1><a href=""> Autoban </a><br>

</b></font><br><b><marquee><font color=black size=1><font color=blue> </font></marquee>
<font color="dark red"><marquee><font face="webdings" size=4 color=black> </font></marquee></font><font size=1>
<b>Head Slap... Swim Move...</b><br>
</font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-13-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>8:25 PM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">O&A Board Veteran<br>Registered: Oct. 00<br><a href="javascript:Whois(3343)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2>I'm partial to Assmunch.

Assfuck has always been one of my staples as well.

Assmonkey is probably the most useful to me though.

<center><img src=""></center><br>

<center><font color=red size=1><marquee direction=up width=300 height=28 scrollamount=1>

<center>Don’t get me wrong, I am not fighting to uphold the restraints that give protection to rights fully accrued upon facts so nearly permanent as to be substantially impervious to change, rather I am for the supervision of changing conduct or conditions and are thus provisional or tentative.




<font size=2 color="white"><marquee><a href=""target="_new">Pete has no mule ears</a></marquee></font>

<font color="4d4d4d"></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>

<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff>LiveNudeTeens</b><br><font class="smalltext"></font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-13-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>8:51 PM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">Psychopath<br>Registered: Nov. 00<br><a href="javascript:Whois(5343)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2>"Meaty-breasted little nothing," or any of Norton's nicknames for people.


<img src=""><br>

First rule of writing: proofread carefully to see if you any words out.</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff>Cunt-Twat</b><br><font class="smalltext"><JBA>No real… its cool to wear childrens Band-Aids.<br>

<!fnm>I'm not a Cockblocker,
I'm a COCKSUCKER!</font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-13-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>10:05 PM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">O&A Board Regular<br>Registered: Jan. 01<br><a href="javascript:Whois(9100)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2>f-tard and ass-f always come in handy when i'm driving.

ok terrific is an oldy but goody!

<img src="">


LETS GO METS, 2002!!</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff>Is Don on the phone?</b><br><font class="smalltext"></font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-13-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>10:10 PM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">Psychopath<br>Registered: Jan. 01<br><a href="javascript:Whois(7261)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2>NICE!!!!!!!!

OK, Terrific!


and, of course, "...ponderous....f'ing ponderous!"

<img src="">

<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff>mascan42</b><br><font class="smalltext"></font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-13-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>11:11 PM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">Hanger-On<br>Registered: Jul. 01<br><a href="javascript:Whois(12729)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2><blockquote><i><font size=1>quote:</font><br><hr>2. - "Vos Sucks"


Everyone who saw his act knew that before O&A ever said it.</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff>EffinC</b><br><font class="smalltext"></font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-13-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>11:58 PM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">Hanger-On<br>Registered: Jun. 02<br><a href="javascript:Whois(19806)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2>"Yugh, AWFUL"

"ok, I STINK!"

"huddla huddla huddla"

"angel face"

"that old gag"

This message was edited by EffinC on 7-13-02 @ 11:59 PM</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff>ThoseDamnDudleyBoyz</b><br><font class="smalltext"></font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-14-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>12:24 AM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">Psychopath<br>Registered: Sep. 00<br><a href="javascript:Whois(1523)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2>-Douchenozzle

-Butter Face

-Meaty Breasted L'il Nothing


<img SRC="">

<a href=> Jim Norton Fans .com</a></p></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff>Drusilla</b><br><font class="smalltext"><!S><font color=pink>fag-hag</font><br><!face><font=red><b>JYD-4-LIFE</b></font>

<!fnm><font color=teal size=2><b>Hey, smell my head!</font></b></font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-14-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>12:35 AM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">O&A Board Regular<br>Registered: Aug. 01<br><a href="javascript:Whois(13102)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2>nice head, deek!

<center><img SRC=""></center>

<marquee behavior=alternate><b>weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Hybrid's #1!!!!!1 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee</b></marquee>

<center><b><font color=black>}>i<{ i love the ants, the alkey, & the silera }>i<{</font color></b></center>

<center><b>we'll always have ben orr</b></center>

<b><center><font color=black>FTL is my hero !!!</font color></center></b>

<b><center>JYD 4 LIFE - We rule by fear!!!! </center></b> <font color=4d4d4d></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff>RonRon5477</b><br><font class="smalltext"></font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-14-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>12:45 AM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>

<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">Psychopath<br>Registered: Apr. 01<br><a href="javascript:Whois(11370)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2>DAS DOOM-PER!!

Ok, horrific.



<hr><font face="helvetica" size=0><table border=0><tr><td><center><img SRC=""></center></td><td>

Try <a href="" target="_blank.html"><b>The O&A EZPass Lane</b>.</a> IT'S FUN!<br><u>You will need to know:</u><br> 1) Previous phone screener before Stinky<br>2) Previous phone screener's girlfriend's <b>REAL</b> name<br>Kindest Regards, <b><a href="aim:goim?ScreenName=RonRon5477">RonRon5477 (AIM)</a></b><br><b>

<br><center><a href="" target="_blank.html"><font size="+3" color="grey"><marquee BEHAVIOR="ALTERNATE">PLEASE TAKE THIS VOTE!</marquee></font></a></b></td></tr></table></font></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff>Turk408</b><br><font class="smalltext"></font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-14-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>2:01 AM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">Psychopath<br>Registered: Feb. 01<br><a href="javascript:Whois(10167)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2>You're a filthy whore.

