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FU to slackers who still have Christmas decorations up in FEBRUARY!
Fuck the snow and frigid ass temperatures. You put the motherfucking annoying collections of ghetto colored bulbs all over your house with the santa and 3 1/2 reindeer (because the neighborhood kids keep busting up your fucking deer) Take the shit down!

My mother made me a wreath. I took it down. I didn't put up anything else because I know I'm too damn lazy to take the shit down when it's 15 degrees out. I did the math and I'm Christmas decoration free in February.

Okay maybe I'm being a little too harsh because it has been so cold and snowy. Here's an alternate idea. Don't turn the fucking things on!. Leave them up be lazy I don't care but leave them off. You tacky bastards.

That's all for now. Time to take my medication.
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FU to slackers who still have Christmas decorations up in FEBRUARY! - by header - 02-06-2004, 12:48 PM

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