Oh my stars,

You Stink,


[Norton]You Glow-in-the-Dark Bag of Pig Meat[/Norton]

Let me light your fire

I love the kindredbabe, the MamaCaz, the SyKoPaThCHiK, and especially the RF and my little walking Disaster Area!!!!</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff>mulligan</b><br><font class="smalltext"><!fnmoron>FTP....what's an FTP? Do I know you? Are you currently employed by Infinity Broadcasting or the FBI?</font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-14-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>10:05 AM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">Psychopath<br>Registered: Mar. 01<br><a href="javascript:Whois(10628)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2># 1 - This is legal; Isn't it?

# 2 - She likes it in the dumpier

<img src="http:\\\images\dog.jpg">

<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff>Cluster F</b><br><font class="smalltext"></font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-14-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>10:34 AM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">O&A Board Regular<br>Registered: Oct. 00<br><a href="javascript:Whois(2878)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2>Here's a few:

1. "Cluster-F"

2. "NICE!!!"

3. "Nice head deek"

4. "SUCK IT" (Frenchy)

5. "NO!!!!!!" (Opie yelling)

<img SRC="">

<i>Thanks to Austin for the pic</i>

<center><b><u>2002 Crack Committee Objectives</u>:

1. 94 Wins and NL East Title by the Mets this year

2. Hate the Braves with a passion

3. All 5 Starters have winning records this year

4. Mets win World Series

5. Go 51-22 over the last 73 games of the season, it can happen right?<b></center>

<i>Crack Committee Members: Cluster F, Rageparty, Bloody Anus, DiamondDust, JayMohrMassage, HammerSavage, PeterDragon, and 1888RustyTrombone...the force is growing.</i>

This message was edited by Cluster F on 7-14-02 @ 10:37 AM</td></tr>

<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff>Jinny</b><br><font class="smalltext"></font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-14-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>11:01 AM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">Hanger-On<br>Registered: Jun. 02<br><a href="javascript:Whois(19826)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2>"A Puussaahh"

<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff><marquee behavior=alternate>Froy</marquee></b><br><font class="smalltext"><font color=red><b>King Shit<br>
*board owner*</font></b><br></font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-14-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>11:14 AM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>

<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">O&A Board Veteran<br>Registered: Feb. 01<br><a href="javascript:Whois(10430)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2>Some of these are good. We need more single word phrases though.

Something like Whip Em Out Wendesday would look stupid under someone's name.

<img SRC="">

<b>I believe in the Faith... that can save me.

I believe in the hope and I pray...

That someday it may raise me... above these badlands

<a href="" target=_new>Over The Limit</a></b></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff>Ants in My Pants</b><br><font class="smalltext"><!FTL>Billy<br>
<br><!fnm><marquee><font color=pink>Well, since this thread is going to be deleted anyway...
I'm a flaming homosexual and I love having big hard hot man meat rammed into my mouth and ass.
Umm, this IS going to be deleted, right???
Prettiest Butterfly in the garden
<!Fz>All Blow job poems ©Fez 2002-2003.

<!fnm>I'm obsessed with Alkey's penis.</font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-14-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>11:18 AM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">O&A Board Regular<br>Registered: Apr. 01<br><a href="javascript:Whois(11254)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2><blockquote><i><font size=1>quote:</font><br><hr>We need more single word phrases<hr></blockquote></i>Cunk.

<center><img src="">

<big><b><font color=red>Thank you Austin!</font></b></big></center></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff>Stryph</b><br><font class="smalltext"></font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-14-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>11:57 AM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">Hanger-On<br>Registered: Nov. 01<br><a href="javascript:Whois(15336)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2>Your a kid toucher.


Cranky ass.

Be dialing.



Slap happy.

I'm over here now.



Das dumper.

Ballon knot.

<tr><td colspan=6 height=1 width="100%" bgcolor=#000000></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#3d3d3d><td><b><font color=#ffffff>Reservation at Dorcia</b><br><font class="smalltext"></font></font></td><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">posted on 07-14-2002 @ <font color=#ffffff>12:04 PM</font></td><td align=right valign=top><a href="reply.php"><img src="images/reply.gif" border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/edit.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/deletemessage.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#4d4d4d><td valign=top><font class="smalltext">Hanger-On<br>Registered: May. 02<br><a href="javascript:Whois(19644)"><img src="images/whois.gif" border=0></a></td><td colspan=2>'Angel Eyes' has always been a favorite

<img SRC="">

<b>That's what I love about fucking sheep, "No" means No, but "BAAH" can mean anything...</b></td></tr>

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.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. - by Mulligan - 09-30-2003, 03:42 AM

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